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Favorite Character of each Class: Take 2


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Lord: Ike or Lucina.

Cavalier: Sain or Titania.

Archer: Rolf I suppose.

Pegasus Knight: Tough one, I'll say Elincia.

Myrmidon: Mia or Owain.

Axefighter: Boyd is a good unit and doesn't annoy me, so he wins.

Mage: Nino. I like training her up okay.

Wyvern Rider: Cherche, followed by Jill and Haar.

Knight: Gatrie wins out narrowly over Kjelle.

Soldier: Nephenee, clearly the best.

Mercenary: Dieck for being very helpful early in FE6.

Priest/Cleric: Natasha or Lissa. Natasha is the better character but Lissa turns into an awesome Sage later.

Troubadour: L'Arachel or Maribelle.

Thief: Gaius or Jaffar.

Laguz/Taguel/Manakete: Indifferent but I'll say Mordecai.

Dancer: Olivia because she can fight.

Trainee: Ross, he always ends up beastly and is the easiest to train since he joins early.

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I probably missed a few, but here's my list.

Lord: Leif

Mercenary: Severa/Dieck/Inigo/Ogma/Galzus

Wyvern Knight: Zeiss

Cavalier: Alan/Cain/Luke/Sully

Fighter: Nolan/Boyd/Orsin

Archer: Virion/Shinon

Thief: Lifis/Matthew/Volke

Sub-Type of Cavalier (EX: Free Knight, Axe Knight, etc): Fergus/Finn/Kieran/Quan

Myrmidon: Edward/Rutger/Owain/Stefan/Mareeta/Ayra/Shanan/Ulster/Larcei

Pegasus Knight: Cordelia

Troubador: Clarine

Soldier: Aran

Armour Knight: Gatrie

Brigand: Gonzales

Mage: Lilina/Ced/Lewyn/Homer/Merric

Dancer: Olivia

Cleric: Mist

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I limited this to only the games I've played.

Lord: Lucina

My favorite of the lords, she's a really capable unit. I've written on several occasions about how she has one of the best designs in the entire series, as it perfectly matches her personality and role, as well as being a functional and armored outfit. Even the way Yusuke Kozaki draws her makes her stand out, as every picture captures a little bit of her personality with its fake, weak smile matching her fight against what is essentially the apocalypse.

Cavalier: Sain

Sain told me everything I need to know about cavaliers. A) They are awesome units B) One of them is a plain while the other is cool. It's insane to not like Sain.

Archer: Rolf

I prefer his story arc to Shinnon's I'm good at everything. I believe it really was a missed opportunity for him not to marry Mist. Pretty useful unit.

Pegasus Knight: Caeda
This one was tough, because I feel really similar about most of the pegasus knights. They all have strong designs. But Caeda's poise makes her stand in my opinion, narrowly edging out Farina.

Myrmidon: Mia

Fir would beat her out if I actually played FE6. Myrmidon was my favorite class in the game prior to Awakening. Mia edges out Zihark by being a better unit to me overall, and not needing a fedora for the source of her power.

Fighter: Nolan
The only useful member of the Dawn Brigade. I actually like Boyd but he's ranked down since he stole Mist from his brother. Not cool bro.

Mage: Soren

Katarina might be here if I played FE12, but Soren is here because his wonderful backstory. It really sets up a strong sense of the comradery in the Greil Mercenaries because you can see how much Ike and Soren trust each other. The former maybe even forsaking royalty to be with his friend.

Wyvern Rider: Cherche

Probably my favorite character in the series. Her design is really great and she is also a really useful unit. She has one of the best backstories in Awakening, and has the best friendship with her mount in the series (provided Minerva isn't thrown away for a Griffon). Also, if Robin marries Cherche, you get Batman Nightwing Gerome. Wait, that's not the right order.

Knight: Amelia

I was about to just put Nephenee here (because soldiers are better than Knights), but then I remember Amelia could be promoted to a Knight. I don't really like most of the knights in the series (although I do love Kellam's schtick). I was about to put Franz in the cavalier position, reminding me that I've begun to think the true red and green knights of FE8 are Amelia and Franz respectively.

Soldier: Nephenee

My other favorite in the series. It's really the same for both of them, as they have two of the game strongest designs. I was really excited when she was the lord character for one of the chapters in Part 2 of FE10. Just a good design overall, and a really effective unit. Makes all other soldiers look worthless when you get to endgame. And a good Nephenee will also do the same to Knights.

Mercenary: Severa

Practically made the Mercenary class my favorite from Awakening. I like the female design for a Hero, so Severa also gets bonus points for that. She is also a great example of a what a child is like without the calming presence of their parents.

