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Fire Emblem is now 10 years old in America


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Despite this fact, one classic issue has never been corrected.


Also if you could add a poll, who really took that misleading tagline "trust no one?" seriously?

I already shared my story. How about everyone else.

Edited by Gregosa
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Anybody remember that sword of seals normal boss theme? It's just so upbeat and catchy. Reminds me of me when I used to take fencing classes.

Also curious to know what games people preferred back then? I've already stated the obvious it was Advance Wars.

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The sword of seals boss theme is still one of my favorites to this day. Before Fire Emblem I would mainly just played platformers and the occasional adventure game here and there. Metroid and FE have been my top two favorite franchises since I first got a GBA.

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Does anyone have the the Colm and Marisia full support conversation?

It's a good example of the dfiference between general and narrow studies?

Also a random 1 percent brigadier crit attack from Fe 6 would. be nice.

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Does anyone have the the Colm and Marisia full support conversation?

It's a good example of the dfiference between general and narrow studies?

Also a random 1 percent brigadier crit attack from Fe 6 would. be nice.

what the


are you even TALKING about

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Please keep in mind that a lot of people no a few things about me. It might sound weird but there`s got a a few subtle hints about me here somewhere.

I`ve lost a lot of weight recently(so somebody getting married over bentos or whatever)

I`d really appreciate that colm marisa thing when I get back. It`s hard to explain, but I`m not the only one.

Also be tacky. I already posted power hungry fool on my facebook account.

if anybody knows how to use that meme generator for Pokemon I would love to see that Mr. Bean picture when I come back

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Please keep in mind that a lot of people no a few things about me. It might sound weird but there`s got a a few subtle hints about me here somewhere.

I`ve lost a lot of weight recently(so somebody getting married over bentos or whatever)

I`d really appreciate that colm marisa thing when I get back. It`s hard to explain, but I`m not the only one.

Also be tacky. I already posted power hungry fool on my facebook account.

if anybody knows how to use that meme generator for Pokemon I would love to see that Mr. Bean picture when I come back

no this makes no sense what

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C Support:

Colm: Hey, you! Have you seen a scary-looking woman?

Marisa: ...Scary-looking woman? Is she your sister?

Colm: NO. I don't have any sisters. The woman I'm talking about was beautiful, but also very scary. Have you seen someone who fits that description?

Marisa: I don't think so. Beautiful but very scary... What do you mean by that?

Colm: Well, I'm not exactly sure, either. I just heard from one of Gerik's mercenaries that there is a woman sword fighter here. Apparently, she's very talented and was hired for an unbelievable sum.

Marisa: A woman sword fighter??

Colm: Rumor is that if you speak to her without thinking, she's likely to attack you out of nowhere!

Marisa: Is that so.

Colm: Maybe her face is scarred from fighting. Yeah, that's probably it! She's beautiful, but has a very sad past behind that scar. And that's why she's so scary!

Marisa: A scarred face? A sad past?

Colm: Or maybe it's because her lover was killed, and she's trying to avenge him. That seems equally plausible, doesn't it? Anyway, if you see her around, would you tell her that I was looking for her? See ya.

Marisa: Well, I'm the only female sword fighter here. I guess he was looking for me. He is so clueless...

B Support:

Colm: Oh, hi, Marisa! I'm sorry for what I said the other day. I figured out that you were the scary woman I was talking about. I'm Colm. Nice to meet you.

Marisa: OK. So, what did you want from me?

Colm: Oh, nothing special. I just wanted to meet the famous swordswoman. I was going to challenge you to a match, but I've seen you fight and know how good you are. You'd beat me senseless.

Marisa: I'll accept a match with you anytime.

Colm: Well, I don't know how else to say this. You're scaring me.

Marisa: Scaring?

Colm: Yeah. It sounds funny, but you never look at the enemy... I mean...you don't care about the enemy at all.

Marisa: I have no idea what you're talking about. Speak English.

Colm: I mean... Even when the enemy is right in front of you, you aren't even looking at him. You're fighting something else.

Marisa: Something else?

Colm: I'm not that smart, and I don't know much about swords. So I can't say exactly who or what it is you are really fighting.

Marisa: I see.

