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Fire Emblem Link Arena Discussion Topic


Things in the Fates meta that look bannable?  

24 members have voted

  1. 1. (tick many) What looks bannable in the Fates meta?

    • Dragon Ward (Hoshido Noble)
    • Life or Death (Master of Arms)
    • Counter (Oni Chieftain)
    • Darting Blow (Sky Knight)
    • Multiple Amaterasu (Kinshi Knight)
    • Wary Fighter (General)
    • Inspiration (Strategist)
    • Aggressor (Dread Fighter)
    • Galeforce (Dark Falcon)
    • Awakening (Great Lord)
    • Dancing Blade (Lodestar)
    • Ban ALL DLC/Amiibo skills.
    • Other (state what)

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  • Replies 5.5k
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Alec!Lana              -              Awareness, Pursuit
Noish!Lana             -              Critical, Charge 
Ardan!Lana             -              Ambush
Azel!Lana           B Fire            Pursuit
Lex!Lana               -              Ambush
Fin!Lana               -              Pursuit, Prayer
Midir!Lana             -              Pursuit
Dew!Lana               -              None
Jamka!Lana             -              Continue, Charge
Holyn!Lana             -              None
Beowulf!Lana           -              Charge, Pursuit
Levin!Lana          B Wind            Continue, Critical
Claude!Lana            -              None
Alec!Lakche            -              Awareness, Pursuit, Astra, Continue
Noish!Lakche           -              Awareness, Pursuit, Astra, Continue, Charge, Critical
Ardan!Lakche           -              Awareness, Pursuit, Astra, Continue, Ambush
Azel!Lakche            -              Awareness, Pursuit, Astra, Continue
Lex!Lakche             -              Awareness, Pursuit, Astra, Continue, Ambush
Fin!Lakche             -              Awareness, Pursuit, Astra, Continue, Prayer
Midir!Lakche           -              Awareness, Pursuit, Astra, Continue
Dew!Lakche             -              Awareness, Pursuit, Astra, Continue, Sol
Jamka!Lakche           -              Awareness, Pursuit, Astra, Continue, Charge
Holyn!Lakche       S Swords           Awareness, Pursuit, Astra, Continue, Luna
Beowulf!Lakche         -              Awareness, Pursuit, Astra, Continue, Charge
Levin!Lakche           -              Awareness, Pursuit, Astra, Continue, Critical
Claude!Lakche          -              Awareness, Pursuit, Astra, Continue
Alec!Skasahar          -              Awareness, Pursuit, Astra,
Noish!Skasahar         -              Awareness, Pursuit, Astra, Critical, Charge, 
Ardan!Skasahar         -              Awareness, Pursuit, Astra, Ambush
Azel!Skasahar          -              Awareness, Pursuit, Astra
Lex!Skasahar           -              Awareness, Pursuit, Astra, Ambush
Fin!Skasahar           -              Awareness, Pursuit, Astra, Prayer
Midir!Skasahar         -              Awareness, Pursuit, Astra,
Dew!Skasahar           -              Awareness, Pursuit, Astra, Sol
Jamka!Shasahar         -              Awareness, Pursuit, Astra, Continue, Charge
Holyn!Skasahar     S Swords           Awareness, Pursuit, Astra, Luna
Beowulf!Skasahar       -              Awareness, Pursuit, Astra, Charge
Levin!Skasahar         -              Awareness, Pursuit, Astra, Critical, Continue
Claude!Skasahar        -              Awareness, Pursuit, Astra,
Alec!Delmud            -              Charisma, Continue, Pursuit, Awareness
Noish!Delmud           -              Charisma, Continue, Critical, Charge
Ardan!Delmud           -              Charisma, Continue, Ambush
Azel!Delmud            -              Charisma, Continue, Pursuit
Lex!Delmud             -              Charisma, Continue, Ambush
Fin!Delmud             -              Charisma, Continue, Pursuit, Prayer
Midir!Delmud           -              Charisma, Continue, Pursuit
Dew!Delmud             -              Charisma, Continue,
Jamka!Delmud           -              Charisma, Continue, Charge