Priest/Cleric: Brady

It's great how this guy contrasts all the previous priest/clerics we've gotten. His rough personality really differs from Maribelle's nobility focus. And as a sage, this guy is a beast.

Troubadour: L'Arachel

My favorite character from FE8. She is such a fun character, especially all the times she chooses not to help you. Her personality and energy pops up with every picture.

Dark Mage/ Shaman: Henry

I love the sociopathic Henry. His killing of opponents is the most satisfying of the series.

Thief: Anna (Awakening)

Edging out Legault and Sothe, Anna bounces with positivity and grace. I hope for appearances of Anna in a playable role throughout the series.

Laguz: Ranulf

The only Laguz whose design I like, he has a real rebellious sense to him. I found him to be a great unit.

Manakete: Tiki (Awakening)
Nah is a better unit, but I do enjoy Tiki's arc better. A thousand years later, Tiki is revered by those around her, which is ironic because she has grown distant from the people. Awakening is the story of her rediscovering her sense of community in the world.
Pirate: Ross

Great unit. Not much else to say.

Dancer/Bard: Olivia

Not really my favorite class. I'm glad they gave Olivia a sword.

Nomad: Rath

Probably my favorite archer. I do like how IS hinted strongly to Lyn and Rath. I hope to see more Nomads like Rath in the future.

Tactician: Katarina (Awakening)
Just in the DLC, but such a great redesign for the character. Outranks Morgan and Robin.

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You mean their starting class, right? No reclassing?

Lord: Ephraim

Just amazing. Eirika is in a close second, but Ephraim is just amazing.

Cavalier: Forde

I don't really like cavaliers, but he came with a Javelin in FE8.

Archer: Louise

Probably only my favorite because of her color palette. Haha.

Pegasus Knight: Cordelia
I love ALL Pegasus Knights, they're one of my favorite classes. Sumia, Syrene, and Cynthia are pretty close though. Cordelia just has an amazing daughter, and a pretty strong Pegasus Knight, if we're comparing to Sumia.

Myrmidon: Marisa

An amazing myrmidon. I mostly only like the girls in the FE games, but Marisa was just too good. I missed her in my first file, and then I actually looked at the tiny group, and then in Ephraim's route, I realized she was an enemy, so I looked up how to recruit her. She then on became my favorite myrmidon.

Fighter: Vaike
I don't really like / know many fighters. But I love Vaike's "Look like teach just got tenure!" line.

Mage: Ewan

I normally like keeping him as a Pupil (3), but if I couldn't make him that, a Mage Knight would be pretty good for him.

Wyvern Rider: Cherche

I don't really like Wyvern Riders, but I like Cormag in FE8. He's pretty close, but Cherche is a female Wyvern Rider, so yeah.

Knight: Kjelle

I just needed to put someone here, but she's actually pretty good. Especially with Donnel as her father, it really helps.

Mercenary: Severa

Best Fire Emblem character ever. Not only that, but she's almost impossible to screw up. Her strength and defense growths are superb, and in my eyes, just being a stronger, sturdier Inigo. She makes an incredible Hero, even a Bow Knight. Not to mention she also makes an amazing Pegasus Knight, with her already high strength and defense, that also helps, and with a magical father, that's makes her even better as a Dark Flier.

Priest/Cleric: Serra

Serra is amazing. I love her attitude, and especially her color palette. Pink hair is amazing.

Troubadour: Maribelle

Favorite and only Troubadour in Awakening. She's a beastly Valkyrie. The only problem is that her defense growth is incredibly terrible, and the only way I raise it is with Dracoshields.

Dark Mage / Shaman: Tharja

She can learn Luna, Vengeance, Lifetaker, and other useful skills. She has one kickass daughter, and I love her as a sorcerer. If I were to compare Dark Mages / Shamans with her to Henry, I would take Tharja anyday. I find Henry to be just plain annoying.

Thief: Anna (Awakening)

I love how she's finally playable. I loved her portrait in the GBA games, but finally being playable is extra amazing. And I love her special outfit for the Trickster class.

Laguz: Ranulf

The only Laguz whose design I like, he has a real rebellious sense to him. I found him to be a great unit.

Manakete: Tiki (Awakening)
Official art is amazing. And she starts as a great Manakete.
Pirate: Ross

Great unit. I normally enjoy him as a Journeyman more.

Dancer/Bard: Olivia

I love when Olivia kills everything as a dancer. It's amazing.

Nomad: Rath

I don't really know why. I normally don't like Nomads (Bow Knights).

Trainee: Amelia

I loved her as Trainee (3) in Awakening. Incredible crits, and she was always my best unit, besides my Falcoknights and Marisa.

