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Why Fire Emblem?


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I started playing Fire Emblem because of Roy in Smash Bros. He was my favorite character and I knew that the game he came from was an RPG/Strat/Tactics game, which I enjoy playing.

But I'm a huge fan of expansive, RPG games like these. Getting tons of characters, managing items, training and etc. are just stuff I eat up. But it's also got a good storyline to go with each game so it's like reading a book except that you're gaming.

two here....

What I really love about FE is character development, the Story is good nothing like Metal Gear... but just good to enjoy the chars (Ishitar <3)

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What got me into the early Fire Emblem series was the gameplay and the story of each character in FE4. The story was unlike no other Nintendo game I had played in the past. Finally, I found a Nintendo game with a mature story and changeling gameplay that would make go back to the series over and over again.

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1st of all, I will say that what got me started was a good friend of mine (the best friend I had ever had). He got me and my brother started on FE. But what makes me sad is that he moved away and he turned off his phone because people kept prank calling him, and he moved again after a while (I found that out after my brother and I mailed him something).

What makes me stick with Fire Emblem is that I love the stories and characters. Plus it helped me learn good strategy.

XD I also like how it is really really similar to chess!

Edited by Freohr Datia
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Apparently I didn't get into it until the time of Fire Emblem IX. When I first played it, I loved it. When I beat the game the first time, I tried to see if I could unlock the official artwork of the other two games, so I got both Fire Emblems VII and VIII. (not just for that though, but also the gameplay and stories. Although, ironically I got Fire Emblem VIII at an earlier time than Fire Emblem VII) and I played both of them as well. It got me hooked. (I later found out that at the time, Fire Emblem VIII didn't have as much artwork as VII and IX.)

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