Holyn!Delmud           -              Charisma, Continue, 
Beowulf!Delmud         -              Charisma, Continue, Pursuit, Charge
Levin!Delmud           -              Charisma, Continue, Critical
Claude!Delmud          -              Charisma, Continue,
Alec!Lester            -              Awareness, Pursuit
Noish!Lester           -              Critical, Charge
Ardan!Lester           -              Ambush
Azel!Lester            -              Pursuit
Lex!Lester             -              Ambush
Fin!Lester             -              Pursuit, Prayer
Midir!Lester           -              Pursuit
Dew!Lester             -              None
Jamka!Lester           -              Charge, Continue
Holyn!Lester           -              None
Beowulf!Lester         -              Pursuit, Charge
Levin!Lester           -              Continue, Critical
Claude!Lester          -              None
Alec!Fee               -              Pursuit, Continue, Awareness, 
Noish!Fee              -              Pursuit, Continue, Critical, Charge
Ardan!Fee              -              Pursuit, Continue, Ambush
Azel!Fee               -              Pursuit, Continue,
Lex!Fee                -              Pursuit, Continue, Ambush
Fin!Fee                -              Pursuit, Continue, Prayer
Midir!Fee              -              Pursuit, Continue,
Dew!Fee                -              Pursuit, Continue,
Jamka!Fee              -              Pursuit, Continue, Charge
Holyn!Fee              -              Pursuit, Continue,
Beowulf!Fee            -              Pursuit, Continue, Charge
Levin!Fee              -              Pursuit, Continue, Critical
Claude!Fee         B Staves           Pursuit, Continue,
Alec!Arthur            -              Wrath, Awareness, Pursuit, 
Noish!Arthur           -              Wrath, Critical, Charge, 
Ardan!Arthur           -              Wrath, Ambush, 
Azel!Arthur         A Fire            Wrath, Pursuit
Lex!Arthur             -              Wrath, Ambush
Fin!Arthur             -              Wrath, Pursuit, Prayer
Midir!Arthur           -              Wrath, Pursuit
Dew!Arthur             -              Wrath
Jamka!Arthur           -              Wrath, Charge, Continue
Holyn!Arthur        A Sword           Wrath
Boewulf!Arthur         -              Wrath, Charge, Pursuit
Levin!Arthur         S Wind           Wrath, Continue, Critical   
Claude!Arthur          -              Wrath
Alec!Patty             -              Pursuit Awareness
Noish!Patty            -              Pursuit, Charge, Critical
Ardan!Patty            -              Pursuit, Ambush
Azel!Patty             -              Pursuit
Lex!Patty              -              Pursuit, Ambush
Fin!Patty              -              Pursuit, Prayer
Midir!Patty            -              Pursuit
Dew!Patty              -              Pursuit, Sol
Jamka!Patty            -              Pursuit, Charge, Continue
Holyn!Patty            -              Pursuit, Luna
Beowulf!Patty          -              Pursuit, Charge
Levin!Patty            -              Pursuit, Continue, Critical
Claude!Patty           -              Pursuit
Alec!Nanna             -              Charisma, Awareness, Pursuit
Noish!Nanna            -              Charisma, Charge, Critical
Ardan!Nanna            -              Charisma, Ambush
Azel!Nanna             -              Charisma, Pursuit
Lex!Nanna              -              Charisma, Ambush
Fin!Nanna              -              Charisma, Pursuit, Prayer
Midir!Nanna            -              Charisma, Pursuit
Dew!Nanna              -              Charisma,
Jamka!Nanna            -              Charisma, Charge, Continue
Holyn!Nanna            -              Charisma
Beowulf!Nanna          -              Charisma, Pursuit, Charge
Levin!Nanna            -              Charisma, Continue, Critical
Claude!Nanna        B Staves          Charisma,
Alec!Leen              -              Continue, Prayer, Awareness, Pursuit
