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Fire Emblem Link Arena Discussion Topic


Things in the Fates meta that look bannable?  

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  1. 1. (tick many) What looks bannable in the Fates meta?

    • Dragon Ward (Hoshido Noble)
    • Life or Death (Master of Arms)
    • Counter (Oni Chieftain)
    • Darting Blow (Sky Knight)
    • Multiple Amaterasu (Kinshi Knight)
    • Wary Fighter (General)
    • Inspiration (Strategist)
    • Aggressor (Dread Fighter)
    • Galeforce (Dark Falcon)
    • Awakening (Great Lord)
    • Dancing Blade (Lodestar)
    • Ban ALL DLC/Amiibo skills.
    • Other (state what)

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what are the * Weapons in the list? Some of them are PRF's but some of them aren't, what do?

is crit avo just = to luck? SF doesn't have a calculations page...

I also see one shield that increases defence and resistance by 40, isn't that broken? For Aoe Magic its usually in some sort of pattern or 3x3 block, would that only hit three units? The + pattern would hit how many units?

Are there any statboosters? I assume the things called "X STAT PLUS" in the item locations are statboosters...

How many inventory slots?

i'll probably think about other things eventually...

Edited by General Horace
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The starred weapons cannot be stolen by thieves and are harder to repair in-game. I think that's it, but maybe I'm forgetting something.

Yeah, luck is the cevo.

Dragon Scale is not something you can equip. There are cleric chicks in the game who transform into dragons (think Ryu in the Breath of Fire JRPG series) and it really bolsters their durability. You have to fight some of that stuff in the game, too.

We haven't really used units' placements on one's submitted roster to any effect (for supports or bonds for example), but I think this is the right time. Yeah, I suppose you just target 3 adjacent units, less if one is KO'd. The + pattern should probably strike everyone.

Stat boosters do exist, but for now we shouldn't touch them, I think. You'll probably want to dump them into Narron and Sun if such an option exists (best caps). They can also be copied in-game using an exploit.

4 inventory slots for weapons. Quick Rain and Stonehedge can only be wielded by Woodshooter units (Ballisticians with high defence who can also switch to bows).

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do the 4 slots count for shields?

and even the +20 defence shield seems pretty strong. I don't really know how the mechanics work totally though, but a unit with like, uh, 40 defence or so seems kinda invincible, although you did say crits ignored defence, so maybe not.

and one more question, the skill Blazing Wind it says when activates, it KO's the enemy but only if they have "low" hp. Is there a certain % or value or something for that? How much does Charisma affect Acc/avo (doesn't say in the skill description onsite). Does charge always go 5 rounds if possible when activated?

Now looking through the weapons...

does the sword breaker actually break the weapon (i assume so, but just checking lol)

is effective damage = a critical hit like FE4?

The shield sword says it raises defence by 1~20. What value is it?

AoE magic apparently has 2 or 2-3 range. I assume it's uncounterable though since eating counters from 3-5 units sounds like a bad time.

sorry about all the questions, actually looking at all the weapons and stuff it actually seems like it could be an interesting meta.

EDIT; can you proc skills on AoE Magic?

Edited by General Horace
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Shields are separate from weaponry together with healing items and bags of gold and whatnot. 4 slots for those as well, but I think for arena purposes too many shields is too many.

Shields just serve as a temporary means of negating or reducing some earlygame damage to negligible amounts. TRS meta can be expected to be crit-heavy however, with weapons like Rukuud and skills like Life or Death. They also break shortly.

Blazing Wind OHKOs the target when a crit would kill them; otherwise the proc doesn't occur. Pretty weird, but that's how it apparently works. Charisma gives +5 hit, avo, crit and cevo, as does the unique Lan's Mirror held item (I think it's okay for its wielder to still take a shield). Charge randomly chooses between 2 and 5 rounds and since I haven't seen a proc formula/percentage, I assume we'll just use the RNG to randomly obtain a number between 2 and 5.

Swordbreaker breaks an equipped sword. Starred weapons should be saved from this.

Effective damage is tripled Mt I believe? Gotta re-check pegasusknight in Google Translate to be sure.

Shield Sword's defence boost is random within the specified range. Good in LTC because the main lord is a chump.

AoE magic cannot be countered. It can crit too. Life or Death also affects crit percentage on a weakened AoE magic user. The rest of the skills shouldn't proc, though.

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Shields suffer a reduction in durability / number of uses when in active use (e.g. you get struck with a magic spell and the Magic shield goes from 4 uses to 3, like a consumed Vulnerary would). When they reach zero, they're no longer active.

