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Favorite Character of each Class: Take 2


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Lord: Roy, because of the nostalgia he brings me.

Cavalier Knight: Sain, because of the wannabe ladies' man he is.

Archer: Sue, because she's so damn hot.

Pegasus Knight: Florina, because she's the PK I grew up with.

Myrmidon: Joshua, because of his role in the game.

Fighter: Dorcas, because of how much he cares for his wife.

Mage: Lute, because I have a major crush on her.

Wyvern Rider: Cormag, because he's such a badass.

Knight/Armor: Wallace, because of his personality.

Soldier: Luka, because he's the first playable soldier.

Mercenary: Dieck, because he has good starting stats.

Priest/Cleric: Serra, because she's different from the other clerics.

Thief: Matthew, because of his personality.

Laguz/Taguel/Manakete: Fa, because of how cute she is.

Trainee: Ross, because of his excellent growths.

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Lord: Roy

Cavalier: Forde (might become Sully or Frederick)

Archer: Wolt

Pegasus: Caeda

Myrmidon: Larcei

Fighter: Boyd

Mage: Tough call, but Lilina

Dark Mage: Niime (might become Tharja)

Wyvern: Vaida

Armor: Ardan lol

Mercenary: Gerik

Monk/Cleric/Priest: Lucius (if discussing only staffbots, Serra)

Troubadour: Clarine

Thief: Heather

Pirate/Barbarian: Gonzales

Manakete: Tiki

Laguz: Reyson

Dancer: Tethys (but actually Reyson too)

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I went with Aran by default as well because Neph fanboys piss me off, for one, and second, he at least has a niche Neph can't fill (tanking in a fragile group that'd really need one honestly sounds more appealing to me than Neph's fragile speedster status in a group that largely can get by fine without her; also, raising Neph in part 2 is hell unless you have transfers).

Pretty sure Nephenee is better than Arran in every way in FE10, even if you aren't using either of them permanently.

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Lord: Definitely Ike

Cavalier: Probably Oscar

Archer: Rolf (HM to Virion)

Pegasus Knight: Elincia(if she counts) (HM to Marcia/Tana)

Myrmidon: Lucia/Mia/Owain

Fighter: Teach

Soldier: Danved (HM to Nephenee)

Mage: Soren (HM to Saleh)

Wyvern Rider: FE13 Batman (HM to Cormag)

Knight: Kellam (HM to Oswin/Amelia)

Mercenary: Severa (HM to Raven)

Priest/Cleric: Team LOL: Lucius, Oliver, and Lissa.

Troubador: Priscilla (HM to Mist)

Dark Mage: Canas/Ewan (HM to Henry)

Theif: Volke, totes.

Dancer: Ninian (HM to Leanne)

Pirate: Ross the Boss, of course.

Stone User: Tiki/Nah

Beast Laguz: Caineghis (HM to Lethe)

Bird Laguz: Naesala (HM to Nealuchi)

Dragon Laguz: Ena

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm going to update mine, as now I have played and completed more games.

Lord: Hector or Ike

Cavalier: Sain (HM to Stahl)

Archer/Nomad: Virion (HM to Rath)

Pegasus: Tate

Myrmidon: Rutger (HM to Fir)

Fighter: Bartre (HM to Boyd)

Soldier: Nephenee (HM to Amelia, if she counts)

Mage: Hugh (HM to Laurent)

Wyvern Rider: Heath (HM to Miledy and Cormag)

Knight: Gatrie (HM to Oswin)

Mercenary: Gerik (HM to Raven and Dieck)

Priest: Moulder the Boulder

Cleric: Serra

Troubadour: Clarine (HM to L'Arachel)

Monk: Lucius (HM to Artur)

Dark Mage: Ray (HM to Canas and Knoll)

Thief: Matthew (HM to Cath and Gaius)

Dancer: Sylvia (HM to Lalum)

Pirate/Brigand/Barbarian: Dart (HM to Gonzales)

Trainee: Ross the Boss (HM to Ewan)

