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I dislike super-heroes


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Thou shall be smitten for thy tresspasses against the son of Asgard!


(and this is why I'm not an actor)

Thou puny mortal is but a nobody after all.

(sorry that was really bad I shouldn't attempt humor again)

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Capt. America

Iron Man


How would you find the movies about these boring?

I watched batman and iron man and my reaction was "Meh". That said, I dislike almost every action movie out there. I don't get the point of seeing a bunch of guys running and punching each other.

That's quite alright nobody...


Chose your words wisely

I used to watch anime until when I was 15. Nowadays I don't like it. I find japanese voice acting just hideous.

Edited by Nobody
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Guys punching each other is the best genre I'd watch it even if it's not a movie

I'll even participate

(also they're usually hot dudes in spandex which means great view of butts)

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Guys punching each other is the best genre I'd watch it even if it's not a movie

I'll even participate

Haha, Thanks to you I remembered of something that happened last year. One of my classmates, with whom I had physics classes with, suddenly appeared in the middle of the class dressed as thor, and threw one rubber hammer at the teacher. It was hilarious, because that happened during the release of the avengers movie, and the guy was fully dressed as thor(same costume, and they had the same hair color). The teacher was his friend, though, so he also found it hilarious and nothing happened to the guy.

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I watched batman and iron man and my reaction was "Meh". That said, I dislike almost every action movie out there. I don't get the point of seeing a bunch of guys running and punching each other.

I used to watch anime until when I was 15. Nowadays I don't like it. I find japanese voice acting just hideous.

Last chance... What about manga?

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Thou puny mortal is but a nobody after all.

(sorry that was really bad I shouldn't attempt humor again)

It's OK because ever since he showed up, FftF's destiny is to be saturated with Nobody/nobody jokes.

I guess this topic means nobody dislikes superheroes.

YA, YA, the proof is in the pudding!

I'm not super into superheroes but they can have cool movies made about them. It does seem like I find a majority of them a bit boring when I do end up seeing them (I didn't like Iron Man 1 and 2 or Captain America very much), but I liked Batman, the new Spider Man (WITH THE LIZARD), and The Avengers a lot.

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There's a certain appeal to me in the "I'M BATMAN" factor for a lot of superhero media, but at the same time so many of the characters have been handled by so many artists and writers, even within individual continuities, that, ironically, the comics themselves are a bit harder to get into than the mainstream cultural power that superheroes project in the U.S. would suggest.

To me, anyway

Also I heard they take up a huge share of comic publishing holla dollas in the U.S., at least

Like almost to the point where "you're Marvel/D.C. or you're a bug," in comics here

I can't say I know enough of the details to honestly claim I know that to be the case, but if it is, I'd kinda wish it wasn't

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I detest superhero movies/comics/whatever.

I tried to watch a handful of the movies since they were so hyped, and I honestly couldn't even finish half of them.

They are just so boring and corny.

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The Avengers & Thor is awesome!! How can you dislike them </3

You don't like super-hero movies, Anime or manga, What do you like?! XD

Edited by Shelie
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I used to watch anime until when I was 15. Nowadays I don't like it. I find japanese voice acting just hideous.

There's this fascinating thing called English dubs, you should check it out.

Guys punching each other is the best genre I'd watch it even if it's not a movie

I'll even participate

(also they're usually hot dudes in spandex which means great view of butts)

Also yes.

And I really like Batman. Other super hero movies that I've watched I enjoyed for the most part, but there's just something about The Dark Knight trilogy. ALSOALSO nanananananananananananananana BATMAN.

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