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Nostalgia Thread


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I feel like we should have a nostalgia thread. Just post pictures or shows or whatever that reminds us of our childhood and just post them here. Doesn't even matter if it's nostalgic for one and not for the other.

Here's my favorite YouTube video that gives me nostalgia feels every time :)

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Definitely was the scariest sentence for me when I was like 8 o.o

And when that little shit does tell your mom, your mom says "Wait till your father hears about this". Now that's even scarier XD

Edited by Cal the Tactician
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cartoons... Samurai jack, Powerpuff girls,

Pokemon games: Kanto and Jhoto regions

my PS1 WOW the graphics on FFVIII were amazing!

the candies mazapan, chocolate covered coconut candies.

for food, Pork and alcohol(none for me of course)since my parents snuck it across the border into a country where Pork and alcohol is illegal.

the arcades that my parents took me while on vacation.

Edited by sifer
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Listening makes me recall simpler days (and I'm pretty sure that's not the version most of you remember)

And this seemed to be fitting the topic as well as being from one of the first video game I've played:

''The flow of time is always cruel... Its speed seems different for each person, but no one can change it... A thing that doesn't change with time is a memory of younger days...''

Such a good game

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What have the nostalgia threads come to these days; the old ones were way better. They just don't make 'em like they used to, I guess.

Having the patience to sink entire days into tedious tasks, like soloing the E4 with my Feraligatr with nothing but brute force.

Also, that music.

Also the music from the X/Y Title Screen reminded me of something and I was feeling pangs of nostalgia, and I'm not sure which music I was reminded of...

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*dies of too much nostalgia overload *

My childhood. ;_;

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I remember the commercials hyping this up before it even came out.

Come at me, kids

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Before I had played Final Fantasy VII the concept of a game with a persistent story was alien to me. The beginning of it places you in a large metropolis, and several hours in after a major action sequence you find yourself at its outskirts, where the party resolves to follow after the antagonist. Then you're just suddenly thrust onto a world map. As a kid that just floored the shit out of me.

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well if i wasn't binge viewing star trek the next generation at the moment id consider that nostalgic. the end credits that is. because, the simpsons would always be on after star trek around 6 o'clock on bbc2 so id wait for it to finish.

also watching my brother complete ocarina of time for the first time on easter sunday. that was pretty mindblowing. one of the few things i remember from 1999

Edited by Aizenberg
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Before I had played Final Fantasy VII the concept of a game with a persistent story was alien to me. The beginning of it places you in a large metropolis, and several hours in after a major action sequence you find yourself at its outskirts, where the party resolves to follow after the antagonist. Then you're just suddenly thrust onto a world map. As a kid that just floored the shit out of me.

Same here, plus hearing One Winged Angel for the first time, Sephiroth burning Nibelhiem the first time, Nanaki dressed up as a Shrina Solider and doing that strange dance, and so much more.

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