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Contemplating buying a 3DS for this alone. thoughts?


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Don't do it for just this game.

Unless of course you have an abundance of money you have no idea what to do with, then go ahead.

But don't go ignoring other 3DS titles like Pokemon XY. Make the most of the console.

Also, if you care nothing about the 3D side of things, get the cheaper 2DS.

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I bought my 3DS for this game alone, but I do have Etrian Odyssey 4 now and will probably get some more games once I am out of school. I don't think buying a 3DS for FE13 alone is a terrible idea, since chances are that you'll probably get other games for the 3DS anyway, but apparently people's replay values of FE13 itself differ. I'm still playing it about eight months after I bought it, so obviously it has high replay for me, but not everyone will agree.

Pretty much.

Except, i didnt get a 3DS for this game. Ive had mine since a month after launch (it was a birthday present). Awakening is a decent reason to get a 3DS because the game is hella fun despite everything. However, theres a lot of freaking cool ass games for the 3DS. Theres loads of Zelda on the 3DS VC and OoT3DS. Theres a new Zelda coming out next month. (agh cant wait!!!) Theres Ace Attorney games, Kid Icarus, Animal Crossing New Leaf (!!!), RPGs up the wizzwazz, Luigi's Mansion sequel, etc and so forth. So i think the 3DS is worth the investment due to all the other shit you can get for it.

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I bought a 3DS just so I could play this game. I really like Awakening and its still the only game I have for the 3DS. After 5 months of having the system I don't think it was worth the purchase. Its a great game, don't get me wrong. Just have the intention of playing other games on it.

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I bought the FE:A bundle 3ds and didnt get a 2nd game for 6 months.

There are games worth buying an entire console for. Luckily that wont be the case with a 3ds because it has a ton of good games and is backwards compatible.
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I got the 3DS (the limited edition gorgeous blue one for Fire Emblem) just for that game; though I also got to use it to play my brothers games on it as well, so I got the most out of my purchase. Especially now that Pokemon is out! And while its usually best to get a system for 2-3 games at least to get the most out of it, I understand getting one if you really, really, REALLY want a single game for it; the only reason I ever got an Xbox 360 was for Tales of Vesperia since I'm a diehard fan of the series, and it also lead to find a few more games for it that I probably wouldn't have been able to play otherwise, like Eternal Sonata.

If you really want it, get it; soooo much replay and it was totally worth it to me!

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I got the 3DS (the limited edition gorgeous blue one for Fire Emblem) just for that game; though I also got to use it to play my brothers games on it as well, so I got the most out of my purchase. Especially now that Pokemon is out! And while its usually best to get a system for 2-3 games at least to get the most out of it, I understand getting one if you really, really, REALLY want a single game for it; the only reason I ever got an Xbox 360 was for Tales of Vesperia since I'm a diehard fan of the series, and it also lead to find a few more games for it that I probably wouldn't have been able to play otherwise, like Eternal Sonata.

If you really want it, get it; soooo much replay and it was totally worth it to me!

dat location

ah so that's why I got 360>PS3!

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But as others have already mentioned there is some really solid non FE games on the 3DS too like Kid Icarus Uprising, Luigi Mansion, XY, OoT 3D, Animal Crossing New Leaf, Kingdom Hearts 3D, and Tales of the Abyss.

But if they don't interest you, I suggest buying the 2D cheap and grabbing FE Awakening and then selling it when done.

Edited by glenncoco
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No game is worth buying an entire new system for.

I would have to disagree. It is for some people.


To OP: It really depends. Awakening got really hyped outside of Japan. I really would not recommend it unless you are die hard FE fan... you should look into getting games like Pokémon, Animal Crossing, Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon, Kingdom Hearts 3D, or others. The 3DS has a lot of titles now compared to back then.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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I would have to disagree. It is for some people.


To OP: It really depends. Awakening got really hyped outside of Japan. I really would not recommend it unless you are die hard FE fan... you should look into getting games like Pokémon, Animal Crossing, Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon, Kingdom Hearts 3D, or others. The 3DS has a lot of titles now compared to back then.

What the awesome man said. I got a 3DS (through my friend) just for Awakening. And i'm getting (again, through my friend) Y and KH3D's (cuz Dream Drop Distance... 3D? Get it?)

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I bought a 3dsxl (pre-owned) for the purpose of getting this game, and have not regretted it.

That said, I'll probably get a some new 3ds games eventually, but I knew I'd play awakening to death, so it was worth it for me.

Could always get a 2ds if you want to save a fair bit of money, but you're losing out on the 3d (and it also looks like a brick)

You might get some better deals at xmas (i was gutted that I just missed out on the fire emblem 3dsxl deal that ended in late august for the UK)

Edited by SuperXela69
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I've been playing old FE games for the time being, I wish I had 3DSXL I want to try out awakening it looks quite interesting, too bad I have no money because college sucks it all with tuitions. LOL, if I wait 3 more years when the hypes are over I can buy a 3DS, pokemon x and awakening all for 100 dollars, then again newer FE games will come out to 4DS XL...

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I'm in a similar boat as many of the replies here. I badly wanted to play FE:A, and with what little cash I had I decided, screw it. I got a 2DS the day it came out and got FE:A with it, dropped $170 for a single game but I already consider it worth the purchase, and I haven't even beaten Awakening yet. Since the 2DS is cheaper than any of the 3D models, and I really could not care less about 3D, it was an easy call.

Edited by Shev
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