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The Tellius Games are a Sham. Let me explain why.


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POR is merely a story book. It never happened, Ike never defeated me. I killed him were he stood and conquered the world.

Also Radiant Dawn never happened. Thats why its my favorite game because of all the bullcrap that people come up with.

I would like you all to know, I conquered all of Tellius and killed anyone who stood in my way.

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Compared to Gangrel, Ashnard is quite sane and competent...

Yeah, I mean Gangrel screwed himself over by provoking Regna Ferox and allowing Ylesia time to form an alliance, when he could have just steamrolled the capital and the Ylesian main army off-screen between chapters.

Kinda like he did in the end anyway. Just with the element of surprise and the absence of a more powerful nation to crush him afterwards.

However, while Ashnard might be kind of cunning, he does things like repeatedly crippling his own army on purpose just to test Ike's army or telling Bryce he killed his father.

Of course unlike Gangrel, he is genuine insane. He is so insane, he could touch the Fire Emblem and it didn't change his personality. Gangrel is just being an idiot. The guy doesn't deserve the title "Mad King".

Edited by BrightBow
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