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I just noticed we have a lot of members that joined and left serenesforest.


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It's always exciting on a forum when a new member joins and then they actually contribute a lot to the forum.

However what you are talking about is incredibly common for every website.

I can't even think of all the dead twitter accounts I've seen.

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I'm one of those that are guilty of that, admittedly. Chances are, no one here's able to recognize me.

I do find this forum's community very likable, though, and have recently been moved to start posting a bit more often in chance threads such as these.

Edited by Green Poet
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*Shrugs* I post whenever I think I'm knowledgeable enough to contribute lol, which is all of the time.

I basically agree with what he said, except the last bit which I edited to suit my own totally-not-evil needs.

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We should purge zero post accounts that have months and months of inactivity on them to save server space.

b-but my alts

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I don't hink the zero post accounts should be purged, some of them may may lurkers who may decide to join the community someday. Instead why not the ones who havn't logged in quite a while and have no posts? Of course all what we can do is discuss so there safe... for now.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't hink the zero post accounts should be purged, some of them may may lurkers who may decide to join the community someday. Instead why not the ones who havn't logged in quite a while and have no posts? Of course all what we can do is discuss so there safe... for now.

You just described me. I made an account back in April to contribute to a thread. After that, I gathered that I wasn't knowledgeable enough to partake in other discussion and my shyness made it hard to post elsewhere. Started posting recently(read yesterday) and I will try to be lurk less, post more this time around.

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