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Fire Emblem Link Arena Discussion Topic


Things in the Fates meta that look bannable?  

24 members have voted

  1. 1. (tick many) What looks bannable in the Fates meta?

    • Dragon Ward (Hoshido Noble)
    • Life or Death (Master of Arms)
    • Counter (Oni Chieftain)
    • Darting Blow (Sky Knight)
    • Multiple Amaterasu (Kinshi Knight)
    • Wary Fighter (General)
    • Inspiration (Strategist)
    • Aggressor (Dread Fighter)
    • Galeforce (Dark Falcon)
    • Awakening (Great Lord)
    • Dancing Blade (Lodestar)
    • Ban ALL DLC/Amiibo skills.
    • Other (state what)

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For logic's sake, I'd probably just go with one shield of any kind and one amulet per unit.

I'd say Rishel has potential to be extremely deadly as well with a decent 44 HP, strong 22 Magic which translates as 11 Resistance and a base 24 Defense with Sunflame. 12 AS is undesirable however. Several other magicians may want to abuse the cannot be counted tomes instead,

Gale is not a skill to be overlooked either, especially when talking about Life or Death since it may enable some units to strike first with extremely high amounts of critical. These people would probably want an extremely light weapon to keep their AS and attack first under any occasion while equipping it. Roger, but especially Estelle might end up having a lot of use because they possess both. Other skills such as Heaven Saint, Geomancy and Blazing Wind probably won't be too valuable because the activation rate is (Skill - enemy Skill + 3%).

BTW it seems you have forgotten at least Yoda. For the calculations on hit, avoid and critical :

Hit : Skill * 3

Avoid : AS * 2 + Luck

Critical : Skill

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Cast my vote for TRS too; seems like a potentially deep meta with all the variables.

Huh, could've sworn I added Yoda in; must've clicked Backspace or something. He's there now.

Crit is skill and cevo is luck, so I removed these two from the OP. Instead there are now skill activation rates for skills that vary in activation (so no passive stuff like Awareness or Charisma, or ones like Life or Death or Big Shield which work the same way for everyone).

Agreed on Gale and I can see it being really strategic doing your best to lose HP first and then continue critting things on Vantage counters. I guess mages are top priority for kills considering they can unleash decent nukes on the whole enemy party at once, but you only need to wait until turn 2 to use Evil Thunder / Ifrid / Tornado, and since all promoted mages specialise in all three elements you can't guard yourself against all of them.

Don't forget the danger that is AoE magic coupled with Life or Death (since all of them can crit) too!

Also I've been looking at pegasusknight in google translate to remember all the bits of mechanics that I no longer remember and I see pearls like:

"5 times attack. The not fire magic attack."

No mages learn Rising Dragon to my knowledge, so I'm guessing it means that if you tutor this to a tome user it'll do naught.

"Deadly attack while ignoring the effect of topography. Unlike a normal mortal, sometimes attack is released."

How exactly is an Earth Saint different from a regular crit, besides the terrain bit? I understand that it is but how is an attack "released"? It can whiff?

Is there anything that bypasses shields by the way?

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I'm not sure how we can put AoE magic into this. Earthquake and Aura Rain are full screen so that's simple enough, but Tornado is a cross formation and most of the others are 3x3 squares which may not represent the typical arena fight.

Yeah Life or Death is what Wrath always wanted to be. Even under minimal HP loss you get some critical bonus.

Never bothered to try Rising Dragon on a mage. At that point I just slapped Gale and Life or Death on Sierra and laughed as the enemies fell. But for instance, Holmes learns Rising Dragon at level 15 and can't ever use it until promotion. It probably does work at 1 range with magic, but I'd have to check.

Haven't used Earth Saint much. It's especially odd since there's only avoid to be obtained from terrain. Perhaps it removes that before factoring hit into play, but I'm really not sure. I'm not even certain on Blazing Wind's "enemy with low HP" bit, though I'm thinking that if a critical can kill the other guy, then Blazing Wind can activate. Wouldn't be surprised if it could happen at full HP when Narron can easily get this skill around chapter 6.

Pretty sure the Luna Sword goes through shields, but I forget if it breaks them too. Dragonbreath should be the same too.

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Is it possible to find out which weapons are available in infinite amounts through random encounters and Tower of Morse? Kinda like I had a Dragon Lance drop randomly in Maruju's join-map on my LTC run.