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We haven't really used units' placements on one's submitted roster to any effect (for supports or bonds for example), but I think this is the right time. Yeah, I suppose you just target 3 adjacent units, less if one is KO'd. The + pattern should probably strike everyone.

there are 3 different AoE targeting schema:

1. + shape

2. 3 x 3 shape

3. entire map

since the + shape should hit fewer units than the 3 x 3 shape, i propose that participants should state a unit formation beforehand such as:



in this case, + shape targeting can hit ABD, ABC, or BCE, but not all 5 units, whereas 3 x 3 shape targeting can hit all 5 units. it remains to be seen whether mages are viable in this format, since AoE magic can be pretty OP (they can't be countered, but they also can't attack turn 1).

and even the +20 defence shield seems pretty strong. I don't really know how the mechanics work totally though, but a unit with like, uh, 40 defence or so seems kinda invincible, although you did say crits ignored defence, so maybe not.

TRS has a world map, but in normal progression of the game, you're only supposed to obtain 1 silver shield. the silver shield's drawback is that it only has 2 durability, so it could really be less useful than iron or steel shields on physical characters. crits don't ignore defense; they double the user's atk a la FE5. i have never seen a unit proc a skill or crit on an AoE attack before.

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I like dondon's idea of choosing a party formation. That is, if we decide to keep AoE magic in (it definitely changes what's going on on the field a lot).

I'm pretty sure you get more than enough Silver Shields for everyone, though (assuming one shield per unit at most). You can forge one, you can buy one, and you can mug/steal three more from Ernst and both boss battles against a certain Dark Knight, so that's five.

I lost Barst to an AoE crit of the very first dark mage boss you fight in the game once, with Barst having low luck so that's an indication AoE can crit (and miss). I do believe I read that Life or Death affects tomes like Meriah's Aura Rain, but I've always found Meriah too inefficient to train (I only like Rishuel and Sierra; Lee too I suppose, but he competes with Narron and Lionel to just exist) to really make sure myself.

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Horse Ass and I discussed something, and I'd like to test it out.

FE9 Meta (the usual). If anyone'd like to Vs me, i'd be up for it.

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I'll take you on if you want. PKL keeps running away from every game I have with him lol. What's your policy on Rexflame and other cut weapons? I already know you don't want Ena out of any battle.

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I'll take you on if you want. PKL keeps running away from every game I have with him lol. What's your policy on Rexflame and other cut weapons? I already know you don't want Ena out of any battle.

Other cut weaponry, I don't mind. I'm still at the mercy of the majority wrt Rexflame though, as it still seems to be highly under debate. I'll leave that to your discretion. Surprise me

Also lol@Ena. I am still in a game where my Nihil!Ena is fielded (the Four-way match).

Edited by Elieson
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Other cut weaponry, I don't mind. I'm still at the mercy of the majority wrt Rexflame though, as it still seems to be highly under debate. I'll leave that to your discretion. Surprise me

Also lol@Ena. I am still in a game where my Nihil!Ena is fielded (the Four-way match).

What kind of team do you plan to test, something feasible or experimental? Just asking so that we're on the same wavelength, and I don't end up facing MakaBrom with some Mid tier scrubs.

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It's a relatively "Top tier"-centric team

I am using a Cut support, but no plans on cut weaponry on my end.

I have a Low+Mid tier team that I've been working on too. If you'd rather do that, I'm all for it (TBH I'd rather face Horse ass with the Low-Mid, since he enjoys doing those kinds of teams).

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I could host your FE9 game if you want. I don't have any mega scrub teams in mind yet, but honestly I don't mind using them against good teams. Bad units with the right skills can still take out good units.

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Yeah, I didn't do too poorly with Soren and Stefan against that Nihil team, either.

Thanks, I guess that settles the issue with finding a host for that game. I'll try thinking what I want to do in a top tier team now.

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Horace, would you be up for a Mid and under battle, with what's currently listed in the FE9 Tier List?

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If we could find a host I think I could throw something together.

I have both of your teams now too, so I'll be able to get the match up and running.

I've made an absolutely awful team with the mid and below tier. However, it is hilarious.

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I'll take you on if you want. PKL keeps running away from every game I have with him lol. What's your policy on Rexflame and other cut weapons? I already know you don't want Ena out of any battle.

Because you made the exact same team as me. Who wants to play a mirror :/

EDIT: My bad, didnt mean to double post.

Edited by PKL
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PKL you should be a bro and host

i can guarentee Elie's team won't be as bad as mine

Alright, just don't pull an Anon and I won't ragequit in the middle of the match :P

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