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Contemplating buying a 3DS for this alone. thoughts?


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I really want this game, having played the majority of the others, and it having pretty much all the best features of the series combined, like the generations from FE4 and the good supports from the GBA games. Is it worth it? There are only 1 or 2 other 3ds games that appeal, aside from this, but... fire emblem...

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As someone who borrowed their sister's 3DS to play FE13, I'd recommend against it. It's nice to play and all, but I wouldn't say it's worth forking out that much for a 3DS just to play it.

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As someone who did just that a few months back, I won't say it's a bad idea.

But I will say you might as well wait until it's cheaper (or if you don't mind 2DS, that's not as bad in price). There are other games out there for it, see if anything catches your eye.

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No game is worth buying an entire new system for.

Total nonsense. If you have unlimited disposable income, the cost is clearly irrelevant. So the decision is a personal one, based on circumstances.

This soldier will pick up a system for 2-3 good games. My PS3 was born solely from Valkyria Chronicles, Disgaea 4, and MGS4. Considering how much time I've spent enjoying Awakening, it justified the 3DS all by itself. I also thought that Ghost Recon: Shadow Wars was underrated as a TBS game, so that was a nice little bonus to discover in the 3DS library.

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I'm probably going to go for it, seeing as the new Pokemon games are out now, and I've heard some good things about SW: chronicles and the new mario kart, cheers for the advice guys, also, with the amount of time i put into FE7 alone, it was worth the gba, so I would expect the same from this, if not more

Edited by eggs4king
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Total nonsense. If you have unlimited disposable income, the cost is clearly irrelevant. So the decision is a personal one, based on circumstances.

This soldier will pick up a system for 2-3 good games. My PS3 was born solely from Valkyria Chronicles, Disgaea 4, and MGS4. Considering how much time I've spent enjoying Awakening, it justified the 3DS all by itself. I also thought that Ghost Recon: Shadow Wars was underrated as a TBS game, so that was a nice little bonus to discover in the 3DS library.

If you have unlimited income then there isn't even a reason to ask such a question.

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If you have unlimited income then there isn't even a reason to ask such a question.

The point is that the "worth it?" question is a continuum. Unlimited disposable income is one extreme, zero income is the other. Reality -- where the OP exists -- falls somewhere in between. Absent any context, your contribution here was entirely worthless. I'm glad that the OP stitched together the various bits of useful advice and was able to come to a satisfactory conclusion.

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No game is worth buying an entire new system for.

You're forgetting Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate

Hello, four hundred (and counting) amazing hours of MHTU on the Wii U with my lovely girlfriend. I'd say that was worth $300.

OT: I bought a 3DS exclusively for FE13 and found it to be worth the price. That said, two of us (my sister and I) got our mileage out of the same purchase, so that did change things.

I did get other games for the 3DS later, but I bought the system under the assumption that FE13 was the only game I'd get for it.

EDIT: The way I figure it, ask yourself if the game is worth the combined cost of system+game on its own. I found FE13 to be a game worth paying $150 or $160 or whatever I did for, just like I found MHTU to be a game worth paying $300 for.

Edited by Integrity
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No game is worth buying an entire new system for.

I would normally agree with this, but I'm buying the Wii U solely for the new Super Smash Bros. My Childhood <3

But regarding getting the 3DS solely for FE13, I wouldn't suggest it unless there are other games you'd like for the console. Unless you're an absolute die hard Fire Emblem fan.

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I bought my 3DS for this game alone, but I do have Etrian Odyssey 4 now and will probably get some more games once I am out of school. I don't think buying a 3DS for FE13 alone is a terrible idea, since chances are that you'll probably get other games for the 3DS anyway, but apparently people's replay values of FE13 itself differ. I'm still playing it about eight months after I bought it, so obviously it has high replay for me, but not everyone will agree.

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^+1 above post

IMO there's not much better to be investing your money into right now than a 3DS, it's got a cheap price with (IMO) a lot of awesome or at least solid and reputable titles, with plenty of minor titles, VC games, and eShop titles as well. The fact that 3DS is having awesome sales attests to that, I think.

The PS3 and Wii U are also great investments IMO but the price-tags are higher and playing them isn't at convenient--I find it's a lot easier to rack up hours on portable games than console/home-TV games, and I feel like most people would agree (though I lack the evidence to back up that feeling).

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Awakening along with Mario 3D Land convinced me to get a 3DS. Both have been worth the praise imo. Things like the improved generation system, collecting renown and choosing sidequests out of order really add to the game's replay value.

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I bought my 3ds with the sole intention of playing Awakening. I've played the game many times, and it was very well worth it. If you're worried about price, you can get a used but like-new system for only two thirds to three quarters of the purchase price. Amazon is a great place to look, especially if you're worried about getting scammed. Also, there are many other worthy 3ds games and more coming later on. I say it's worth it.

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I bought the 3ds solely for Awakening, but there are some other good games coming out too which makes it a good investment.

No game is worth buying an entire new system for.

That's a good, logical opinion. Mine is different. I have bought systems solely for a single game, and not regretted it due to the entertainment value and the lower stress levels. And, before you ask, no, I don't have unlimited income. I saved just like everyone else in the world.

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No game is worth buying an entire new system for.

Do I need to post the math on this again?

Wait, I think I've only ever posted that on GFAQs.


Looking at some costs:

2DS: 129.99 x1.098 = 142.73

3DS: 169.99 x1.098 = 186.65

3DSXL: 199.99 x1.098 = 219.59

Game: 39.99 x1.098= 43.90

DLC: ~50

With 2DS: 236.63

3DS: 280.55

3DSXL: 313.49

Some values:

At $1/Hr

It becomes worth the system and the game at:

236 hours, 37 Minutes, 48 seconds with the 2DS

280 hours, 33 Minutes with 3DS

313 hours, 29 Minutes, 24 seconds with the XL

At the average cost of a Movie at the theatres, sans popcorn:

Average Run time: 160 Minutes

Average Cost per ticket: 8.16

Or $3.06/hr

2DS: 77 hours 19 minutes, 48 seconds

3DS: 91 hours 40 minutes, 59 seconds

3DSXL: 102 hours, 26 minutes, 52 seconds

And Redbox:

$1.60 for a movie.

Or .60/hr

2DS: 394 Hours, 23 minutes,

3DS: 467 Hours, 36 minutes

3DSXL: 522 Hours, 29 minutes

So it all depends on how much time you get out of the game.

If you pull in 500 hours on it, then yes, by all means, it's worth it.

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While I didn't buy my 3DS for just Awakening, it's upcoming release was a nice motivation to see what else the 3DS had to offer.

And as it turns out, it's plenty. So I find it difficult to believe that the 3DS library really offers nothing else for the TC.

I love almost my entire 3DS collection. Kid Icarus Uprising, Kingdom Hearts, Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, Mario 3D Land, etc...

Though, the Street Fighter IV port sucks.

Edited by BrightBow
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I feel like I'm the only one who bought the Fire Emblem 3DS Bundle.

I think the game is worth it. I have about 250ish hours logged on my digital copy.

I hear that X/Y are good so there's that too. Plus if you have some DS games lying around...

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I actually did buy a 3ds for Awakening, played non-stop, heard announcements for new games for 3ds, didn't regret it.

If you're interested in some of the new games being released (Pokemon, AA5, Super Smash, Wind Waker HD to name a few) then go for it, if you're willing to pay a bunch of money. It's mostly whether if you have enough money or not.

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