Noish!Leen             -              Continue, Prayer, Charge, Critical
Ardan!Leen             -              Continue, Prayer, Ambush
Azel!Leen              -              Continue, Prayer, Pursuit
Lex!Leen               -              Continue, Prayer, Ambush
Fin!Leen               -              Continue, Prayer, Pursuit
Midir!Leen             -              Continue, Prayer, Pursuit
Dew!Leen               -              Continue, Prayer, Sol
Jamka!Leen             -              Continue, Prayer, Charge
Holyn!Leen          B Swords          Continue, Prayer, Luna
Beowulf!Leen           -              Continue, Prayer, Pursuit, Charge
Levin!Leen             -              Continue, Prayer, Critical
Claude!Leen            -              Continue, Prayer,
Alec!Tinny             -              Continue, Wrath, Awareness, Pursuit, 
Noish!Tinny            -              Continue, Wrath, Charge, Critical
Ardan!Tinny            -              Continue, Wrath, Ambush
Azel!Tinny          A Fire            Continue, Wrath, Pursuit
Lex!Tinny              -              Continue, Wrath, Ambush
Fin!Tinny              -              Continue, Wrath, Pursuit, Prayer
Midir!Tinny            -              Continue, Wrath, Pursuit
Dew!Tinny              -              Continue, Wrath,
Jamka!Tinny            -              Continue, Wrath, Charge
Holyn!Tinny        B Swords           Continue, Wrath,
Beowulf!Tinny          -              Continue, Wrath, Charge, Pursuit
Levin!Tinny         A Wind            Continue, Wrath, Critical
Claude!Tinny       A Staff            Continue, Wrath,
Alec!Faval             -              Pursuit, Awareness
Noish!Faval            -              Pursuit, Charge, Critical
Ardan!Faval            -              Pursuit, Ambush
Azel!Faval             -              Pursuit
Lex!Faval              -              Pursuit, Ambush
Fin!Faval              -              Pursuit, Prayer
Midir!Faval            -              Pursuit
Dew!Faval              -              Pursuit
Jamka!Faval            -              Pursuit, Charge, Continue
Holyn!Faval            -              Pursuit
Beowulf!Faval          -              Pursuit, Charge
Levin!Faval            -              Pursuit, Continue, Critical
Claude!Faval           -              Pursuit
Alec!Sety              -              Pursuit, Continue, Awareness 
Noish!Sety             -              Pursuit, Continue, Charge, Critical
Ardan!Sety             -              Pursuit, Continue, Ambush
Azel!Sety            A Fire           Pursuit, Continue
Lex!Sety               -              Pursuit, Continue, Ambush
Fin!Sety               -              Pursuit, Continue, Prayer
Midir!Sety             -              Pursuit, Continue
Dew!Sety               -              Pursuit, Continue
Jamka!Sety             -              Pursuit, Continue, Charge
Holyn!Sety             -              Pursuit, Continue
Beowulf!Sety           -              Pursuit, Continue, Charge
Levin!Sety           S Wind           Pursuit, Continue, Critical
Claude!Sety          S Staff          Pursuit, Continue
Alec!Corple            -              Continue, Prayer, Awareness, Pursuit 
Noish!Corple           -              Continue, Prayer, Charge, Critical
Ardan!Corple           -              Continue, Prayer, Ambush
Azel!Corple          B Fire           Continue, Prayer, Pursuit
Lex!Corple             -              Continue, Prayer, Ambush
Fin!Corple             -              Continue, Prayer, Pursuit
Midir!Corple           -              Continue, Prayer, Pursuit
Dew!Corple             -              Continue, Prayer,
Jamka!Corple           -              Continue, Prayer, Charge
Holyn!Corple           -              Continue, Prayer,
Beowulf!Corple         -              Continue, Prayer, Pursuit, Charge
Levin!Corple         S Wind           Continue, Prayer, Critical
Claude!Corple        S Staff          Continue, Prayer,