Stone User: Tiki (HM to Fa)

Laguz: Lethe

Jagen/Oifey: Titania (HM to FE7!Marcus)

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Lord: Lyn

Cavalier Knight: Sain

Archer: Rebecca

Pegasus Knight: Farina

Myrmidon: Joshua

Fighter: Bartre

Mage/Anima Magic: Pent

Monk/Light Magic: Lucius

Shaman/Dark Magic: Canas

Wyvern Rider: Heath

Knight/Armor: Brom

Soldier: Nephenee

Mercenary: Gerik

Pirate: Dart

Priest/Cleric: Natasha.

Troubadour: Priscilla

Thief: Matthew

Laguz/Taguel/Manakete: Caineghis

Trainee: Donnel

Dancer: Ninian

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Lord: ahem…me. Hector is a close second, though.

Cavalier: Cain and Abel because they started one of my favorite archetypes.

Archer: Gordin because nobody likes him and he deserves someone to. That and I don’t like archers that much.

Pegasus Knight: Florina is like Duck said, “a pro”. I also like Caeda.

Myrmidon: Rutger and Joshua are my favs.

Fighter: I like Barst.

Mage: I pity Erk.

Shaman: Sophia, Sophia, Sophia!

Wyvern Rider: Definitely Cormag or Miledy.

Knight: Draug and Gilliam are great.

Mercenary: I’d say Dieck and Gerik were the best for me.

Priest/Cleric: Natasha and Serra.

Thief: Matthew all the way.

Transformer: I don’t like any of them yet.

Trainee: Ross the boss (self explanatory)

Prepromote: Minerva just because of her character. Seth is amazing, though.

Dancer: I found my mother, Ninian to be the most useful with those rings.

Monk: Lucius and Arthur are good.

Villain: Probably between Zephiel and Walhart.

Pirate: The only Pirate I like is Geese.

Troubadour: L'Arachel and Clarine.

Manakete: Tiki and Myrrh.

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Lord: Ephraim, easily, no question

Cavalier Mounted Unit: Duessel, dat beard (and he trained Ephraim?)

Archer: no.

Mage: Lord motherfucking Pent.

Cleric: I have to admit I love Lissa's giggle but Moulder's stache is up there too.

Fighter: Dorcas, because his bullshit factor for axe-wielding crazy guys is absolutely 0.

Mymridon: Marisa (+Rutger) <3

Mercenary: Rutger(am retarded) Gerik

Shaman: Canas and Knoll may be tied

Pegasus Flying Mounted Unit: Cherche maybe, I really don't like any flying units very strongly.

Knight: Oswin is the fucking man, Gilliam is also the man but he does not know the meaning of Speed.

Thief: Legault

Dancer: Olivia because she can actually defend herself.

I am not a big fan of any unit that can shapeshift. Maybe Tiki.

With the exception of Olivia and Lissa all my units together would be a pretty somber group...

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Lord: Ephraim, easily, no question

Cavalier Mounted Unit: Duessel, dat beard (and he trained Ephraim?)

Archer: no.

Mage: Lord motherfucking Pent.

Cleric: I have to admit I love Lissa's giggle but Moulder's stache is up there too.

Fighter: Dorcas, because his bullshit factor for axe-wielding crazy guys is absolutely 0.

Mymridon: Marisa <3

Mercenary: Rutger

Shaman: Canas and Knoll may be tied

Pegasus Flying Mounted Unit: Cherche maybe, I really don't like any flying units very strongly.

Knight: Oswin is the fucking man, Gilliam is also the man but he does not know the meaning of Speed.

Thief: Legault

Dancer: Olivia because she can actually defend herself.

I am not a big fan of any unit that can shapeshift. Maybe Tiki.

With the exception of Olivia and Lissa all my units together would be a pretty somber group...

Rutger's a Myrmidon.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Lord- Ephraim, because lances.

Trobadour- L'arachel, no doubt about that. She's just hilarious. Priscilla's a close second.

