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Pokemon Trade Thread: Gen VI

Fruity Insanity

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For Pokedex completion, could anyone trade me: Skarmory, Kingdra, Slowking Moltres, Zapdos, Articuno, Mewtwo (if needed for dex). Since it's just dex completion, I'll trade them back.

Edit: got mawile from gts, got heliolisk, got that troll politoed, will get steelix

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I have one lying around in my box I know.

What notable Mon do you have?

Protean Froakie, Guts Larvitar, a Calm Feebas(Though with Oblivious, not sure if that's really good, though it does have Dragon Pulse, Mist, Haze, and MIrror Coat. I also have one of the same gender with Swift Swim, so chain-breeding can probably get something good, and I'm willing to pay more than one Pokemon for an Eevee with its hidden ability), Super Luck Absol, Clear Body Beldum, Huge Power Marill, Sheer Force Druddigon, and that's it. Unfortunately, I'm not too in-the-know about what's stellar and what's not. =<

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For Pokedex completion, could anyone trade me: Steelix, Kingdra, Slowking, Politoed. Since it's just dex completion, I'll trade them back.

Edit: got mawile from gts, got heliolisk, got that troll politoed

If you're still looking for a Steelix, according to Serebii you can get it from an ingame trade in Cyllage City's Pokemon Center, and you just have to give him a Luvdisc. Should be the purple-haired trainer to the left.

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I've got a shiny honedge, a casual-level Xerneas and Mewtwo, and a decent Zygarde (Jolly, Atk/Def/Spe or something like that) with some spoiled evs (lvl 71, so probably not too many yet).

I'd give any of those for someone with a ditto friend safari to add me :# but i'm definitely open to other offers.

i've also got some charmanders and noibats with 4 ivs

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I'd like an Articuno 31 in SPD, SP.ATK any nature that's +SPD or +SP.ATK and not -SPD or -SP.ATK

name a price I have all the X megastones but no legendary birds(I'm also willing to give out Xerneas no promises on IVs)

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I've got a shiny honedge, a casual-level Xerneas and Mewtwo, and a decent Zygarde (Jolly, Atk/Def/Spe or something like that) with some spoiled evs (lvl 71, so probably not too many yet).

I'd give any of those for someone with a ditto friend safari to add me :# but i'm definitely open to other offers.

i've also got some charmanders and noibats with 4 ivs

Want anything specific for that Shiny Honedge of yours? I'm currently in the process of breeding Adamant Cacnea with Fell Stinger, or if that doesn't interest you, I can always get something else.

Disclaimer: I don't breed for IV's.

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Hey everybody, I'd be really grateful if any of you could trade a thundurus with me on a gen V game. It's literally the only non-event legendary I don't have (well, landurus as well, but you need thundurus to get it).

I can give you a groundon in the gen V game and ANY non legendary pokemon you want on gen VI (with 5 perfect IVs!)

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Hey everybody, I'd be really grateful if any of you could trade a thundurus with me on a gen V game. It's literally the only non-event legendary I don't have (well, landurus as well, but you need thundurus to get it).

I can give you a groundon in the gen V game and ANY non legendary pokemon you want on gen VI (with 5 perfect IVs!)

I think I have Thundurus in my B2

Alright, I do have one, how do you check your friend code in Black 2?

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I'd love you for the rest of my life. Would you be willing to trade it? Which pokemon would you want with 5 IVs on pokemon X? (and is groundon good enough?)

EDIT: TO find your FC in black 2, check you pal pad.

Mine is 4299 5683 6505

My 3DS FC is 2063 0086 1010

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I'd love you for the rest of my life. Would you be willing to trade it? Which pokemon would you want with 5 IVs on pokemon X? (and is groundon good enough?)

Besisdes the Gen II legendaries, Groudon is the only non-event legendary that's missing for me :P and Zigarde, since I didn't bother going after it yet

What do you have?

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EDIT: TO find your FC in black 2, check you pal pad.

Mine is 4299 5683 6505

My 3DS FC is 2063 0086 1010

If you missed the EDIT

And the trainer name is Daniel (I think you need it to add others)

Besisdes the Gen II legendaries, Groudon is the only non-event legendary that's missing for me :P and Zigarde, since I didn't bother going after it yet

What do you have?

Well, right now I have (extra) perfect goomy, Excadrill (well, the first stage, but I forgot its name) and Frillish, but I can breed you any pokemon you want.

And I'll give you the goundron as well.

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With 4 IVs I have:

gale wing fleching


Bold and modest rotom

Pinsir (moxie and mold breaker)

charmander (DD and outrage)


Ferroseed (SR and LS)



Dratini (with marvel scale)



EDIIT: I gave you my black 2 FC, but the Groundon is on Black 1. The correct FC is:


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I'm looking for Impish Harvest Phantump, if anybody has it.


I've got one or two on hand. Think you can get me a female Absol with Super Luck? Nature doesn't matter.

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