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Getting a sex change.


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Contact your local organization that handles such things (LGBT, for example) for more information. . .or anyone else that's more qualified to comment on this than some strangers over the Internet!

why do you say that on every topic about psycological things like this as if people make these topics because they had no idea they could contact professionals?

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None of us are professionals, let alone have grave RL consequences tied to what we posted. I think that the heavier psychological issues should be taken care of by someone who is trained to handle it, and has a personal interest to render help in the best way possible.

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psssst...yes you dooo need to explaaain.

+1 yeah, this isn't just a "this is how it is" kind of excusable thing.

Actually do a bit of thinking, then say why it is, to you, not some "well maybe a lot of guys think__," nah. Tell me why it is, to you, that you literally would not even talk to a person who was born with a certifiable medical condition wherein they had a fucking chemical imbalance in their brain, got it fixed, and then happened to live their life such that you and them became as close as can be, once you discovered their history.

See if you don't sound phobic as hell when you put it into words.

And there's the issue of having children which is maybe the most important thing in a serious relationship...

ha, dude, I'm sorry, dude, but, dude, ha; nah

The most important thing in a serious relationship is whatever is most important to the people in a serious relationship. Just for a second, tell all that shit like "the institution of marriage" to fuck off, and look at everybody who has ever existed who has ever been in a committed relationship with another consenting person, who either were physically unable to have children together, or decided not to regardless, then stayed together.

And that's even before we get into how transwomen actually can have kids! It's a thing that has happened under certain circumstances, man! What a time to be alive, right?!

yeah I mad and I prob gonna stay mad

sorry to get kinda combative about this but


jimmies rustled over here

Edited by Rehab
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Yeah, if you can talk to somebody who actually knows a lot more about this stuff, go for it. Or somebody older than you whom you really trust, whether it be parents, teachers, whatever. If you do go through with it, it's going to be a huge change, but I suppose enough people have talked to you about this.

why do you say that on every topic about psycological things like this as if people make these topics because they had no idea they could contact professionals?

i sincerely apologise on behalf of mom for trying to provide advice

i will kindly fuck off now

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ha, dude, I'm sorry, dude, but, dude, ha; nah

The most important thing in a serious relationship is whatever is most important to the people in a serious relationship. Just for a second, tell all that shit like "the institution of marriage" to fuck off, and look at everybody who has ever existed who has ever been in a committed relationship with another consenting person, who either were physically unable to have children together, or decided not to regardless, then stayed together.

And that's even before we get into how transwomen actually can have kids! It's a thing that has happened under certain circumstances, man! What a time to be alive, right?!

yeah I mad and I prob gonna stay mad

sorry to get kinda combative about this but


jimmies rustled over here

He said it's maybe the most important part of a relationship, which implies that it may not be for some people. And even if it isn't the most important part, it's still an important part for many people and it is foolish to deny it.

I know you're the token social justice dude around here but c'mon man, don't blow things out of proportion and then get butthurt about it.

Edited by Jack Frost
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I have read the thread and the only thing I want to say is that I want to hit the guy who said she wants to transition because she started liking Touhou in the head. I like Touhou and I'm straight, male and cis. Pretty sure I'm not the only one, too.

To Shinki, first step first is to see a psychologist who specializes in transgender cases. No one will authorize you to have surgery without that.

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And that's even before we get into how transwomen actually can have kids! It's a thing that has happened under certain circumstances, man! What a time to be alive, right?!

Just IMO, but I think that if kids can be born in a relationship, then they are the most important part of the relationship. In other words, the children matter more than the parents once they are born if and until they become functional adults, because of the support they require growing up. A bit tangential I know.

Also I never knew that, so thanks for mentioning it. Also good luck to Shinki. I know nothing.

Edited by SeverIan
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I only casually skimmed the majority of the posts in this thread so forgive me if I give information that has already been given as I will just start from the basics.

[spoiler= (May be NSFW)]

Sex reassignment surgery (AKA, a sex change operation) is a serious procedure. MtF transexuals go through vaginoplasty, a procedure in which your genitals are modified into becoming those of a biological female's.

Before a sex change you'll generally have to go through HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy) for a certain amount of time. HRT is a combination of estrogens (female sex hormones), antiandrogens (block testosterone, the male sex hormone) to feminize the body. The result will be changes in weight and fat dispersal, breast development, clearer skin and a generally more feminine appearance. From what I have researched, estrogen will not reverse the damage that testosterone has already caused to your vocal cords so your two options are vocal therapy or vocal surgery. If you decide to go down the surgical route for your voice, please keep in mind that complications can result in loss of voice altogether or an extremely raspy one (Which if you love Joan Rivers like I do, would be a blessing but chances are you and almost all other people would not want one). Also note that after a certain amount of time undergoing HRT, you will become infertile. If you would still wish to have biological children, consider visiting a sperm bank. Keep in mind that this is a permanent, life long treatment. If you stop HRT you will most likely begin to produce testosterone again and re-masculinize.

