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The War for Our Future - Character Development Thread


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[spoiler=The Darklord Xert part two]

Dan:''...So...we're finally here.''

Jxemas: "Yes. Valm Castle. Where I served once, but back to kill. Let's go."

Marth: Whatever you say i guess...

Dan: ''Let's find this annoying bastard and put him out of our misery.''

Jxemas: "Yes....I can feel his presence...Xert! Where are you?"

Sorin: "And so it begins. Are you all ready?"

Marth: *gripping Falchion* I'm as ready as ever. What must be done, must be done

Xert: "I am surprised that I am tracked here. Light...wasn't needed. He was a pawn and thats all there needs to be said about him. Welcome mortals. I am Xert. King of darkness, God of destruction, Demon of power."

Dan: ''King? The only king you are is king of narcissistic, annoying pains in our asses. Now do us a favor and die so we don't have to deal with you ever again.''

Xert: "Am I not the savior who split you and Loptyr in half? You should be thankful to your god."

Dan: ''Savior? You planned to get me killed. I admit separating me from Loptyr was nice, but I have no gratitude for you. And you are no god. No god would take the soul of Ishtar for his own! And I'll make sure her soul is freed from you!''

Sorin: "A god? Hahaha.... That's funny. Last I checked gods had believers. All I believe is you are going to die here."

Marth: Wrong. Convince yourself as much as you like but you are no God as you yourself are perishable. Don't believe me? Well then, *Unsheathes Falchion* you had better prepare for a demonstration

Dan: ''*draws Ragnell* Enough talking. Let's kill him and be done with it.''

Xert:"I am a pure god. No man needs to praise me. Ishtar is beyond saving. Just like Shadowfrost all those months and years ago. What a pathetic man. So much for an immortal. Falling for the same mistakes over and over again. But I've become a god. Nothing in this world can touch me. I am the world eater. I am the death consumer. I am the Genesis of the Revelation. Now let me show you my Strength! *Spawns Morphs of Shadowfrost, Ice, Leo and Jxemas.*"

Dan: ''Cute.'' *charges at one of the morphs*

Marth: Spawning morphs of deceased people.... With one of them being Shadowfrost.... I knew this wouldn't be easy.... *Charges after Shadowfrost Morph*

Xert: *Spawns morphs of Angel, Gulasca, Angie and Alexander* "Fight my gods of war. Now fight."*Warps away*

Sorin: " Is that...." *rushes toward Ice only to find Leo nearby* "Ah Leo. I hope you remember the one who defeated you. And Ice, you'd go against your father in law in battle? What would your husband and children think?"

Ice: "I serve my father. His wish is my desire. Once I kill you all, me and father will live happily in the promise land together.. Forever..."

Leo: "HAHAHA! OH SORIN ITS GREAT TO SEE YOU! I'm so happy I'm going to brutally rip you from limb to limb! Isn't that exciting!? Then after I'm done, I'm going to kill Xert. And rule this fucking world! Heh... Ahahaah!"*charges toward Sorin*


Dan: *Slashes at Alexander Morph* ''You may not be the real one...but doesn't mean I can't enjoy this.''

Alexander: "Hah. Compared to me you're nothing. Don't you see? Xert is going to bring the world into balance again. And then start anew.. *stabs Dan with Corrupt Corona* and nothing is going to stop us!"

Dan: *wincing from the stab, grabs the lance still impaled in his body* "Got you now." *slashes at the morph Alexander*

Alexander: "You are going to attack a wyvern knight such as me with a SWORD!? You're out of your damn mind! *Throws Corrupt Corona at Dan* Now die you trash!"

Dan: *dodges* "Doesn't matter who or what you are. You're susceptible to wounds from any kind of weapon." *swings Ragnell, launching a beam* "You don't scare me. You don't frighten me. You don't intimidate me in the slightest. I've seen true terror from Doma himself. I've faced challenges from him that no sane person would ever do. You are nothing."

Alexander: *Laughing* "Prove it to me then!"*Thrown off* Prove it to me! I want to see you suffer with pain and agony..."*Gets back on*


Alexander: "Men kill. Men breathe. We are all ANIMALS! Don't you see!? I'm surprised Doma choose someone like you. Now show me what a GOD trained beast can do!"

Dan: "...Doma didn't choose me. Hell, he wanted me to die. To atone for my sins. Mila gave me a chance. Doma decided to go along with it... I see now that all you strive for is battle...for death and destruction...We may be animals, but we are gifted with knowledge and common sense. It is then our choice to use it or discard it. I see now that you've made your choice. You annoy me. Now get out of my way."

Alexander: "Then kill me and be done with it. Heheheh....I would like to see you try.”*Charges toward Dan*

Dan: *jumps over the charging wyvern lord, aims for the back, then slashes the spine in half, then lands on the floor* "...Did I use to be like that? No wonder people hated me."

Alexander: "....Pain. Suffering...What I tried to do years ago.....don't make the same mistake..."*dies*

Dan: "...You try to lecture me on what not to do? ...You're a fucking idiot."


Sorin: *blocks Leo* "You haven't changed at all. You're strikes are predictable and slow. If I tried hard enough, I'd be reading your mind." *knocks him back* "And Ice... That's pathetic. You aren't your father's drone. Arthur taught you this no? If this was how you acted after I died, I wonder why Arthur didn't stay with Fee."

Leo: "You inconsistent prick!*hits him with Master Sword* You would talk to your ruler this way?"

Ice: "A-Arthur...*closes eyes* No this is a trick. You are tricking me. You aren't my father in law.*hurls Dark Shade at Sorin* I'm going to make you suffer. Then my father will be proud of me.."

Sorin: *takes the hit and immediately counterattacks* "Not my ruler brother. He is in Ylisse. Just a boy consumed by jealousy and a book." *dodges Ice's attack* "An illusion? Ice my dear... That would be calling all your happy memories with us a lie. Was your wedding a lie? Was Olive being born a lie? Was the first kiss you shared with Arthur lie?"

Leo: "Just a book? That book gave me knowledge. It gave me godhood. It granted me the world! And now that Xert has it... There is nothing you can do!*kicks him and dive-bombs him*"

Ice: "T-that's... My first daughter... Our marriage.. Stop please... Your lying to me.. You know nothing about me..*hits Sorin with Dark Shade*"

Sorin: *manages to dodge by rolling* "That book made you a fool and made you lose the rest of your family. Karla would be turning in her grave at this." *weakens Dark Shade before tanking the hit* "You're right. I don't but I do know my life and my family. If I hadn't met Tiltyu, you'd still be alone without Arthur. If she hadn't died, he wouldn't have turned out the same, And for you to deny all of this and call me a liar is killing me on the inside!"

Leo: "I have no family. Only three people in my life who would call themselves that."*Tries to hit Sorin with Master Sword* "Fool. I've reached limits no man...NO GOD can attain. You are the quintessence of dust. I am the Alpha and the Omega of the world!"

Ice: ".........Xert gave me life. Another chance of life. When he destroy's the world, I can be reunited with my family forever. Your words mean nothing to me."

Sorin: *clashes* "I see... Then allow me to explain the difference between me now and back then." *splits Storm into two and parries the Master Sword. Then begins to unleash a flurry of strikes on Leo* "I don't have the patience for repeating myself." *knocks him back with the last strike* "Now Ice. In war, there are five options. Fight, Defend, Flee, Surrender, or Die. You have proven inept at the first two and I can't let you surrender or run. I'm afraid I must ask you to die before Arthur sees you in this pitiful state of servility."

Leo: "Heheheh.....*Runs toward Sorin swinging his blade* Time to die!"

Ice: "Like it matters.*Gets close to Sorin and aim Dark Shade at him*"

Sorin: *Sighs and pulls his hood on. Waits till Leo is a few inches while time seems to slow down. Quickly moves behind him slashes his back before moving again at the same speed slashing everywhere on his body. Then throws Leo into Ice's spell. Flips back and takes out Apocalypse and begins charging it* "I have nothing else to say to either of you. You're both dead to me."

Leo:"Im....possible.....The...world...my fingers....b-but....I can see it crumble....King...Zephiel....forg..ive me....*Eyes roll to the back of his head and falls*"

Ice: "......"

Sorin: *let's Apocalyse consume then both* "...Goodbye... Two down. Five to go."

Dan: *sigh* "You done, yet? I want to get this over with. I don't feel comfortable being around these things. What's going on with Marth and Cassandra?"

Ice: "F-father....where are you...? I can't see you anymore...."

M!Jxemas: "I'm right here.*Rides up* I want you all to surrender. It makes it easier for my liege."

Dan: "I'm not going to be defeated by some copies. Now get out of my WAY!" *charges*

M!Jxemas;"Then draw steel and courage. You will need it."*Gallops toward him and hits him directly in the shoulder*

Dan: "I honestly don't care about your 'liege'. He's been a pain to us for the longest time, and we are here to end his reign. Now step aside, before you end up like the rest of them."

M!Jxemas: "I do not want to hurt you, but you force my hand.*Takes out Gradivius* Now suffer and pay the price."

Dan: *slashes back at his arm* "I need no courage for something that does not scare me. I have faced countless trials at the hands of the god, Doma and the goddess, Mila." *jump slashes towards him* "I am confident in my abilities."

M!Jxemas: "Gods don't exist. The way how you are now is how you dreamed yourself to be*Blocks Jumpslash* And so to better yourself, you saw the "gods" that you speak of."

Dan: "...You think they don't exist? What if I told you that, in this realm, I have only been born for 11 years. They took me to a place for me to grow against the flow of time of this realm. For seven years I stayed there, atoning for the sins I had done and honing myself to become not only a better fighter, but a better man." *launches a flurry of sword beams* "Gods do indeed exist. That is the whole reason in which I fight. Why we all fight. To defeat the goddess that has overrun this world. For you to deny their existence is to be ignorant of all that is around you. However, you're simply a clone and a corpse. Now sleep." *charges, running his sword through his chest*

M!Jxemas: "With...that power.....maybe they...do...Emperor....Walhart.....told...me so....Gods...don't...-


Jxemas: "Angie listen to me. You need to surrender."

Angie: "I will not. My brother wants me to fight. And when were done I get to be in peace together with him.."

Jxemas: "...."

Angie: "I don't want to hurt you...But I have to. You attacked my friends.*Picks up Nosferatu and drops it*"

Jxemas: "...Help?"*Picks up book*

Angie: "O-oh uh thanks- wait why are you helping me?"

Jxemas: "A knight always inspires to help, not ruin. Now, shall we?"

"Your attacks are weak. There's not a lot you can do right?"

Angie: "Even if I can't, my friends are wanting me to help."

Jxemas: "Angie....I can't do it. I can't kill my sister. Not in war, not in cold blood..."


Angie: "Why are you staring at me?"

Jxemas: *Sigh* *Closes eyes and unsheathes Nirvana*

Angie: "...What are you doing?"

Jxemas: "Ending this nightmare.."

Angie: "B-but I don't want to die..."

Jxemas: *Drives Nirvana straight through Angie's chest* "It has to be done. I'm....sorry..."

Angie: "All...I wanted to do was....live...with my two brothers...."

Jxemas: "...And so it ends.”


Shadowfrost: "That's pathetic my friend. I am Shadowfrost Zenbiniar. The server of emperor Medeus. Killer of Corneilus, king of Altea. Why are you messing with a man who could easily kill you?*Unsheathes Mystletainn* You've made a bad mistake."

Marth: *eyeing him* I am well aware of who you are. However, are you aware of who YOU"RE up against? The bane of the Shadow Dragon, the son of Cornelius and his heir. The Hero-King, who's saved the world and returned to ensure the same. I am he. But titles are cheap. Let our blades decide who made the mistake today. En Garde!

Shadowfrost: "Dance. Dance judgements day. The Dark Winged Angel will set you on tempo.*jump Slashes Marth*

Marth: *Blocking the slash* And what makes you so sure of that? Do you believe it to be some scripted fate?*Returns with graceful, four step swordplay, ending in a spin slash*

Shadowfrost: "I believe in destiny and fate. Your fate is to die here."*attacks back with a counter strike in the gut*

Marth: Kuh.... You fight dirty... Still, the irony behind your belief is mere folly. Tis a shame really that you cling on to it so adamantly. *Clashes with Shadowfrost's Mystletainn, causing sparks to fly as the blades make contact with each other*

Shadowfrost: "This blade is special. Not to you but to me. I remember why everytime I kill nobles like you!*clashes with Mystletainn- and overpowers Marth

Marth: (He's stronger than the last time we fought....) *retreats from power struggle* Well then, enlighten me. What is your reason for not staying your blade and murdering the innocent? You've yet to justify yourself!*Remains on the defensive, keeping his guard up*

Shadowfrost: "One word. Bellhala. That's all you need. Now I'm going to kill you like the dog you are!*tries to hit Marth with Mystletainn*

Marth: *Parries attack and flips behind him* (The massacre of Bellhala? I've heard tales of that gruesome incident. Many were left dead from that battle.) By that, I'd surmise that you lost someone dear to you? Well, rampaging out of vengeance will do nothing to change the fact that they're gone. Take the time to think and remember them. Do you truly think that your actions would be making them happy?

Shadowfrost: "My actions are to avenge the person I lost. Killing people helps them remember their sins. I will make sure they will all die!"*Jump kicks Marth into a wall*

Marth: Agghh! *Wall crumbles from the impact and gets buried in the rubble.* .....

Dan: "MARTH!"

Marth: (This is starting to get out of hand. I can't stay on the defensive forever. This has to end..... quickly) *Rising from the debris* The people responsible are already long gone! No more amount of killing will do any justice. The only thing you will accomplish is causing the same pain that was dealt to you. I too, know the pain of being wronged by others and losing those that I cared for. But if you held any love for them, you'd honor their memory. Remember what it is that they cared for, and cherish that with what little of them that is left in this world, along with the part of them that resides in your heart. Can you feel it? Surely you can't be so consumed by vengeance that you've forgotten!

Shadowfrost: "Raquesis...*closes eyes and drops Mystletainn* I can't do this anymore..."