Mage- Nino. Her late joining time sucks, but she just burn everything anyway. Hugh is number two, mainly because of his supports with Cath. You've got my favourite crack pairing here.

Cleric- Lissa, because she can get axes. Also, she kinda reminds me of L'arachel

Shaman/Dark Mage- Canas. Awesomeness runs in his family.

Axe user- Ross, because of the lack of other competent axe users.

Cavalier- Seth, I think. Or Titania. I generally don't use cavaliers that much.

Knights- I don't use Knights that much. Oswin, I think, because he's the only knight I actually have used.

Mercenary- Gerik, with Raven as number two. I love mercs.

Myrmidons- I don't use myrmidons, but I love Joshua's personality.

Dancer- Tethys, because dat avoid.

Thief- Colm, because he can actually fight

Wyvern Rider- I can't choose. Jill, Cherche and Heath are top contenders.

Pegasus Knights- Florina because I love raising a scared little girl into a flying monster of death.

Archer- Neimi, see my reason for Florina minus the flying part.

Soldier- Nephenee, because she's just all around badass.

Manakete- Nah.

Laguz- Uhh, Naesala I think. Or Tibarn. Or generally all the playable birds.

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Lord: Hectorr

Cav: Crimean Royal Knight, Fifth Platoon Captain Kieran!

Archer: Jamke ♥

Peg: Gonna have to roll with Cordy. Massive redhead fan.

Myrm: Zihark. Though the only other Myrms I've really grown attached to are Larcei and Ulster.

Fighter: BARST. Or GEITZ. Hmm, tough pick.

Mage: Pent! Pent all day erryday.

Wyvern: Mi l/r e/a dy. She's pretty damn good.

Knight: Hannibal, entirely because of one session I had dorking around with that one Silver Sword. He's a pretty cool guy, too!

Soldier: Devdan. ♥

Merc: Echidna.

Priest/Cleric: Moulder the Boulder, accept no substitutes!

Thief: Matthew.

Dark Mage: Crap, tie between Etzel and Canas. Screw it, Niime!

Monk: Renault, guy is a badass. ...actually, can I put Renault in the Mercenary slot too?

Troub: L'arachel, Maribelle... I love them both for very different reasons~

Pirate: LARGO! Bwarr harr harr!

Dancer: Feena. FE12 was the first game that really taught me the value of dancers.

Shape-shifty-class: Xane. Because transforming into your best flier is waaaay better than transforming into some crappy dragon!

Bow Knight/Nomad: I'll come back to you when I actually use one. ...and considering I've been playing since FE7's EU launch...

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Dude, I completely forgot that the forums on this site existed again! But hey I just beat FE5, and I remembered, so I'm hoping I'll stick around this time haha!

Lord: Gotta go with Leif here. I very much admire how dedicated this guy is for his country and its liberation. More than any other Lord in the series, you really feel that Leif is struggling to keep his army fighting, let alone winning. And never once does Leif ever break down in tears or anything like that like some RPG heroes do when the going gets tough. Nor is he always certain in his abilities to the point of thinking he and his army are unstoppable. Instead his emotions are written in a very good balance between confidence, and yet great concern for the future and his troops.

Yet what is most interesting about him is something different. For the most part I found FE5 to be pretty easy, except for a few very hard chapters that are just hell (screw you chapter 22!) So you as the player are kind of feeling how Leif is feeling as you also struggle to win those few stupid hard levels. This is a special phenomenon in the writing of a game that I have never felt before in any other game I've played. A real connection to the protagonist in terms of shared emotion of the game's events. A kind of empathy if you will. That alone makes him my favorite.

There's also the fact that he never really has any cheesy lines in my eyes, like a few other Lords. Ike is a good runner up for this category, he has some great lines in both games. And he is very fun to watch grow from a lowborn sellsword into the badass general of Tellius that we see in RD. However as awesome as Ike is, he definitely has some dull moments too. Leif however does not in my eyes.