Tactician: Katarina (Awakening)

I love her in Awakening. She was good in Light and Shadow too, but I don't know...

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Lord: Eirika. She's not a fighter by choice and is a bit of an idealist but wisens up nicely by the end.

Cavalier: Seth. Screw anyone who says he has no personality. You haven't played the game if you can say that. He can be harsh when the situation calls for (His conversation with Ephraim after recapturing Renais Castle) and is a great advisor.

Archer: Innes. He may be a douchebag but he's a magnificent douchebag. A great leader, a great prince and a great character.

Pegasus Knight: I dare you to find a better female lead in the series. You can't. Sweet and good natured, she's not above using her good looks into manipulating men into joining Marth's cause.

Myrmidon: Joshua. Unlike the other early game myrmidons who are all edgy, Joshua is a cool dude. He has great personality and character development with Caellach.

Fighter: Nolan but I'm not much of a fan of the characters of this class. He's a cool guy though.

Mage: Tie between Ced and Lewyn. Ced's a cool guy. We see two distinct versions of him in FE4 and FE5 and I find him more interesting in FE4. His character development in FE4 with Lewyn is great. Lewyn has a great character too.

Wyvern Rider: Cormag. He's a great unit and character with AMAZING supports wtih Duessel and Tana. He has great character development too.

Knight: Oswin is win. He makes for a great Lancer to Hector and goddamn that conversation with Hector when Hector learns of Uther's death is amazing and cemented Oswin as one of my favourites.

Mercenary: Ogma. A great backstory and a great character development with Caeda and Samto and Navarre. Also, he's so badass.

Priest/Cleric: Wrys."I am Wrys, a humble priest. I cannot fight, but this staff I carry can heal your wounded. Take me with you, and you’ll be very glad you did.” That is all.

Troubadour: L'Arachel. Do I really need to say why? Just read any of her dialogue.

Dark Mage / Shaman: Knoll. Just read his supports. He's such a well written character.

Thief: Julian. He's a pretty good character and a unit. He also has some of the best dialogue in FE11 and FE12, both from a comedy perspective and a serious perspective.

Laguz: Tibarn. The Hawk King rules! A well written character and an eternal badass.

Manakete: Tiki (NOT FE13!Tiki though) Tiki is a well written character and the story of FE3/FE12 does a good job of explaining her backstory and developing her. She's very boring in FE13.

Pirate: Dozla. The perfect character to compliment L'Arachel. GWAHAHAHAHAHA!

Dancer/Bard: Feena. Not much of an opinion here though.


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Oh damn.

Lord: Leaf

Cavalier/Paladin/Great Knight: Fin

Pegasus Knight/Falcoknight/Dark Flier: Syrene

Archer/Sniper/Bow Knight/Ranger: Innes

Fighter/Warrior: Barst

Bard (the FE4/FE5 kind)/Mage/Sage: Levin

Cleric/Bishop: Serra

Thief/Assassin/Rogue: Matthew

Nomad/Hunter/Horseman/Arch Knight/Bow Knight: Midir

Priest/Monk/Bishop/High Priest/War Monk: Saul

Dancer/Bard: Feena

Knight/General: Horace

Myrmidon/Swordmaster: Lon'qu

Troubadour/Valkyrie/Paladin: Nanna

Mercenary/Hero: Gerik

Shaman/Druid/Dark Mage: Teodor

Pirate/Barbarian/Berserker: Dozla

Wyvern Rider/Wyvern Lord/Dracoknight/Griffon Rider: Miledy

Soldier/Halberdier: Devdan

Manakete: Bantu

Laguz/Taguel: Ranulf

Other: Xane

I think that's that.

copypasted zm's then deleted the weapon knights for easy fill in the blanks

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Lord: Lyn, Lucina, Sigurd, Hector, and Ike. Lyn because she needs more love, and I never play FE7 without her. Lucina because she grew on me quite easily after certain things about her were revealed. Sigurd because he's awesome period. Hector because Hector is best FE7 Lord, and Ike because he was the Lord who introduced me into the series.

Cavalier: Sain, Marcus, Lex, Beowulf, and Oscar definitely top the list here. With Kieran coming in a close second.

Great Knight: Duessel and Fred when it comes to strictly Great Knights.

Archer: I would say Jamke, Bridget, Faval, and Shinon. Because they're the major standouts of the class itself.

Pegasus Knight: It's a bit of a tough pick. But I'd say Marcia, Elincia, Fiora, Tana, Fury, Fee, Caeda, Palla, and Catria.