Marth: Raquesis... You loved her didn't you? *walks over to him with Falchion in hand* Months ago, you had taken your own life to cleanse yourself of your sins. This time around, I pray that in this death, you reunite with your lover and together, rest in eternal bliss. *Pierces through Shadowfrost’s chest*

Shadowfrost: "Ahaha.... All those... Years... I knew... In my heart... Right or wrong.. Xert told me I could be granted her again... For..give...me..."

Marth: Fare thee well..... Shadowfrost Zenbiniar ....... *watches as his body fades and turns away*Now that that is over and done with, how is everyone else doing? Not too bad I hope.


Cassandra: *watching the fights unfold before her, still holding Pillow-kun* "Um... I feel a bit out of place here."

Angel: *On a pillar* "Shadowfrost....Alexander.....YOU! I'm going to kill you all for such a thing!"*Launches Purgatory Judgement at Cassandra*

Cassandra: *gets hit and knocked through a nearby pillar* "Ow... that could have felt better." *checks to make sure Pillow-kun isn't destroyed*

Angel: "You..you killed them didn't you!? *Begins to cry* I-I'm going to make you all suffer. Now Xert can no longer give me my wish for eternal happiness....AND you will suffer for it!"*Jumps down and lands softly with wings and prepares to attack*

Cassandra: "I have... absolutely no idea what you're talking about. I haven't killed anyone... well, okay, one person, but they're not here and

revived right now!"

Angel: "Your lying to me.*Launches Purgatory Judgement again* You can't lie to an Angel. I will put you in your place!"

Cassandra: "I don't even know who you are...!" *starts running towards her, but kinda away at the same time*

Angel: "Come on! Fight me. You'll be easier to kill.*Walking toward her*"

Cassandra: "Wh-why me, anyway?" *throws Peshkatz at Angel*

Dan: "Cassandra!!!" *runs towards her, only to get hit by Purgatory Judgement, flies and hits a wall*

Angel: "Because your the weakest. And in order to break a chain, the weak link goes first."

Cassandra: "..." *finds a heavy rock and places it in Pillow-kun* "We'll show you how strong we really are!" *swings Pillow-kun at Angel*

Angel: "What are you-*Gets hit in the face with Pillow-kun* Owie.....That huuuuuuurts!"

Cassandra: "I! AM! NOT! WEAK!" *reinforces each word with a strike from the now heavy Pillow-kun*

Angel: "HEY! Quit it!"

Cassandra: *still bludgeoning Angel with Pillow-kun* "Dan! Look at what we can do!"

Dan: *looks up* "...U-uh...y-yeah..." [...A fucking pillow? ...Seriously?]

Angel: "H-hey! Stop that! Fight with an actual weapon!"

Cassandra: "No!" *keeps beating with Pillow-kun* "Pillow-kun demands BLOOD."

Angel: *Covers herself with her wings*"Please....stop....I submit.."

Cassandra: "Considering you tried to kill me - and my love - I'm not sure if I believe you." *reluctant to swing now*

Angel: "Please...I don't want to die...I only want to avenge.."

Dan: "...Alright...who's left?"

Marth: (Good to know that Dan made it out. And Cassandra seems to have Angel under control. But now that leaves... )Dan, have you seen Sorin or Jxemas anywhere?

Dan: "...No, I haven't."

Jxemas: Dan! Marth! Both of you Ok?"

Marth: Yes, we're fine. But what of Sorin? Do you know if he was victorious?

Angel: "The rest of them are gone aren't they?"

Dan: "..."

Cassandra: "I... don't know." *whacks with Pillow-kun again*

Angel: *gets hit* "...."*Picks up Mystletainn* "Don't. There isn't a point in trying anymore.*Stabs herself with the Mystletainn* My...promise....I see nothing...no light....at the end of my tunnel...Alexander....Shadowfrost....I...can't......see......"

Cassandra: "..." *whacks with Pillow-kun again to be sure she's dead*

M!Gulasca: "I guess I'm left. Pathetic.*Flies down from the ceiling hitting Marth in the back with Hellbreaker* Jxemas....Angie...I will make sure you both will be avenged..."

Marth: *grunts but remains on his feet* This fight just keeps getting worse.....

Sorin: *thinking to himself* .... No, there will be time to think later. "There is still work to be done... Isn't there?" *joins the group to see Marth get attacked* "Tsk... "

Dan: "Oh for fucks sake, can these things realize that they're not actually...never mind. I'm done trying to reason with these corpses."

M!Gulasca: "Don't expect mercy from me. You're all murderers. And you will die for your actions."*Flies up to the ceiling.*

Dan: "Yes, because Xert doesn't murder ANYONE! Did you ever think about that? No. Of course you wouldn't. You were just created to serve him! No will you just shut the fuck up with your principles and get on with it?" *launches sword beam from Ragnell*

M!Gulasca: "I'm a mercenary. Mercenaries don't question their contracts. And today, I've been asked to kill you.*Throws Tomahawk from the ceiling. You can't hit what you can't see."

Dan: *swats Tomohawk away* "Invisibility isn't the same thing as silence. I can here your wyvern's wings flapping about." *launches another beam*

M!Gulasca: "All I want is peace. But you've forced my hand."

Jxemas*Lands on a pillar* "Find Xert. I'll deal with Alex alone."

M!Gulasca: "Bah. I can crush you no problem!"

Jxemas: "We'll see."

Marth: Right then. Lets go everyone!

Dan: "Whatever then."

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[spoiler=The Whisper called Twilight]He had hung back, hidden on purpose. The reason? So when he did reveal himself, his twin nieces would recognize him. Well...Alicia would, Ace had never met him. And considering he was inhabiting the body of her best friend at the moment...all the more reason to try and cover up the possession. It had taken a few days, but now Twilight Jack Taylor was back in business...kinda. Knives sheathed at his side, he finally walks out of hiding, towards the Dreamers camp with a silly grin plastered on his face.

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[spoiler=The Darklord: Xert part three]

Xert: "Here they come. But with Twilight and my body, I am a god beyond comprehension."*Gets off the throne*

Marth: *Enters throne room* So.... you are the one that is known as Xert.

Xert: "I am Xert. What of it?"

Marth: Nothing. Only that for the good of everyone, today you will breathe your last breath.*unsheathes Falchion*

Dan: "I don't think you understand what 'god' is. Destructive power doesn't make a god. Now why don't you sit down." *charges at while launching beams*

Xert: "*Gets hit but shows no sign of damage* You see...I don't feel pain. You humans do. Which is why you are so weak. I am far from human. I am closer to godhood. And this world shall bow to me."*Launches Twilight all around the room*

Dan: "You believe God's don't feel pain? You judge yourself closer to god simply of what you can do in terms of battle and conquest. That is not being a god." *slashes*

Xert: "Nor does it make anyone. *Takes the slash* But you can do nothing. As I've stated I am invincible. Nothing can kill me. I will consume you and take the worlds as my own."*Covers Dan in Twilight*

Sorin: "Dan!" *dual guards taking the hit for him* "Urgh...This is nothing!"

Xert: "You should know. I think your ancestors fell from this exact same book. Now...None of you please me. Where is he?"

Dan: "Why don't you focus on the task at hand, hm?" *attempts to slash at the his eyes*

Xert: *sidesteps*"You don't have the gall to."

Sorin: "You need a history lesson obviously..." *takes out Aureola*

Xert: "Heh. I would like to see you touch me with such a book."

Marth: Is that so? (If he really is this powerful, then I guess I have to let out Naga's Power..) *Holds Falchion to his face as his body begins to glow, activating Starsphere Lvl 2* We'll see about that! *Charges with after image speed and slashes at Xert's torso*

Xert: *Gets blown back into a wall* "Heheheeh....Ahahahaahah! It tickles! It can't hurt me! You try to attack with dragon power but I am absolute."

Marth: What? (Not even a scratch? Just how powerful is he?) *Bumps up to Starsphere Lvl 3. Glow around Marth's body intensifies* *Leaps after him and attacks in a flurry, while leaving large Sword streaks on the walls as his blade slices at both Xert and the wall behind him*

Xert: *Doesn't move and takes every hit*"Heheheh....Are you questioning why? I'll tell you. I'm ETHER. A substance higher than anything this world, no THE UNIVERSE has seen. I am not human. I have no gender. I living energy. Now,*Throws Dark Twilight magic at Marth* Feel my pain.."

Marth: !!! *Jumps backward from noticing the dark spell and deflects it into the ceiling* (Such power.....) If its energy that you are.... *Throws Starlight magic at Xert through Falchion* Then have a taste of divine energy!

Dan: "Are you done talking yet? You're not impressing anyone."

Xert: "Is that why I'm still standing? I can keep this battle for as long as I want. You humans can get tired. I have no bounds."

Dan: "Cool story. Now will you shut up?"

Jxemas: "Dan. Shut up and let me handle this. You idiotic bastards. As your standing, he's draining your Ether. Stand back."*Unsheathes Nirvana* "Let me show you true pain."

Xert: "Heheheh...It seems the king has finally arrived. Jxemas Zenbiniar."

Jxemas: "Xert. Right now, I just killed my brother and sister. And I don't appreciate that.Now prepare to die.*Charges forward*"

Dan: "...Why the fuck did he even need us..."

Marth: One man alone, cannot take down seven formidable warriors of their caliber, especially when one of them is literally made of Ether. I leave the rest of this fight to you Jxemas *Starsphere light begins to fade*

Sorin: *puts Aureola away* "And I was hoping I'd get to use this."

Dan: "...I'm not even gonna ask what ether is. I really don't care at this point. Being around this guy just pisses me off."

Jxemas: "*Sigh* Xert my pest. Its your fault I had to bring some of my..."friends" here.*Slashes with Nirvana*

Xert: "Friends? You think of them as nothing but dust?"*Hits Jxemas with Twilight*

Jxemas: "Sometimes yes. Sometimes no. But I'll tell you, they help me in ways."*Knocked back by Twilight*

Xert:"Prove it too me then. I'll show you my great power!"*Hits him again with Twilight*

Dan: ".......Good god it's like there is two of them...So now what? We just sit here and watch?"

Sorin: "Or you could thank me for taking that hit for you. Just because I am resistant to magic doesn't mean I like being hit by it."

Marth: I may not be able to fight him, but I can still aid Jxemas, should the situation arise. By the way, none of you are injured, yes?

Dan: "Sorin, you should know by now that you always have my thanks for any blow you take. As I would hope that I have yours if I were to take one for you. But, thank you."

Sorin: "I'm fine. And I know Dan. Just giving you a hard time."

Dan: "Haven't I already had a hard enough time?" *smirking* "Doma's training wasn't all playgrounds and candy stores."

Sorin: "I can tell. You've grown strong Dan. Physically and mentally. I'm proud of you and I'm sure Cass is satisfied with the results.”

Jxemas: "Haha..."

Xert: "Why are you laughing!?"

Jxemas: "Your pathetic. Made from a man who wanted to save himself from guilt. But couldn't. But I'll tell you something."


Jxemas: "You aren't real. You are an inanimate figure. It’s pathetic how you would think so. So we're going to end you."

Xert: "How are you going to-*Sees Nirvana's blade through his chest* what are you-"

Jxemas: "*Throws him up making a hole in the ceiling* Let me tell you something. You've made me waste time. You've made me waste my family's friendship. My family was split apart because of you. And now, I'm going...to kill you"

Xert: "I...would like to see you try..."

Jxemas: "I am a Zenbiniar, killing is my fucking job. Feel the gods wrath! SEVEN STARED JUDGEMENT!*Throws him in the air and hits him 7 times* *Throws his body down and lands softly on the ground*...Goodbye."*Injects sword into his body and see it fade away*

Xert: "...You...YOU! Fool. You've not won yet. I see darkness in your heart. It consumes...it feeds...hehehe....HAHAHAHAHAHA...."

Jxemas: *Looks over to the group* "And so it ends.."

Marth: Well done. That was quite the feat that you displayed Jxemas.

Dan: "So...now what. Xert is dead. Angie and Gulasca are gone. All that's left is you. ...And Light if he's still here to port us back."

Sorin: *sees Jxemas* "Sure took your sweet time. Are we done here?"

Light: "Yes you all are! Congratulations! Watching you all is something indeed."

Marth: You just show up whenever you feel like it, don't you?

Light: "Yes. Except Jxemas needs Sorin for more time."

Jxemas: "Twilight...Sorin help me look for it."

Sorin: "Right. Did he drop it?"

Jxemas: "Which is why I'm asking you to help me to look for it. Comeon."

Light: "Are the rest of you ready to leave?"

Dan: "I'm ready."

Light: "Alright then. Anyone else?"

Marth: And you expect me to just leave them here? I will do no such thing

Light; "Then you can stay here and look. Dan and Cassandra can go."

Sorin: "Marth... You are too kind." *starts looking* 'Why do I have this feeling like....'

Light: "See you both. *Warps Dan and Cassandra back to the Dreamers* I'll be back when you have it."

Jxemas: "Alright."

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[spoiler=defective - Weapon (Klotho)] "So, she refused orders and then went too far."

​"I… yes."

"Defective. Her time away has made her defective."


"I need to go further into her head, then. I did a poor job before. This time, it'll be a thorough job."

"You can't just break everything that doesn't go your way!"

"Why not?"

She just sits as they debate. Over and over again. She sits, breaths, and lets him break her mind again and again. Reduce it to little shards, little pieces, little pieces of nothingness. She is a weapon. She is a tool. If she is defective, then she is broken and remade. That is the way of things.

Still, as it happens, she feels something slip down her face. She reaches up and finds a strange thing. Warm, salty water. Why would that be there? Why would she be leaking WATER of all things?

She was more defective than she thought.

Edited by Aqua
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Just going to post the parts of Marth's Paralogue here, in case you might have forgotten about this relic. Its still a thing, and Act II is underway.