Before you can undergo HRT or sex reassignment surgery you must go through psychological therapy to assess if you are suffering from GD (Gender Dysphoria) or if it is another underlying disorder. You will be required to transition in public and keep up a generally feminine appearance for a year to confirm whether or not you feel comfortable as a woman. As difficult or embarrassing as it may seem, it is the biggest way of stopping people from rushing into something that cannot be reversed. If you browse the internet you will find quite a few ways to skip over these restrictions, however I CANNOT EMPHASIZE THIS ENOUGH. IT IS NOT RECOMMENDED TO SELF MEDICATE UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. HORMONES ARE AN EXTREMELY RISKY THING TO MESS AROUND WITH AND YOU WILL ALMOST CERTAINLY END UP OVERDOSING IF YOU ARE NOT GIVEN A SPECIFIC AMOUNT OF HORMONES BY A CERTIFIED DOCTOR.

When you're finally able to receive sex reassignment surgery I stress that you think long and hard about this decision. You will need thousands of dollars to afford the surgery, and possibly even more if you travel abroad to get one. You must also seriously consider the risks:

  • The surgery is not reversible. This is a permanent and life changing decision. Do not take it lightly.
  • Like all surgery, death is a real threat. Just because it isn't open heart surgery doesn't mean you can't still die.
  • Loss of sensation in your genitals may occur, thus sexual pleasure can be lost if the surgery is not fully successful.
  • Size does matter. Your penis tissues will be used to make a vaginal canal. If you do not have enough tissue, you will likely not have a wide or deep enough vagina for penetration. Bone structure is also a factor.
  • You must keep your vagina dilated via dilators of slowly increasing size on a regular (lifelong) basis or it will collapse. Sexual intercourse is not enough.
  • A botched surgery's results are too graphic to post here. The chance of one being botched probably isn't that high, but keep in mind it will not be pleasant and it will not be reversible.

You must also realize that civil rights for trans people are vastly limited with only slow, partial progress being made. You will face discrimination or persecution during at least one point in your life. Violence against trans people is common so I would also recommend you carry (legal) self defense weapons on your person at all times, and perhaps attend a self defense class or two. As sad as it may be, the truth is there are people in this world with incredible hatred toward the LGBT crowd and trans people are perhaps the most vulnerable target. Good luck with everything and keep in mind that I am not a doctor. Do not substitute this information for medical advice. Do the research for yourself and remember:


PM me if you want any more information.

Edited by Shauni
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+1 yeah, this isn't just a "this is how it is" kind of excusable thing.

Actually do a bit of thinking, then say why it is, to you, not some "well maybe a lot of guys think__," nah. Tell me why it is, to you, that you literally would not even talk to a person who was born with a certifiable medical condition wherein they had a fucking chemical imbalance in their brain, got it fixed, and then happened to live their life such that you and them became as close as can be, once you discovered their history.

See if you don't sound phobic as hell when you put it into words.

This seems to suggest that the only acceptable way to "get it fixed" is to go through surgery. Isn't that like the opposite of fixing it, though? If you truly believe that people born male that want to be female have a chemical imbalance, wouldn't fixing it mean fix the chemical imbalance and then you'd no longer believe you were meant to be female? With, say, ADD or depression, fixing a chemical imbalance tends to involve medical drugs that are meant to change their brain, not their bodies.

If someone wants to switch their gender, more power to them, but to suggest that the only solution to a so-called chemical imbalance is to go "trans" or whatever the PC term is for it, I don't buy it.

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This seems to suggest that the only acceptable way to "get it fixed" is to go through surgery. Isn't that like the opposite of fixing it, though? If you truly believe that people born male that want to be female have a chemical imbalance, wouldn't fixing it mean fix the chemical imbalance and then you'd no longer believe you were meant to be female? With, say, ADD or depression, fixing a chemical imbalance tends to involve medical drugs that are meant to change their brain, not their bodies.

If someone wants to switch their gender, more power to them, but to suggest that the only solution to a so-called chemical imbalance is to go "trans" or whatever the PC term is for it, I don't buy it.

This post shows that you probably don't have enough information on what you're talking about although the one you responded to didn't really explain how that fix happened.

Just getting SRS isn't what "fixes" GD. HRT also plays a major part and most people who undergo HRT do not go through SRS for various reasons and are fine with their new feminine body, even with their male reproductive parts. HRT is what "fixes" the chemical imbalance although some people may have to go further and engage in a SRS to ward off the anxiety of GD. The surgery isn't the only portion of this "fix". Transitioning is recognized as medically necessary.

Furthermore, one does not simply "go trans". You are born trans and must discover that you're trans yourself. I don't like a lot of the PC bs that is commonly shouted about by social justice warriors, but facts are facts.