Myrmidon: Mia, Zihark, Joshua, and Lon'qu. If those that were basically were Mercs that promoted into SMs count, then Ayra and Larcei too.

Fighter: Bartre and Vaike. Mainly because they're funny.

Mage: Lewyn because I found it intersting how he grows from someone who doesn't really give a flying feather about responsibility to someone who'd do anything for his country. Also Ced, Arthur, Julia, Lilina, Erk, Soren, and Merric.

Dark Mage: Canas because he was cool. Honorable mention goes to Tharja, Henry, Raigh, and Sophia.

Wyvern Rider: Jill, Haar, Heath, Altena, and Gerome.

Knight/Armor: Gatrie and Oswin for the same reasons as Jamke, Bridget, Faval, and Shinon. Especially since most Armor Knights either stink, are decent at best, or would want to get out of Armor Knight ASAP.

Soldier: Nephenee. Mainly because there aren't many Soldiers in the series.

Mercenary: Inigo because like Lucy, he grew on me quite easily. Also: Ogma, Holyn, Ulster, Deke, Raven, and Gerik.

Priest/Cleric: Lissa and Lucius. With Rhys, Laura, Lena, and Lana coming in not too far behind.

Thief: Gaius, Matthew, Legault, FE9!Volke, FE10!Sothe, and Julian.\

Great Knight: Duessel.

Laguz/Taguel/Manakete: Nah is definitely growing on me. Also Tiki, and Fae for Manaketes. Lethe, Ranulf, Janaff, and Kurthnaga for Laguz.

Trainee: Donnel

Refresher Unit: Sylvia, Lynn, Ninian, Reyson, Rafiel, and Olivia are definitely on this list.

Master Knight: Leif. But that's because there's not many Master Knights.

Nomads/Bow Knights: Astrid, Midir, and Shin

Barbarian: Dart, Dozla, and Gonzales

Troubadour: Priscilla, L'Arachel, Mist, and Maribelle.

Other: Xane.

I guess that's it.

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Lord: Ike
Cavalier: Oscar and Kieran
Archer: Innes
Pegasus Knight: Marcia
Myrmidon: Guy, Stefan is close second
Fighter: Boyd, Nolan is close second
Mage: Tormod, Miriel is second
Wyvern Rider: Heath, Cherche is second
Armor Knight: RD Gatrie
Mercenary: Gerik
Priest/Cleric: Rhys or Libra
Thief: Sothe
Troubador: Maribelle or L'Arachel
Dark Mage: Pelleas and Henry
Laguz: Janaff
Soldier: Nephenee?
Dancer/Bard/Heron: Reyson
Nomad/Horseman: Rath
Manakete: Pass

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Mercenary: Severa

Best Fire Emblem character ever. Not only that, but she's almost impossible to screw up. Her strength and defense growths are superb, and in my eyes, just being a stronger, sturdier Inigo. She makes an incredible Hero, even a Bow Knight. Not to mention she also makes an amazing Pegasus Knight, with her already high strength and defense, that also helps, and with a magical father, that's makes her even better as a Dark Flier.

Impossible to screw up?

Donnel: "Challenge accepted!"

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Lord: Ephraim

Cavalier: Stahl

Archer: Wil

Pegasus Knight: Cordelia

Myrmidon: Joshua

Fighter: Garcia

Barbarian: Basilio (his base class is Barbarian, even though he starts as a Warrior)

Mage: Hugh

Wyvern Rider: Gerome

Knight: Gilliam

Mercenary: Gerik

Priest / Cleric: Saul or Brady

Troubadour: Cecilia

Dark Mage / Shaman: Canas

Thief: Volke

Pirate: Dart

Nomad: Rath

Soldier: Nephenee

Manakete: Tiki

Bard / Dancer: Nils

Monk: Lucius

Cat: Ranulf

Tiger: Muarim

Lion: Caineghis

Wolf: Volug

Dragon: Nasir

Raven: Naesala

Hawk: Ulki

Heron: Reyson

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Lord: Hector

This guy takes the cake for being the most unique lord in the series. His stats are very different from other lords as well as he's the only lord to use an axe as his primary weapon. His loudmouthed but kind personality sets him apart from other lords, and his appearance is quite different to the typical main character as well.

HM: Ike, Lucina, Marth, Eliwood

Cavalier: Sain

Kent and Sain are the best contrasting pair of Cain and Abels in the series, and it's mostly due to Sain's perverted and funny antics.

HM: Kent, Stahl, Cain, Oscar, Kieran

Archer: Virion

Virion is funny in much the same way Sain is funny, and his manner of speech only improves upon it.

