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Why if Tina is silenced I cannot recruit her?


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If Tina is silenced, she can't speak. It's kinda hard to talk when you can't make any noise.

I silenced Harken, could totally speak to him just fine. Problem with Tina is that she can't speak through homoerotic undertones, her loss.

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i generally dont even try to capture them.

just steal their slim swords for gold later and even let the knight proof dancer escape.

the warp dancer, however, is another story. i keep that one just for myself, and no one else.

Edited by black op: skyfang
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Without warp you are fucked. Sorry. You can't sleep or silence her, it will be impossible to recruit her. YOU COULD come into the chapter with like your units with the best magic stats ( maybe juste 3 units that have higher magic than her) and even use holy water to boost the magic of your others units and basically Tina would not be able to steal your stuff but that would be not worth it at all and a waste of your resources. Not to mention units with good magic would have a problem just getting to Tina. You would basically make the chapter much harder.

Anyway to get everything you'll need the following : Sleep staff for Trewd.

Warp Lara to recruit Pahn. Use Pahn to steal the Thief staff. Later on Safy will recruit Tina. Don't open the door with Pahn.

When you recruit Pahn everyone starts running away. Move your guys and try to kill some people if you want to. I don't think the thieves will try to get the treasures after Pahn is recruited. Trewd will run away and you can't get him without Sleep or warp. He's pretty useless anyway.

I think you can catch and release the dancers but haven't played the chapter in ages. Anyway if you have the resources it's a really easy chapter.

Edit : Just thought of something...

Come with high build characters that have no weapons whatsoever and give your weapons to people that have high magic. You could micro manage you army so that at the end of each turn you give all your equipment to people that have higher magic than Tina so she won't be able to steal anything. Your high build characters will be attacked but they won't be caught. I don't think it could work although, there would be too much enemies and it would be a pain. The thief would steal all the treasure and you probably would not be done in time to get the Dancers with K proof and W staff

Edited by BluBlaDe
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Warp Lara to recruit Pahn. Use Pahn to steal the Thief staff. Later on Safy will recruit Tina. Don't open the door with Pahn.

is there something scary behing door #2?

you'd have to trade him a lockpick first, but tina doesnt try to escape..so might as well use him to open the door and maybe get some booty while he's at it.

as in treasure chests.

the other dancer will only attempt to escape when the single tile wide path is not being occupied (blocked) by any of your units

the rest of your post is on point, sorry to steal a bit of your thunder here thoughseewhatididhere

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BBD, he doesn't even have Warp, so he can't do all of that.

Anyhow, you'd have to walk through the whole chapter if you don't have Warp. And since you can't Silence Tina, you'd have to let her cast her Thief Staff freely. If you're lucky, she miss enough times to still have some uses left by the time Safy reaches her.

In any cases, broken Thief Staff is not such a huge loss because you can always use Safy's Repair Staff and fix it up. Just try to be more conservative about using weapons and staves from now on, so that you can live with one less use of Repair. Also, try getting your hands on Warp staves when you get the chance. They would be very useful.

Regarding the capture+release issue, iirc, capturing+releasing an enemy unit yields the same results as killing them. There were some noted exceptions, I think, but 12x was not one of them. Capturing without releasing should definitely be fine, if you're okay with letting some big dudes sit with halved stats until the treasure dancers show up. But yeah, I would suggest stealing their weapons and letting them roam free.

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I mean that's just about the best use I can think of for a sleep sword

since if you're close enough to hit someone with a sword you usually just want to kill them

I'm a little obsessed with getting equipment, though, so I frequently use the sleep sword on mounted stuff I want to capture for their items or whatever.

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fun fact, in FE7 you cant support if one of the support people is silenced, OR standing in kishunas douche sphere

The tooltip it brings up when you use R for context help is hilarious.


Anyway, it seems most of the relevant discussion has already been covered, so I don't have much more to add.

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