i did it, I think. If anyone sees any mistakes or anything I missed, point them out. I left out skills like Elite and bargain since they have no effect in battle.

Edited by General Horace
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Whoa, thanks, I'll be sure to add those when I'm done with the stats (which should take an hour more of work at worst).

Looks like Arthur is one of the characters who suffer heavily from bad caps. <22 AS isn't good.

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Changes that should be made to the FELA:FAQS

  • Add Reinforcement data to the Max Stats spoiler of FE9
  • Add Killer weaponry to the Common Weapons spoiler
  • Add WT to Tomes
  • Remove the unnecessary links for Character Portraits (You have a whole post dedicated to them just below, with twice the information that you link specifies
  • Add a description for Counter, to specify that it operates off of (Skill/2%) rounded down, and deals return damage to the opponent equal to have of the received damage, rounded down, and does not proc if the receiving unit is KO'd
  • Specify that Miracle rounds the halved damage down

Also, how would the meta react if we added in Cut Weaponry, as well as Cut Supports? I'd like to see how things change with Urvan, Rexflame, Rexcalibur and the Bright Bow added in (one of each). I mean, they're coded into the game and were viewed as usable in advertising, so it's not like they don't exist. Urvan probably wouldn't make too much of a difference, but Rexflame and Bright Bow could make some serious changes.

Edited by Elieson
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Okay, I'll get to it in a moment.

Bright Bows would give Snipers a turn 1 counter, while Rexflame would give Sages up to 31 AS, higher than SMs' speed, and enabling them to double Boyd, cavs and the like. It might be worth trying out.

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It's worth noting that base Ilyana has 23 AS with Rexflame, base Tormod has 27 AS, and base Calill has 27 AS. Soren is still pitifully slow, with his mighty mighty 4 Str.

Couple that with a 14MT tome (second only to Rexbolt by 1MT) and you've got some strong firepower, no pun intended. Suddenly, Tormod is statistically better than Ilyana (with 1HP/1AS/4Def over her), and loses to her only because of support options. If you're tight on speedwings and can afford to give Tormod an Energy Drop, then he hits 29 AS with 0 Speedwing investment. That's a big deal, as it doubles generals and is safe from being doubled by everyting (except superLaguz/Naesala). Not a bad potshot'er, as he is the most naturally defensive Sage out there. Still below Calill (due to Nihil), but at least worth looking at.

Bright Bow allows for Snipers to have 20MT over Res counters at 1 range (24 max with investment, possibly more for Rolf if Marcia/Rhys are supported). That's laughable, but arguably, better than nothing. It's especially worth considering if say, said Sniper is running Wrath, and gets knocked into Wrath range for a decent counter on a lower-res unit. Most sword units and all Magic Users/Laguz Royals laugh at this damage, but many standard Laguz and lancers, and especially axe users, can take a decent chunk of damage from attacking a Bright Bow sniper, knocking many just into what may be OHKO range.