HM: Jamka, Rolf

Pegasus Knight: Farina
Most memorable recruitment conversation, plus I like Pegasus Knights with strength

HM: Catria, Fiora, Tana, Cordelia

Myrmidon: Joshua

Something about the coin flipping swordsman is admirable, plus he's a useful unit

HM: Lon'qu, Ayra, Nabarl, Edward

Fighter: Chuck Nolan
Most fighters seem to follow the same formula of sucking. All strength and nothing else, but Nolan also has speed to aid him.

HM: Boyd, Vaike

Mage: Soren

The wind wielding strategist has some major parts of the story I like.

HM: Merric, Ricken, Lewyn

Wyvern Rider: Heath

I like Heath above all the other wyvern knights, surprisingly. The wyvern knight class was the class that stood out to me the first time I've seen a Fire Emblem game be played, and the wyvern in question was Heath.

HM: Everyone else who belongs to this class except Vaida, this class is the best.

Knight: Oswin

Most useful armour in my opinion, plus I like his role.

HM: Gatrie

Soldier: Aran

Hard to choose between Nephenee and Aran, but Aran's ability to tank for the Dawn Brigade gives him a niche Nephenee doesn't fit.

Mercenary: Inigo

Like Virion and Sain, his perverted antics are what make him entertaining. He's certainly an interesting character study.

HM: Severa, Ogma

Priest/Cleric: Lissa

I like her, hard to put a finger on why.

HM: Laura, Lena

Troubadour: Nanna

Hmm, there was a reason...

Dark Mage/ Shaman: Henry

Who doesn't love Henry?

HM: Canas, Sophia, :KnollRoll:

Thief: Colm

Lagdou Ruins won't raid itself

HM: Matthew, Volke, Gaius

Laguz: Naesala

I like a lot of the Laguz characters, but Naesala is above them all by sheer coolness

HM: Lethe, Lyre (yeah, I actually like her), Ranulf, Mordecai, Tibarn, Skrimer, Nasir

Manakete: Tiki
So adorable, so cute, so... vicious.

HM: Nah
Pirate: Dart

A particulatr run of FE7 where he revealed awesome stats

HM: Darros

Dancer/Bard: Ninian

Her role in the story is memorable

HM: Sylvia

Nomad: Wolf

I'm not too fond of this class for some reason.

HM: Midir, Sue

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Lord: hector duh, sigurd and lucina tie for second

Trainee: fuck the haters amelia 4 lyfe

Thief: wow this one's actually hard, gonna call it a tie between cath/matthew/volke (though I'd say cath if you put a gun to my head)

Soldier: I always liked nephenee's design but jared had so much style. going with the country girl I guess

Myrm: stefan might actually be my favourite character in the whole series

Pirate: geese has a pretty bitchin coat but dart was a more interesting character I think. whatever fargus was cooler than both of them combined

Bandit: why couldn't I have a one-armed largo in my team that just made him that much cooler

Archer: jamke beats out shinon but not by much

Merc: another hard one but I'm going with ekhidna, honourable mentions to deke, gregor, flavia & linus

Fighter: gietz, nolan takes a close second

Armour: wallace literally wrote the book on knightly prowess so

Cavalier: titania, followed by lex maybe? eldigan, percival, geoffrey, marcus, noah, and sully were also pretty memorable

Nomad: uhai was one of the most interesting villains in a game stuffed with interesting villains

Pegasus: farina had so much attitude it was impossible to not love her, marcia comes second for similar reasons, honourable mentions to tanith and sigune

Wyvern: going with haar

Mage: hawk, followed by pent, calill and then ephidel

Monk: putting oliver here and you can just deal with it

Sorc: nyehehehenry

Cleric: moulder the boulder baby

Troub: maribelle's pretty great ngl, honourable mention to ursula

Dancer: eh I never really cared for any of them, sylvia had swords so her

Manakete: yahn B|

Laguz: another tough one, can't decide between tibarn, caineghis and panne

jesus that was hard it took me like three hours

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Lets see what I can think of.

Lord: Sigurd

Great stats, a horse and an silver sword in chapter one. He's a little bland, but that's a requirement for a lord so I won't hold it against him.

Cavalry: Titania

The best looking character of the series and a nice personality too. I like her being the mom of the greil mercenaries.

Archer: Virion

He might be utter crap as a unit, but I thought he was an amusing character who was deeper then he appeared at first glance.

Knight: Tauroneo

At first I thought he was another boring general, but I grew pretty fond of him. I especially like his Rolf support.

Mage: Azel

Mages always tend to be my favourite characters so it was hard to choose one, but I ended up going for Azel. I have a soft spot for shy characters if they aren't taking that trait too far and I think his relationship with his brother is interesting.

