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Fire Emblem Link Arena Discussion Topic


Things in the Fates meta that look bannable?  

24 members have voted

  1. 1. (tick many) What looks bannable in the Fates meta?

    • Dragon Ward (Hoshido Noble)
    • Life or Death (Master of Arms)
    • Counter (Oni Chieftain)
    • Darting Blow (Sky Knight)
    • Multiple Amaterasu (Kinshi Knight)
    • Wary Fighter (General)
    • Inspiration (Strategist)
    • Aggressor (Dread Fighter)
    • Galeforce (Dark Falcon)
    • Awakening (Great Lord)
    • Dancing Blade (Lodestar)
    • Ban ALL DLC/Amiibo skills.
    • Other (state what)

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I think resolve functions as AS LOSS removal for fe9, as everybody but Soren gains complete AS freedom with resolve, so IMO, there should be a CON boost of like, 5-10 to apply a similar bonus.

What benefit is it of the Gerik or Gilliam or so many other people?

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I agree with Resolve affecting magic for mages since str and mag take up the same spot in unit stats.

Not really sure about letting it buff con unless we increase the cost since it already does a lot.

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Huh I guess I better get my team ready and sent to Venno! Yeah, that's where our teams are going.

The tier list generally needs a lot of work. I'll move some people up and down (which disrupts the continuity of the entries I'd written in the topic, so I should figure out how to go about it) but I probably won't move people within the same tier until we've figured the sequence out for all characters, which might take a while as we're stuck pretty firmly in the High tier right now.

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How does uninvested ena beat out Brom/mak/ike?

I question her placement in TopTier...upper high, OK, but top?

Edited by Elieson
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Look at her fellow High Tiers. Look at how limited teambuilding is without the Top Tiers. Now come back and tell me Ena is manageable for the lower tiers.

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I was looking at the onsite averages when trying to see what bands would accomplish, and I noticed a lot of discrepancies with the listed averages in the other topic... Where did you get yours from? In the onsite ones Oscar averages 24 strength and 25 speed....

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I was looking at the onsite averages when trying to see what bands would accomplish, and I noticed a lot of discrepancies with the listed averages in the other topic... Where did you get yours from? In the onsite ones Oscar averages 24 strength and 25 speed....

Average stats + Fixed Mode first level-up bonuses, rounded up from .5 and onwards.

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Also, we discussed this twice or so; maybe the search function could help bring those posts out again? The main problem with bands is that they: a) make team building more of a chore and demand that the averages be re-calculated, which is too nuanced and meticulous b) amplify stats that do not really benefit the metagame, like giving Runesword users high mag for more effective hit% and RNG hax and making armours speedier, and their lack of speed kinda is the reason why they're weak to at least some common things.

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I think Top Tiers would be broken with them, but some of the lower tiers need help. Just look at our match for example, theres like 6 good units.

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Ena needs a ton of shit to perform well in top.

Brom doesn't

Makalov doesn't

Brom doesn't

Why does she get top tier placement when she needs stats and skills for investment? Base ena is pretty meh and Demi Band Ena isn't that much better in terms of offense. She's the anti squishy of anti squishies, but her performance against anything in top with Defense (read, all of top minus Rolf) is pretty mediocre

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You mentioned Brom twice. Speaking of whom, Brom could use boosters in strength and speed, and he wants lots of wings to stop being doubled by 26-27 AS units that are common in Top tier play.

Anyway, the investment shouldn't be considered separately from what that investment results in. And investing into Ena results in a character very similar to lolbrokenNasir, whom we had to ban to save the metagame. The main difference between the two is that Nasir's team gets another Nihil, but Nasir is also in G-d tier now, so the difference between the two has been emphasised. Good bulk, great potential speed, annoyance with Vantage/Guard or offence with Adept, all with 40 capacity are very valuable traits to possess.

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Added FE4 replacement portraits to the arena FAQ.

TearRing Saga pictures on the way, and that's one huge cast. I should try to, like, PM any people who might be interested in playing TRS because I don't think they're reading this! Certainly an interesting meta.

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I think the biggest factor in the TRS meta is the use of * weapons as they're easily the things that can make or break a character. I'll probably make myself a team for that meta right away.

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AS is the same as that of FE4. Unit Speed - Weapon Weight = AS

Doubling happens when your AS is 5 or more above that of the enemy's.

There's another quirk about TRS where Res = Mag/2.

I should be fairly accurate about most of these

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Quick TRS breakdown:

- What Anon said is right.

- Hit is Skill * 3

- Avoid is AS * 2 + Luck

- Critical is Skill

- Much like mag/2 being res, criticals also pierce defence with double atk much like they do in FE5.

- Life or Death is like Wrath, except you get some boost to crit whenever you lose HP and the more you lose, the more crit you get

- Great Shield is Level%, and max level is 40 in this one game, so it's a great defensive skill

- As you might guess, Awareness on units is huge for the reasons above and shifts the focus away from skills and to weapons

- Charge is a command skill (like RD!Parity or Gamble) that gets you 2~5 rounds of combat if you have better AS than the target.

- A lot of the skills, like Astra and Sol, proc based on the difference between the parties' skill stats and therefore these proc rates tend to be very low.

- Swords is the best and most varied weapon type and most usable in the arena because they tend to be really light so units can double and avoid getting doubled with them.

- Axes, on the other hand, are rather poor, mostly because of their weight.

- Shields are finite items you can hold in your units' inventory that increase your defence to certain types of attacks - physicals and magic (including shields for specific elements).

- Oh yeah, AoA magic is a thing and may play an important role in the metagame. The best mage in the arena is probably going to be the Gotoh archetype.
- Almost forgot; there's no weapon triangle.

TRS metagame policy stuff:

- Elixirs and Charm items can revive a unit when dead or keep them alive once, and IMHO are best banned.

- I'm also thinking that every unit should have only one shield in their inventory at most. Otherwise, the first 10 or so turns will be spent breaking shields. I suppose that could also be fun though but long matches are long!

- Speaking of weapons worth banning, I think when we discussed this with Dio and dondon we found that only the Luna Sword (nullified defence) is broken. Vega's Prf Shramm comes very close though, imho.

- Shigen's Dullahan auto-revives him when killed. It's a bad weapon too, with low accuracy and high wt. The auto-revive should either happen once per match, not happen at all, or happen every time until Shigen is the only one standing. I'm leaning towards the former.

- No units seem particularly deserving of a ban, but it's hard for me to say before we play out some games.

That's the tl;dr version of it I think.

Edited by Rin Nakai
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