[spoiler=Paralogue: A King's Dying Wishes: The Journey Begins]After waving goodbye to Silvia, Ace, Kat, and Poly, Marth made his way over to the base of the mountain in search of the Old Hubba’s home. It should be somewhere down here…. How hard could it be to find a house after all? Then again, he’d have to climb his way down. And…. it’s a LOOONG way down from where he’s standing. Nevertheless, Marth was unafraid of the heights that he faced and scaled his way downward, leap by leap. As he ventured for hours to reach the base, he saw some rather breathtaking views of the viridian blades of grass shining of the morning dew, along with the golden sun’s gentle caress of the horizon as it began to fall. Just merely laying foot on the sacred grounds, he could feel the divine power flowing through the grass that he walked on, the pure, crystal clear waters and the serene atmosphere itself that he breathed.

As he continued along the path, to his surprise, it led to the mighty and endlessly streaming waterfall. Don’t tell me this is a dead end. Mila and Kat said he was at the base, and here I am. Unless……. He could be beyond the waterfall, deeper within. Marth wasted no time dawdling and jumped right into the waterfall. When he entered he took notice of a lantern at the end of the waterfall cave. Moving closer to the light, it turns out that he indeed has found Hubba’s home. But….. is anyone even home at this moment? Only one way to find out.

Marth: *knock knock knock*




*knock knock knock* Hello? Is anybody home? Hubba, are you there? Helloooo!



Hubba:*Yawns* Who could possibly want me at this hour? Everyone knows this is my regular-Oooh, it could be a fetching lass waiting for me! Or even that dearest Aversa, ready to take me back! *reaches for the nearest vase of flowers within his home and walks over to open the door* Why hell- oooooh! Marth?!

Marth: Were you….expecting someone else?

Hubba:*flushed from his mistake* Me? Uh… no, of course not! Why ever would you think that? Though I would have preferred Eirika

Marth: Uh… riiiiight. Anyway, do you know why I am here?

Hubba: Well, from what I remember, the only way you would ever come to seek me out is if….. Ah, so the time has finally come has it?

Marth: Yes. I come searching for the truth. Why am I an Einherjar? And what purpose do I serve in being one?

Hubba: Very well then. Follow me, all of your questions will be answered in due time.

Marth followed Hubba to the back of his home, into an open space by a wall.

Marth: ….so, what am I supposed to be looking at here?

Hubba: Have some patience, young King. I just might amaze you with what I am about to do.

Marth: Is that so? Hubba, have you made the proper preparations? If so, then enlighten me

Hubba: Give me a minute here. For centuries, I have overseen the realms of ages long past, along with being the keeper of the Einherjar. Should a time arise where the Einherjar were to ever become a problem, I devised a certain technique to allow myself to travel within the Outrealms without the use of the gate. But before I do anything, what exactly made you so desperate to come to me for travel? The gate is still intact, is it not?

Marth: Er… no actually. The gate was destroyed by a man named Phiobus.Now, the friends that I have made here are trapped within this world and cannot go back to their homes.

Hubba: Well, this looks to be quite the issue you have here. I hope they had the chance to say their goodbyes, cause they’re gonna be here for quite some time, if not forever.

Marth: Hubba!

Hubba: I didn’t mean it, Gods! Now, if I remember correctly….. *begins chanting incomprehensible words* *raises hands forward* Aaaannnd presto! *An Outrealm portal appears*

The portal was a light teal blue color that spiraled endlessly with energy. The center was a bright white and looked as though it would envelope anything that came within a few inches from it.

Marth: *staring in awe* Marvelous. I didn’t think there would be a way to create a portal of your own. You’ve outdone yourself

Hubba: *acting smug from his feat* Well of course! You couldn’t expect anything less from the Overseer of the Outrealms! As a matter fact, I have quite a few tricks that I-

Marth wasn’t listening. His attention was still captivated by the portal’s presence. AS he continued to stare, he didn’t notice that he was making small steps forward, into the portal’s direction, almost as if he was possessed. He felt as if something was… calling for him, in the realms beyond. Something…… familiar

Hubba: *Shaking Marth’s shoulder* Hey! You, Snap out of it!

Marth: *Snaps out of it and shakes his head* Huh. What? Oh, sorry.

Hubba: I should warn you, this journey will be like none that you’ve ever ventured. Time flows differently in each outrealm. What may have been a day over there could be well over a month here. Once you step in, there is no turning around until the deed is completed, and even then, the portal will not last forever. If it is Naga that you seek, then you must first brave an Outrealm war currently amidst among the other Einherjar.

Marth: Is that so? And who is the one responsible for making such a war happen.

Hubba: ….T-that’s not important! The point is, where I am about to take you has the only route that will take you to the Alterspire, where Naga resides, which is currently at war. The odds are stacked against you.

Marth: Never fear Hubba. I am certain that I can handle it. After all, you did entrust me with a hidden power, did you not?

Hubba: A power that should not be used recklessly. You have yet to properly utilize what has been given to you. Actually, you don’t even know what it even is yet.

Marth: Oh…. Right.

Hubba: Don’t worry Marth. I can grant you assistance in ending the feud.

Marth: Really? That would make reaching Naga all the more possible. But… aren’t you a little too old to be fighting?

Hubba: You actually thought I was going out there!? Are you out of your mind?! I meant that I will summon allies to you. These brittle bones of mine can’t handle such a battle. Anyways, this journey will indeed provide you with the answers you seek, but it also just might surprise you in the end. Are you ready to find your destiny?

Marth closed his eyes and placed a hand onto his heart. He then thought of all of the events that have unfolded within his memory. The two wars in ages long past, and his current struggle with the Azure Dreamers. They are all fighting for a way back home, and an end to the threat that the future faces at the hands of Anna. By going on this journey, I can finally put my mind at rest and not worry about what happens next. By going on this journey, I can acquire the strength to fulfill my promise to the Dreamers and put an end to all suffering, and allow a safe way home for everyone. Then, Sorin, Silvia and Ace won’t have to grieve over never being able to see their families again. Then, Kat won’t have to worry about her next life and enjoy the one that she currently has. Then, Dusk won’t have to bear the burden of his guilt and not seclude himself anymore. Then, Duck might be able to return to his home in Elibe. Then, Shadowfrost might finally be freed from his sins, and maybe his incarnations can live on without the shadows of his actions haunting them. This would be exactly what you would have done, isn’t it? Marth?

Marth: Yes. I am ready to go.

Hubba: Then let us be off. Your destiny awaits you.

With courage and resolve, Marth, accompanied by Hubba, entered the portal into the Outrealms. His journey begins, now.

[spoiler=Paralogue: A King's Dying Wishes: Nexus Saga Act 1]

After jumping into the portal, a bright light flashed all around us. When the light faded, I was faced with something I had never seen anything like in all of Anri the Great. There was an over surplus of worlds out there to explore, some looking to be rather pleasant to the eye, like the Hot Springs and Beach Outrealms. Some on the other hand were rather dark and ominous looking, such as this one bleak world of infinite darkness and strife that bears an extremely strong resemblance to Ylisse. That world had no glimmer of hope whatsoever; innocents were being slaughtered by legions of Risen and fear was within the eyes of all that have survived……… And yet, there were still a select few that continued to fight, despite the despair that they lived in. From the look of it, they were all….. Children? One of them in particular caught my eye. She, for some reason, dressed in a manner….. similar to my own, from the attire, to color, down to donning a tiara. Then there was her sword. It was very peculiar, yet at the same time was familiar to me. After close inspection of the blade, I deduced that it was…….. Falchion? Is this girl related to me somehow? Then again, Ace did mention that Chrom’s Falchion was different from my own. Perhaps this woman is the daughter to Chrom. All in all, it was a rather exhilarating experience to behold really. I took notice of a world that looked just like the continent of Archanea; my home. Or, Marth’s home, I should say. And Hubba has the ability to look into all of them? The knowledge that he possesses must be immeasurable, stretching across all ages of history. Knowing that, it’s best that I not underestimate him anymore, despite being slightly perverse.

The joy ride had ended, for we have landed in the correct Outrealm. The moment we did, there was battle outbreak everywhere I looked. Two otherworldly armies are at war with each other, andit doesn’t look like either side is letting up for a second. I watched as one unwary cavalier had seven arrowheads lodged within his back, yet continued to fight one valiantly before being shot one more time in his heart and him letting go of the reins of his horse to fall onto the ground to meet death’s cold sting.

Marth: Have they no remorse? There are innocent bystanders nearby, yet here they are fighting amongst each other!

Hubba: Like I told you, this Outrealm is home to war between the Einherjar. Both sides want the same thing, yet continue to fight each other without stop. It’s rather entertaining really.

Marth: How can you find war to be entertaining!? They are people, like me! We are not just some tools of war to satisfy your boredom, nor are we to succumb to this cycle of constant warfare!

Hubba: You say that, yet you too have fought in them? Tell me, how do you plan to put a stop to it Marth?

Marth: I…… I do not yet know, but right now, the only possible thing I can think of that might work is to tell them the truth.

Hubba: Good luck with that endeavor. Einherjar are mere reflections of what a person once was and cannot be negotiated with. They blindly follow the orders of whomever it is that may summon them and are highly irrational.

Marth: If what you say is true, then do explain how I am here before you and not out to kill you, like the rest of them?

Hubba: Dear gods you’re right! Save me Marth! But do be kind to Eirika and Lyn for me. I have a special date planned for them huehuehue

Marth: *facepalms*As much as I would LOVE to do that, keep in mind that I am only one man. I cannot stop all of them by myself.

Hubba: Oh dear, so we really are doomed? Dear Gods! Do something Marth! I’m too young to die!

Marth:*facepalms again* Didn’t you say that you had allies that might be able to aid me?

Hubba: Oh yes! Of couse I did. Heh, I was just testing you to see if you would panick or not.

Marth: Riiight. Can you bring them here already?

Hubba: Just give me a minute, and I will open another portal for them to appear. *Chants incomprehensible words* Here me O current ruler of Ylisse and savior of previos Outrealms…. I summon thee, Chrom, the Exalted! Come forth and aid your ancestor in battle!

Marth: Wait, Chrom?

Chrom: Where are we? Is this an outrealm?

Hubba: Ah, you have returned! I mean, of course you returned! I have foretold that this day would happen after all.

Chrom: Let me guess, you need our help to bring peace to this outrealm.

Hubba: My my, you are perceptive! Only this time, someone kind of beat you to coming here! This Einherjar here is actually trying to bring peace here as well, but he can't do it all by himself! I bade him to not go off on his own but-

Marth: I think that's enough of that Hubba. Anyways, what he speaks is the truth. I am King Marth of Altea. I'm sure that you are well informed of me?

Chrom: I never imagined I'd get to aid my honored ancestor. Whatever your cause is, I'll gladly lead you my aid

Marth: You have my thanks Prince Chrom. I take it, we can skip the formalities then? I'll explain more once the battle is over.

Chrom: Yes, we can skip those until after this battle is won.

Marth: Then let’s move!

*scene change*

Seliph: Father, when is the chance of receiving help from Grannvale? Or Leonster?

Sigurd: I haven't heard from Arvis or Grannvale in a while. This army has been quite long. And with our men dwindling we can't hope to loose. But there is a bright side.

Seliph: That is?

Sigurd: Leif and his men are on their way.

Seliph: Then we will not engage the enemy until they come here. Judgral has won this fight!

Sigurd: Indeed. Let us bring up our defenses! No attacking until Leif and his army get here!

Sigurd: Thats.....Leif. I see Finn and the others as well. Now we have made our ranks stronger.

Leif: Forgive me Lord Sigurd. I was away and did not hear your call.

Seliph: That is fine. We need your help in getting the enemy off us.

Leif: Isn't that why you called us? Finn! Is our troops ready for battle?

Finn: As always Lord Leif. We will break through their ranks. We are ready for this fight.

Sigurd: Leif and Seliph go take the field. I will guard the castle with the Tyrfing. Now!

*scene change to Archanea and Valentia forces*

Pr. Marth: Catria, do you have any information on the Jugdrali forces?

Catria: Lord Marth! After scouting ahead on my pegasus, it appears to be that they are mobilizing for an assault. There are quite a lot of them over there. And they seem to be lead by a man named Sigurd, followed by two younger looking officers named Seliph and Leif. Before we could gain any more info, they spotted us. And then..... They shot down my sisters....

Pr. Marth: Oh no.... Not another one. They have wronged us, yet for what reason? Does anyone know why they are even attacking us to begin with?

Minerva: We are not certain, but one of their officers mentioned that it is we who attacked first.

Alm: *overhears Pr. Marth's conversation and steps in* What does it matter? We wanted nothing to do with them and here they are laying siege on our land. I say we push back and crush them!

Celica: Alm, please calm yourself. I'm pretty sure that there is a logical solution to all of this.

Pr. Marth: I do hope that you are right Celica. They have already decimated a number of our troops.

Alm: All the more reason to fight back. Are you going to let them walk all over you?

Pr. Marth: Of course not. I'd much rather offer parley with them, so that we can calmly discuss the problem between us.

Celica: That sounds like a good idea. But do be careful and be sure that you come back safely

Pr. Marth: I will. If they have any honor at all, they won't lay a hand on me, until the parley is over. *Proceeds to the Jugdrali Commander*

Alm: What are you all doing? This is a battlefield. It's too late to be discussing politics. If they didn't want a fight, they never should have come here

Celica: I get it Alm. But... is that really the right course of action here? It might just be a misunderstanding

Alm: Eh... perhaps. But mark my words. If they so much as lay one glare at us, if even one soldier raises a sword... Heads. Will. Roll.

*scene change to Pr. Marth parleying with Jugdral*

Seliph: You there. What brings you here?

Ced: Sir they do not appear hostile.

Seliph: Do non hostile nations attack us? I want answers. You may speak.

Pr. Marth: Soldiers of Jugdral. I am Marth: crown prince of Altea, descendant to Anri the Great and heir to the throne. I mean you no harm and wish to speak to your commander.

Seliph: How can we talk to you when you have attacked us? But if you want to be honorable, I will bring you to my father. Leif! Ced! Keep the rest of his members of parley under watch. I don't trust them as much but I think talking is the wise idea.

Leif: Of course Lord Seliph.

Ced: I will milord.

Seliph: Follow me.

Pr. Marth: Very well then. Lead the way Lord Seliph.