Shaman/dark mage: Niime

A cool old lady with the stats to be extremely useful. I also like the fact that she's a big jerk without going to far with it.

Wyvern knight: Cherche

Manakete: Bantu

One of the very few Manakete's who isn't a little girl in a strippers outfit.

Dancer: Thetys

I like her style of clothes and she seems a bit more mature then most dancers.

Pegasus knight: Fiora

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Donnel's aptitude just makes it easier for Severa to get fully stat-capped. I care for stats, more than skills. (in some places).

He also ruins her modifiers. You really should care for skills, as a couple oints of strength aren't going to make a difference compared to all the damage luna adds on. But, as to not derail this thread, if you want to continue, PM me.

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Lord: Leaf

He got a great character arc that knowledges that you don't automatically make for a good leader just because of your blood.

Also, his mother's sword is beautifully versatile and a sweet memento.

Cavalier: Titania

Strength, experience, wisdom, axes. Titania got it all. She is also useful for the narrative since a kid like Ike would require such people in order to get anything done.

I really liked how PoR would occasionally hint on her deep grief over Greil's death. Stuff like that was always a nice reminder on just how bad the mercs were hurt by the death by Greil.

After all, it's hard to care about Greil himself since the genre demanded that he would die.

Mercenary: Eyvel

Did a great job to create a place of stability and safety during the rule of the Grandbell Empire.

Beyond that, she demonstrated her badassness by making Leidrick piss himself. Okay, the guy is a coward but Eyvel was trapped in the arena and Leidrick was protected by the whole Manster military, one of the most powerful Bishops of Lopoto and a sword that even Holsety can't beat. And I have little doubt that Eyvel would have made truth of her words if the stone spell would have allowed for a saving throw.

Pegasus Knight: Elincia

Her character arc in Radiant Dawn was just great. Too bad it got overshadowed by the mercs stealing the show. She is also fun to use.

While she is nothing great in PoR, she was still quite nicely written there.

Dragon Knight: Jill

An absolutely amazing character.

She's got a well crafted character arc during the main game which is not only good for herself but also goes a great way to humanize every single person of Daein due to the implication that every Daein might change their perspective if they would have gotten the opportunity to see the same things she did.

Not to mention that she shows just how hard it to switch sides. Not just because of changing your own outlook but because the people you want to protect just so happen to be in the enemy country and that those people you love would hate you for your decisions.

....hmm, the more I think about her, the more obvious it seems to be why she isn't a Spotpass character despite all the efforts that obviously went into her.

Mage: Soren

A great character and really nicely written during the whole of PoR.I love how his backstory is so subtiley hinted at in PoR so that when you have watched his supports it really hits you when you play through the game again. Also, like with Titania, it's good he exist even if just for the reason to make Ike more believable.

Also, every quote he makes in battle is made of badass.

But something that confuses me about him, is how he seems to be so unaffected about Grei's death. It was subtitle handled with Titania, Mist and even Shinon but in his case there doesn't seem to be anything.

Shaman: Micaiah

She makes for a great antagonist and foil to Ike. Unlike Zelgius, she actually has a few things in common with Ike, so I think she makes for a better rival.

Her extremist devotion to her country forms a nice contrast to Ike's "I fight for my friends" attitude. It's also interesting to observe the relationship with her and the Daein people, like how their affection ot her turns into blind fanaticism. Also, she actually gives a few fucks about burning thousands of people to death. Not that I think that someone should get a cookie for something so basic.

Dark Mage: Sierra (TRS)

Like all the witches in the game, Sierra can teleport anywhere on the map and then move and attack. Needless to say, that is pretty awesome.

While her stats are low, she can still sap life with her dark magic.

Thief: Sothe

Kicks armored soldiers in the face. He also develops nicely as a Jeigan over the course of the game from a good of war with legit 20/1 stats to somebody who somewhat falls back.

It's cool how the script acknowledges his weakness in his last few boss battle quotes as every boss seems to wonder what such a pick pocket could possible fight for in such a place?

It's also great how Sothe narrows his motivation down every time he is asked that question. That is just so subtile and sweet.

Archer: Rolf

A pretty cool character since through him the game actually acknowledges the subject of child soldier and what could possible drive a kid to take up a weapon and start to kill people.

Armored Knight: Tauroneo

A pretty cool old guy, He also a really nice backstory for one thing. It's also interesting how every boss has a custom conversation wit him but Tauroneo never speaks himself.

I think it's more effective to let the player imagine just how Tauroneo must feel about betraying his country. Not to mention that all this silence pays off by the time he confronts Ashnard.

