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Fire Emblem Link Arena Discussion Topic


Things in the Fates meta that look bannable?  

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  1. 1. (tick many) What looks bannable in the Fates meta?

    • Dragon Ward (Hoshido Noble)
    • Life or Death (Master of Arms)
    • Counter (Oni Chieftain)
    • Darting Blow (Sky Knight)
    • Multiple Amaterasu (Kinshi Knight)
    • Wary Fighter (General)
    • Inspiration (Strategist)
    • Aggressor (Dread Fighter)
    • Galeforce (Dark Falcon)
    • Awakening (Great Lord)
    • Dancing Blade (Lodestar)
    • Ban ALL DLC/Amiibo skills.
    • Other (state what)

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Isn't returning to the main castle with the ring one turn slower than being returned with the staff?

There's Return, Warp, then Rescue... I guess Lachesis boasts access to Rescue which is A rank? But then again, Adean can probably level up quite quickly by using the Relive staff on intentionally injured arena people every turn.

A flying user of Rescue sounds like it could be HUGE. Ferry is stuck with C rank staves on promo, but doesn't everyone pair up Ferry with Claud to get the staff rank for Rescue or something? Nvm, Horace's work on the list of skills says it just alleviates the staff rank one up to B, which is insufficient.

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the problem with rescue in gen 1 is in order to get it kind of early, you have to pair aideen with azel, then aideen uses it horribly so you have to sell it and have lachesis buy it on turn 2, where she's too far back behind sigurd to use it effectively, until his return to the castle. Then you can't pass it down because Lana will only have B Staves. Otherwise you have to pair Claude and Lana, in which case it doesn't really matter because it'll be pretty much unusable in chapter 5 since Lachesis would have to buy it AND sell it, to pass it down, although rescue lana is pretty bro.

WRT the return ring, it's nice if you have return staff ethlin behind sigurd, since it both boosts his crit on bosses, and lets you send him back a turn early.

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Flying Rescue is impossible, unfortunately. You can get Flying Warp but that means no Rescue Lana. Leaf is the best Rescuer in the final chapters.

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Yeah now that I think about it that probably isn't great but I still want to do it.

And yeah I mean prevent giving people scrolls to block crits, so that you can crit

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I forget; Horace, did we figure out whether Resolve brings down hit rates in-between two brave strikes when the first one sends the target into Resolve range?

It doesnt but theres no reasonable way to test it either. I deduce that it wouldnt lower hit because of how Resolve works though, but u never know.

Edited by PKL
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You mean our Link Arena games? Yeah, that's how we (or at least I) have been going about it.

If you can get Tauroneo (or the Bolt Axe guy) into Resolve range and try attacking them with a low skill unit, equipped with a brave weapon that has WTD, weighed down by a carried unit, then the first hit should have really low hit (might rig Biorhythm to help this) and, once it connects, the second hit should barely ever connect (true hit and displayed hit being different should make a difference here) at all - if it connects at the same rate as the first then the avo boost doesn't kick in.

You could also try applying Gamble to help make it really low (while Arms Scrolls let a weakling you're not training equip a brave weapon)!

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hmm... I'll see if I can get a unit with gamble/crappy skill to get below a certain hit margain (whatever would give 0% after resolve or something) and test it repeatedly, but it might be RAGEWORTHY because the boss only has like 13 speed or something...

i'll see what I can do.

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Alternatively, you could have exactly 100 hit before Resolve and see if a Brave's second attack misses.

Yeah, but Gromell has 17 spd, so it might take a while for a 84 displayed hit (95 true) to whiff. Still, if it doesn't whiff after 50 or so attempts, then we can retain our current policy/mechanics!

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yeah, I like PKL's idea better, seems more reliable. Regarless i've brought GAMBLE GATRIE with 13 skill and garbage luck and Brave Sword Ike who probably has 100% hit, so i'll figure it out eventually.

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Yeah, but Gromell has 17 spd, so it might take a while for a 84 displayed hit (95 true) to whiff. Still, if it doesn't whiff after 50 or so attempts, then we can retain our current policy/mechanics!

True, but the result would be guaranteed. Unlike the other proposed testing method. Since we would know that it can miss or not. The other way, youd have to analyze how much it misses and it might not be accurate.

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