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Favourite Villain?


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True, in ME i'd say The Illusive Man was probably my favourite villain.

And Harbinger because of his awesome speech at the end of ME2

ME lost momentum with its villains, I think. Sovereign and Harbinger had good setup, but Harbinger had poor final execution. The Illusive Man was a good villain, but I wish his end was less predictable.

Villian? Scarecrow from Batman Begins always stands out. Simply because it's Cillian Murphy.

A good mention, I really liked Scarecrow.

A personal favorite would have to be Venom, when portrayed properly. As in, anywhere but Spider-man 3.

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He was in love with Esmeralda, and a really evil person shouldn't be capable of love, in my opinion.

Seemed more like lust to me. And LUST is definitely something villains can have!

And on Light...I can see why some may sympathize with him...kind of...but just how you can argue him NOT being a villain is something I'll never know. Unless you think the Death Note literally brainwashed him,

like the Fire Emblem did to Greil in FE9


Edited by FionordeQuester
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While I don't think this is the best villian(s) I do like Maiden Astraea and Garl Vinland from Demon's Souls. Personally I think they're complex characters despite the fact we don't know too much about them. One could also say they aren't even villians but since it's a boss fight I'm counting it.

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I have an epic girlcrush on Elektra King. I've even been getting my hair cut like her for the past few years.


But she died. ;n; Tsk. Who would kill a violent, mass-murdering maniac.

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For game villains. My favorite Mario villain was Dimentio, because he was just a good character. Nyx or whoever was the villain of Persona 3 (I forgot who it was). My favorite Villian without a doubt is Xehanort, because he's such an amazing character, amazing voice actors (Leonard Nimoy and Benjamin Diskin), he actually knows what he's doing and is a genius.

For Anime/Manga I'd say Father from FMAB, Aizen and Bach from Bleach, because Aizen will Aizen and Bach is a true threat (He killed Old Man Yamamoto.

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I feel he's a complex character, and his dynamic with Thor is one of my favourite things in Marvel U. He makes you feel sympathy for him, but unless you've fallen victim to his good looks you also get he's a crazy-ass bastard. He's not a being of pure evil, but rather chaos, and I really like that he's willing to go to any means to be as unpredictable as possible, and it's fitting of his trickster god status.

And he is pretty hot, not gonna lie. I'm not one of those fans who's like daww Loki is hottie must woobify because can't stand hotties being so evil because doing that would be a disservice to his character, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't find him pretty attractive, at least both Hiddleston's portrayal and in the upcoming Agent of Asgard series, as well as in Siege.

Oh Dammit Lumi! YOU STOLE MY ANSWER! Well part of it anyway. I agree with everything said here. I also think part of what makes Loki so goddamn hot to me is his more villainous moves. Thor is just plain hunky good looking but he doesnt move my mountains like Loki does. Hnngh.

Speaking of Loki, i like his incarnation in the game, Valkyrie Profile. :B

Anyway more villains! I cant keep partying 'round, partying 'round partying 'round with all these villains!

Roose Bolton (A Song of Ice And Fire/Game Of Thrones)

Ok this guy is Medieval Hannibal Lecter. I shit you not. Aside from the cannibalistic part, Roose has the mood and 'tude of Lecter down and hes chillin' in this medieval counterpart fantasy world, being a total badass.

[spoiler=Some Major ASOIAF Spoilers afoot]

Roose aids in Tywin Lannister's and Walder Frey's plans to obliterate Robb Stark's forces in one fell swoop. Roose has been planting the seeds of this bit of deceiving fuckery for some time. His taking of Harrenhal with the Bloody Mummers really speaks a lot of volumes. He dumps the mercenary group (the Bloody Mummers) there after he leaves and lets them run roughshod over everything. This was done as a part of strategy to gain some Northern hold. (and wreck shit. Roose likes to wreck shit, hes just quiet about it.) He returns to Harrenhal in ASoS and sends Jaime Lannister back to King's Landing. Odd...wasnt Roose on Team Stark? NOPE! Cue Red Wedding. Roose is all "lol. Lannisters send their regards." See ya, Robb. You know what else he did? Its diabolical!

[spoiler=Spoilerception cuz this hasnt happened in the show yet]

He managed to get his bastard, Ramsay, legitimized as heir to the Dreadfort. His seat of power. Then Roose planned to take the North now that Robb is out of the picture. How to do this? Well, a deal seemed to be worked out with Littlefinger to produce one of the Stark girls. Roose also had Ramsay take Winterfell (back in ACoK) and leave it blaming it on the Ironborn. Theon is left in the clutches of Ramsay since Roose ordered he not be killed. Ramsay fucks with Theon and thus he becomes Reek. (ok this part happened in the show) Littlefinger manages to produce "Arya Stark" (really Jeyne Poole) and Roose has Ramsay marry her. He does. At the end of the last book, Roose has a very very powerful hold on the North and has claimed Winterfell. Oooh shit son. Now Stannis is marching over there. Shits gonna get real!

Anyway, Roose is cold, calculating, very mild mannered, and just plain awesome.

Magus in Chrono Trigger is another favorite. Hes not really a bad guy after a certain point but hes awesome anyway. Magus doesnt give any fucks unless it involves Schala.

Despite me being a Harry Potter fan, im not big on Voldemort.. I think Lucius Malfoy is a more interesting villain. Hes kinda weak later in the story, but our first meetings with Lucius are cool and hes just nasty and delicious.

I like Q from Star Trek TNG. /shrug

The original Dracula (Bram Stoker) is a favorite.

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The player character in Saint's Row 2. No really, the game doesn't even HIDE the fact that you are NOT the hero, that you are not a hero and that you aren't even an anti-hero. You are a straight up villain who just wants to be the one to rule an entire city. And you do, but not before doing some extremely evil things during the storyline.

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Golbez from Final Fantasy 4 just his entire character is interesting

Dno if he counts exactly seeing as his post FF4 stuff is mostly heroic but FF4's overarcing theme is redemption after all

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Pan is the best character in that show at the moment.

I love great villian characters.

Pan is seriously fucked up. More than Regina or Gold. Or even Cora.

At least Cora was upfront about being evil. Pan's sly and makes you want to hit him.

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J. R. Ewing from the original Dallas tv show. I know it's a soap opera, but he really was an exceptionally well done villain. He had no redeeming qualities whatsoever, yet people still wanted him to come out on top.

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