".Now that I've confronted you and traded words with you, I have come to a decision. Throughout Daein, I, Tauroneo, will be known as the king killer. Come! Let me earn my name!"

So badass.

Cleric: Mist

Mist neatly demonstrates how hardship can bring out the best in people. She will go to any length to help her friends and family and yet still got tons of emphatic for people that wouldn't need to be her concern.

Like Titania, her occosaly cracks in her seemingly upbeat personality show just how hard the mercs where hit through Greil's death.

I also love how she gets her own battle quote against the Black Knight, which gives the game the opportunity to show for once what Ike's sister has to say to the guy who killed her father.

And I really love how she said that he took her father and her brother. This specific wording has quite subtle implications about the true weight of the actions of the Black Knight.

Anyway, she is an extremely great person and well written during the entirely of PoR.

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Lord: Ephraim. Aside from couple failings in the cript (strategic genius of capturing a castle with 4 men and chasing after Lyon), I don't really have complains about him. Leaf and Alm seem better, but I haven't played their games.

Cavalier: Titania is a very well-written character, and one of the best Oifeys IMO.

Honorary mention goes to Oscar.

Archer: Virion for pretty good backstory. Rolf gets a honorary mention.

Myrmidon: I like Zihark the best.

Thief: Matthew I guess. He has a nice suporting role at early parts of his game.

Fighter: They are all pretty one-dimensional, but maybe the Vaike for being kind of funny sometimes. Boyd is very close second.

Armoured Knight: Kellam for being tragicomic Brom is pretty cool guy, so him. Tauroneo is close second for being badass old guy.

Priest/Cleric: I find Serra to be funny. Libra is second I guess.

Troubadour: Maribelle. She's the second best example of her stereotype I've seen. Yes I added troubadour here just so I could gloat about Maribelle a bit

Dark Mage: Canas

Mage: This is really hard since I don't like any of them too much, but Tormod I guess...

Light Mage: Micaiah. She's a fairly good character IMO. Besides, her competition here is Lucius and Artur >_>

Wyvern Rider: Jill is one of the best, if not the best, characters in Fire Emblem. Honorary mention goes to Cherche because I like female characters like her.

Pegasus Knight: Marcia is pretty good IMO. Forgot that Elincia is pegasus knight. Elincia.

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AWWWW NOOOO THESE ARE SO HARD FOR MMEEEEEE D: But I'll do it anyway, of course. Going to stick to max 3 favorite characters per class! And if I leave any classes out, it's because I either don't have a favorite or I dislike all of them. Leaving out Pegasus Knight/Falcoknight, fighter, taguel/manakete, armor knight, cleric/troubador/valkyrie.

Lord: Ephraim, from my very first Fire Emblem game <3 Love him to pieces. I also really like...Marth. From my very first exposure to Fire Emblem. And...yeah, I'm going to say it: Chrom. My first husband. That sounds inappropro, but you know what I mean.

Cavalier Knight: Frederick, Seth, Stahl. I also love Geoffrey, but....AS;DLKJF;ALSDKJSLK 3 PERSON RULE. Ugh.

Archer: Shinon and Innes. They're both amazing...and sassy ;)

Mage: Saleh, I suppose.

Dark Mage: Henry. He might be creepy...but I still love him.

Myrmidon: Joshua, Lon'qu, Stefan. I thought Stefan would be like, all serious or whatever when I first saw him, and then he turned out to be...well you know <3

Wyvern Rider/Lord: Nothing will ever compare to my darling Cormag. If you count unlockable characters, Glen is also amazing.

Mercenary: Gerik and Inigo. I was hard pressed to get a good Inigo, had to do some tweaking. He's quite lovely though. But Gerik just like...gets amazing on his own with hardly any work from me. It's wonderful.

Bishop: Artur, of course.

Thief: Gaius and Volke.

Laguz: Uh oh. Too freaking many. So instead of breaking my rule and listing like...7 of them, I'll just say that Tibarn is a hot mess.

Trainee: Ross and Donnel. I never actually USED Donnel much, but he's just too hilarious not to put on here. And Ross's levels...it's like they just go up on their own :O

I might be forgetting some stuff, but I'll add it later if it comes to me.

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Lord: Hector da GOAT.

Cavalier: Sain via SEX PANTHER.

Archer: Neimi or Wil unit-wise. Virion character-wise.

Peg Knight: Vanessa or Remakes!Catria

Myrm: Joshua or Rutger.

Fighter: THE VAIKE

Mage: Lute

Wyvern Rider: Cornmug/Miledy/Cherche/Minerva

THWOMP: Oswin, by far.

Mercenary: Raven, with Gerik a close second. Echidna's third, if only due to chick Merc bias.