Also, looking at shield info, is it really feasible to get 3 Goddess Shields in the game? Awareness units are really afraid of non-LoD crits (there's usually a decentish gap between skl and luck and some weapons have +crit), while I doubt anyone would be using stuff like Armorslayers seeing how low the hit is (also weight). Holmes opens a chest with one, and there are two more on Shion and Mion Julius. I remember talking with dondon about how we'd mug Shion's stuff with Maerhen, but it never happened iirc. Both of these bosses have Awareness too, so I have no clue if Mug would even activate.

Also, I wonder if Charge is effective against units that have Awareness (it technically activates outside of/before battle).

Speaking of Charge, Rennie (the archer not the Warper) can have 20 AS with a Hand Bow (so can Ruka but Rennie has +5 str over her which seems like a big deal), which should activate Charge on quite a few and if she can manage to proc Continue in the process (very likely)... Seems like a good unit to break shields (and maybe even try to go for the KO). The sheer number of attacks possible in the flurry even makes the 22-skl% Geomancy somewhat likely to kick in.

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are you planning on allowing tutor skills

also i'm guessing that terrain skills don't apply right

No; that'd be pretty game breaking and boring (i.e. Awareness on everything and no skills in sight... though maybe the proposed meta will have lots of Awareness presence anyway).

Terrain skills shouldn't apply, but I guess we could make Arena Fighter provide the relevant characters with +10 hit/avo? Doesn't much that much of a difference. Oh wait, wasn't it 20? Shigen and Lionel get this so this could actually make them pretty big considering they already kinda are.

Less TRS, more FE9.

If Hawkeye doesn't pop up anytime soon, I'll be ready to host you vs. Elieson in around a week if you guys are still up for it.

Might as well discuss TRS in detail since nobody's interested in talking about PoR with me right now (maybe more games will change that by providing some empirical data to interpret).

I'm thinking right now that allowing Elixirs (the four you get in-game - though you can craft them, so I guess it's five?) might not be such a bad idea as units will get multiple chances to act, even the more fragile ones and this will prevent the battle from going too quickly what with all the skill procs, charging and broken weaponry.

Since the only "unique" shield you get is the C8 (iirc it's the number) one (ironically, skipped in LTC context), and to my knowledge Wind and Fire Shields are nowhere to be found, I guess you'll be able to distribute finite Magic Shields among everyone and somebody could grab the Thunder Shield to deal with Brenthunder!Alicia should one appear. Wind magic seems like the best of the "anima" types because Wind weighs down by 3 points (so Maruju actually avoids getting doubled by Vega, Julia and Shigen) and Sylpheed also happens to be wind-elemental, and that's probably the best spell since you avoid being countered.

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I'm thinking right now that allowing Elixirs (the four you get in-game - though you can craft them, so I guess it's five?) might not be such a bad idea as units will get multiple chances to act, even the more fragile ones and this will prevent the battle from going too quickly what with all the skill procs, charging and broken weaponry.

what about amulets?

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Hmmm, actually you probably can steal Mintz's Wind Shield with the Thief Sword since weapon innate effects are not affected by Awareness (whereas Steal and Mug skills are).

what about amulets?

One per unit sounds fair game (much like of any other held item). They're vastly inferior to Elixirs anyway, as you aren't restored to full HP and the round of combat isn't over when an Amulet activates. I forget what happens when an Amulet kicks in since I no longer have access to that Krisheenu map where it's so easily tested - is the whole fatal attack nullified or does the attack just get reduced to leave the target at 1 HP/get halved like PoR Miracle? Probably not impossible to test with whatever saves I still have, but I think others in this topic should be less forgetful than I am.

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it's totally nullified.

sword and lance users are amazing in the TRS meta. luna sword, mainstar, rukuud, canaan lance, salia lance, and leda lance are amazing weapons. shramm should make vega must-use because of the half-damage effect. mages might not even be that good.

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I'm not sure about lances; they're kinda heavy and their users aren't terribly fast... Sun is the fastest lance user with 22 speed and equipping the Canaan Lance weighs her down to 16 AS, which makes her vulnerable to Maruju's Charge (if he can even activate it with her having Awareness that is). 18 AS with the Salia Lance is much better, but still gets doubled by Vega. Everybody slower than Sun equipped with Canaan is vulnerable to Charged Brenthunders and Sylpheeds from Alicia and Maruju respectively (if Charge can activate through Awareness, again). Though nobody is saying Sun should be holding a lance from the start, and it's not like being doubled is the end of the world since her aggressor won't have Awareness while she has her own + Continue, and the two lances mentioned are pretty threatening. Leda Lance makes you really damn bulky too, even if it is heavy. Awareness + shield/amulet stack + Leda Lance - good luck taking somebody like Sun or Zeek down. Hmmm...

