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How do you capture shiny pokemon? cheats or legit? and why?


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Hey everyone it has been awhile since I last made a topic. But anyway the big thing in Pokemon games besides legendary Pokemon Shiny Pokemon. Well recently I just got back into the Pokemon Franchise and started playing Pokemon Emerald and this game has shiny pokemon but.. The chance of ever encountering a shiny is so LOW!!! that is ridiculous how low the chance is they need to make that chance higher I have played through the entire game and still have not met a shiny so I got some cheats and now I got atleast 25 pokemon that i like the look of shiny. I know some people have captured some legit but I think it would drive one insane due to the very low chance and what if the shiny that appears is not a color that you like? or on a pokemon you don`t really like? after all the searching that would be upsetting if it were done the legit way or you by mistake kill the pokemon there goes your chance. Now part two your reason for liking and wanting to catch shiny pokemon? what is the motivation behind it? for me I like to have many shiny because it adds more variety and life to my pokemon collection and well in my opinion every pokemon looks a lot better and cooler shiny than the normal colors like for instance Regirock is a lot less boring looking shiny than he is normal. When he normal color he looks like a generic rock :( Rayquaza for example looks way more cool and deadly shiny that black color looks right on him he should have been that color instead of green (plus black is my favorite color heh) Aron his eyes look a lot better red than blue but yeah I mainly capture shiny pokemon for looks as many look better shiny than normal color except the pikachu family and jigglypuff they are just a few shades darker color than the normal color no different look much.

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I got a shiny Luvdisc in Emerald.

I wasn't trying to get one and I didn't know there was "shiny" pokémons back then. (That was a long time ago.)

Edited by Naughx
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I got a shiny Luvdisc in Emerald.

I wasn't trying to get one and I didn't know there was "shiny" pokémons back then. (That was a long time ago.)

Ohh what luck and to encounter one legit too I always hope to encounter one legit but none are coming :( it would make one think they are not there haha the chance is so low thank you Bulbapedia for showing all sprites haha. It must have been very exciting seeing a shiny Luvdisc though you never expect to see stuff like that pop up heh.

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I've caught many shiny pokemon, not even a single of them was cheating.

That said, there are some really easy way to get shiny pokemon, mainly chaining with the pokeradar and chaining with fishing rods (in X/Y)

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X & Y made it easier to get shiny thanks to Horde battles, Pokemon safaris, Chain Fishing and Poke radar chain. For example, I recently caught a Shiny Geodude in a horde. But this brings me to a point you've made. Since it was a horde battle, I had to face 5 pokemon with only one being shiny. I make one faint, then they start using magnitude. I got a stroke of luck and the shiny one was the only one left alive, but he could easily have been KOed by the other ones.(I also read somewhere that someone found a Shiny Graveler, which then proceeded to self-destruct).

In older gens, I did receive a DS Action Replay and used it to get me some shinies. However, I never traded any of the Shiny i've caught that way, it was mainly a way to entertain myself by having my favorites shinies in-game(owning the elite 4 with shiny Rayquayza is cool)

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.... Was there a reason for you to double-post and quote your own post directly above yours?

I prefer to get shinies legit. I hadn't found a shiny my entire life until I caught a shiny Poliwhirl from chain fishing. (I was searching for a male Dragonair.... and it's so rare, I ended up finding a shiny and not finding the Dragonair until the next day ;~;)

The charm about shinies to me is their rarity, it'd be more of an accomplishment to say "I caught this without cheats!!" That's why I'm a little disappointed that their chance of encounter is being boosted so much... It feels less like an actual accomplishment getting that Poliwhirl, but at the same time I'm happy that I finally found one~ Pokerus is more rare, yet I got Pokerus before I ever found a shiny, even though the shiny is what I wanted even more ;n;

Despite how I prefer to find a shiny without the chances being curved in my favour, I'm still going to try to get a shiny Mareep through hordes =3 I'd love to have a purple Ampharos~!

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i remember my first shiny (pidgey) was in leafgreen. the game fell out of my hand one day and reset everything. the only shinies i have are in heartgold and they are crobat and slowbro. If i was able to get a shiny Totodile,Dratini, Treecko, Feebas, Beldum,or Bagon.

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.... Was there a reason for you to double-post and quote your own post directly above yours?

I prefer to get shinies legit. I hadn't found a shiny my entire life until I caught a shiny Poliwhirl from chain fishing. (I was searching for a male Dragonair.... and it's so rare, I ended up finding a shiny and not finding the Dragonair until the next day ;~;)

The charm about shinies to me is their rarity, it'd be more of an accomplishment to say "I caught this without cheats!!" That's why I'm a little disappointed that their chance of encounter is being boosted so much... It feels less like an actual accomplishment getting that Poliwhirl, but at the same time I'm happy that I finally found one~ Pokerus is more rare, yet I got Pokerus before I ever found a shiny, even though the shiny is what I wanted even more ;n;

Despite how I prefer to find a shiny without the chances being curved in my favour, I'm still going to try to get a shiny Mareep through hordes =3 I'd love to have a purple Ampharos~!

Wanted to edit my post. Quoted myself instead, changed what I wanted and posted. Then I realized what I had done.

And despite not getting a shiny before that Horde geodude(I don't count AR shiny as real ones, obviously), I got pokérus twice. Once in HG and the other in Y, so I'm pretty lucky with pokérus apparently.

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I've caught many shiny pokemon, not even a single of them was cheating.

That said, there are some really easy way to get shiny pokemon, mainly chaining with the pokeradar and chaining with fishing rods (in X/Y)

Whaa :o you got a bunch of shiny without cheating? *sniff* my game hates me I`ve found none. Ah really? well it is about time that they made it a bit easier to get shiny pokemon too bad I don`t have X or Y yet.

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i remember my first shiny (pidgey) was in leafgreen. the game fell out of my hand one day and reset everything. the only shinies i have are in heartgold and they are crobat and slowbro. If i was able to get a shiny Totodile,Dratini, Treecko, Feebas, Beldum,or Bagon.

Ooh that is bad if that had happened to me and I had finally found that shiny after so long I would have to put the game down for awhile Lol as I would be upset at it. Oh I always wanted a Shiny Treeko!! his color is awesome shiny and Treeko is my favorite grass type. I di not think of cheating one into my game as my normal colored Treeko is already Lv91 with good stats I don`t want to start over with that.

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I think there are tricks to increasing the chances or something

and cheating is totally a thing in older games but hasn't got very far with the 3DS yet AFAIK

I think with time though there will be cheats and hacks out for the 3DS pokemon games the pokemon hacking community is so large they seem to get right on stuff so fast it amazes me just wow haha we need a large hacking community like that for every FE game haha.

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Most shiny pokemon i had were cheats. Mostly because i liked their alternate colour and was going to hack a pokemon with good IV's and already trained in EV's anyway so i said why not. This was back in heart gold/platinum

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I had a shiny Buizel, I was very excited at the time. But it was yellow, I didn't like it's colouring at all, so I never used it haha. I accidentally defeated the red Gyarados back in Silver, that was pretty upsetting >.> you'd think I would have restarted my game but nope, I didn't. So the Buizel is the only one I've ever run into on the field.

I got the shiny Dialga, Palkia and Geratina from the recent event that occurred in prep for Pokemon X & Y. I like that the Palkia is pink.

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