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Alec!Lana              -              Awareness, Pursuit
Noish!Lana             -              Critical, Charge 
Ardan!Lana             -              Ambush
Azel!Lana           B Fire            Pursuit
Lex!Lana               -              Ambush
Fin!Lana               -              Pursuit, Prayer
Midir!Lana             -              Pursuit
Dew!Lana               -              None
Jamka!Lana             -              Continue, Charge
Holyn!Lana             -              None
Beowulf!Lana           -              Charge, Pursuit
Levin!Lana          B Wind            Continue, Critical
Claude!Lana            -              None
Alec!Lakche            -              Awareness, Pursuit, Astra, Continue
Noish!Lakche           -              Awareness, Pursuit, Astra, Continue, Charge, Critical
Ardan!Lakche           -              Awareness, Pursuit, Astra, Continue, Ambush
Azel!Lakche            -              Awareness, Pursuit, Astra, Continue
Lex!Lakche             -              Awareness, Pursuit, Astra, Continue, Ambush
Fin!Lakche             -              Awareness, Pursuit, Astra, Continue, Prayer
Midir!Lakche           -              Awareness, Pursuit, Astra, Continue
Dew!Lakche             -              Awareness, Pursuit, Astra, Continue, Sol
Jamka!Lakche           -              Awareness, Pursuit, Astra, Continue, Charge
Holyn!Lakche       S Swords           Awareness, Pursuit, Astra, Continue, Luna
Beowulf!Lakche         -              Awareness, Pursuit, Astra, Continue, Charge
Levin!Lakche           -              Awareness, Pursuit, Astra, Continue, Critical
Claude!Lakche          -              Awareness, Pursuit, Astra, Continue
Alec!Skasahar          -              Awareness, Pursuit, Astra,
Noish!Skasahar         -              Awareness, Pursuit, Astra, Critical, Charge, 
Ardan!Skasahar         -              Awareness, Pursuit, Astra, Ambush
Azel!Skasahar          -              Awareness, Pursuit, Astra
Lex!Skasahar           -              Awareness, Pursuit, Astra, Ambush
Fin!Skasahar           -              Awareness, Pursuit, Astra, Prayer
Midir!Skasahar         -              Awareness, Pursuit, Astra,
Dew!Skasahar           -              Awareness, Pursuit, Astra, Sol
Jamka!Shasahar         -              Awareness, Pursuit, Astra, Continue, Charge
Holyn!Skasahar     S Swords           Awareness, Pursuit, Astra, Luna
Beowulf!Skasahar       -              Awareness, Pursuit, Astra, Charge
Levin!Skasahar         -              Awareness, Pursuit, Astra, Critical, Continue
Claude!Skasahar        -              Awareness, Pursuit, Astra,
Alec!Delmud            -              Charisma, Continue, Pursuit, Awareness
Noish!Delmud           -              Charisma, Continue, Critical, Charge
Ardan!Delmud           -              Charisma, Continue, Ambush
Azel!Delmud            -              Charisma, Continue, Pursuit
Lex!Delmud             -              Charisma, Continue, Ambush
Fin!Delmud             -              Charisma, Continue, Pursuit, Prayer
Midir!Delmud           -              Charisma, Continue, Pursuit
Dew!Delmud             -              Charisma, Continue,
Jamka!Delmud           -              Charisma, Continue, Charge
Holyn!Delmud           -              Charisma, Continue, 
Beowulf!Delmud         -              Charisma, Continue, Pursuit, Charge
Levin!Delmud           -              Charisma, Continue, Critical
Claude!Delmud          -              Charisma, Continue,
Alec!Lester            -              Awareness, Pursuit
Noish!Lester           -              Critical, Charge
Ardan!Lester           -              Ambush
Azel!Lester            -              Pursuit
Lex!Lester             -              Ambush
Fin!Lester             -              Pursuit, Prayer
Midir!Lester           -              Pursuit
Dew!Lester             -              None
Jamka!Lester           -              Charge, Continue
Holyn!Lester           -              Luna
Beowulf!Lester         -              Pursuit, Charge
Levin!Lester           -              Continue, Critical
Claude!Lester          -              None
Alec!Fee               -              Pursuit, Continue, Awareness, 
Noish!Fee              -              Pursuit, Continue, Critical, Charge
Ardan!Fee              -              Pursuit, Continue, Ambush
Azel!Fee               -              Pursuit, Continue,
Lex!Fee                -              Pursuit, Continue, Ambush
Fin!Fee                -              Pursuit, Continue, Prayer
Midir!Fee              -              Pursuit, Continue,
Dew!Fee                -              Pursuit, Continue,
Jamka!Fee              -              Pursuit, Continue, Charge
Holyn!Fee              -              Pursuit, Continue,
Beowulf!Fee            -              Pursuit, Continue, Charge
Levin!Fee              -              Pursuit, Continue, Critical
Claude!Fee         B Staves           Pursuit, Continue,
Alec!Arthur            -              Wrath, Awareness, Pursuit, 
Noish!Arthur           -              Wrath, Critical, Charge, 
Ardan!Arthur           -              Wrath, Ambush, 
Azel!Arthur         A Fire            Wrath, Pursuit
Lex!Arthur             -              Wrath, Ambush
Fin!Arthur             -              Wrath, Pursuit, Prayer
Midir!Arthur           -              Wrath, Pursuit
Dew!Arthur             -              Wrath
Jamka!Arthur           -              Wrath, Charge, Continue
Holyn!Arthur        A Sword           Wrath
Boewulf!Arthur         -              Wrath, Charge, Pursuit
