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Fire Emblem Link Arena Discussion Topic


Things in the Fates meta that look bannable?  

24 members have voted

  1. 1. (tick many) What looks bannable in the Fates meta?

    • Dragon Ward (Hoshido Noble)
    • Life or Death (Master of Arms)
    • Counter (Oni Chieftain)
    • Darting Blow (Sky Knight)
    • Multiple Amaterasu (Kinshi Knight)
    • Wary Fighter (General)
    • Inspiration (Strategist)
    • Aggressor (Dread Fighter)
    • Galeforce (Dark Falcon)
    • Awakening (Great Lord)
    • Dancing Blade (Lodestar)
    • Ban ALL DLC/Amiibo skills.
    • Other (state what)

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I just tried to imagine a game between two bulky teams, each with Ilyana. Attacking anything is too dangerous (I sure remember my first game against Hawkeye) so they first try to kill 2 people with siege (maybe not), then kill Ilyana and then have a 2-vs-2 match, maybe 1-vs-2 if one Ilyana had better luck proccing Flare, critting and connecting attacks. tbqh that's lame.

I think next time we play the regular meta, we should try my visibility idea (anybody previously targeted by Ilyana is able to target her, and Shade never wears off).

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Posting to announce that the FE8 Averages Link Arena is now playable!!! Responding to the majority of votes in the current poll.

Feel free to have a look in the (generally cleaned up and much prettier looking, with a re-written section of PoR rules) first post for the character stats.

Some reasons to try out FE8 in addition to playing PoR:

- a lot of characters seem pretty viable.

- there are skills that could proc, though less abundant than FE9 ones.

- the support combos possible are very rich and add depth to team building.

- FE8's con system affects which weapons you may choose to bring.

- Reclassing, though it seems like it's generally pretty clear which is the best option for each other. Still, up to you if you want to fish for crits with Joshua/Marisa or try going for assassinations, for example.

- Weapons: In PoR we are limited to Ragnell, Wishblade and Rexbolt for usable "ultimate" weapons, one locked to Ike, another to Ilyana, third providing a boost in the most useless stat. Meanwhile, in FE8 the sacred twins make a big difference with their boosts. For example, Moulder is not weighed down by Ivaldi and gets the much needed +5 defence, while Ross is no longer doubled by as many characters when wielding Garm. There are also reaver weapons.

- Choice to select a weapon type to S-rank in.

- You might like the characters or smth idk lol

We could have some test games pretty soon, but for now I'd like to ask which of these items are available in which amounts without glitching, as I never cared to try any of the optional/postgame stuff out:

Hoplon Guard

Fili Shield


Reaver weapons


Light Brand / Runesword / Wind Sword



By the way, which classes exactly does Swordslayer strike effectively? Heroes, SMs - what about Assassins?

Edited by Espinosa
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Did some research on our site + FeW and so far the availability list looks like this:

1x Hoplon Guard

1x Fili Shield

1x Braves

inf. Reaver weapons (storebought in C17 English version)

2x Shamshir

1x / 3x / 1x Light Brand / Runesword / Wind Sword

3x Spear

2x Swordslayer

(also Spears and Swordslayers are purchasable in C19, but only in the Japanese version of the game)

I could've sworn there was some way people obtained the magical blades in larger quantities though, and I imagine a lot of these are also locatable in the optional dungeons as drops with RNG abuse? No idea which ones though.

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A lot of items are available for purchase after the end of the game, such as Brave Weapons, Spears and Shamshirs. Runeswords can't be bought but it takes minimal effort to get tons of them as soon as chapter 9 appears on the map. Swordslayers and Tomahawks can be obtained from drops as well.

Caellach and Valter bring another Hoplon Guard and Fili Shield.

Pretty sure both the Light Brand can't be bought. The Wind Sword is only available through Ismaire, which implies if that one's allowed, then just about everything postgame is fair game, possibly including stat boosters.

Edited by Woodshooter
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Id prefer an avg stats metagame without access to Ismaire's Wind Sword.

Also, would Phantoms be included in any way?

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So that makes it:

2x Hoplon Guard
2x Fili Shield
inf Braves
inf Reaver weapons (storebought in C17 English version)
inf Shamshir
1x / inf / 1x Light Brand / Runesword / Wind Sword
inf Spear
2x Swordslayer

On that note, let's see if my FE8 portraits work:

[spoiler=FE8 facing right]






[spoiler=FE8 facing left]







Mekkah's team



Colonel M's team


Looking good.

n8gk.png vsjng2.png

And no, I don't think we'll be using phantoms.

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(Should probably make an arena subthread in the fe8 section too)

pkl, did your oscar have the Full Guard last match?

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(Should probably make an arena subthread in the fe8 section too)

pkl, did your oscar have the Full Guard last match?

No, Knight Ward. Tauroneo had the second FG. KW on Oscar is a really good choice considering you want him and Ike to both be alive to make them really hard to hit. Then again, KW on a General is even better considering they often get doubled.

And I think I'll ask to move the topic to Fire Emblem general, so that this thread can be used for all metagames. Don't want to make too many threads for a Link arena in each game.

God, that's great!

May I join in next match?

Of course. Just gonna wait until somebody else jumps in willing to play (you mean FE8 I think, right?). I think ZM also wanted to play Sacred Stones arena.

PM me your team when you're ready with it.

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I'll make my FE8 team later.

Is Me vs. Espinosa today?

Depends on when Hawkeye will be able to host the game. I doubt it will happen today though, but if you've made your team already then it might as well, I guess.

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You just need an efficient way to host, pkl. Leave that to me.

You stick to being super efficient at destroying me in matches

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I'm also available, but i'd rather not host again unless it's strictly needed. So time-consuming.

We'd never get any games done if all people thought like this lol. And I lack the background to design a program that could run games quickly (though there was an effort to make calculations easier to carry out by one other person).

Having multiple hosts available is great to keep things going, though.

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