Cavalier Knight: Fin, because I love how he is the sole character that is playable in both generations of FE4. And he is extremely helpful to the Manster family/Leif in FE5. Also it's cool that you get to see him as a younger character being taught by Cuan in FE4, but later on you see him as an older and wiser man in his second generation years. Awesome to see those two facets of a charcter in my eyes. He has some great lines and overall is a pretty good unit.

Archer: Shinon. No other archer is really worth using aside from Brigid, Faval and the other RD archers. The thing is, Shinon is by far the best archer in the series because he gets crossbows, the double bow and 1-3 range as a marksman. And he can even tank as an archer because of his great avoid. An archer that tanks! What a badass! His personality is also pretty awesome, gotta love his snarky and dastardly quips. He has a real sharp edge to his character, especially when compared to other archers in the series.

Pegasus Knight: I'd have to go with Marcia on this one, however I'm not too big of a fan of any of the PKs. Marcia is a fun character with a hot temper whenever her brother gets out of hand. Overall she's just entertaining to me.

Myrmidon: Zihark for this one. The thing about the other myrmidons is that I found their personality either bland or unexplored (like Lakche, Shiva) or somewhat cheesy (Guy, Rutger, ect.) It doesn't help that I'm not a fan of the GBA animations either, which really hurts my appreciation for Joshua. However Zihark has a very likable personality in the sense that he fights for the Laguz and his animations are awesome in RD. Pretty fun guy overall.

Fighter: Othin, because he kicks ass and he knows it. He has a similar personality to Boyd, who is my second favorite fighter. However he seems a bit more cocky and a bigger risk taker than Boyd and seems to me to have more energy than him too. And man you gotta love that FE5 wrath, Othin is such a bro.

Mage: I'm thinking Soren on this one, he's a very interesting character for the series. This is because he is a big time realist, and we don't often see this type of character in the series. The only other one I can think of off the top of my head is maybe Shinon, although I'd say he's more of a pessimist anyways. In any case it's a lot of fun to see this guy argue with the other GMs about tactics and the political decisions they should make. It's even more interesting that someone like Ike, someone who thinks very differently from him (and is obviously not as smart) gets along so well with him. In fact, they may get along VERY well depending on your interpretation of them. And that whole dynamic of Soren and Ike is fun. What is the extent of their relationship? I'm not sure, but it's still fun to think about.

Wyvern Rider: Haar, amazing flying unit and has a hilarious personality. He just can't seem to get enough sleep!

Knight/Armor: Oswin, cause in my eyes he's one of the best generals of the series. He always doubles about 70% of the time when I use him, which is unbelievable for a general. And nothing could damage him! Also it's very cool to see a calm and wizened bodyguard alongside the more excitable Hector. He works as a great foil for him.

Soldier: Nephenee, not a whole lot of options for this class. So I've gotta go with the one that gets the most screentime.

Mercenary: Either Raven or Ike if he counts. Raven is awesome because he always turns out great for me and is very hotheaded. However if Ike counts, I gotta give it to him.

Priest/Cleric: Saphy, she saved my butt countless times in FE5 and I am greatfull for that. And she has a great heart for everyone in the army too (sure she's a Cleric go figure.) But really whenever she escaped she said "God bless you Lord Leif," so I guess her heart kind of sunk in for me more than the others. As for the priests, I'd say Rhys because he's the only one in FE9 and he's more developed than a lot of other Priests in the series.

Thief: Lifis, because he really acts like a selfish thief moreso than any other thieves in the series from what I see. From the first time we get him he frequently thinks about how to escape out of the situations he gets himself into. And also he gets others to help him in chapter 4 and thinks of them as idiots. Plus his lines, such as "looks like talking crap really does work" after he is rescued by the Sety team is just gold! Also at the end of the game he is said to become a governor of the lands where he worked with those pirates. And as soon as he got rid of them all he resigned and disappeared. Clever guy only stayed there long enough to get rid of his enemies. This guy is a funny and cunning thief, and the best deserving of the class up to Rogue.