Sigurd: You're Prince Marth I assume? Tell me. What has made you attack us? What have the Judgral done to you?

Pr. Marth: Whatever do you mean Commander Sigurd? Archanea has done nothing of the sort. As a matter of fact, we did not even know of your continent until you raided our lands. What is your reasoning for doing so?

Seliph: That isn't true. Archanea attacked first. Right father?

Sigurd: It doesn't matter now. They have attacked and now they pay the price. I don't want to not have Grannvale's approval but..Prince Marth of Altea, prepare for battle.

Quan: My lord should I escort him back?

Sigurd: No. He can go by himself. I need you and the Gae Bog here. Now we must ready our men. This parley is over.

Pr. Marth: I am sorry that it has to come to this, but it seems that you will not secede your soldiers and make peace with us. Very well then. I will meet you next on the battlefield. *returns to Archanea/Valentia alliance camp.*

Celica: You have returned!

Caeda: Marth, tell us what happened?

Pr. Marth: Everyone..... Ready what able men we have.We are now at war with Jugdral.

Celica: Are you certain that there is no other way?

Pr. Marth: Yes. Apparently, they believe that it was us that ignited this war and will not yield to us.

Alm: I knew we couldn't trust those damn Jugdrals. I was never one to consider mercy. If they want a fight, I'll give it to them....Tenfold!

Celica: Dear Mila, even though this battle is inevitable, I pray that we can end it quickly.


Quan: Was that wise milord?

Sigurd: They entered our lands first. They must pay for their crimes.

Lewyn: We have the advantage. We have the Holy weapons of our ancestors. They do not. Let us end this quickly though. I don't appeal to bloodshed.

Sigurd: You nor to I my friend. You nor to I.


Pr. Marth: Friends of Archanea! Allies of Valencia! Everyone, please look at me! For years, we have sowed, tended to, nurtured, and safeguarded the seeds of peace and stability to our homelands. We faced many trials and were forced to make many sacrifices along the way, but in the end, the little seeds that we have planted have finally taken root and grown into a tall, strong, and mighty tree in its full bloom. Over yonder, lays the oppressors to our homes. The Jugdrali soldiers plan to take that tree from us, pluck it from the depths of our soil and burn it into to the ground. Are you willing to just sit idly and watch as the very thing that we have soaked with every salty droplet of sweat from our brows, every bittersweet tear shed from our eyes, and every crimson red spilling of our blood, shatter before our very eyes!? *Crowd roars*

*Sigurd's Army*

Sigurd: Men of Judgral! This is our land our nation and those who dare think otherwise are wrong! We are the ones who stopped Loptyr! We are the descendants of Hiem, Sety, Fala, and many more! We have lived for so long here I cannot bear leaving! We are to be rooted out like a weed to a farmer. Do we want this? No! We are strong. Grannvale has ruled over this nation and for that alliance to come and take my land sickens me. Are they not but brigands in this case! *Roaring crowd*

*Pr. Marth’s Army*

Pr. Marth: No! We shall NOT yield! We shall NOT step aside! And most importantly we shall NOT give up! We are the United League of Archanea and Valencia! We shall fight for what is important to us and against those who seek bane of what we have worked for! MY FRIENDS! ARE YOU READY!?

*Crowd roars even louder*

*Sigurd’s Army*

Sigurd: No! We have protected our lands from such infidels! And we will not ever...EVER yield! Soldiers! March and take back our land! For the Judgrai! For all the innocent caught up in this! And mostly, FOR OUR HERITAGE! SOLDIERS!!!

*Pr. Marth and Sigurd Simultaneously*


*Scene change to Marth and Chrom's Shpherds, witnessing the battle raging on from a clifftop*

Marth: It looks like the battle has already started

Chrom: It looks as though talking to them isn't going to work. Both sides seem ready to fight to the death. Look at the numbers; this is going to be a long fight.

Marth: That may be. But what if it was another Einherjar that spoke to them? I believe I might be able to get through to them. At least the leaders. Even so, stopping this fight will be no easy feat.

Lucina: Marth is right, Father. I did hear two separate voices address the troops on both sides. If those voices belonged to the leaders, then perhaps getting through to them may stop this war.

Frederick: Speaking to the leaders isn't going to be as easy as you think it may be, Lady Lucina. Both sides sounded ready to fight until the other yields. Are you sure about this?

Lucina: Even so, we mustn't give up hope that perhaps even one side'll listen to us.

Chrom: I agree with Marth and Lucina, Frederick. If Marth can reach out to even one side, then stopping this battle will be that much easier.

Frederick: And if it fails, milord?

Chrom: Then we'll have to fight through and keep trying until we succeed.

Marth: Right then. We're going against two battlefronts here. I trust that your men can fend for theirselves? As soon as your men have successfully held off both forces, make an opening for me and I will confront their commanders. Understood?

Chrom: Understood. Men prepare to move out.

Lucina: Father and I won't let you down.

Chrom: Are you ready, Lucina? This may be a long fight.

Lucina: Battles like this were common in the future, against overwleming odds. I won't lose here.

Chrom: Right then. Shepherds, let's ride!

*Battle Scene*

The battle between the ULAV and Jugdral continued to ravage the Outrealm fields of war. Alm continued to mercilessly slaughter any of the Jugdrali soldiers that would even dare to take a look at him. He allowed no survivors and after each squadron he slain, moved onward to the next without any hesitation. Celica followed behind him in support, while praying to Mila that their souls be blessed with eternal rest from their pain in life.

The Last of the Whitewings, Catria, followed her leader, the Red Drackoknight known as Minerva, into battle in hopes of avenging the death of her fellow Whitewinged sisters, but she soon followed them in death by being shot down by Jamke's Silver arrow in protection of Minerva. Distraught from the loss of her vassals Minerva proudly flew forward in vengeance, was stopped, and began air combat with another drackoknight: the heir to Gae Bolg, Altena. The two of them scoured the skies with their intense battling. The cries from their wyverns can be heard all around the battlefield as the two of them traded blows with each other, until they both charged at each other for the final blow. Minerva swung the Hauteclaire into Altena's side, while Altena pierced her chest. Both riders immediately fell from the skies, along with their wyverns and crashed onto the Earth, their bodies lifeless and cold.

Merric, the wind sage and master of Excaliber, came into battle with the heir to Forsetti, Ced. As they slung their wind spells against each other, the two wind spells collided and created a wind hurricane that swept the both of them off of the ground, along with several other officers within the area. Seeing the opportunity, Arvis came out and unleashed Valflame at the flurry of wind and incinerated all who were unlucky enough to get caught within the firestorm. The grass was charcoal black with ashes of the fallen soldiers, however, the flames continued to spread and eventually enveloped him as well.

Ares appeared and had prepared to make a fatal blow on an unsuspecting Alm. That is, until Chrom intercepted his attempt and left him incapacitated. "Your End has come!" he shouted as he stabbed him off of his dark mount. As he stood up from defeating Ares, the Shepherds gathered around him and officially joined the batte. Lon'qu squared up with Navarre in a duel, which commenced with high speed swordplay that was too fast for most to see with the untrained eye. When they concluded, Navarre was left on the ground with Lon'qu as the victor. "Who dies next?" is what he spoke out after his victory. Lucina remained close to her father Chrom shouting "You will not stop us!" and in perfect sync, activated their Aether skill and took down Julius in a double cross slash. Marth was back to back to back with Chrom and Lucina. He was rather impressed with the level of skill that they possessed as a duo and pressed forward to the next squadron alongside them.

The onslaught lasted till the evening; the clouds were turning dark, as the sun was beginning to set on the battle. Their bodies lying everywhere from both armies, as they all took heavy casualties, yet neither side would yield. On the left stood the leaders, Pr. Marth, Emperor Hardin, Alm, and Celica, while the right had Sigurd, Seliph, Leif, and Quan. As they were ready to charge at each other, Marth, along with Chrom, Lucina and Frederick, intervened between them and halted their fight.

Marth: Thats enough! Can't you see what your power struggle is bringing to the land? Both of you say that you strive for peace, yet can't bring each other to stop fighting! Marth then noticed his double. What? Is that... another me?

Pr. Marth: You... why do you appear like me? There is only one Prince Marth and I will not be subdued by an imposter!

Marth: No, you don't understand! This whole entire battle between the two of you is a setup. Someone somehow led the two of you to believe that the other attacked you. Actually, all of you arent even real

Alm: *irritated* And we are to believe you? Hah! Don't make me laugh as I crush you! Ours is the just cause and we wil see to it that justice is served!

Pr.Marth: Like Alm said, I will not falter from what I believe in. If what you speak is the truth, then lets see you dfeat us in battle. Draw!

Lucina: You must believe us! This was all set up!

Chrom: Are you sure you won't stand down and listen to what we have to say?

Frederick: Be prepared to fight, milord should trying to reason with them fail.

Chrom: Yes, if I must.

Lucina: No. Must it really come to this?

Celica: I’d rather not partake in this battle, but the losses we face are innumerable. Please, let it be easy?

Before Lucina could ready herself, Sigurd came charging towards both her and Chrom.

Sigurd: Otherworldly soldiers, face me in combat. Whether or not what you speak is true will not dishonor both me and Jugdral by yielding.

Seliph: ….. I know that this fight is unavoidable. And yet….. Something indeed doesn’t seem right about this.

Leif: So you feel it too huh? Let’s make this quick and maybe the feeling will go away.

Seliph: You really think so? Something about this fight doesn’t make sense. Perhaps…..

Marth and Pr. Marth faced off in a duel. Being the same person, the two of them were evenly matched; both swordsmen mimicked the other’s graceful footwork and swordplay. It was almost as if looking at a mirror with how even the two were. Granted, they ARE the same person, so it would be expected. Even so, despite their similarities, Marth was more experienced than his prince counterpart. He learned other techniques that the prince didn’t in life from the time he has spent fighting along both the Shepherds before, and the more recent Azure Dreamers. With his foreign bladework, Marth quickly change the tempo and pace of the duel. Pr. Marth was struggling to keep up and before he knew it, was disarmed and faced with defeat.

Pr. Marth: You have prevailed…. Looking into your eyes, I see… determination and sincerity…. *fades back into card form*

Chrom just barely blocked Sigurd's strike with Exalted Falchion. Blades clashed as Chrom and Sigurd fought each other, mounted swordsman versus one on foot. It seemed like Sigurd had the advantage being on horseback, though Chrom surprisingly held his ground despite being on foot. Though Sigurd wasn't one to give his opponent a break. Tyrfing and Exalted Falchion repeatdly clashed one blow after the other, each moment wasting not a single second. Then, as Sigurd prepared to charge again Chrom swung his sword back, the glint in his eye as he said, "Anything can change!" and critted Sigurd, the blow striking him in the chest as he fell off his horse. Hitting the ground and reverting back to card form.

Lucina barely avoided Quan's lance and unsheathed her Parallel Falchion. Matching Quan's legendary lance blow for blow, Lucina wasn't about to let up despite being caught offguard. Gae Boeing and Parallel Falchion clashed against each other in loud, quick fury. Quan kept Lucina on her toes as they fought each other, each strike seemlying in sync in an unbreaking rhythm, until Lucina held Parallel Falchion in front her face as Quan came at her again, with Chrom running to aid her, "You will not stop me!" Lucina shouted as she unleashed an Aether on Quan, first strike causing him to halt on his horse, then the second one resulting in him returning to card form.

Meanwhile, Alm decides to be reckless and take the Shepherds head on. As he charged at them, he leaped high into the air, blade at the ready. Celica used her Gale tome to give Alm a boost in altitude before he came plunging down, ripping the air as he descended. Frederick quickly ordered the Shepherds to fall back in light of Alm and Celica's attacks. Alm's descent continued to pick up more and more velocity. He aimed for the nearest Shepherd, which happened to have been Stahl, but instead crashed into the Earth when they pulled backwards. Grunting from the recoil, Alm stood back up

Alm: What's the matter? Is a whole army afraid of the wrath of Alm? You should be, because destruction is all that awaits anyone who dares to cross me!

Celica: I really wish it didnt have to come to this.... *readies another Gale spell*

Lucina: "Wait please! Can't we resolve this without anymore needless bloodshed?"

Alm: Clearly you don't understand the nature of a Dread Fighter. To protect the ones that we love and bettering ourselves, Dread Fighters battle to win. Regardless of whether you wanted this fight or not, you've still got it *looks at Chrom* And I SHALL come out the victor!

Alm begins to attack Chrom ferociously, without giving any signs of letting up fora second.

Celica: Excuse Alm here. He is very aggressive when it comes to battle. And even though, I would rather not fight myself, I.... must. For the many men that have fallen today, I cannot back down either.

Chrom: *blocking all of Alm's strikes while trying to reason with him*. "We aren't here to take away your home! This war was a set up!"

Lucina: *Speaking to Celica*, "Can you reason with Alm? We only wish to stop this pointless fighting!"

Alm: *to Chrom* If what you say is true, then defeat me. Prove to me that you speak the truth, stranger. If you can't then fall from my might.

Celica: Alm just has this stupid ideal an eye for an eye. Or, in his case, eye for a head. he's gotten better at it, but...... *sighs*

Chrom kept on blocking Alm's blows, not even trying to hurt him. The two kept getting nowhere, their movements seemly in sync together. Until finally, Chrom saw an opening and disarmed Alm. Alm was too cocky, which allowed Chrom to take that opening and strike him down.

Lucina: "So then, you too believe this fighting is pointless? Then why fight for something that isn't necessary?"

Alm: Grandpapa..... I'll see you soon... *reverts to card form*

Celica: W-well, yes, I am strongly against fighting, and even this fight seemed to be pointless. But... it was all that we knew to do. *glances over to Marth, Chrom, and Alm's Card on the ground* So then... we really are what you say we are? How could we have been so blind? And yet, you say that we have a purpose? Then allow me to accompany you in finding that out. *takes Alm's card and summons him from it.*

Alm: Ugh.... what? I'm supposed to be dead

Celica: Don't you see Alm? These foreign warriors, what they say is true. Were we not an.... "Einherjar", you would most certainly be dead. And it looks like they may be able to tell us more if we go with them.