Mages probably excel when picking off weighed down targets with Charge, but AoE magic on even turns is serious business and reason enough to try to take them down ASAP, and shields/amulets give them 2 or so extra lives.

But actually, do you know who the most threatening mage probably is? Tia, because she's not really a mage at all as you can give her a lighter sword (or a Wind tome, or Sylpheed - up to you) and then unleash her AoE magic on even turns. 80 avo is pretty crazy too, and iirc after you use the AoE spell it's automatically unequipped during the enemy phase, so she can go back to her sword immediately after using it. There's light magic access too, but I can't find any info about getting the Moonlight tome, which is basically a light-elemental Nosferatu.

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You can get the Wind and even Fire shields during various raids inside the Tower of Morse. Wind Shield is on the 2nd floor and Fire on the 4th. The hardest common item to get is probably Ifrid since it's on only one enemy in Chapter 38 I think and you need to mug him.

I'm positive you can't Charge an Awareness user. I tried it on Karla with Rennie (11 AS Master Bow vs. 6 Meteor) and the option wasn't there.

Mug works on Awareness, but don't expect to steal items with a star next to them, which includes the Goddess Shield and Dragon Mail as tested just now.

Looking at WoD, these items are rare drops : Sol Sword (Mail Skeleton), Luna Sword (Dark Knight), Stellar Sword (Stone Golem), Dragon Spear (Dark Knight), Dragon Axe (Arch Ogre), Dragon Arrow (Dragon Zombie), Moonlight (Golem), Death (Witch). All of them can be obtained before the third route split in theory and can be duplicated, but I haven't seen any drop personally. The Stellar Sword, Dragon Spear, Dragon Axe, Moonlight can't be obtained normally and good luck getting the Sol Sword while trying to steal it from chapter 18's Barbarossa. The Luna Sword is available in two copies after the route split, the Dragon Arrow can be crafted once before the route split and Death is storebought in chapter 31's secret shop.

Arena Fighter is fine with me if it's activated. Seems fitting at least.

Spear users are probably best with the Salia Lance if they want to keep a reasonable attack speed. It's the lightest spear along with the Slim Spear and has pretty useful perks with its perfect accuracy, range, 18 might, and critical. It can't be duplicated though. Too bad axe users have piss poor choices in terms of weapons.

As far as magic goes, I can see Sages packing Sylpheed to avoid counters, Moonlight to restore HP, Wind because it's light and most likely their personal tome. AoE's there I guess, but it seems to me like a last ditch move that's going to get your magician killed on the next turn. Sierra doesn't really have the stats for this, but I guess her dark magic has some tools she can use like Earthquake and Death.

Edited by Woodshooter
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Elieson VS PKL begins!

Elieson's team



PKL's team



- Averages meta, no boosters, no custom skills

- No royals

- Shade active until 2 members have fallen, Provoke always active

- GBA-style counter

Elieson - Player 1, PKL - Player 2.

RNG: 99

The RNG has decided that PKL gets to act first. Choose your character and his or her weapon to attack Shinon.

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Ike attacks Shinon from 1 range with the Ragnell.

This game has GBA-style counter as we previously agreed we'd hold all games with. Shinon will be attacked at 2-range and will counter - is this query still okay?

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This game has GBA-style counter as we previously agreed we'd hold all games with. Shinon will be attacked at 2-range and will counter - is this query still okay?

Wut...well, shit. That makes Provoke/Shade even stupider. Let me think what to do...

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Just wanted to let you all know I'm still alive. Not sure how much I'll be able to contribute going forward, but if people could be available 6pm onwards at UTC-4 throughout the week, I could maybe take a crack at running another game. As for TRS, I only have minimal experience with it and I don't think I'll be participating in that part.

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[spoiler=See teams / rules here]

Elieson's team



PKL's team



- Averages meta, no boosters, no custom skills

- No royals

- Shade active until 2 members have fallen, Provoke always active

- GBA-style counter

Turn 1.

sjyu.pngvs sxd5.png

PKL's Oscar (Silver Lance) attacks Elieson's Shinon (Brave Bow)!

24 dmg 95% hit 7% crit 26% Sol

(6 90 82 39)

Shinon receives 24/46 damage!

Both sides survive the fight.



Ike 52/52

Shinon 22/46

Ilyana 39/39

Gatrie 59/59

Lucia 42/42


Ike 52/52

Oscar 49/49

Rolf 45/45

Marcia 43/43

Tauroneo 52/52

Elieson acts next.

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