Levin!Arthur         S Wind           Wrath, Continue, Critical   
Claude!Arthur          -              Wrath
Alec!Patty             -              Pursuit Awareness
Noish!Patty            -              Pursuit, Charge, Critical
Ardan!Patty            -              Pursuit, Ambush
Azel!Patty             -              Pursuit
Lex!Patty              -              Pursuit, Ambush
Fin!Patty              -              Pursuit, Prayer
Midir!Patty            -              Pursuit
Dew!Patty              -              Pursuit, Sol
Jamka!Patty            -              Pursuit, Charge, Continue
Holyn!Patty            -              Pursuit, Luna
Beowulf!Patty          -              Pursuit, Charge
Levin!Patty            -              Pursuit, Continue, Critical
Claude!Patty           -              Pursuit
Alec!Nanna             -              Charisma, Awareness, Pursuit
Noish!Nanna            -              Charisma, Charge, Critical
Ardan!Nanna            -              Charisma, Ambush
Azel!Nanna             -              Charisma, Pursuit
Lex!Nanna              -              Charisma, Ambush
Fin!Nanna              -              Charisma, Pursuit, Prayer
Midir!Nanna            -              Charisma, Pursuit
Dew!Nanna              -              Charisma,
Jamka!Nanna            -              Charisma, Charge, Continue
Holyn!Nanna            -              Charisma
Beowulf!Nanna          -              Charisma, Pursuit, Charge
Levin!Nanna            -              Charisma, Continue, Critical
Claude!Nanna        B Staves          Charisma,
Alec!Leen              -              Continue, Prayer, Awareness, Pursuit
Noish!Leen             -              Continue, Prayer, Charge, Critical
Ardan!Leen             -              Continue, Prayer, Ambush
Azel!Leen              -              Continue, Prayer, Pursuit
Lex!Leen               -              Continue, Prayer, Ambush
Fin!Leen               -              Continue, Prayer, Pursuit
Midir!Leen             -              Continue, Prayer, Pursuit
Dew!Leen               -              Continue, Prayer, Sol
Jamka!Leen             -              Continue, Prayer, Charge
Holyn!Leen          B Swords          Continue, Prayer, Luna
Beowulf!Leen           -              Continue, Prayer, Pursuit, Charge
Levin!Leen             -              Continue, Prayer, Critical
Claude!Leen            -              Continue, Prayer,
Alec!Tinny             -              Continue, Wrath, Awareness, Pursuit, 
Noish!Tinny            -              Continue, Wrath, Charge, Critical
Ardan!Tinny            -              Continue, Wrath, Ambush
Azel!Tinny          A Fire            Continue, Wrath, Pursuit
Lex!Tinny              -              Continue, Wrath, Ambush
Fin!Tinny              -              Continue, Wrath, Pursuit, Prayer
Midir!Tinny            -              Continue, Wrath, Pursuit
Dew!Tinny              -              Continue, Wrath,
Jamka!Tinny            -              Continue, Wrath, Charge
Holyn!Tinny        B Swords           Continue, Wrath,
Beowulf!Tinny          -              Continue, Wrath, Charge, Pursuit
Levin!Tinny         A Wind            Continue, Wrath, Critical
Claude!Tinny       A Staff            Continue, Wrath,
Alec!Faval             -              Pursuit, Awareness
Noish!Faval            -              Pursuit, Charge, Critical
Ardan!Faval            -              Pursuit, Ambush
Azel!Faval             -              Pursuit
Lex!Faval              -              Pursuit, Ambush
Fin!Faval              -              Pursuit, Prayer
Midir!Faval            -              Pursuit
Dew!Faval              -              Pursuit
Jamka!Faval            -              Pursuit, Charge, Continue
Holyn!Faval            -              Pursuit
Beowulf!Faval          -              Pursuit, Charge
Levin!Faval            -              Pursuit, Continue, Critical
Claude!Faval           -              Pursuit
Alec!Sety              -              Pursuit, Continue, Awareness 
Noish!Sety             -              Pursuit, Continue, Charge, Critical
Ardan!Sety             -              Pursuit, Continue, Ambush
Azel!Sety            A Fire           Pursuit, Continue
Lex!Sety               -              Pursuit, Continue, Ambush
Fin!Sety               -              Pursuit, Continue, Prayer
Midir!Sety             -              Pursuit, Continue
Dew!Sety               -              Pursuit, Continue
Jamka!Sety             -              Pursuit, Continue, Charge
Holyn!Sety             -              Pursuit, Continue
Beowulf!Sety           -              Pursuit, Continue, Charge
Levin!Sety           S Wind           Pursuit, Continue, Critical
Claude!Sety          S Staff          Pursuit, Continue
Alec!Corple            -              Continue, Prayer, Awareness, Pursuit 
Noish!Corple           -              Continue, Prayer, Charge, Critical
Ardan!Corple           -              Continue, Prayer, Ambush
Azel!Corple          B Fire           Continue, Prayer, Pursuit
Lex!Corple             -              Continue, Prayer, Ambush
Fin!Corple             -              Continue, Prayer, Pursuit
Midir!Corple           -              Continue, Prayer, Pursuit
Dew!Corple             -              Continue, Prayer,
Jamka!Corple           -              Continue, Prayer, Charge
Holyn!Corple           -              Continue, Prayer,
Beowulf!Corple         -              Continue, Prayer, Pursuit, Charge
Levin!Corple         S Wind           Continue, Prayer, Critical
Claude!Corple        S Staff          Continue, Prayer,

