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Music question


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Is it possible for one track to play for an entire chapter? For example, if I set "Winds Across the Plains" as the music for all battles and both phases, would it play without pausing as does the song in the final chapter of Awakening?

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Instead of "not restarting", perhaps it'd be easier to find where it loads the song and not have it load a song at all, thus continuing the play? :P

Do something similar/remove the part where it calls back the other song that's temporarily being stored or w/e after the battle.

Only for animated battles, of course.

Also, keep in mind shops would almost definitely screw with this. And it'd almost definitely take ASM. :(

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I think the 'priority' setting for a track can be set to where it doesn't cause a fade-out when a battle starts so that could be somewhere to start (though I dunno much gbafe stuff so can't be sure)

I dunno if that actually works though

Edited by Lorena
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