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Fire Emblem Link Arena Discussion Topic


Things in the Fates meta that look bannable?  

24 members have voted

  1. 1. (tick many) What looks bannable in the Fates meta?

    • Dragon Ward (Hoshido Noble)
    • Life or Death (Master of Arms)
    • Counter (Oni Chieftain)
    • Darting Blow (Sky Knight)
    • Multiple Amaterasu (Kinshi Knight)
    • Wary Fighter (General)
    • Inspiration (Strategist)
    • Aggressor (Dread Fighter)
    • Galeforce (Dark Falcon)
    • Awakening (Great Lord)
    • Dancing Blade (Lodestar)
    • Ban ALL DLC/Amiibo skills.
    • Other (state what)

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Sounds like too much fan fiction to me, this. I say we should try out the authentic FE10 arena first, with some really simplistic bans introduced at the start before we figure out what exactly to ban or nerf.

I'll try working on the max stats database one of these days - Athena's averages are kinda weird to base the metagame on considering there's BEXP and caps affecting it, plus there's PoR transfer bonuses.

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Brother bond teams only really rely on Oscar!VK and Rolf critting. Boyd with 33 crit isn't that threatening, and his accuracy with killer weaponry is atrocious even if Brom or Mist are on the field.

Doesn't help that he's about the worst unit to shove Parity on, either.

Edited by Elieson
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I could go for a match with unused supports and the rules we have now.

Sure, just give me a little while to figure out a team. Or I could host one between you and Elie I guess, but I'm already hosting a Max stat game between Randa and Anon pretty soon, so i'd rather not.

Edited by General Horace
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Or pkl if he is willing.

I'd rather rematch my eternal arch rival!

The jack atlas to my Yusei.

The vegeta to my goku!

The Horace to my shin!

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No worries, there's a lot of supports I still haven't noticed yet.

Alright, i've asked one of Baldrick/Anon to see if they can host, since they agreed to host a match I was going to play earlier, but I'd rather play this one instead, (and i actually have an opponent). My team is ready whenever though

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I'm bored and want to test out to see if Nihil team is really the way to go. Anyone want to make one and face a new team of mine? I could send over my last tournament team if you're lazy and you can edit that however you want.

For some reason I posted this in the wrong topic the first time, whoops!

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Weird, I just realized I've never fought you before. Could be fun! Now we just need a host...

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ill send my team to both baldo and anon, and honestly refa doesn't have to be the one to make a nihil team with calill and nasir unless he REALLY wants it

If I'm still going to help host, I still need these. Not to be pushy or anything, I know team building is very particular.

Weird, I just realized I've never fought you before. Could be fun! Now we just need a host...

*raises hand*

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PKL You have this nasty habit of just vanishing mid-conversation without so much as a "see you later"

Are you considering Transfer bonuses Nvm we can't include those since we're using FE9 stats for the nonFE10 exclusives
I'm working on Laguz stats and adjusting them to FE9 Caps but it's a pain in the butt.

Here, have FE10 Beorcs with converted FE9 Stats (all adjusted to fit properly into the FE9 Caps) Man, FE10 caps are fucking stupid. All Tier1s have different shit


  • Heather uses the strange Assassin-F Caps.
  • Sanaki, being level 1, was "Demoted" by reducing her base FE10 stats by the base FE10 promotion bonuses acquired by Female Magical 2nd Tier -> Female Magical 3rd Tier. Her stat caps were adjusted accordingly to match that of Sage caps in FE10.
  • Various units' had stats that capped in Tier 1. Those have been properly adjusted, before applying promotion bonuses and continuing with their projected level-up stat gains in Tier 2. This applied to only a few units, notably Edward.
  • Oliver and Renning received stat reductions in accordance with their growth rates, then received reduction of promotion bonuses (Male Magical 3rd tier->Male Magical 2nd Tier / Male Physical 3rd Tier->Male Physical 2nd Tier), and finally had any inflated stats adjusted to match the FE9 stat caps for Bishop/Paladin-M, respectively (Done in a process identical to Sanaki).
  • Pelleas's Caps have been adjusted to FE9 Sage caps. I haven't figured out a means for application of Dark magic into FE9 Meta yet (other than simply using FE10 Dark Tomes?). He can still use Thunder magic though, at base. If reclassed him to Sage entirely, he's essentially the same as all other sages, and gains access to Fire and Wind magic.
  • Other units that experience class cap changes have been adjusted to what FE9 has in accordance (i.e. Fiona having Paladin-F caps, Meg having standard General caps).

[spoiler=Other Thoughts regarding Innate Skills]
Sacrifice, Imbue, Fortune and Corona are all exclusive to FE10. Should we:

  • Consider changing Imbue to Renewal, for Fiona
  • Consider changing Corona to Flare, for Oliver
  • Consider changing Sacrifice to Boon, for Micaiah
  • Consider removing Fortune entirely, from Meg

And without further ado;

[spoiler=FE10 Beorc Stats, Converted to properly function in FE9]

Unit     HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res   BaseSkl

Micaiah  32   10   29   22   21   40   12   30   (Sacrifice)
Edward   51   24   04   29   30   26   18   09   Wrath
Leonardo 40   23   07   30   23   29   18   22   Cancel
Nolan    49   26   08   28   27   25   21   17   Nihil
Laura    35   13   29   22   25   27   12   24   -
Aran     42   27   05   27   22   17   30   12   -
Meg      44   25   08   22   24   35   25   21   (Fortune)
Fiona    40   21   12   21   27   23   26   23   (Imbue)
Heather  48   23   10   29   30   40   22   20   -
Danved   47   21   10   26   26   25   20   15   -
Sigrun   34   18   13   23   24   29   20   23   -
Sanaki   24   00   30   20   21   32   05   26   Flare

Pelleas  36   15   28   24   26   17   16   23   Miracle

Oliver   39   14   27   18   15   26   12   29   (Corona)
Renning  46   20   13   23   21   23   15   16   Sol
Edited by Elieson
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OK, sent my team to AnonymousSpeed. It was for Average Stats + Statboosters/Skills though, is that going to be a problem?

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