i did it, I think. If anyone sees any mistakes or anything I missed, point them out. I left out skills like Elite and bargain since they have no effect in battle.

Holyn!Lester shouldn't have Luna. There might be a few more. Only Skasaher, Lackhe, Patty and Leen should be able to have any sword skills.

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To have a good idea of what weapons can be acquired, used and inherited, I went ahead and started emulating FE4 on my PSP and what a good decision that was - I haven't enjoyed playing an FE game like this for years (since it's a game I sorta know but is mostly forgotten to me and I also play FE differently from before; New Mystery and Awakening both really bored me and I couldn't finish either). I can't make any sense out of the AI at all though (do they just attack prioritising WTA? that's what it feels like), but I guess what's important is that I can verify some of the mechanics things that should be useful to the arena.

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How many people actually train Lachesis? Access to most staves and a ton of hero weaponry on a mount sounds like a big deal (not sure if LTC try to invest in her because of the Rescue staff or if it's a lost cause because of her horrid bases), and I think if I give her Ethlyn's Light Sword, Sigurd's Magic Ring that he doesn't need and some more stuff like the Pursuit Ring (Dew will have to Give her a lot of cash and maybe I'll give her the C2 Bargain Ring to buy all that more efficiently - actually replaying the chapter right now because I sent Lewyn for the southern villages first and let that village get destroyed - too bad, as a lot of the valuable items cost an arm and a leg). Those base stats are really discouraging.

