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The best designed character in Awakening is Lucina.


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The cape, though, is very much just an FE lord thing, right down to the color. Just look at Eliwood and Roy. Seliph and Sigurd also have worn the red and blue combo in artwork. Ike as a Lord in PoR also has the red and blue combination.

Marths, all the way down. That's what it looks like to me.

Sheaths are normal worn on the left side for right handed sword wielders. It's the same as most other FE sword lords.

Was referring to the cape, not the sheath. The clasp that holds the cape on: right shoulder.

...Er, elaborate? I don't recall ever shoving FE1 characters or gen 1 Pokemon down anyone's throats.

You threw a "we" in there, as if everyone was irritated at the Gen 1 stuff. I happen to like it.

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...Er, elaborate? I don't recall ever shoving FE1 characters or gen 1 Pokemon down anyone's throats.

You threw a "we" in there, as if everyone was irritated at the Gen 1 stuff. I happen to like it.

We're glad the first characters made the franchises successful, but they don't have to be shoved down our throats.

So far, you're the only one so irritated at it that you are making statements like those.

Oh noooo, people like Marthy-pan.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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I would like Lucina much more if the reason for her being female wasn't just to allow male Avatars to marry a lord.

Yeah, I know I already stated this, but it seems people misunderstood my opinion.

And also if her portrait on the status screen wasn't ugly.

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I may get a verbal warning for once again bringing up Pokémon but I don't mind a little Charizard love. The guy was the butt of jokes about how he sucked competitively and only n00bs use him, and now we Charizard fans got our revenge with not only one but TWO ultra-cool Mega forms, one of which fixes Charizard's terrible Attack while the other gives him a very useful ability.

Marth is the first lord so it's understandable that he gets some love. I just wish they gave him a proper tribute by, like, making a game revolving around him that doesn't suck or is terribly outdated.

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I said "we" because I'm sure I'm not the only person on this planet that doesn't like how much Marth we've been getting lately.

I honestly wouldn't be surprised if there were people who shared your point of view, Ana, but you can't really speak for an entire group of people that may or may not exist. I haven't seen any people who are sick of Marth to the degree you seem to be on SF at least. I mean, if you don't like how much Marth we've been getting lately, that's fine, but you still speak for only yourself instead of an entire group that may or may not exist.

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Marth is the first lord so it's understandable that he gets some love. I just wish they gave him a proper tribute by, like, making a game revolving around him that doesn't suck or is terribly outdated.

In defense of the remakes, I think that's the whole point of it being a remake. It's just supposed to be an update. His story has already been told; we are lucky to have heard it twice. That's the way FE appears to work.

I would like Lucina much more if the reason for her being female wasn't just to allow male Avatars to marry a lord.

Yeah, I know I already stated this, but it seems people misunderstood my opinion.

And also if her portrait on the status screen wasn't ugly.

That is probably an added benefit, but that's a catch 22 for the developer with that line of thinking. That line of thinking would force the character to be male, which is unfair to their creative process. Not to mention deprive us of a female lord, which FE has had, what, 3 out of the original games prior, all with at least one male lord. You could say the same for having Chrom being male just to allow female Avatars allowed to marry with that line of thinking, which shows you how ridiculous it is.

Not to mention, even if that was the case, why would that be a bad thing? It's just smart designing to include an option for members of their audience (of course, leaving out a few other options because it's nintendo).

I've mentioned this in my analysis before, but I think it's intentional by Kozaki for Lucina to carry such a broken smile in her design. She is never able to give out a full smile. There's a sense of inner pain with every piece of art where she "smiles". It's almost a fake smile, because she really doesn't know how to smile fully really, or doesn't allow herself too, due to growing up in the apocalypse. I'm not sure if that what makes her portrait look ugly to you, but I think that's part of the reason I enjoy the design so much.

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In defense of the remakes, I think that's the whole point of it being a remake. It's just supposed to be an update. His story has already been told; we are lucky to have heard it twice. That's the way FE appears to work.

I think a remake more along the lines of XCOM would've been much better for the series than SD.

I've mentioned this in my analysis before, but I think it's intentional by Kozaki for Lucina to carry such a broken smile in her design. She is never able to give out a full smile. There's a sense of inner pain with every piece of art where she "smiles". It's almost a fake smile, because she really doesn't know how to smile fully really, or doesn't allow herself too, due to growing up in the apocalypse. I'm not sure if that what makes her portrait look ugly to you, but I think that's part of the reason I enjoy the design so much.

I was referring more to the mugshot. Lucina looks good in the cutscenes, but I don't like her mugshot. And I *think* she's not smiling in her mugshot.

