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By the way, what does Fairy type are effective against from? And what types that Fairy type are stronger against at also. (I think it might be Dark type since I had Greninja got massive damage from those Fairy type Pokemon that I encountered at)

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By the way, what does Fairy type are effective against from? And what types that Fairy type are stronger against at also. (I think it might be Dark type since I had Greninja got massive damage from those Fairy type Pokemon that I encountered at)

Fairy is good against Fighting, Dark, and Dragon. It resists Dark, Bug, Fighting, and is immune to Dragon.

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You can do the secret super training courses to get more stones, including Shiny Stones.

Nice to know. It'd be a kick in the teeth to know that I'd have to drop one of the Pokémon I was planning on using because I couldn't get another Shiny Stone... (Said Pokémon are Roselia and Flabebe)

Edited by Levant Fortner
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And also, I did hear that Blue was mentioned from the girl from the Pokemon Center that he did came to Kalos, is Blue is seen in X and Y and also, is Professor Oak appeared in X and Y if anyone found him?

By the way what Poke Ball other than a Master Ball can be good catch a Legendary Pokemon that have a Rate lower to 30 or 10 to 1? (I was going to be prepare for catch a Event Legendaries if they're going to be required to be catch when they're going to be announced)

Edited by King Marth 64
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Can someone tell me where I can find Plusle? My guide says route 5, but I haven't found a single one, yet I've encountered several Abra, who have the same encounter rate. :/

EDIT: I just remembered, my Pokedex says route 5 too. Odd...

Edited by Anacybele
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Can someone tell me where I can find Plusle? My guide says route 5, but I haven't found a single one, yet I've encountered several Abra, who have the same encounter rate. :/

EDIT: I just remembered, my Pokedex says route 5 too. Odd...

You could try using sweet scent since they come in hordes.

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Oh, okay, thanks.

Actually, I think I got my lucky egg when I showed Tierno the pokemon he wanted(he wants to see a pokemon with a Dance move, Dragon dance, sword dance, etc.) He's waiting near past the Courmarine Gym I think.

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Actually, I think I got my lucky egg when I showed Tierno the pokemon he wanted(he wants to see a pokemon with a Dance move, Dragon dance, sword dance, etc.) He's waiting near past the Courmarine Gym I think.

It's a daily event which gives you a heartscale.


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Then I must get the Lucky Egg from that girl in the Coumarine hotel that asks to see a Pokemon I'm really friendly with. Nobody else there gave me one and she said she'd give me something nice. I'll have to max out the friendship of one of my Pokemon. xP

EDIT: Aaaand, it turns out I'm friendly enough with my Delphox, cause she gave me a Lucky Egg! lol

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Posted · Hidden by Shuuda, December 20, 2013 - Double post
Hidden by Shuuda, December 20, 2013 - Double post

all you have to do to see the boss is to learn all the 4 roller blading tricks. I found out through serebii.net

http://www.serebii.net/pokearth/kalos/losthotel.shtml- lost hotel information

http://www.serebii.net/xy/rollerskates.shtml - roller blade move locations

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Does anyone know how to talk to the "boss" in the lost hotel?

They always make fun of my clothes and then turn me away. I tried changing a few times and it didn't work. .__.

all you have to do to see the boss is to learn all the 4 roller blading tricks. I found out through serebii.net

http://www.serebii.n...losthotel.shtml- lost hotel information

http://www.serebii.n...lerskates.shtml - roller blade move locations

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I dunno if this is the place to ask

But is Hydreigon still good? I don't worry about all the "hurhur Fairy types stahp it it sux nao" but I'm certain it still is a maverick despite the existence of the new type.

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Hydreigon's better than ever, at least in singles matches. The Steel nerf lets it spam Dark Pulse more freely. Togekiss, Clefable, Florges, and Sylveon all wall any Hydreigon not carrying Flash Cannon, but any Azumarill lacking Leftovers or Sitrus Berry gets 3HKOed.

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Hydreigon's better than ever, at least in singles matches. The Steel nerf lets it spam Dark Pulse more freely. Togekiss, Clefable, Florges, and Sylveon all wall any Hydreigon not carrying Flash Cannon, but any Azumarill lacking Leftovers or Sitrus Berry gets 3HKOed.

I have to wonder how good Flash Cannon actually is. I can only speak from personal experience, but I find my Togekiss can tank non-STAB super effective hits with Roost. I know that Togekiss and Florges have excellent special defense, and Flash Cannon is mediocre at best without STAB. Hydreigon's high special attack is the only saving grace in that situation.

That said, I still Hydreigon has a lot going for it, especially now that Steel doesn't resist Dark.

Edited by Shuuda
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Okay, Trying to get a Lucario with high jump kick and adamant nature.

Combusken (he'll be blaziken soon) will be supplying his Adamant nature (everstone) and High jump kick as egg move

Here's the kicker.

It is just about impossible to find a wild female riolu.

I read up on it, and i have 1/8 chance of her appearing.

431 confrontations with riolu route 22, all dudes. rng Pounds my ****.

Is this scripted? or does the microphone hear what I need and say NOPE!

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I have to wonder how good Flash Cannon actually is. I can only speak from personal experience, but I find my Togekiss can tank non-STAB super effective hits with Roost. I know that Togekiss and Florges have excellent special defense, and Flash Cannon is mediocre at best without STAB. Hydreigon's high special attack is the only saving grace in that situation.

That said, I still Hydreigon has a lot going for it, especially now that Steel doesn't resist Dark.

I don't think Flash Cannon is really necessary. Teammates like Aegislash can pick up the slack against Fairies.

Okay, Trying to get a Lucario with high jump kick and adamant nature.

HJK isn't worth it on Lucario; just use Close Combat on physical/mixed Lucario. If you're planning on using it as your Mega evolution, then Jolly (or Timid for NP variants) is a better nature because you'll outspeed Gengar and the Latis.

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Okay, Trying to get a Lucario with high jump kick and adamant nature.

Combusken (he'll be blaziken soon) will be supplying his Adamant nature (everstone) and High jump kick as egg move

Here's the kicker.

It is just about impossible to find a wild female riolu.

I read up on it, and i have 1/8 chance of her appearing.

431 confrontations with riolu route 22, all dudes. rng Pounds my ****.

Is this scripted? or does the microphone hear what I need and say NOPE!

[spoiler=Nothing loud here.]



Thank goodness for abilities like Cute Charm and Synchronize. They make things so much easier.

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