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Fire Emblem Link Arena Discussion Topic


Things in the Fates meta that look bannable?  

24 members have voted

  1. 1. (tick many) What looks bannable in the Fates meta?

    • Dragon Ward (Hoshido Noble)
    • Life or Death (Master of Arms)
    • Counter (Oni Chieftain)
    • Darting Blow (Sky Knight)
    • Multiple Amaterasu (Kinshi Knight)
    • Wary Fighter (General)
    • Inspiration (Strategist)
    • Aggressor (Dread Fighter)
    • Galeforce (Dark Falcon)
    • Awakening (Great Lord)
    • Dancing Blade (Lodestar)
    • Ban ALL DLC/Amiibo skills.
    • Other (state what)

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Sorcs always have Tomebreaker, so Superior Jolt+ won't really be any more effective than any non-tome weapon attacking the Sorc. I do agree that some classes will be preferred to others; I suppose it shouldn't exactly be our aim to make absolutely everyone viable (which the max stats meta does kinda achieve, in a way). When you think about it, the averages metagames we have had so far have been the strictest about drawing the line between the more viable units and the outsiders.

Having only the skills taken from one promotion path (e.g. Frederick users choose between Knight/Great Knight or Cavalier/Great Knight if choosing Fred, but Frederick actually doesn't gain any levels unpromoted, so let's take Lon'qu as our example instead).

Giving players more choice to the extent where it's too much also means more difficulty in the pre-battle planning stage, because it's always easier to have succinct stat tables in the resource thread to assist with team building and host checking the data. There's bound to be one person who will insist on meticulously planning the path to 20/20 promoted, e.g. "I'll take 5 Cavalier levels, followed by 14 Myrmidon levels" and so on.

True, Sorcs with Tomebreaker. For w/e reason i was thinking Tomefaire.

Maybe we should devise a mock tier list, and we can start basing battles on said tier lists, kind of like how we did for FE9.

That's the one thing I'm against, simply because calculation nonsense is well, far too dependent on so many variables and it's just so much damn work to verify by both parties and the host.

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In hindsight, I think I'd actually like to do FE9 instead. Maxes or averages is up to my opponent, be they whoever.

i'll play you in 9 if we do averages/boosters/cut supports?

Edited by General Horace
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Right on. I'll host your next game so you can play a few.

EDIT: The links in the FAQ topic are broken since links are different with the site update.

Edited by General Horace
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Right on. I'll host your next game so you can play a few.

That'd be neat. One thing I want to try out is a mixed metagame of FE7 units vs. FE8 units. The best of each world, each fighting with the weaponry available to them in their respective game. The FE7 squad could have the Uber Spear available to them to compensate for the fact that FE8 has other skills outside of Lethality (Pierce and Great Shield namely).

So if anyone wants to do that, let us know. I don't particularly care which of the teams I'd get, and I guess you should try to use the best of what your game offers while also taking into account what to counter in the other's army.

Edited by Espinosa
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I could do it.

Lovely, I'll get to work on an appropriate team.

Right on. I'll host your next game so you can play a few.

Such consideration.

That'd be neat. One thing I want to try out is a mixed metagame of FE7 units vs. FE8 units. The best of each world, each fighting with the weaponry available to them in their respective game. The FE7 squad could have the Uber Spear available to them to compensate for the fact that FE8 has other skills outside of Lethality (Pierce and Great Shield namely).

So if anyone wants to do that, let us know. I don't particularly care which of the teams I'd get, and I guess you should try to use the best of what your game offers while also taking into account what to counter in the other's army.

...that is a neat idea, actually.

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It's not a huge disparity. Is effective MT gonna be FE7's x2 or FE8's x3?

Back when we played FE7 LA, we also went for the Japanese effective might formula, much like we did in PoR (where Hammering a VK General was still the most horrible idea for a turn). So 3x.

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FE8 has more stat boosters to go around, too. That's why a 3 Trainee team was one of the most viable things to play.

I guess max stats would be the best way to go about that.

I don't necessarily like FE8 Maxes, to my memory berserkers are incredibly powerful due to a higher skill cap.

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Got Horace's and Anon's teams for the FE9 cut supports match. No reason why I can't just host another game alongside the present one, but it's a little difficult to multi-task between two different metas with very different mechanics, so we'll begin this one when Horace and Elieson's Awakening game is over, if you don't mind. Plus I gotta go to bed now; a lot to be done tomorrow.

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Got Horace's and Anon's teams for the FE9 cut supports match. No reason why I can't just host another game alongside the present one, but it's a little difficult to multi-task between two different metas with very different mechanics, so we'll begin this one when Horace and Elieson's Awakening game is over, if you don't mind. Plus I gotta go to bed now; a lot to be done tomorrow.

I don't mind at all, it gives me time to change my mind and come up with a better team.

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I wouldn't play it, it doesn't add that much to unit selection strategy and it's another element of luck.

Too unpredictable, and can lead to too easily sandbagged teams vs potentially hardcore teams

Regarding the luck element, that is the risk the players will accept if they mutually agree to play it; in the end, LA teams derive from the natural levelling system and this might reflect the reality of the game a bit more than the Averages.

Respecting unbalanced teams, I wouldn't mind checking if Ratings/(Unit)!FinalStats have a statistically significant difference using Average!Mode or RNG!Mode. If there's no difference then ok, if there's difference then RIP.

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Well of course not, but players may still accept or not the resulting teams, who knows if it will be severly screwed, slightly screwed, similar to average or blessed? It's just a way to make it a bit more dynamic rather than knowing from before-hand the outcome of the battle and practically predicting the game. Not a huge change but yeah.

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Well of course not, but players may still accept or not the resulting teams, who knows if it will be severly screwed, slightly screwed, similar to average or blessed? It's just a way to make it a bit more dynamic rather than knowing from before-hand the outcome of the battle and practically predicting the game. Not a huge change but yeah.

Honestly I'd just Reroll for hours until I had a pretty confidently quality team :/

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Hello. Looking through some of the previous games, the Awakening Link Arena meta seems interesting. So I was wondering if anyone would like to play a match with me? I already have a team set up for use.

EDIT: Oh yeah, I forgot. 1st Gen, Max Stats was the meta I wanted to play.

Edited by Carmine Sword
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Hello. Looking through some of the previous games, the Awakening Link Arena meta seems interesting. So I was wondering if anyone would like to play a match with me? I already have a team set up for use.

EDIT: Oh yeah, I forgot. 1st Gen, Max Stats was the meta I wanted to play.

I would, but i've played quite a few recently, so I could host it if you'd like.

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