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Biggest brain fart


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Simple, it's one of those moments when you screw up spectacularly while trying to do something simple.

Mine's gotta be talking to myself loudly in a bathroom while taking a shit.

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Arriving at 10:30 at my university and being convinced my class starts at 13:30. Arrive to said class at 13:26 only to realize that the class started at 13:00. I didn't even enter the class due to shame.

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Having a brilliant idea for a movie to watch and write an upcoming paper about...then completely forgetting about that movie five minutes later. *sigh*

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Just remembered another one.

I was halfway through my 40min bus ride to the university when I realized that I could not remember if I had locked the door and activated the alarm system before leaving. What did I do? I went back to my house(40 more min) only to find out that I had locked the door and activated the alarm. I arrived 15min late to my class instead of being 1h early like I originally planned.

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Sometimes you have to personify the parts of your body if you want to persuade them to work.

I know, sometimes you have to yell an authoritative command to your bowels to get them to work.

sry, I spend way too much time in fftf


err my English paper was due 2 in two weeks, I waited for inspiration. It came 12 hours before it was due, I received an A for the paper.

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a doctor at the hospital i volunteer at asked me if i wanted to go into medicine into the future

"yes i wish to go into the health field."

"well those two are the same thing but okay" was his reply

i felt so stupid

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a doctor at the hospital i volunteer at asked me if i wanted to go into medicine into the future

"yes i wish to go into the health field."

"well those two are the same thing but okay" was his reply

i felt so stupid

I think he's the one who had the brain fart, unless your intonation provided some weird meaning that one can't read from text alone here.

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I went to class 2 hours early but didnt realize it. I cursed my classmates for not telling me the changing of the schedule and went home. Of course the teacher didnt buy my story...

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An entire week when I thought it was the next day. I literally never thought to ask anyone... had cable Television... a computer... and even a calendar... and not once bothered to check what day it was for an entire week...

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