Alm: *groans* Fine then. I'll go with it, but only because you believe it to be so.

After defeating his prince counterpart, Marth decided to speak with both Seliph and Leif and showed them the einherjar cards of both Sigurd and Quan.

Marth: You see this? This is what you guys are. I understand that it is hard to take in. I too had the horror of realizing this, but right now, I am searching for truth. I, you, and all of us have been waging war against each other for ages on end. If you join me, then we won't have to fight anymore. We can actually find a purpose, other than to be human weapons. All you have to do is trust me.

Seliph: ..This is hard to believe. Are you saying we are cards this whole time!?

Leif: This is a trick. I know it is. You need more proof than this.

Marth: So then the both of you are telling me that neither of you have felt slightly different on certain occasions? That something felt..... not right? This is the reason for that.

Hubba: If the two of you want proof, I can bring back your fathers. *summons Sigurd and Quan* Like them, you too are bound by the magic of the cards. The Einherjar will continue to fight by order of the one who summons them. But..... there were a select few that were exceptions. Marth being one of them, along with the two of you.


Hubba: All will be revealed in due time. *reverts Sigurd and Quan*

Leif: ..I don't believe you in the slightest. But. I will join you. But if this is a trick...Seliph?

Seliph: For times I had doubts. Like how this even began. You saying this is true to me. I will lend you my blade.

Leif: As you command. We both will join you.

Lucina: "The fighting stopped, oh thank Naga."

The battle between Archanea and Jugdral has now reached its conclusion as the sun had set and the moon arises into night. The aftermath has scared the very land that they stood in. What has always been a battlefield, is now littered with weapons, arrows and tomes of the fallen combatants who are now reverted into card form. As a means to ensure that no more infighting among the Einherjar occurs again, Marth bade Hubba to take possession of all of the cards lying around from the fight, so that no one could abuse them ever again, save for the ones that have joined him in his journey. Before Hubba collected all of them, Marth took a really long stare at the card of the person who meant the most to him in life: Caeda. She was just as beautiful and mesmerizing as he remembered; her long flowing hair and cerulean blue eyes almost made him forget where he was and what he was originally doing. He was lost in the nostalgia of their days living as the Hero-King of Archanea with her by his side every step of the way and the joy that she gave him whenever he was with her. In life, she was his light. The light that gave him strength. The light that no amount of darkness, or any Shadow Dragon could ever extinguish. A part of him really wanted to take her with him so that he could at least be happy with his new found Einherjar life with the one that he loved, but due to her not being one of the select few "exceptions" that Hubba mentioned, Hubba took her away from him anyway, much to Marth's frowning disappointment. Couldn't he at least allow him to give her one last kiss goodbye? Its been too long since he's been without her.

He then stumbled upon the card of himself: Prince Marth, which only brought him bewilderment.

Marth: Hubba....Why are there two of me?

Hubba: Well.... you see..... um.... In your creation, i KIND of made a mistake by not fully implementing your experiences,so I guess you could call it a....rough draft?. The Marth that you are holding reflects the days where you were still prince and once the completed Marth, you, was made, I.... might have forgotten about him?

Marth was unsure how to react to Hubba's explanation. It was already hard to take in the fact that he was an Einherjar, but having TWO? How much worse could it get?

Marth: I.....see..... *Marth then went over to Chrom and Lucina*

You and your army have been a great help to me. You have my thanks. But, I still owe you an explanation. Yes, I understand that I am what you call.... an "Einherjar". I am currently looking for the reasons behind my creation and am seeking out the Divine Dragon for answers. However, to do that, I must brave this Outrealm which houses the continental struggles of history's greatest armies and put an end to all of it. And according to Hubba, I am not the only special case. Take Alm, Celica, Seliph and Leif over there. There are still others further along the road here. I can feel it. Do you think that you can lend me your strength one more time to bring peace to this ever feudal Outrealm?

Chrom: Of course, I'll see you through to the end.

Lucina: I'm by your side, with Father.

Marth: Many thanks Prince Chrom. And you two milady. But how are your soldiers? Such a battle must require some rest before we take off. We will wait for when everyone is well rested and make our way. Hubba, where do we go next?

Hubba: Ah, yes. Your next destination will take you to a subterranean ruin, which is the only route to reaching Naga. However, there are other Einherjar waiting in that area. And from the look of it, they will be twice as hostile as this batch. You're going to have to do some planning before you get yourself killed.

Marth: Very well then. Chrom, let us make camp for the night.

And with that, Marth has successfully completed phase one of his quest for answers. At the farther corner of the realm lies the way to his destination, along with new foes from entirely different continents that he is well accustomed to. But with the aid of his newfound allies Alm, Celica, Seliph, Leif and Chrom's Shepherds, Marth is unafraid of what may lie ahead. His destiny draws ever closer

Credits to Ace for Chrom, Lucina and Frederick, along with Shadow for Jugdral

Edited by Hero-King
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[spoiler=The Darklord Xert: Part Final.]

Sorin: "Any luck?" 'They told me something about that book... What was it?'

Marth: Now, *seaching around* What exactly is it that you are looking for?

Jxemas: "Twilight. The book Xert has. We need that. Its infinite knowledge. The power to corrupt a person from the inside out. But I had an Epiphany..What if you can overcome the power of temptation?"

Marth: Hmm... It's got to be somewhere within all of this rubble. I remember him dropping it...

Sorin: "Did you just read my mi- .... So you'd take the risk?"

Jxemas: "I don't...but if I have time...Maybe."

Marth: Beg your pardon? You never mentioned anything about risks

Jxemas: "Twilight has the power to corrupt any person without magic. A permanent Darksphere."

Marth: But.... why would you want such a spell that is comparable to Imhullu? If anything, you'd want to be rid of it so that no one else could be corrupt by it

Jxemas: "I didn't make it. Shadowfrost did. Him, Ice and anyone else who can use magic in our family can use it."

Sorin: "I'm with Marth. I remember why that book makes me so uneasy. You remember Leo? He touched the book and was corrupted. Do you wish to turnout like him?"

Jxemas: "Leo couldn't handle its power. I know his mistakes. Which is why I'm going to watch out for them."

Sorin: "Leo wasn't weak by any means. He was just stubborn. And I don't want you turning out like him."

Jxemas: "I won't. Now here it is.*Picks up Twilight* Such a small book right?"

Sorin: "I'm going to say this one more time. Put. The. Book. Down."

Marth: .....I've a bad feeling.

Jxemas: "This book contains infinite power. Why will I not use it? I can become stronger...Stronger to protect."*opens Twilight*

Sorin: "No!" *tries to reach for the book*

Marth: !!! *hand clutches Falchion's hilt*

Jxemas: *Immediately falls to the ground*

Marth: Uh oh. *Runs over to him and holds him up, so that he's laying face up* Hey, you all right? Answer me!

Jxemas: "...*Nirvana turns into a 7 foot blade* Its good to see you. Marth."*Slashes him away with Imperius*

Sorin: "Marth get back!

Marth: !!! *jumps away and covers his cheek* Oh no...... Jxemas... you've been corrupt havent you?

Sorin: Dammit Jxemas, I told you this would happen! You had to be an idiot..." *takes out Storm* "Marth, if he truly read that book, he's gone..."

Marth: *Unsheathes Falchion* I was afraid of this. I had hoped that Shadowfrost would be the last time that this would have to happen. But... I guess the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree

Jxemas: "*Jumps on a pillar* Corrupt? No. I've been enlightened. I've been given the knowledge. Thanks to Xert, he's completed step one. The world will choke on darkness. Gurgle it. Corrode it. Then after, I'm going to use this world as my vessel, and travel to every other outrealm."

Marth: You know that we cannot allow you to do that. You've just confirmed yourself to be our enemy right now. This is your last ultimatum Jxemas Zenbiniar. *Points Falchion at him* Surrender now, or we'll be forced to take you down

Jxemas: "And then when we find a new planet and on its soil we'll make a shining new future..."

Sorin: "And what about this outrealm?" *stands by Marth*

Jxemas: "Well? That's up to you Sorin."*Looks up and sees Dark Clouds*

Sorin: *looks up at the clouds with him* "Tsk..." *lunges at him*

Marth: (I had hoped that there was redemption for you. Was Shadowfrost's sacrifice all for naught? Or is he just corrupt from Twilight?)...... *Also lunges at him*

Jxemas: *makes an afterimage of himself and cuts Marth straight down the back* "You aren't worthy to face me. Step aside.

Marth: *winces and falls on his knees* (D-Darn... I still haven't recovered all of my strength from using Naga's power. Until I do, there's nothing I can do at this point... other than get in the way.)

Sorin: "D-Damn you!" *clashes*

Jxemas: "Damn me? Damn me? I don't allow weakness in my world.*Unsheathes Mystletainn and hits Sorin with Mystletainn and Imperius*"

Sorin: *manages to catch himself* "The only weak one here is you!" *Splits Storm and jumps back in*

Jxemas: *Clashes with Sorin in multiple different places*"..Oh? Where did you find this strength?"

Sorin: *pushes him back* "I'm not about to tell you."

Jxemas: "Jumps from pillar to pillar making them fall*"I thought of a wonderful present for you. Shall I give you despair?"*Jumps to the top of the interior castle*

Sorin: *dodges the pillars and looks around to see if Marth is O-... alive before looking up at Jxemas*

Jxemas: "On your knees. I want you to beg for forgiveness."*Puts Mystletainn and Brave Axe into the wall and the wall falls down and the Mystletainn and Brave axe are broken to pieces.*

Marth: *Witnessing the battle, while still wincing from the blow to his back* Sorin.... You've fought with this man before haven't you? In past lives. *Pauses* I have faith that you will come out of this battle victorious. For yourself, the future, and all of your ancestors.... Take him down!

Sorin: "I intend to!" *sees the wall falling and begins cutting through the pieces*

Jxemas: *Jumps through the pieces to clash with Sorin and kicks him upward*"How high can you fly?"

Sorin: "Gah..." *looks back to see another piece of the building falling toward him before cutting and jumping off of it*

Jxemas: *Jump kicks him into a wall making debris fall everywhere* "...Hmph. Getting tired?*Runs straight into the debris.*

Sorin: *pant pant* *manages to stand and sees Jxemas coming before clashing with his strike*

Jxemas: *Kicks him upward and stabs him straight through the chest*"Is the pain your ancestors felt before Sorin? ...Let me remind you, so you won't forget."*Grows a solid black wing on his back and throws him up*

Sorin: "Guh..." *tries to balance himself in the air*

Jxemas: *Stabs him three times through the back, once through the shoulder and one more time through the chest before throwing him down on solid concrete*

Sorin: *hits the concrete hard coughing up blood when doing so. starts to fall out of consciousness....permanently before....*

J. Sorin: "Sorin. Get up."

T. Sorin: "It's no good. If we leave him like this he'll die."

J. Sorin: "....Alright everyone. Like we planned"

Sorin: "What are you..."

J. Sorin: "We're saving your life. Can't have our descendant dying to one of his bloodline can we? If we combine our life left and give it to you, you'll make it through this."

Sorin: "Then...what will happen to you all?"

J. Sorin: "Good Question. That's up to you. *the various ancestors start to fade* Will you cherish our memories and memory? They are all yours now. *starts to fade away* Purigon... He's in your care now. Goodbye Sorin... No actually, say hello to your second chance. We're all proud of you..." *fades and a silver light surrounds Sorin*

Sorin: *gasp* *pant pant* "So they're gone... More of, they're free... All of their memories... Experiences... Skills... They passed them on when they left..." *picks up Storm and stands* "I kept my promise to you all. Not how I wanted to, but I can hear it. You all are reuniting with your family and friends that have passed on..." *looks up at Jxemas*

Jxemas: "Tell me what you cherish most, give me the pleasure of taking it away."*dives on him at a fast speed*

Marth: (This doesn't look good. If it keeps up like this, I might have to intervene, loathe am I to dishonor a duel as immense as this)

Sorin: *jumps up at him pushes him higher* "You don't get it at all..." *pushes him back again* "There isn't a thing I don't cherish!" *spins Storm over his head causing a blue aura to surround him and clashes with Jxemas again splitting Storm into two, stiking Jxemas again. Moves at afterimage inducing speeds slashing Jxemas in all directions before appearing once more above him, slashing him three more times and cleaves through him on the fourth landing on the ground with both blades of Storm stabbing the ground near him. Looks at Jxemas again* "Stay where you belong.... In my memories."

Marth: (Well, that was quite a shift in battle. But still....) *walking up to him* .....Is the deed done?

Jxemas: "Sorin...I'll tell you something.....You are your light..I am your darkness...as long as you are full of darkness..I will return...I will never...become a memory" *Falls to the ground*

Sorin: *acknowledges Marth's presence and walks over to Jxemas' body to check for a pulse* "No pulse.... Yes, he's gone... It's over...Rest..." *closes Jxemas' eyes* "...What am I...?"

Marth: What do you mean? You are you Sorin. Isn't that obvious?

Sorin: "....You're right. Maybe my head is just a little messed up from all the memories... At any rate, how are you holding up?"

Marth: I'll live. Rather battered from all of this, but I'll live. What about yourself? That was quite the battle you had

Shadowfrost: "Hahaha! Never have I seen such a fight!"

Alexander: "Never have I seen a fight so one sided. Pathetic."

Ice: "Remind me whose side your on again?"

Alexander: "I love it how they're not seeing the spirits in front of them."

Angel: "Maybe they're blind."

Alexander: "...You know what..."

Shadowfrost: *Sigh*

Marth: *Looks up to see the spirits* You three....

Sorin: "Shadow..."

Shadowfrost: "If your honestly think I'm grieving, I'm not."

Sorin: "Of course. You don't grieve for anybody but Lachesis."

Shadowfrost: "Son of a bitch. I'm going to-"

Alexander: "This is entertaining. Where's the food?"

Ice: "Don't make fun of mother. Father get back on to the point."

Shadowfrost: "Yeah..Heheh.*Pick up Imperius*"

Marth: To what are we entitled to your presence?