Edited by Shauni
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He said it's maybe the most important part of a relationship, which implies that it may not be for some people. And even if it isn't the most important part, it's still an important part for many people and it is foolish to deny it.

actually, saying "x is maybe the most important thing in y" is exactly like saying "x is probably the most important thing in y," as in x being one of the most important factors, if not THE most important factor related to y

I mean, the whole "having children" thing sure is a factor, and a pretty big one, but it's really far from being the most important thing in a relationship lol. no two people ever decided to live their lives together solely so that they could shoot out children. people get together for other reasons, such as mutual interest and when, if it comes up, the question of having children will be discussed between them

of course i cant speak for every couple blah blah but claiming that is still stupid.

I know you're the token social justice dude around here but c'mon man, don't blow things out of proportion and then get butthurt about it.

wow nice argument!!!!!

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This post shows that you probably don't have enough information on what you're talking about although the one you responded to didn't really explain how that fix happened.

Just getting SRS isn't what "fixes" GD. HRT also plays a major part and most people who undergo HRT do not go through SRS for various reasons and are fine with their new feminine body, even with their male reproductive parts. HRT is what "fixes" the chemical imbalance although some people may have to go further and engage in a SRS to ward off the anxiety of GD. The surgery isn't the only portion of this "fix". Transitioning is recognized as medically necessary.

Furthermore, one does not simply "go trans". You are born trans and must discover that you're trans yourself. I don't like a lot of the PC bs that is commonly shouted about by social justice warriors, but facts are facts.

So what is this "chemical imbalance", though? Is there medical documentation or at least untrustworthy websites that state there is something "off" in people's heads that decide they are a woman despite having a Y chromosome? Isn't that an insulting statement? And if there IS chemical imbalance, why is there only one way to fix it?

I just have a difficult time believing that there is any form of chemical imbalance.

Also, to the person that said they can have kids, no they can't. At least, not with their "true" gender. A person born a man that transitions to female can only have a blood child with "her" own sperm, which isn't exactly going to help "her" male partner have a blood child with "her", is it? (quotes for clarity, not meant to insult)

Also, yes, adoption is a big thing for people and many people are quite happy to raise little rugrats whether they are blood or not. If the man and "woman" are both happy adopting then like I said before, more power to them. But that isn't going to work for everyone. Some people just want to procreate.

Edited by Narga_Rocks
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Since when did "maybe" mean "probably?" Please don't put words in my mouth.

And wanting to be a woman (gender identity disorder) can easily be caused by a chemical imbalance. Since everything has a physical cause, psychologists hypothesize that every mental illness is caused by a chemical imbalance.

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So what is this "chemical imbalance", though? Is there medical documentation or at least untrustworthy websites that state there is something "off" in people's heads that decide they are a woman despite having a Y chromosome? Isn't that an insulting statement? And if there IS chemical imbalance, why is there only one way to fix it?

It is not an insulting statement as something being "off" in someone's head is basically what all psychological disorders entail. Does that mean having one is wrong? Of course not.

The fact of the matter is, a lot of what causes GD just isn't known. All that we can know for certain is that HRT has been proven to treat it extremely well with SRS being involved for the more dysphoric cases. All we really have to go by right now are theories from various sources so to link you to any one website probably wouldn't be the most responsible thing to do. Is there only one way to fix it? We don't know yet. But so far the only successful way of treating GD is HRT partnered with SRS in some cases.

Edited by Shauni
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None of us are professionals, let alone have grave RL consequences tied to what we posted. I think that the heavier psychological issues should be taken care of by someone who is trained to handle it, and has a personal interest to render help in the best way possible.

yeah absolutely, but even if you don't think that this isn't being made apparent enough the OP would probably also like to get some feedback from average folk, not only professionals.

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actually, saying "x is maybe the most important thing in y" is exactly like saying "x is probably the most important thing in y," as in x being one of the most important factors, if not THE most important factor related to y

Maybe means "a mere possibility" whereas probably means "almost certainly."

To say they mean the same thing is basically like saying peanut butter is the same as jelly.

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actually, saying "x is maybe the most important thing in y" is exactly like saying "x is probably the most important thing in y," as in x being one of the most important factors, if not THE most important factor related to y

I mean, the whole "having children" thing sure is a factor, and a pretty big one, but it's really far from being the most important thing in a relationship lol. no two people ever decided to live their lives together solely so that they could shoot out children. people get together for other reasons, such as mutual interest and when, if it comes up, the question of having children will be discussed between them

How does the statement that children is maybe the most important factor in a relationship mean that somehow, the person saying it doesn't think that people don't get together out of mutual interest.

Also people haven't gotten together purely to make children? I see you haven't heard of the numerous arranged marriages throughout history, where their purposes included strengthening political bonds and producing heirs, regardless of the couple's actual feelings towards each other.

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