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Her strength actually isn't that far away from most of my characters at, like, level 7 unpromoted, so I'm thinking it wouldn't hurt to use her. Plan is to give her Lewyn's Bargain Ring, then have Dew pass her 4 or so K of cash (though Dew was slept by the boss because I wasn't attentive to staff ranges) to her, and then buy Magic Ring + Pursuit Ring + Light Sword (or just wait for Earth next map since I think Ethlyn is worth training too). How soon do people get Critical on their weapons in efficiency (casual/hardcore/anything in-between) runs? I used Sigurd as my means of feeding kills to weaker characters by having him take on an army of everything with a Slim Sword so as of mid-chapter 2 none of my weapons are even close, but I'm sure the hero weapons will get there eventually, as will Sigurd's Silver Sword (though I'm thinking of giving that to Lachesis while Sigurd makes use of the next map's Hero Sword instead).

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In drafts I recall getting 50 kills on the silver before DICKFACE with the shield ring because he's really hard to kill otherwise

Other than that, Ayra's Hero sword I usually get 50 on before Langbart since otherwise he's pretty hard to kill.

EDIT: DICKFACE is the dude in the northmost castle in chapter 2

Man its been a while since i've done an fe4 draft.

Edited by General Horace
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In drafts I recall getting 50 kills on the silver before DICKFACE with the shield ring because he's really hard to kill otherwise

Other than that, Ayra's Hero sword I usually get 50 on before Langbart since otherwise he's pretty hard to kill.

EDIT: DICKFACE is the dude in the northmost castle in chapter 2

Man its been a while since i've done an fe4 draft.

Horace, please check your battle.

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Yeah, dickface was a jerk. I needed 3 or so turns to finish him with my chip. Didn't help that he proc'd Great Shield

50 kills is still just skl% critical, which isn't terribly reliable until you accumulate many more kills. Since it's a Sigurd solo, you might as well neglect everyone else though (though Midayle seems promising if given Jamka's weapon, Cuan, Finn and Lex are very helpful, and I bet Alec would be invaluable with more rigging / better luck on level-ups considering he does have Pursuit and Nihil).

Do you guys think we should exclude status swords from the meta? The success rate is kinda low, and you can go for more reliable damage instead a lot of the time. It seems a lot better than FE5 LA.

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It works best if you can get Brave weapons, especially the sword, to 50 kills. Sigurd doubles most things, so it gives him four attacks with very good might and a good chance of doubling that might on one or two attacks. The horse brigade is useful for taking on enemies Sigurd can't because he has to be on the other side of the map, or thinning them out so he can punch through them quicker. Except for Cuan/maybe Lex, they can't get enough exp to do much more than that.

Status swords are pretty much a similar deal to Vague Katti. A random factor to screw people over. Since there's multiple ones I wouldn't mind if they weren't there.

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The VK is like the ultimate sandbag weapon that occasionally scores OHKOs. It's probably the one weapon every player would want to have more than one copy of.

Sleep/Berserk/Silence Swords have 12 weight, which is unforgiving, and gets you doubled by too many units out there. I'd say it's kinda risky to use those!

So who exactly is the preferred staffbot in this game's efficiency play? I'm confused since there's so many of them. You have Adean who joins early, Ethlyn who's mounted instantly, Ferry who has Return Staff access promoted, Lachesis whose promotion is awesome, Deirdre who doesn't stay for long, and some more potential Sages, Mage Knights and High Priests.

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Typically Aideen falls behind due to not being mounted, and Fury is always about combat unless you're going for super low turn count. Diadora isn't really relevant much but her and Lachesis are typically ones who spam stuff though when I play I leave my Warp and Return on the lower movement people and have Ethlin heal between combat.

The mages typically don't worry about healing unless you really need them. Mage Knights don't get staves, Levin/Sety would probably be too busy with Holsety unless you give it to Arthur or something, and Tinny and TIltyu can heal but by then you have a Master Knight who's mounted and lots of Libros and Fortify's for the High Priests who have worse tome ranks and skills and want to avoid combat.

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Actually Adean is the warper of choice, she appears early and has the rank to use it. Lachesis can't touch it until promo, where the need for warping has probably vanished. I can only think of two times in gen 1 where a warper really helps out. The return ring is enough for Sigurd most of the time.

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