Alexander: "Killing a bastard. We came to say thanks."

Angel: "Mhm. Just to say thank you."

Ice: "Alexander put words in a nice way. Sorin did a GOOD thing."

Alexander: "Can I end your daughter's spirit?"

Marth: Well... you're welcome then

Sorin: "Relax Ice. I have the utmost respect for your mother... And Arthur wanted me to tell you goodbye for him... You all say that like you actually wanted..."

Alexander: "To touch the book? Maybe. I forget what I do.."

Ice: "Arthur said that... to me..Hm..."

Shadowfrost: "Hey. Sorin this is for you*tosses Imperius to him* You my friend are its next chosen wielder. Since the other two aren't here."

Sorin: *catches it* "...You're hopeless..." *to Ice* "He's gone. He said he'd see you on the other side someday..." *to N!Shadow* "I can't except this..."

Shadowfrost: "You kinda have to. Who else am I going to give it to?"

Sorin: "...I can hold onto it for you until I see them again but this blade doesn't belong to my family line. I'm sure you'd like to have it for the day you make your... "glorious" return. Well it and Twilight." *looks over at Ice "...How are you doing?"

Shadowfrost: "Heh. Glorious. I could be back, today, tomorrow...Maybe I won't come back. Maybe it'll be someone else.."

Ice: "He's gone? ..He's gone...Forever. Just like before. But this time no one is around to help me. I'll be trapped here for gods know, and he'll probably forget about me. I'll forget about him and we'll never see each other..."

Sorin: "What are you..." *hears Ice* "My dear... I have his memories... his thoughts... his emotions... Only one thing worried me. Are you going to forget about him?"

Marth: I.... do not understand.

Ice: "I don't know anymore. I just don't know.."

Sorin: "When he threw me down... I was dying. But all my ancestors living in Abysm combined what was left of their life to give me a second chance. It set them free and gave me all of their memories, skills, and experiences. Including Arthur" *looks back to Ice* "If he heard you right now, contemplating forgetting him, he'd cry you know that? You know how much of a crybaby he could be. He even admits it. I guess you really don't want to hear his last thoughts."

Ice: "His last thoughts?"

Alexander: *Gagging*

Ice: "..I hope you really do choke on air."

Alexander: "Except I'm immortal."

Angel: "....Shut up Alexander."

Alexander: "I'm sorry?"

Angel: "Did I stutter?"

Sorin: "So I'll ask again. Are you going to forget him?"

Ice: "No. I won't. I promise that."

Alexander: "Thank fucking GOD. Are you done spilling your guts over the dead?"

Shadowfrost: "I remember you crying at Marcia's death."

Alexander: "You know, just forget it... Those weren't tears. I had salt put in my eye."

Angel: "Lies."

Alexander: "I hate you both."

Sorin: "...Peanut Gallery remarks aside, you are the only reason he didn't die sooner than he did. Your smile and personality woke him up everyday. The promise of being able to look into your eyes convinced him to rebuild Freege and take the responsibility of leading it. And if he is being honest, your hips and lips convinced him to become a father. You were his life. His bridge between suicide and life. If he ever saw you frown, he'd work twice as hard to make sure you didn't. If he was the cause of your frowns... He hated himself. And he hates himself now for leaving you again. I doubt you want to leave him with all that self-loathing and regret that if he told you he loved you just one more time, or took you somewhere special again, things would be different.

Ice: "My husband... Arthur said that? I'm so happy.. But at the same time, I wanted to be with him more. More time to live and talk. And then when we both died, talk and live again like a regular family. But not anymore. But I won't forget him. He'll be in my heart forever. Thank you Sorin... I mean Arthur. Thank you for giving me hope again..

Sorin: *nods* "Whenever you want to talk, he'll listen." *points up* "Your children too. They'll all be listening and waiting for you." *smiles* "So Shadow... What do you want to do about the book? I'm contemplating making it disappear due to my dislike of burning books but I'm sure you have something else in mind."

Shadowfrost: "Give it to me....or better yet. Find that priest."

Alexander: "Are you suggesting what I think you are?"

Shadowfrost: "Yeah. Sorin. Find Light."

Marth: Light? Well, fine, but that man isn't the kind to be found. Rather, he finds us.

Sorin: "Easier said than done. Usually he just appears when he wants." *starts looking around anyway*

Light: "Did someone call for me?*Standing on a cliff* Truly that battle...was breathtaking. Reminds me of what happened between me and my sister long ago.."

Marth: And yet all you did was watch the whole thing unfold? How can you speak so casually about it?

Light: "As long as the world rejects me, I reject the world. I had no reason to come to this age. I'm not an ally to anyone. I'm not an enemy to anyone."

Marth: .....Just what ARE your motives?

Light: "King of Altea, I have no motives. I seek knowledge. I seek what others do in their lives.

Marth: You devote your life to the pursuit of knowledge? Sometimes knowledge can be dangerous and lead to corruption. Ignorance is bliss after all

Light: "But at the same time, keep away from knowledge. And so I mastered all the types of magic. Even Dark Magic. They call me the strongest Mage alive. Not that the title means anything.

Marth: Quite the reputation you have. Anyways, Sorin, the book

Sorin: "Here it is." *points* "Just don't read it right?" *picks it up*

Light: "Sorry but I've read it already. Nothing happened.*takes Twilight* Ah yes.."

Marth: Okay, so what now?

Light: "Where am I taking this?

Sorin: "Good question... Send it to the Mila Tree in my world."

Light: "..Just Twilight?"

Sorin: "...What do you mean?"

Light: "You want me to send both back. That's what I'm asking."

Sorin: "You... You could do that couldn't you? ..... I"

Marth: Well..... now that that is dealt with. *Turns to Sorin* Shall we head back now?

Sorin: "Actually... I won't be going back. I need to clear my head. Alone. Maybe decided if I can bear to be here any longer."

Light: "Where do you wish to go? I can help you if that's what you desire."

Sorin: *whispers a location in his ear*

Light: "....I see. Walk with me friend.*Opens a door to the outrealms* Show me where you wish to go...*To Marth* Give the Dreamers my regards.*Warps Marth away* Now, shall we?"

Marth: But.... Sorin? What abou- *gets warped away*

Sorin: "... Yeah..."

Count the AC references, DO IT NOW

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He stomped through the forest, trying to think, trying to calm down. But nothing was working. Everything was going horribly wrong. He shouldn't have gone. He should have stayed. Now that damned girl had gone and left again. And rather than look for her, he gets told to stay like a good little "soldier." When he had run away, an entire squad came after him. He couldn't understand it. And it made him mad.

And he was mad over many other things. About how Kat spoke of his time in that dimension as a waste because of his efforts. About how Cassandra had seemingly forgotten of him for a fucking pillow. About how Sorin and Jxemas added to the total of lost members. And then his mind flashed back to when Yuffie had taunted and aggravated him. And he got angrier. About how he had said he was just a warrior. A dumb warrior. And he got angrier. And his mind kept flashing back to things that disrupted whatever calm feelings he had before. His hand had been clenched so much, he felt blood trickle down his knuckle from his nails digging into his palm.

He had found the grove before long, and it was exactly as Ace had described it. But he was blinded by anger and began punching the nearest tree he could find. He punched as he felt his fists hurt. Finally, he stopped. He stopped and looked. And he sat down on a trunk. Was this all he was good for? Hitting things? Just causing harm to other things? Like some...weapon?

He heard a bush rustle, only to see a small rabbit. And it saw him. It ran back into the bush, but he made no effort to go after it. He sat there. After a while he heard the bush rustle again, and saw tge rabbit staring at him. He just sat there trying to think if what he was here to do. Suddenly he felt fur brush his leg and found that the rabbit had sat down next to him. He remembered about how, as a chikd, he was always goid with animals. No matter how hostile they may be. The Rabbit just sat there, staring ahead at the tree as he did. He began to pet the rabbit and it made no effort to get away. Perhaps he was good for something.

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[spoiler=Baby - Kat] She hated everything at the moment.

​Everything had become about the BABY. Baby, baby, baby. She couldn't fight, because of the baby. No one visited, because of the baby. Only Yuffie ever saw her, and that was because of the BABY.

She gets snippy over it and everyone is all over her, claiming that she can't be angry, because of the baby's health. She can't call out a person for behaving irrationally, because of the baby. She can't do a damn thing, because of the baby. She'd thought, at least, that she could serve as advisor, but everyone avoids her. Because they don't want to 'stress' her and harm the BABY.

Few people see her. Not her friend-siblings, who run around crying and screaming and then wonder at why everything falls apart in front of them. Not her husband, who just wanders off without even letting her know. Only Yuffie checks in on her. But even then, it's all about the baby. Baby, baby, baby.

​She's this close to saying 'screw it' and leaving. Going to Mila and letting them all just crash and burn. It's what they were doing anyway, after all. Might as well accept it, because no one is even asking for her help, or needs the help she can give. She's useless. Dead weight. Baggage. All because of the BABY.

Baby, baby, baby. Mila, did she both love and HATE her baby.

[spoiler="Breaking - Weapon (Klotho)] She lies on the floor and stares up at the ceiling. Just stares and studies. Practices her ability to focus on a single point. She is a weapon. This is what she should do. Yet there is something wrong. Something breaking inside of her. It happened after the last memory wipe. Something had jarred and smashed and now everything was a mess again. She'd have to go through the process again. Something had gone WRONG. A weapon couldn't be wrong. A weapon couldn't be flawed.

"I've a question for you."

She looks back and sees her Handler standing there. She just stares, watching. Waiting.

"Does the name 'Klotho' mean anything to you?"

​She keeps staring. Klotho? That was… that was… no, it was something. It was. Something… something… A beautiful person with a beautiful laugh. No, a mess of a girl who was so confused. Both of them. Both of them… And… and others creeped into her head. A Sister, a Brother. A Harem, a Chaos, a Healer, and… and others. Ribbons. A smile. Laughter, crying, pain. So much pain. But one willing to endure if someone, anyone, would just ACCEPT her and be her family.

"So, does it?"

Her sight blurs. Her eyes burn. Water drips down her face. Her breath hitches. What's going on? Why is she breaking? Was she really this useless? Worthless? She was a weapon. She shouldn't be doing this."

"It does. Good."

Good? How was this good? She just keeps being… being useless, worthless, STUPID as her Handler takes her by the hand and tugs her up.

"I'm going to help you. Come on."

No. No, this wasn't helping. Stop. Stop. She's breaking, falling apart. This was PAIN. She was a weapon. Stop breaking her. Please… please… just leave her alone and let her stay as she's supposed to be. Please.

[spoiler=Tired - Phoibus] Doma, he was tired.

Everything was just starting to get to him. Everything. Every noise, every action. Nothing was resting him. Not even simple silence.

He winces as he stretches out a scratch on his back. Michel had been more violent lately, angry at everything. And he was the one who had to keep distracting her. Joy of joys. At least Serena was starting to doubt and Maylis was always ready to give him a gentle word.

It had been a bit since he'd seen the Dreamers. What the HELL were they doing? Wasting time? They had to MOVE. They had to FIGHT. There wasn't much TIME left.

​Maybe he should visit. But he was just so tired that he couldn't… even… move…

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[spoiler=Alicia: An Empath's Concern]Alicia sat down, oveelooking Kat's tent. Still not feeling strong enough to speak just yet, but still able to feel the flow of emotions coming from Kat's tent. Alicia thought, (perhaps having someone to talk to would be benefical.) Though to be honest, Alicia did want to speak to Kat herself. It moreso due to worry, worry that something terrible had happened. Lately, Alicia had been feeling large amounts of malice from the Mila Tree. Add in the fact that when she finally felt stable enough to return to judging souls, the gates to Hell had been broken open and a group of dark, evil souls had rushed out. And out of all the ones she had dragged back to the gates to Hell, kicking and cursing souls they were. There was a small group that still escaped to Earth. One in particular gave off pure evil, she could hardly forget the look this one gave her. The look of a hardened killer. Alicia could only reason this group of souls had taken up residence inside the Mila Tree, and quite frankly Alicia still blamed herself for it. (I could use your wise words about now, Kat. That is, if I can hear them today.)

Edited by Ace Tactician
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[spoiler=Confidence Isn't Something You Can Truly "Feel"; It's An Intangible State of Mind]

All through the night, she held that strange pillow of hers close to her. She didn't know what prompted her to clasp it so tightly in the first place, or for that matter, why she'd even crafted it. Was it because she felt she needed someone to hold her attention and to tell everything to? That didn't sound right to her; after all, she had Dan for that one.

Was it because she needed somebody to cuddle with, to help her stay nice and cozy during the harsh nights of her world? That didn't seem quite right either; after all, Dan could suffice for that.

Was it because she needed somebody to give her confidence in herself as a person and as a fighter; confidence that she'd never gotten herself? Again, it sounded odd to her... after all, she had Dan to give her confidence in herself (unless it came to Dan himself, then she just melted like butter on a baked potato).

She certainly didn't make it to satisfy her own primal urges; after all...

Deciding not to finish that thought, the girl places the pillow down on her bed, with the makeshift face buried into the ground. She didn't figure she'd need it anymore.

After all, she had Dan.

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You know.

There is one big part of my story that's been missing for some time.

Suppose it's time to tell it?

Italics is Breezy

Bold is Cedric

[spoiler=Breezy vs. Cedric part 1]

You know, I'd expect you to come here alone. What with your whole death wish from that one night. But you're here. With whoever the fuck those people are.

I figured you would be here alone. What with your giant ass ego. But instead, you thought it fun to break me mentally. You were never good at being subtle. Back in the army. At the manor. Bringing back our comrades as Risen. You're insane.

Insane? No, I'm simply smarter. And better. Any adjective that shows my superiority would fit perfectly well here.

Yeah, you sound exactly the same from the army. Some things never change about people do they? Suppose it's nature.

And you say that like you've changed. Sure, your so called friends may see it. But, you haven't. You WANTED to come here alone to die, but now you have to beat me here, which is impossible might I add. But, thanks to your "friends", you have a fight to do. You might seem changed, but you're still the broken man you were back then.