Edited by Malebolganone
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I've mentioned this in my analysis before, but I think it's intentional by Kozaki for Lucina to carry such a broken smile in her design. She is never able to give out a full smile. There's a sense of inner pain with every piece of art where she "smiles". It's almost a fake smile, because she really doesn't know how to smile fully really, or doesn't allow herself too, due to growing up in the apocalypse. I'm not sure if that what makes her portrait look ugly to you, but I think that's part of the reason I enjoy the design so much.

About the one time she does have a more genuine looking smile is her confession to MaMU. And even -that- looks pained.

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I've mentioned this in my analysis before, but I think it's intentional by Kozaki for Lucina to carry such a broken smile in her design. She is never able to give out a full smile. There's a sense of inner pain with every piece of art where she "smiles". It's almost a fake smile, because she really doesn't know how to smile fully really, or doesn't allow herself too, due to growing up in the apocalypse. I'm not sure if that what makes her portrait look ugly to you, but I think that's part of the reason I enjoy the design so much.

I'd accuse of looking to deeply into really minor things but then again, I'm of the opinion that Shadow Dragon has one of the best written stories in the series so I don't know.

The only reason I don't like her design is that it really doesn't make sense. She's supposed to stay hidden and work from the shadows. How is it a good idea to go around calling yourself 'Marth' and dressing up as him (or close enough) if she doesn't want to draw attention to herself. I don't remember but I don't think she ever claims she IS the same Marth as the hero king of old but it's still a bad idea to even call yourself that.

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The only reason I don't like her design is that it really doesn't make sense. She's supposed to stay hidden and work from the shadows. How is it a good idea to go around calling yourself 'Marth' and dressing up as him (or close enough) if she doesn't want to draw attention to herself. I don't remember but I don't think she ever claims she IS the same Marth as the hero king of old but it's still a bad idea to even call yourself that.

How does it not make sense? Why does it need to be a "good idea"? Lucina is not some wizened sage, she's a young woman that lost both of her parents. Perfect characters are boring. Lucina herself admits that she didn't really understand the significance of taking the name "Marth", and really had a very childish idea of what he even was as a person in the first place. Read her support with Tiki.

Lucina dressing up as Marth isn't much different than a little kid dressing up as Superman.

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Well, you don't disguise yourself as Superman to hide yourself in public. That's why it's beyond stupid.

You have some really unrealistic expectations for the judgment of a nineteen year old (at best) orphaned time traveler with no support network.

Never mind that despite her naiveté, it's actually an effective disguise. She's hiding in plain sight, and nobody would take her seriously.

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You have some really unrealistic expectations for the judgment of a nineteen year old (at best) orphaned time traveler with no support network.

Never mind that despite her naiveté, it's actually an effective disguise. She's hiding in plain sight, and nobody would take her seriously.

I don't think it's unrealistic at all to expect a disguise to, you know, be a disguise.

The fact that it works is another matter. Team Rocket's disguises always work but that doesn't mean the disguise is good.

Edited by Ranger Jack Walker
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I don't think it's unrealistic at all to expect a disguise to, you know, be a disguise.

Am I speaking a different language? You're expecting a teenage girl to have good judgment. Do you know any teenage girls? You are wingeing about the imperfect decisions of someone who by all rights shouldn't be expected to be competent in the first place, and calling it a nonsense design.

She has the presence of mind to hide the Brand of the Exalt. That's what matters in the end, because nobody is looking for someone from the future. Drawing attention to herself doesn't matter in that respect, never mind that she actually kept a low profile anyway (under the circumstances).

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You have some really unrealistic expectations for the judgment of a nineteen year old (at best) orphaned time traveler with no support network.

Never mind that despite her naiveté, it's actually an effective disguise. She's hiding in plain sight, and nobody would take her seriously.

Her support network can't be that bad if she managed to get a perfect Marth cosplay and time travel in the wake of the apocalypse.

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Her support network can't be that bad if she managed to get a perfect Marth cosplay and time travel in the wake of the apocalypse.

Lucina wasn't alone until she went back in time. I don't think it's unusual for a member of the royal family to have clothes, but I don't know what your standards are, maybe the expectation is that she either runs around naked or wears a burlap sack with a hole cut in the top.

Doesn't change the fact that it's a stupid design, story-wise.

And the entire reason for it is appealing to nostalgia, not because it's the kind of decision an irrational teenager would make or anything like that.

The "fact" that it is a "stupid design", like this is some immutable rule of the universe. Marth is a hero from the history of her world. FFS, her family has the damned Fire Emblem. It's not like they failed to connect the dots, here.

Consider the possibility that you are wrong.

