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Boney's quest for shipping

Guest meibum

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DISCLAIMER: This is for strange comedic purposes we love you all. Shmo and I wrote this together (he wrote the good parts).

"Just forget about him Walt, he never loved you anyway." Boney whispered softly to Walter White. Walter looked unhappy, his mood was very low after he witnessed Jesse with another man. "You were only married for a few days, it's no big deal." Boney clicked his mouse.

"Boney what are you doing? Are you talking to your Breaking Bad sim family again?" Letty asked as she entered Boney's room behind him.

Boney quickly slapped closed his laptop. He felt his cheeks turn beat red and there wasn't even a girl flirting with him!

"Boney this needs to stop. It's just creepy at this point." Letty tried to comfort Boney.


"The show is over Boney, you need to move on." Letty put her hand on Boney's dainty boy shoulder. "The show is over. It's just sad now at the point."

Boney turned to Letty as the camera zoomed in on his sad kawaii eyes, "I-I. I am a very very sad shell of a man."

"Shh my lil baby boy, you don't have to fill the void in your heart with the Sims" Letty said gently looking into Boney's kawaii anime Lucky Star eyes. She began to feel her saliva build up in her mouth as she looked at those eyes, she began to lick Boney's eyes violently and he was crying the whole time.

"It burns Letty! Where is Seren? Where is Yeon? Where is that girl with the sunglasses and her two friends that don't have sunglasses? Where is that girl from the forums that I can't remember her name but I had a kawaii crushu on her~?" Boney was so worried because Letty was sharing this intimate moment with him, he figured she must be here because EmeraldFox was busy shining his fedora.

A pool of tears filled Letty's mouth as she spit them back into Boney's eyes so he could absorb them and cry more. Boney pushed her away and she fell on the ground screaming in pain at Boney's abuse. The police showed up at the door to his basement and they began to storm in. Police chief Interest showed his badge of Reddit Honor in order to confirm that he was with law enforcement.

"I am intrigued with this situation, but I shall ban you from this room if you do it again Boney" Letty was taken by Interest's incredible way of taking charge and she leapt into his giant meaty Asian arms.

"Memes," Inty-chaaaaaaan whispered to Letty as she swept her off her feet (nearly breaking his back in the process) and handed her over to a more compident internet police official.

Boney was still shivering from all that violation, "what is EmeraldFox going to think? I know he's going to make a big deal about this and not drop it even when everyone just doesn't give a crap about it anymore."

"Wow Boney yah g000n," PkLucas said has he laughed at his own joke (no one else is going to guise come on now).

Interest grunted and growled, "why is no one paying attention to ME? The loveable interest! https://i.chzbgr.com/maxW500/4611653632/h5C35CA9A/".

"Doesn't anyone want to ship me?" PkLucas sniffled.

"The only girl here is already gone though PkLucas." Boney pointed out.

A silence swept the area. Suddenly Boney's fragile boy body started to look so good. PkLucas took a deep breath, but knew he has to resist. "I'll win his affection over with signatures like a normal person!" He plotted.

PKLucas quickly learned that it was not so simple. Boney wasn't takin any of his bait, so he only had one option. Sex. Change. PKLucas got out his mega ring and PKLucasinite and Mega Evolved into a girl version of himself.

"BONEY KUN AM I KAWAII YET?" PKLucas shouted out. Boney looked at PKLucas's somewhat female figure and said to himself,

"Good enough." he was about to flirt with PKLucas until he remembered someting. "Wait a minute... you only like 13 year old girls!!!!"

PKLucas remembered this fact and decided to cry. All of a sudden his tears began to glow and the whole room began to shake like a boom box. Loud rap music could be heard, although it was different than most rap music. It sounded like thousands of angelic black angels singing the songs of the streets. The glorious E-Woozy descended from the skies and appeared before everyone.

"What in the name of Yeezus is going on wit you crackas?" Wooze cruise asked, puzzled and with a hint of anger in his voice. Everyone began to bow down at his ultimate glory and offered to him their tears. He accepted them and everyone felt a sense of euphoria, but only for a moment. All of a sudden the lighting struck. The door to the basement creaked open, in creeped the most euphoric individual on the planet. White as a ghost, EmeraldFox entered. He was repulsed by the behaviour of everyone in the room, he was so angry and began to yell and shout about how much he hates Blissey and how much the metagame is overrated, just because he sucks at it.

"You guys are so racist. I'm black." Emeraldfox spewed out these lies with no remorse. E Woozy began to chuckle as he whipped out his duel disk.

"It's time to duel, my nigga." said Wooze.

Emerald Fox slowly wiped away the rapid foam seeping out of his mouth and pulled out his gen 1 duel disk (all other duel disks r lame sauce). E Woozy decided to throw-down a face down and end his turn. Emerald began to shake in his boots. E Woozy's smiled glistened as his lush lips pouted, "damn he's so glorious." Emerald used the magic of friendship into his deck and called upon a stampede of his brony brethren. "Equestrian girls sucked!" Emerald yelled as he drew his hand, perfect. Emerald summoned a bunch of monsters and demanded to be referred to as the Chazz. "Say my name."

"Say my na- damn!" PkLucas was too slow to leech off Emerald's joke. Now how was he going to be the funniest internet person in all the land??

"Isn't this story suppose to be about me?" Boney wondered aloud.

"Sims is a good game." Aya randomly said.

"You're about to flake out now Emerald yah dig that boi?" E Woozy flipped over his card and revealed the heavenly body of Jack Black.

"Hey guys! Did you know I'm fat!? I'm fat! Nacho Libreee!"

"NACHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" Shouted E-Woozy and Jack Black simultaneously. Jack Began to charge his beams, both being fired from his gigantic man nipples. He began to scream and rant about the legendary rent as a milky blood infused beam shout out everywhere. Twelve hours later, the blasts were finished. And all that remained in the room was E-Woozy, Jack Black, and the dying near-lifeless body of Emeraldfox. E-Woozy knew that Jack had a plan, so he put away his duel disk and left the building.

"We're gonna have a fun timey imey ime my little fedora boy" said Jack. Emerald's mouth was too corroded from the acidic fluids of Jack's nipples to say anything, but he was about to say that his fedora wasn't just a fedora, it was a wide brimmed fedora and Jack should acknowledge that.

Jack screamed like Ignis and began to kiss Emerald's dying body. Emerald was rejuvenated by Jack's lovin'.He got onto his feet and slapped Jack in the face with his fedora. The power of atheism fuelling him, he tied Jack to a chair and began force feeding him hundreds of pounds of beans. Jack cried and cried but Emerald had to fulfil his dreams of making sweet love to a chubby Jack Black.

The final bean slipped down Jack's throat. The room went quiet. The lights turned off. The last thing that was heard was a gagging sound and Emerald's voice saying "You liked that didn't you? You delicious sweating pile of man flesh."


Edited by Meibay
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PKLucas quickly learned that it was not so simple. Boney wasn't takin any of his bait, so he only had one option. Sex. Change. PKLucas got out his mega ring and PKLucasinite and Mega Evolved into a girl version of himself.

[9:53:38 PM] PKLucas531: IM

[9:53:39 PM] PKLucas531: DONE

[9:53:43 PM] PKLucas531: I CAN GO NO FURTHER

[9:53:54 PM] E Woozy: LOOOOOOOL

[9:54:28 PM] ✰seren's pet cat✰: looooool

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