Guess I'm meant to be an open book. Yeah, so what. I didn't want anyone here. Because I knew I could handle you on my own. You're so delusional it's almost poetic. You have the man broken in his soul against the man broken in his mind. Fitting end for you.

Stop trying to act so smart. I know you're scared. It's painfully obvious to see. Besides, you're planning on leaving this war after I'm dead if you can even kill me. They still don't trust you after what you did you know?

You mean after what you did? It wasn't that hard to figure out. Strapped to a bed, you think about things. That night at the manor. That tome you used, you used some of your own spirit to make it. You used it on me, some of it got stuck in my head. Caused me to do that. And, I saw how they all died. So thank you. I have even more incentive to kick your ass.

So calm in the face of death. Need I remind you I am the superior warrior here?

Death isn't so scary after you've talked with him once or twice. You wouldn't know though. After all, if you're so superior, why would you need to bring the Risen?

None of your own business. You're here to die, so allow me to grant that wish.

If I'm going down here, it's your destiny to die here too. En guarde.

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[spoiler=Klotho - Weapon] She follows her handler as he leads her to this strange room. It's filled with books and pictures. They are the only ones there.

"Here we go," he whispers after a while. He pulls something from a shelf and holds it out to her. It's a picture of two girls. One has brown hair and is sitting down in a chair. The other has crimson hair and is beaming. "This is you."

She doesn't understand.

"The red-head here is you, before… before my superiors got their hands on you."

She still… doesn't quite get it. The girl in the picture is beautiful and she's… she's just a broken weapon.

"Your name was Matilda, then. You lived alone with your best friend, Klotho. Well, you two always claimed to be 'just friends'. There were rumors all around about you two being more than that. The people shunned you two for it, but you never seemed to care, until Klotho took ill. No one would help you two. So, you chose instead to participate in this tournament being held, to use the money won to buy the medicine for her. My superiors were running it and had been so impressed that they made you another offer. If you chose to help them, they would take care of Klotho forever. You accepted without a second thought and… and that's when you became the Weapon. The experiment. They stripped you of everything. A charm to make it so that you don't feel pain once you're in a fight. Superior sight, hearing, smell in exchanged for dulled touch and taste. Your free will. They got rid of your voice for a while, through making you scream until your throat bled. When they were done, they sent you against the village. That was the last time anyone saw you cry. You… they made you kill Klotho. After that, you broke and were their total puppet."

She shakes her head. No, she is a weapon. She doesn't have a past or future, really. This was… this was nonsense. Right? Then why is she leaking water again?

"Then this weird invasion happened. You were sent out to investigate, with a small group. Something made you snap and you killed them. They tried to calm you down by erasing your memories, but not in time. You then ran and disappeared. Only to reappear here. I don't know what happened in between. We don't have records of that."

​"…Why…?" What is this? Who was speaking? Who's rusty, ugly, broken voice was this? "Why tell…?"

"Because you aren't a weapon. You're a girl. You're a young girl who deserves better."

​"No… no…" This voice is hers? This disgusting, creaking voice was hers? No. No, a weapon has no VOICE. It's someone else. Someone who should be dead. Someone stupid, naive, filthy, broken, disgusting! Someone who deserves everything that ever happened to her!

"Matilda… Please, remember what you can. Remember who you are."

"No. No." The voice goes high. No, the voice should be quiet. The dead STAY DEAD! "There is no such girl. There is none. She's dead. She's gone. She never existed."

"No, she's right here. I know I'm asking quite a bit, but you must remember what you can."

"No. No!" She doesn't exist. There's no stupid, naive, girl. Not anymore. She's dead. Dead and gone. Dead in the experiments. The painful experiments that ripped open her skin, shattered bones, remade muscles. Things that tried to make her human yet not. Dark magic… dark magic and curses...

"Please, you have to remember."

"No. No, she doesn't exist." She's not here. She's never here.

"Matilda… no, no, wait, you changed your name afterwards, didn't you? My apologies… Klotho."

That's it. That's the key to the little box tucked deep inside. Not just that name, but someone calling HER that. Klotho. Klotho. Klotho of the Dreamers. Oh, she remembers now. She remembers so much. But not everything. No, never everything. Too much lost. Far too much lost. But OH, does she remember… "Why…?" And now she CRIES. Cries, because she's not a weapon, but… "Why… why did you make me remember her? It hurts when she… I… remember me."

"Because it is what is owed to you. You deserve much better." He looks up to the door. She hears noises. "Go on. There's a door here. You must escape."

"There's no escape."

"Yes, there is." He gives her the picture. "…I will ensure it."

"I'm not worth that."

"I think so, and I'm your 'Handler'. So, please, follow this last order. Run and live, Klotho." He gives her a hug and slips something into her pocket. "Keep the bow. I'm sure you can use it well." He pushes her to a side door. "Go on."

She automatically obeys. She's good at following orders. Behind her, she hears the crackling of fire, the screams of burning people. She smells charring meat, acrid smoke. It follows her as she runs. As she… she accepts that the girl is her. Matilda. Weapon.


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[spoiler=Love is Over, And With It, Sanity Ends As Well]

This was probably the second time now that he'd lost the one he loved. And it still felt like the first.

The first instance of it was still fresh in his mind. The hordes of slavering undead, surrounding his family... his home... and permeating the air around them with a cacophony of moans and the despicable musk of rotting flesh and decaying breath. He took them and ran... or tried to. The horde was too great in number... he and his wife were formidable, but not invincible. Their love couldn't hold everything back from damaging them, whether in mind or in body; he learned that painful lesson firsthand, as he saw what was to become of his wife.

Her flesh being ripped and torn by rotted teeth and gruesome claws, her limbs sundered like tree branches before a sharp blade, her cries slowly fading as the pain slowly dissipated into the embrace of death. And with her cries, so too went his feelings of affection towards others...

In essence, for him, love was over.

And now, long after he had suppressed those memories and had begun loving people anew, he was seeing the love of his new life being ripped away from him once more. Though the circumstances were much different this time, the pain that both sides felt was all too familiar to him. All he could do was watch; watch as her breaths were growing ever slower and ever shorter, watch as her figure was being slowly twisted and tainted by her sheer agony, watch as her skin being tinted red by the blood trickling out from her wound, slowly but surely extinguishing her life's petite yet powerful flame.

It appeared that, at that time... for the second time... twice too many...

Love is over.

No more words to be spoken... no more emotions for others to exploit. This time, nothing would reach him. Not love, not pity, not despair.

Now, his mind was fixated on two things: exacting revenge for the love that he had lost, and joining his two embodiments of Eros in blissful, eternal slumber. And this time, nothing would interfere with either. He was going to make sure of that... no matter who were to interfere.

After all, it's easy to inflict pain on others when you choose to no longer feel pain yourself.

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[spoiler=Jack Taylor: His Final Moments. The Twilight's Untimely Demise]

Following after Poly made Jack Taylor think back to the day he died. And how everything seemed to be leading up to that point.


That fateful morning his favorite drinking glass broke into pieces. The mug with the Rising sun and Setting sun engraved on it on both sides. The mug that had seen many a hard drink of Feroxi ale among other spirits. Jack Taylor's only thought at the moment was how much he was gonna miss that mug...until he learned that his older sister, Mira had died yesterday.

The news was heartbreaking. All that time he had spent misleading those blasted Grimleals just to protect his sister and other niece...he felt they had all been for naught. They had found her anyways. Jack Taylor felt so frustrated, so angry, so...saddened... He tossed his Peshkatz into the nearest wall and slipped away. He didn't want anyone to see him sobbing so loudly over his sister's death. Especially Alicia, gosh Alicia. She would never know her mother now.

Jack Taylor spent who knows how long just sitting there... Alone with his thoughts, away from other people. One thought had slowly crossed his mind. Revenge. Revenge for Mira's death.

He would then spend the rest of that day trying to learn who leaked her location to Validar. He would learn the identity of the responsible party the following morning. Setting off on this mission at Twilight however, would be his last action.

Jack Taylor had walked right into a setup by Wayne Chambers. His son, Alicia's crush at the time, had been working for his father all along. Playing Uncle and Niece like puppets for his father. Jack Taylor could barely move, his wrists were being strangled by chains until they bled. His breaths ragged from the numerous traps set up. No help would come, this night would be his last. An exchange of insults and furious accusations followed, before one of Jack's words stung his rival's son so badly, the youth ended Jack Taylor's life on the spot in a fit of fury.

*back to the present day*

Jack Taylor had realized how blind he had been to be mislead by Wayne like that during life. But...he was here now...possessing a living body to aid his twin nieces. Hopefully this time, he wouldn't screw up so badly like he did all those years ago.

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Same rules as before

[spoiler=Breezy vs. Cedric part 2]

All this time, and you still manage to be somewhat competent.

It's called training to be better. Maybe you should try it sometime.

Why bother training when I'm already the best?

And you wonder why people dislike you. It's the attitude.

And who's to say that it's not true? I'm miles superior to anyone from that crappy army. Including you, the captain.

And you still manage to hate me. Whatever did I do to you?

It's not so much you directly, it's just you in general. You clearly weren't the best fighter or leader, and yet you show up one, then one fucking day into training you're the captain. You really take things for granted don't you? That position should've gone to a person who actually deserved it, not someone like you!

Jealousy is what breaks people apart. Found your source. And you're saying that you would have made a better captain than me?

By about 5 light years or so yeah. You had and still have no damn skill with what you do. You let every little thing get to you and you over-think fucking everything! Who gives two shits about some random enemy base that was abandoned or whatever? It doesn't affect us, so we as soldiers shouldn't care!

And you're impulses are what made you NOT the captain. They'd rather have someone who thinks too much than doesn't think at all. And you're rashness is why. You can't handle the fact that you aren't the best at what you do. It doesn't matter if your plans save just you, it matter what you do to help the entire team. It's as simple as that.

You are REALLY good at getting me mad. Well, you know what? Consider this a gift from me to you. Don't take it too personal. Burn in the inferno, get zapped in the storm I don't give a shit HOW you die, just lie down and die already!!

*a giant mass of magic engulfs Breezy*

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Betchu guys forgot about this thing.

As promised, I give you the beginning of Act 2. More will be coming. Stay tuned!

[spoiler=Paralogue: A King's Dying Wish: Nexus Saga: Act 2: A]

After a good night’s rest from the previous battle, I, along with Chrom, Lucina and co, moved onward to our next destination. According to Hubba’s map, we should be looking for ruins, which are in the Far East. Or was it the west? North? South? Each time I would ask “Are you certain that you know where we’re going” and he’d always reply by saying “Of COURSE I do! My fortunes guarantee that this is the right way! And they’re never wrong!” From hearing his statement, Chrom and I immediately face palmed and hoped that at least THIS time, he would actually be right. And so we did, but as we continued to follow him, our faith in him continued to shrink more and more. No one in the group knew for certain where exactly Hubba was leading us, but as we kept on traveling for days upon days, scaling mountains, crossing rivers, bridges and ravines repeatedly, I believe there is one thing that we all agree on: Hubba was without a doubt the WORST navigator in ALL history.

Irritated by the amount of time that Hubba has wasted, Chrom has finally snapped and decided to have one of his flying units scout ahead to ensure that we were going the right way. It’s only now that it occurs to me of why he didn’t think of this sooner.

Marth: We’ve wasted so much time. Hubba, can you guarantee that this is indeed the right way? I’m almost certain that we’ve passed that mountain twice already.

Hubba: I’m positive! Now if I remember correctly…… OH!

After pondering the correct way, He had just remembered that the way into the ruins was in fact, right in front of them, by the mountain, but placed under a spell that anyone foreign to the Outrealm could not see or release.

Hubba: *sweatdrops* Ehehehe… well you see…. Maybe I MIGHT have forgotten something?

Marth: And that would be?

Hubba: The way to the ruins is indeed within the mountain…..

Chrom:I don't see anything there, Hubba besides the mountain. Are you sure that's where we must go?

Hubba: Right now I'm 100% positive. Within the mountain, lies the way to the ruins. But.... there may have been a SLIGHT catch that I forgot to mention.

Marth:....... Go on.

Hubba: Well you see.... *takes a deep breath and lets out everything in one breath* The way inside was hidden with a spell that only someone within the Outrealms can take notice of! *flinching after revealing that* Don't hurt me!

Chrom: Then, how do we get inside the fortress then if its protected?

While Hubba and Chrom were speaking, Marth took notice of something peculiar along one of the walls. He couldn't quite explain it, but he felt a strange familiarity with it and noticed a marking on it. He walked closer and closer and placed a hand on it. The wall instantly reacted to him for being an Einherjar and opened a new pathway, much to Marth's surprise.

Hubba: I know that its around here somewhere... was it over ... Oh look! Marth has found it!

Marth: That was rather.... odd. Anyways, before we go in, Chrom, you might want to call back your flying unit, so that they don't get left behind. I have a feeling that this place is going to be full of surprises.

Chrom: Right. Cordelia, Cherche, Sumia! Return at once! We're heading inside!

Cordelia: I'm here, Prince Chrom.

Cherche: Minerva and I have returned.

Sumia: Captain, I've-- *trips upon getting off her pegasus*

Cordelia: Sumia! You alright?

Sumia: * gets up* Oooh, tripped again.

Marth: (Minerva?Her dragoon is named after..... The Red Drackoknight of Macedon?) Right.... Lets go everyone. And keep caution. This place could be dangerous

Marth and co made their way into the ruins. The halls were dark and the only source of light were the torches that were lined up individually on the walls. As we moved forward, the number of torches thinned and we were faced with complete darkness, save for the next torch along the way that can be seen from a great distance. Ever the wary one, Frederick advised that everyone take caution and to not stray away from the group. However, being Mr. Bravado as he always is, Vaike charged forward into the ruins and......unknowingly set off a trap. Instantly, the lights went up and arrows were shot from both walls

Chrom: DUCK!

was all that Chrom had time to say before barely being shot himself. As we laid down on the floor, Panne's ear twitched and noticed that the floor was unstable and shaking.

Panne: Everyone. We must move..... NOW!