The only other candidate that's really comparable is Matthew, who is pretty awesome as a spy for Hector. And not to mention has a pretty cool wife,

or had one.

Laguz/Taguel/Manakete: This is a tie between Tibarn and Naesala. Tibarn, because he is a cocky and entertaining bird of a guy. It's also great to see him go from being the Beorc hating dude he was to becoming the bro he is later on. Very fun character and a great unit as well. Also Naesala because he is a betraying dastard, but his motives behind those betrayals makes him all the more interesting.

Trainee: Ross, because he's a hot headed youth that loves his father and gets great stats fast!

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Lord: Sigurd

Cavalier: Finn

Archer: Shinon

Pegasus Knight: Florina

Myrmidon: Ira

Fighter: Johalva

Mage: Levin

Wyvern Rider: Altenna

Knight: Gatrie

Mercenary: Raven

Priest/Cleric: Adean

Troubadour: Ethlin

Dark Mage/ Shaman: Sophia

Theif: Volke

Laguz: Giffca

Pirate: Geese

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Lord: Three-way tie between Leif, Ephraim, and FE11!Marth?

Cavalier Dude on a Horse: Finn. Honorable Mention to any and all of the default horsey units in FE8.

Archer: Innes. Honorable mention to Jeorge for being a good character and to Briggid for being Briggid.

Pegasus Knight: Caeda. Honorable mention to Palla&Catria for being win across that many games.

Myrmidon: Never liked 'em much. I guess Larcei wins for killing those damn falcoknights in the final chapter.

Fighter: Orsin alllll the way, baby. Shout-out to FE11!Barst though.

Mage: Merric! No, Lute! Or maybe Lewyn! Or Saleh! Or Soren! Or Sara! Or maybe Arthur. I mean... dammit, I like mages.

Wyvern Rider: Altenna and Minerva kind of fall short in gameplay so I have to go with Cormag.

Knight: Lorenz. Best FE archetype ever. Honorable mention to Oswin, though.

Mercenary: Gerik. Honorable mention to Inigo.

Priest/Cleric: Serra's the best dipstick cleric. Saphy's probably the best "gracious" cleric.

Troubadour: Nanna. Honorable mention to L'Arachel.

Dark Mage/ Shaman: Henry

Thief: Tie between Rennac and the good versions of Patty. Honorable (?) mention to Lifis for being an out-and-out scuzzball who doesn't reform.

Pirate: This category fails because Briggid isn't technically a pirate.

Dragon: Tie between Marth-games Tiki and Myrrh.

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Lord: I'm leaning towards Ephraim because he kicks ass once he promotes. Also added biases due to being on a pony!

Cavalier Knight: Kieran, nuff said. He's funny as heck and never ceases to amuse me often. The other Red Knights are just behind; but not by far. The only non-Christmas Knight I like is Noah from FE6.

Archer: I'm leaning between Neimi and Louise (foot archer) and Astrid (mounter archer). I just like them, no really...

Pegasus Knight: Thany or now known as Shanna. Positive-minded? Check... Energetic? Check... Cute as a button? Check!

Myrmidon: Right... I'm leaning towards Fir in this case.

Fighter: Boyd... Ugh, he's so obnoxious but he's so funny!

Mage: Pent for being plain kick-ass whereas Lute is somewhat like me in a way.

Dark Mage / Shaman: Usually, I tend to have a soft spot for Sophia despite of how hard she is to raise. But personality-wise; I tend to lean towards Tharja and Henry since I have a hidden cruel streak in me.

Wyvern Rider: Cormag; because he was the first Wyvern Rider I actually liked; and still continues to impress me.

Knight/Armor: Not really a fan of Armor Knights; but I'll say Gatrie for his lulzy antics and that "TREE-IN-SKIRT" thing.

Soldier: Nephenee; no contest.

Mercenary: Gerik, because he's like the Team Dad of his little mercenary brigade.

Priest/Cleric: Err, this is going to be a four-way tie between Rhys, Natasha, Mist and Saul.

