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Fire Emblem Link Arena Discussion Topic


Things in the Fates meta that look bannable?  

24 members have voted

  1. 1. (tick many) What looks bannable in the Fates meta?

    • Dragon Ward (Hoshido Noble)
    • Life or Death (Master of Arms)
    • Counter (Oni Chieftain)
    • Darting Blow (Sky Knight)
    • Multiple Amaterasu (Kinshi Knight)
    • Wary Fighter (General)
    • Inspiration (Strategist)
    • Aggressor (Dread Fighter)
    • Galeforce (Dark Falcon)
    • Awakening (Great Lord)
    • Dancing Blade (Lodestar)
    • Ban ALL DLC/Amiibo skills.
    • Other (state what)

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Just tested with Ragnorok, you get the debuff when you miss with that, I assume Silver Weapons are the same.

I think anyone can deny that Killers should be banned. Braves are pretty strong too after debuffs and the like.

Edited by General Horace
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Just tested with Ragnorok, you get the debuff when you miss with that, I assume Silver Weapons are the same.

I think anyone can deny that Killers should be banned. Braves are pretty strong too after debuffs and the like.


Killer and Brave are pretty OP and straight out deny some units.

It's not like Awakening when anyone has a huge amount of skills to choose and also gets 80 HP. Some units are just limited by the small amount of health they get.

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I personally think you guys should try a match with all characters avaliable, with banned Killer weapons (and Great Club) and banned Braves.

Or at least allow one character each with 3 class sets. I can host if you want.

Edited by General Horace
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The only other skill that isn't currently banned that might need to get banned is draconic hex. What do people think? ORKO's are hard to come by and -4 to all stats is devestating.

Though Shuriken and Dagger can have the same results, while not to all stats for sure. It's only really broken imo with Sniper MU that can attack from 2 to 3 range without retaliation.

I wouldn't care if it were to be banned imo.

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Though Shuriken and Dagger can have the same results, while not to all stats for sure. It's only really broken imo with Sniper MU that can attack from 2 to 3 range without retaliation.

I wouldn't care if it were to be banned imo.

It's not like Shurikens or daggers though. In addition to reducing more stats, you don't even have to hit them with a weapon or anything. Using your example of Sniper!Corn, they could attack someone, face no counter, be attacked without countering, and by turn 2 you'd have the enemy team crippled. You can use stuff like Shurikenbreaker and WTA to avoid Shurikens, and they're extremely weak with WTD.

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I hope it was obvoius when I said it, but when I said all characters, I meant all characters excluding kids

I think we shouldn't include three classes characters though like Shura.

They're almost as good as kids imo. (just look at Flora)

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Nah, throw everyone in there for now. If someone ends up being supremely broken we can sort that out later.

Flora has mediocre mods and pretty good skills, but I doubt she's bannable

Edited by General Horace
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It's not like Shurikens or daggers though. In addition to reducing more stats, you don't even have to hit them with a weapon or anything. Using your example of Sniper!Corn, they could attack someone, face no counter, be attacked without countering, and by turn 2 you'd have the enemy team crippled. You can use stuff like Shurikenbreaker and WTA to avoid Shurikens, and they're extremely weak with WTD.

I do agree it's a big skill, but it's stuck on one single character in the parents meta so MU might as well be the Chrom of Fates. Also don't forget that Spear Fighters get Defence + Speed Seal, which is even more devastating since it lowers def/spd by further 2 points.

Still a potentially broken skill with MU's customisation. Something like General MU with Wary Fighter could tear a whole team into pieces with proper support.

How are we going to play without braves? Would you say a sufficient number of weapon classes are represented? Silvers and dual weapons seem incredibly common so far.

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Braves are stupid, stick them on Corrin and you instantly kill someone with the right build.

Wary Fighter might need a ban if we ban killers and braves though, thwomps are pretty tough to crack otherwise.

We can probably phase in 0g weapons, offence isn't a problem in fates, Braves/Killers are just (potential) instagibs.

Edited by General Horace
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Still asking for a Shura and Flora ban.

While Scarlet, Izana and Yukimura might be okay, Shura and Flora's PS are just stupid.

"Highwayman : If the enemy cannot counter-attack, Strength and Speed -3". That's given to someone who has Bow Knight, which means he has a 1 range only option and a 2 range only option. Shura can just win a game on his own with that.

And Flora for also stupidity :

"Icy Blood : If the user's HP is not full and they sustain damage, deal the same amount of damage and the enemy's skill and speed -3". It's basically 2HKO her or get wrecked by Base Counter since she also gets heavy sustain skills like Sol, Lifetaker, and Vengeance to abuse of everything. Did I mention she also gets Bowbreaker so your 2 to 3 range option is out?

Flora and Shura are just baseline broken.

BTW Jedi I sent my team, still waiting for you! =)

Edited by Nintales
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Flora's ability only works for non-adjecent attacks, which is basically just bows.

SF has the ability written down wrong. I've been liberally using her in Boo Camp DLC and it's never activated as all of the Faceless are 1-range only.

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