Priest/Cleric: 'STACHE/Serra

Troubadour: Clarine (COME AT ME, ANTI-TSUN BROS)

Dark Mage/Shaman: Henry

Thief: Astol/Legault (LEGGO)


Pirate: Derp (Dart)

Transforming Mofo: Myrrh

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Lord - Ephraim, for being proof that being a Lord is awesome. The guy handles every obstacle that comes his way like a boss.

Conversely there is also Micaiah, who is proof that being a Fire Emblem Lord absolutely sucks. It's good to see a lord that is hated in universe by some of the playable characters.

Cavalier - Kieran. My first time dealing with a comic relief Fire Emblem character. So much bravado, and not to mention axes as well.

Archer - I really do like Shinon. The asshole personality just works for him. It helps that he actually has a reasoning for his behavior as well as friends for him to be nice-ish to.

Pegasus Knight - Vanessa. I find her character design to be quite unique. She's cute but not in a conventional way. I like how she has the calm and collected mindset, while still being able to socialize and show her emotions.

Myrmidon - Zihark, for not being a coldhearted psychopath, or overly eccentric. Its so refreshing to see a myrmidon be a normal person instead of obsessing over their own swordplay. He also has a dark past and yet he genuinely seems to move on from it unlike a certain other someone.

Fighter - Vaike. Mostly by process of elimination since I don't really like any of the other Fighters. Boyd technically has better characterization than him, but I stick by my opinion. It helps that he has good social skills compared to most other characters in his game.

Mage - Calill. This lady was Rarity before Rarity even existed. She's elegant, motherly and doesn't take crap from anyone. She commands respect from even the leader of the royal knights and she's not even royalty. Great character.

Wyvern Rider - Haar. Eyepatch. I'm basing this completely on character design. His personality is fine though but damn does he look wicked.

Armor Knight - I don't really like womanizers in the Fire Emblem series, but Gatrie stands out because he has someone(Shinon) yell at him for me. I also genuinely find him hilarious (most other womanizers,who I find cringeworthy). Generally, characters that are both goofy and badass appeal to me.

Soldier - Aran. Also by elimination. Nephenee fanboys irritate me and Devdanved is possibly racist. A Soldier that stays quiet and does his job is honestly a pretty good representation of the class imo.

Mercenary - Gregor. Best woolseyism ever.

Priest - Brady. The best child character in his game. I love how when the going gets tough, he puts more dedication towards his job than any other child character.

Thief - Rennac. He's funny. That's about it.

Brigand/Berserker - Dozla. He's also funny. Its absolutely heartbreaking that L'arachel's posse kind of sucked in their game.

Troubadour - L'arachel is kind of the weak link in her trio, so I'm going for Maribelle, for being Calill-lite.

Shaman - Most dark mages suffer from having too much personality. I'm going to say Raigh. A child using dark magic with no apparent negative effects is very impressive.

Shifter - Motherfucking Tiki. She's older than Jesus and her ovaries are made of chainsaws.

Dancer - Tethys. No moe for me thank you very much.

My knowledge of the games is restricted to GBA, Tellius and Awakening as you may have noticed.

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Shifter - Motherfucking Tiki. She's older than Jesus and her ovaries are made of chainsaws.

oh holy fuck this is the best reasoning for anything ever

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Soldier - Aran. Also by elimination. Nephenee fanboys irritate me and Devdanved is possibly racist. A Soldier that stays quiet and does his job is honestly a pretty good representation of the class imo.

I went with Aran by default as well because Neph fanboys piss me off, for one, and second, he at least has a niche Neph can't fill (tanking in a fragile group that'd really need one honestly sounds more appealing to me than Neph's fragile speedster status in a group that largely can get by fine without her; also, raising Neph in part 2 is hell unless you have transfers).

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Lord: Shit....um.....Ephraim I guess
Archer: Rebecca probably.
Knight: Oswin
Cavalier/Lance\Sword Knight: Oscar
Axe Knight: Kieran
Bow Knight/Nomad: Astrid
Peg Knight: Florina
Wyvern Knight: Jill
Merc: Raven
Myrm: Mia
Soldier: Nephenee
Manakete: Myrrh
Thief: Volke
Fighter: Boyd
Barbarian/Pirate: Dart
Dancer: Rafiel (:p)
Mage: Nino
Monk: Artur
Dark Mage/Shaman: Canas
Priest: Natasha
Troubadour: L'Arachel
Laguz/Taguel: Lethe
Trainee: Amelia

Lady Knight(TRS): Kate
Spear/Axe Knight(TRS): Lionel
Woodshooter(TRS): nobody

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