Troubadour/Valkyrie: I like Priscilla and L'Arachel for those classes.

Thief: Three-way tie between Colm, Matthew and Julian

Laguz/Taguel/Manakete: All I need to say is Tiki.

Trainee: Ewan because MAGIC...

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wait thats pretty much everyone

I like to think that Mercs are pretty much the same as Wyvern Riders, in that they are impossible not to love

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Lord: HECTOR!!! I just love him, in terms of gameplay and his character. He was a refreshing change from the noble lord stereotype.

Cavalier Knight: Sain... He's actually a nice guy, as well as being a total lad. One of the FE characters I'd most want as a mate.

Myrmidon: Karel/Joshua. I loved Karel's thing about being AWESOME (The supports with dart had me laughing so loud)!!! Joshua is just cool, and he actually has relevance to the story.

Fighter: BARTRE THE BRAVE! Dude may not know much about books, but he packs one hell of a punch.

Mage: Pent. He's just cool, as well as being a beast.

Wyvern Rider: Cormag. As well as being one of the better ones from a gameplay point of view, he's one of the few with a decent story. REVENGE!

Knight/Armor: WALLACE! The guy is just cool. He's tough as shit too. GWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Soldier: Not played any of the games with soldiers. (POR rom keeps crashing. Saving up for the tellius games atm)

Mercenary: Gerik/Raven. I love all the mercenaries, but these guys come out top. Gerik, due to his attitude, Raven, because REVENGE! (I bet Inigo tops them when I get FE13)

Priest/Cleric: Gonna lump troubadours in here, and say Prissy. She's a good character, and good in the game. (MEGA STAFFBOT)

Thief: Matthew. His supports with Jaffar are really sad, and he's one of the characters I feel is more invested in the conflict from that game.

Laguz/Taguel/Manakete: Yarne. His support with his dad is just... WOW. I don't own FE13 yet, but I've seen a few of the supports, including this one.The lack of trust is deep.

Trainee: Ross. Because... berzerkers...

Edited by Anacybele, 10 October 2013 - 02:18 AM.

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Lord: Ike. Lucina and Seliph come right after him, though.

Cavalier: Oscar, followed by Sain and Sully. FIN. HOW COULD I FORGET HIM?!

Archer: Rolf.

Pegasus Knight: A tie between Cynthia and Marcia

Myrmidon: Mia. I like her attitude and stats (she still dies with two hits, though)

Fighter: Boyd

Mage: Soren

Light Mage: Micaiah

Wyvern Rider: Jill

Armor Knight: Oswin. Tauroneo, as a promoted Armor Knight (I really like his backstory and character).

Mercenary: Raven. I actually don't care about FE's mercenaries, but I like him enough. For promoted Mercenaries... Basilio.

Priest/Cleric: Brady.

Thief: If promoted thieves count, then Sothe. If not, then Matthew.

Troubador: Mist.

Dark Mage: Henry. Canas comes in second, followed by Ray.

Pirate/Brigand: Geese.

Laguz: Janaff. If Royals count, then Naesala.

Soldier: Nephenee.

Dancer/Bard: If herons count on this option, then Reyson. If they don't, then Ninian.

Bow on a Horse: Lester

Manakete: Tiki

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Lord: Lucina

Archer: Innes - he is the best

Cav: TITANIA because yes, and Percival as an honorable mention

Mage: Pent

Light mage: Micaiaaaah

Dark mage: Henry - All of them puns in his joining speech. He reminds me of one of my friends irl

Healer dude: libra

Axe dude: Hawkeye

Knight: Black Knight/Zelgius if he counts

Refresher: Reyson - pretty hair

Troub: Maribelle - pretty hair too and also really sassy

Nomad: sexyrath

Horsebird: PALLA IS GOD

Wyvern: Miledy

Merc: idk probs flavia

Myrm: I guess MIA

Thief: Sothe because it sort of rhymes with doge

Laguz: Naesala

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