Colm: Um... What I mean to say is good luck in all your battles. Um... That's it. See you later!

Marisa: The enemy...I'm really fighting?

A Support:

Marisa: Colm.

Colm: Hi, Marisa.

Marisa: I was thinking about what you were saying the other day.

Colm: You mean about you not fighting the enemy in front of you, but something else? Is that what you're talking about?

Marisa: Yes.

Colm: What about it?

Marisa: Do you want to know? What I'm really fighting with?

Colm: Huh? Y-yeah...... If you want to tell me, sure.

Marisa: What I'm really fighting with is...

Colm: ...

Marisa: My father.

Colm: Your father?!

Marisa: Well, to be more precise, his shadow.

Colm: Was he a swordsman also?

Marisa: He was one of the most famous swordsmen in Jehanna. He was also a mercenary.

Colm: I see why you're so good.

Marisa: Ever since I was a child, my father taught me how to live as a mercenary.

Colm: Since you were a kid?

Marisa: The harsh conditions of Jehanna breed strength and ruthlessness. The only way to survive is by being a mercenary.

Colm: Oh.

Marisa: My father is my parent, my teacher, and above all, a mountain I must conquer.

Colm: A mountain?

Marisa: Once I conquer the mountain, I can accomplish anything I want.

Colm: That must be a...big mountain. So, where are you on the mountain? A third of the way up? Halfway up? Or can you already see the summit?

Marisa: ...I'm only at the base.

Colm: You still have a long way to go, huh?

Marisa: ...Yes. I don't even know where the summit is yet.

Colm: Well, then, you don't know how long it will take, do you?

Marisa: I'll just keep climbing. Even if it takes me forever...

Colm: Oh. I see. Well, good luck. I'm sure you'll make it to the top.

Marisa: Yes. Someday. For sure. You're...a nice guy.

Colm: Ha ha ha! Oh, please. You're embarrassing me.

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Yeah, uh...I don't understand anything that guy posts. I wonder if he's just a really good troll?

Inorite? Can't tell if this person's just... impaired, or trying to piss people off.

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I already posted power hungry fool on my facebook account.

This is all that matters.

It would have been nice if IS/Nintendo acknowledged the 10th anniversary by announcing the next game or something. Or Sakurai announcing Marth on Monday.

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Yeah, uh...I don't understand anything that guy posts. I wonder if he's just a really good troll?

Glad to know it's not just me...

This is all that matters.

It would have been nice if IS/Nintendo acknowledged the 10th anniversary by announcing the next game or something. Or Sakurai announcing Marth on Monday.

I think they'll consider the Japanese anniversary to be more important for these kind of things...

More than 6 months before EU anniversary.

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Hi guys, I forgot to mention this to to everyone, but could somebody do some simple calculations for me. I was a little unclear about myself so I do remember that 9/11 happened on the same day as Advance Wars. I know somebody from home who understands Spanish and basic math.

I don't want to go into heavy detail but 9/11 happened around the same time as where I live. I was bit unclear about the dangers of miscalulations but I wanted to be as clear as possible on this site. I plopped down a bunch of region based on how Latin should be defined. Basicallty I answered my own question but I wanted to know how big the numbers are. Fire Emblem taught me to be open minded with anything. There are a bunch of people having fun on Facebook I hope. but do this calculation it's huge. Count up all the places I listed. Seriously she will read out whatever I have to say, yes or no. Basically if I did not get interested Fire Emblem or other foreign things you would not know. Just do some simple number crunching for me compare Venezeula to the rest of the Latin World I listed. To speed things up do some simple number crunching for me.

Basically being on the world forum is lot like being on the world stage you can't call yourself a world leader when you're actually tiny. You will seem like a troll. Just do the basics for me since 9/11(Cause that's when Advance Wars came, yup) is the only time I might remember an event. just add up all those places I would not realize how rude Hugo Chavez had conducted himself that.day, if I did not realize how big and blurry some parts of the world can seem.

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Alien Language, although if Nessie's statement that it is not Alien language is correct, it must be a Superior Cross Break Mega Counter Soul Persona Ride Language

Gotta say this is not that special of a moment for myself since I only started playing FE liek years ago

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