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Lucina wasn't alone until she went back in time. I don't think it's unusual for a member of the royal family to have clothes, but I don't know what your standards are, maybe the expectation is that she either runs around naked or wears a burlap sack with a hole cut in the top.

...because I consider it beyond silly that she went through the trouble of getting herself a Marth cosplay during the dragon apokalypse, I expect her to run around naked or in rugs...

Wow, you tried really hard to misinterpret my post.

Edited by BrightBow
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...because I consider it beyond silly that she went through the trouble of getting herself a Marth cosplay during the dragon apokalypse, I expect her to run around naked or in rugs...

Wow, you tried really hard to misinterpret my post.

Your inanity sandwich got exactly the treatment it deserved. Lucina is not walking around Otacon with a 5-foot foam Buster Sword; she's wielding Falchion and wearing a perfectly serviceable outfit, one based on that of a hero from her nation's history. It's a childish homage, but a true one. She wore it while defending Ylisse from Risen in one of her flashback cutscenes, FFS.

Edited by Interceptor
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Your inanity sandwich got exactly the treatment it deserved. Lucina is not walking around Otacon with a 5-foot foam Buster Sword; she's wielding Falchion and wearing a perfectly serviceable outfit, one based on that of a hero from her nation's history. It's a childish homage, but a true one. She wore it while defending Ylisse from Risen in one of her flashback cutscenes, FFS.

Also the Future Past deal.

... She took up the name "Marth" when her parents died. That outfit and the name are not constructs of her timetravel. [Only the mask, which to be blunt - is stupidity, is.]

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Your inanity sandwich got exactly the treatment it deserved. Lucina is not walking around Otacon with a 5-foot foam Buster Sword; she's wielding Falchion and wearing a perfectly serviceable outfit, one based on that of a hero from her nation's history. It's a childish homage, but a true one. She wore it while defending Ylisse from Risen in one of her flashback cutscenes, FFS.

Yeah, you sure showed my how inane (it's always to learn a new word.) my post was by stating that it's perfectly natural to have a perfect cosplay of Marth as long as you can afford any clothes at all.

Seriously, whoever tailor she tasked with, that guy must have believed her to be out of her mind to request a fancy costume while the country was going down in flames.

Btw, what do you mean with Otacon? Wikipedia only gives me that guy from MGS. And what does Lucina wearing her outfit it in the flashbacks have to do with anything anyway? I would sure hope she did, given that she wore it when she fell through the portal.

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Also the Future Past deal.

... She took up the name "Marth" when her parents died. That outfit and the name are not constructs of her timetravel. [Only the mask, which to be blunt - is stupidity, is.]Her

While how she obtained the mask is stupid, I think it makes sense in order to hide her brand...

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While how she obtained the mask is stupid, I think it makes sense in order to hide her brand...

Which reminds me, I expected a better justification for the mask then something ridiculous as a brand in the eye of all places.

The game has nothing but very thing excuses to justify that Lucina just so happens to have a perfect Marth cosplay, just so happens to wear a mask, and just so happens to call herself Marth,

despite not actually wanting that anyone believe that she actually is Marth.

This absurd setup is not done because it serves the story in any way but just so IS can fool the audience with their "Marth fights against the new Lord" advertisement gag.

In my eye, this does not make for a good character design.

Edited by BrightBow
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Yeah, you sure showed my how inane (it's always to learn a new word.) my post was by stating that it's perfectly natural to have a perfect cosplay of Marth as long as you can afford any clothes at all.

Seriously, whoever tailor she tasked with, that guy must have believed her to be out of her mind to request a fancy costume while the country was going down in flames.

Lucina is Ylissean royalty. Take a look at Lissa's peacetime garb. I don't see what the problem is with Lucina's, considering that it's actually somewhat functional. She has to wear something, and she's not some random d-bag footsoldier.

Btw, what do you mean with Otacon?

Otacon is an anime convention.

Which reminds me, I expected a better justification for the mask then something ridiculous as a brand in the eye of all places.

That means that your expectations are unreasonable.

The game has nothing but very thing excuses to justify that Lucina just so happens to have a perfect Marth cosplay, just so happens to wear a mask, and just so happens to call herself Marth,

despite not actually wanting that anyone believe that she actually is Marth.

This absurd setup is not done because it serves the story in any way but just so IS can fool the audience with their "Marth fights against the new Lord" advertisement gag.

Thanks for sharing this pile of unsupported conjecture about the motivations of people you've never met. Meanwhile, the simple explanation here is that they wanted a Kitchen Sink game that tied the lore together, and this was a nice way to do it.

Edited by Interceptor
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