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Are you participating in NaNoWriMo this year?  

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The cookie option of course!

I may want to explain: NaNoWriMo is short for National Novel Writing Month. It's a challenge hosted every November in which the goal is to write a 50,000 word novel (or at least 50,000 words of something) by November 30th.

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One of my friends does NaNoWriMo, and she's written quite a bit of awesome stories from it. Me, I tried to do a NaNoWriMo in July and failed. I'm going to be too busy to write any fiction, so ;_;

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I think I'll look into and consider it. I've yet to work on any independent writing projects this November so far, but it sounds interesting enough that I could be moved to begin now.

Edited by Green Poet
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50000 words is a lot to do in a month, especially when cluttered with school work and video games. I'd really love to try this, but I need to focus in school. How long exactly is 50000 words approximately?

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50000 words is a lot to do in a month, especially when cluttered with school work and video games. I'd really love to try this, but I need to focus in school. How long exactly is 50000 words approximately?

If you were to divide 50,000 by the number of days in November (which is 30) then you end up with about 1,667 words per day. Depending on how well you can write, this is a piece of cake. Of course, school is top priority (as you pointed out). So if you were to dedicate some time with this while finishing up with whatever you need to do, this is plausible to succeed in :)

Good luck if you're participating :)

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Very roughly, it's 100 pages in a word processor, I think. That really depends on how dense your paragraphs are, though. I do recall at one point seeing that I had ~500 words on a page, but I don't recall how dialogue-heavy that was. Mind you, some writers can churn out 10,000 (unedited) words a day, and then there's me who is usually sitting at more like 3-5,000 a week when school is happening.

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