She said which only confused us, but quickly followed in running as we took notice of the floor below us beginning to crumble. We were running for dear life and unknowingly triggered another trap that made the walls of the next room switch with spikes as they gradually began to narrow and crush us. Everyone ran as fast as they could, but then.....of all the worst times, Sumia tripped and fell. She screamed help at the top of her lungs, which caught Chrom's attention to immediately turn around and carry her himself and force his leg muscle into their peak of endurance to power sprint faster than he had ever done in his life to ensure that they both make it out alive. Barely were they able to make it through.

Panting heavily, Marth wanted to ensure that everyone made it out okay, but we couldnt rest there. From the ceiling, a giant boulder came and rolled down from a slope in our direction. "Aw DAMMIT!" More and more running ensued. I don’t think I've ever seen Vaike run so fast. Was the Vaike actually.....scared? At the front of the herd, Marth was also running but then quickly stopped himself when he noticed the edge of the ledge of what appeared to be bottomless, but was pushed off by the still running Shepherds, who also fell along with him. But with Nowi's quick thinking, she underwent her dragon form and caught as many as she could carry on her back, along with Cordelia and Cherche whistling for their flying companions to rescue them and others and land on the other side of the cliff.

Finally safe from harm's way, while still panting heavily from the near death experience, everyone berated Vaike for being so damn careless!

Shepherds: You damn DASTARD VAIKE! What the hell’s wrong with you?!

is what everyone spoke in irate unison. He may have admitted that it was entirly his fault, but his apology quickly turned around by noting that if it weren't for him, we never would have found the right way. Everyone groaned from his boastful statement. Regardless of that, you're still an idiot.

Marth then took notice of Hubba who appears to be completely unharmed and perfectly calm, which was strange, considering what, had just happened. Come to think of it, I dont think I heard his voice at all while we were running for dear life.

Hubba: Thunderation! What happened to you guys?!

Marth: Hubba..... Were you not there? We were all nearly killed by the traps that were laid!

Hubba: Well that's rather dumbfounded of you guys. Didn't you know there was a safe route? I've been sitting here for at least an hour waiting for you guys.

Lucina: Then why didn't you tell us this sooner! We didn't need to face these dangers if there was a safer way inside from the start!

Hubba: Hmm.... Must have slipped my mind *shrugs* Anyways, we shouldn't be too far away now .I'd imagine maybe....15 minutes from our destination. Lets Go!

Marth:*facepalms* (Honestly......) *follows*

Beyond irritated, Lon’qu had just about had it with the old man and was ready to just kill him right now and end his annoyance. He pulled out his trademark Killing Edge, his eyes filled with murderous intent, as he was ready to run him through……..Until the contact from Lissa trying to hold him back made him beet red and caused him to retreat immediately. Ugh…….. women.

Chrom: Stay on your guard everyone. Let's go.

*Scene change: Enter Magvel*

Eirika: Brother, what do we do? The enemy forces around us don't seem to be doing anything, yet their weaponry are ready. It's like they're waiting for an attack

Ephraim: I don't know sister, but we cannot stay put for much longer. The two armies that surround us look rearing to go, and no doubt we're in their line of sight. I wish not to fight, my gut tells me so, but if they attack us first, then...

Eirika: You feel it too, brother? *Pausing herself, she carefully considered her next words.* Is there any way we can solve this peacefully?

Ephraim: I should hope so. I do not wish to see any of my comrades or innocents hurt in needless bloodshed

Eirika: Yes... I don't wish to see that too

Seth: Sorry for the intrusion, my lieges, but it would seem the other Magvelians have joined us

Ephraim: Prince Innes is here? Excellent. Tell him I wish to speak to him immediately

Seth: Of course, milord * leaves to get Innes*

Ephraim: ... If this does turn to the worst sister, then we must fight back. I also have a feeling that these two armies are the ones who...

Eirika: Are you suggesting..?

Ephraim: Yes. These two must've been the ones who invaded our land *Pauses and flicks a bit of his fringe with his finger* I don't like this one bit...

Innes: *Walking up to the duo alongside Seth, he dons a sarcastic tone*. If you don't know what to do Ephraim, then perhaps I should be the one leading this army, and not you

Ephraim: *Grinning, he turns to face Innes*. Nice to meet you too, Prince of Frelia... Seth, you have no objections to a full-on battle, do you?

Seth: Is that so wise, milord? This is one army against two, after all.

Ephraim: Seth, these two armies invaded our land and drove us out. Yes, something in my gut says I shouldn't, same with my sister, but we must do what must be done.

Eirika: Wait brother. *Snapping her fingers, and turning to the three figures. "What if these armies weren't the ones who invaded our land? I mean, there's no definite answer unless we ask them directly, right? Can I suggest we offer parley?

Ephraim: That's... Not a bad idea, sister. You could be right, and these armies are innocent to the crimes that were committed upon us. *Turning to Seth and Innes, he instructs them to stay behind whilst the twins go and meet with the commanders of the other two armies*

Seth: Yes, milord

Innes: Of course... *The two of them leave*

Eirika: Are you sure you want to go through with this, brother?

Ephraim: Of course, sister...

Eirika: ... What are you doing?

Ephraim: "You looked worried. I thought I'd-

Eirika: We've had this conversation once before brother, and I'll say the same thing again; I'm not a child anymore

Ephraim: "Yes, of course...

*Enter Elibe*

Roy: Father, I see a large group of soldiers approaching our position. Shall we alert Lord Hector and his forces?

Eliwood: Not yet, my son. I wish to see if these newcomers in the strange clothing are hostile forces or allies for our cause.

Roy: With all due respect, father, our odds as it stands are not good, especially if they ally with the Tellians or Magvellians. We would best attack them now, before they form up and possibly ally themselves with the other enemy forces.

Eliwood: Roy... we cannot simply charge in and attack these newcomers just because they are unfamiliar. You will learn this someday... or, perhaps, even better, you will not learn it at all

*Eirika and Ephraim encounter Hector and Lyn*

Eirika: Hello there, fellow leaders. I am Princess Eirika of Renais, and this man here is the King of Renais and also my brother, Ephraim. We've come to offer parley, and I hope you accept it

Ephraim: Yes. You might be the ones who invaded our land, but if you turn away now and promise never to trifle with us again, you shall not be harmed.

Hector: Parley? With you? Considering YOU are the ones who've invaded US, I believe that the only way to truly parley should be you and your forces turning around and heading home.

Eirika: But we never...

Lyn: That's right. As people who've invaded our home world, we should be the ones offering parley... but we will not. We will fight for our home, and protect it from you!

Ephraim: Enough.

*the two Elibean Lords leave*

Ephraim: Clearly, the Elibeans do not want to go through with this peacefully. Hopefully, the ones from Tellius will prove more understanding of the situation... Something tells me they won't though... Seth!

Seth: *trots over on horseback.* Yes, milord?

Ephraim: Tell our men to get ready for battle, in case the Tellians also do not reason with us. I will wait for their say, but something tells me they will also be hostile...

Seth: Is that so wise?

Ephraim: *Gives Seth a stern stare* I am your King, and you will listen to what either Eirika or I command you to do. I am not acting on emotions here. The Elibeans want to attack us, and we are not yet sure on the Tellians, but I think they will also be hostile. We have nowhere else to go... We must fight back

Seth: Of course milord... *leaves*

*Meanwhile, Hector and Lyn are approached by Percival & Cecilia on their way back*

Percival: Lord Hector! Lady Lyndis...! I suggest that we move to mobilize immediately. The Tellian forces are getting ready to mobilize... their army is not large in numbers compared to our own, but we have noticed that they have unusual equipment.

Cecilia: Yes, and their power as trained soldiers is apparent. Though we possess great amounts of training as well, many of us are mere mercenaries or conscripted fighters for the cause... With all due respect, milord, I am uneasy about this conflict.

Hector: It doesn't matter, Cecilia. Percival, get the troops ready. We must crush the Magvellian forces here before they are able to align themselves with the Tellians and not only out-number us, but also outflank us.

Eliwood: Hector, Lyn. How did it go with Magvel?

Hector: Hah! You should have seen the travesty that they tried to pull.

Lyn: Supposedly, they invade us, accuse US of being the invaders and have the nerve to offer parly? Such dishonesty makes my blood boil as a Sacaean.

Eliwood: Hmm... That is a rather peculiar story there. And you are certain that they won't talk this through?

Percival: At this point, that seems to be highly unlikely, mi-lords and lady. What do you propose we do?

Hector: I say, if a fight's what they want -*Raises Armads into the air*- We give em' just what they wanted. Armads and I have been itching for a worthwhile battle.

Eliwood: Let's not get reckless my good friend. We have yet to here from the Tellians of this situation. If they are any just, we might not have to fight a full scale war against both of them.

Hector: Heheh. Always Mr. Righteous, aren't you? Seems about right though.

Lyn: All that is left to do is to wait for Matthew to return with a report on Tellius. He should be here anytime now.

*Enter Tellius*

Soren: There they are. I had seen them coming.

Ike: Good prepare for attack. Someone give Micaiah the signal.

Elincia: But should we just ask who they are?

Ike: I don't make friends that I don't know. They're our enemy. That's all I need to know.

Elincia: ...

Ike: I don't want to talk with them. They entered our land without permission and are the reason we're fighting to go back home. They will pay.

Elincia: Lord Ike are you sure? They seem like non hostile people...

Ike: I will. They threaten us and are the only thing that stand in our way. I have The Dawn brigade in position. I will attack them from the front. Full force.

Elincia: Of course...

Ike: Right, *Turns to Tellius Army* I'm not one for speeches so let me get this over with. Today, we fight enemies that hail from foreign lands. I fight with courage, and will not be moved by their claims. Today Is no blue moon, we will declare war so that we can rid these Elibean and Magvel scum off the face of the Earth, so that we can make our way back home! Anyone who isn't ready, can leave now….. No? Didn’t think so. Then we will fight! (Damn...is this our true option? Why can't we just talk this out? Bah, I mustn’t doubt myself now. Perhaps in this fight, I shall know the answers to these doubts.)

Someone Give Micaiah the Signal. Greil Mercenaries, ATTACK!

At Ike's orders, Tellius initiated an ambush attack on both parties, which effectively demoralized the two armies. Ike gave the signal to Micaiah, and she set off the traps that had been laid for both Elibe and Magvel, which consisted of falling boulders, followed by spell slingings of Archfire, Archthunder and Archwind tomes that had been set to fire.


Matthew: Lady Lyndis! Lords Hector, Eliwood, Roy! It's a trap! Move, now!

Roy: Wait, what?

Eliwood: Uh oh. Brace yourselves my friends!

Hector: *speaking while batting away some of the falling boulders with Armads* Why those.... Crafty. Little.... So much for that idea eh Eliwood?

Lyn: ​*dodging all boulders and spells with after-imaged movements* I honestly didn't think they'd resort to this.

Wolt: Lord Roy! Look out! *Pushes Roy out of the way and takes the full shock from an Archthunder*

Roy: Ah... Wolt? No! *gets up and runs over to Wolt's electrocuted body* Why.... you didn't have to do that for me.

Wolt: *weakly speaking* Isn't it.... obvious... Master Roy? We had been... brothers... since the day that we met. And even though... you... had a position to uphold, I still... remained by.... your side... through all of it. By standing by you... peace was brought back to Elibe. And.. I had already vowed to be your loyal servant.... much like Marcus, or Merlinus. Maybe even greater. This... what I did just now.. was just a part of my duties to you Master... Roy. I thought... I told you.... to keep on your guard.... at all times.

Roy: Wolt.... No, don't speak like that. Just stop talking! You're gonna be okay! You hear?! Someone! Get a healer, quick!

Wolt: ....I'm... sorry master. But this... is as far as I go. Everyone is counting on you... to-

Roy: ...Shut up.... shut up. Just SHUT UP! I'M NOT LOSING MY BROTHER HERE!

Wolt: ...To lead... Elibe's army. I have... no regrets. My goal.. was to serve you... and protect you... no matter what.... until death. I'm sorry... I truly am. But... I can't help you.... anymore. Just promise me....you'll live on.... an make all of Pherae... and Elibe... proud. Fare... well.... Brother...

Roy: Wolt? WOLT!!!


Eirika: Trying to evade the cascading boulders and rigged traps, she nearly stumbles over a gaping rock that's emerging from the ground. Ah... Oh, why am I wearing a dress? It's not like I'm getting married or anything...

Ephraim: Seeing Eirika trip, he rides up to her and swoops her with an extended arm. Careful, sister!

Eirika: Bro-brother! She squirms, trying to get out of his grip, but to no avail. Let me go!

Ephraim: When you're safe, maybe. The Tellians have sprung a trap on us. Clearly, they do not wish to listen to the voice of reason... We must fight back, even if we are at a disadvantage right now

Eirika: Brother... Do you think we can win?

Ephraim: Looking down at her, he grins. Trust me, sister. I do not pick fights I cannot win

Eirika: ...

Ephraim: Innes, rally up the remaining soldiers and plot our advance! I'm going to be too busy in the thick of fighting, so you are our tactician!

Innes: Of course... We'll win, Ephraim, even if means-

Ephraim: Don't continue that sentence. You won't. Your pride won't allow it

Innes: Heh... *leaves*

Eirika: ... So, brother, are you making a speech to motivate the troops?

Ephraim: *Turning to face Eirika, he shakes his head and slams the butt of his signature lance on the ground.* Don't have the time to make a decent one, sister. The other armies are mobilizing. We have to act now!

Eirika: Yes, of course...

Ephraim: Right then... *mounts his horse, and trots so that he's facing the field of battle.*


While still holding his body, Roy begins to bereave over Wolt's death. Eliwood took witness and felt sympathy for his son and patted his back in comfort

Eliwood: Roy..... I'm sorry.

Roy: No father..... its... not your fault.

Hector: Poor kid. I know I'd be bawling if I lost my best friend. However, our morale is in shambles after that ambush attack. Are you certain that he can lead this fight after that?

Lyn: Roy....

Roy: ....no Hector. I'll... I'll be all right. Wolt died in protecting me because he believed in me. I won't dishonor my brother by breaking down on the battlefield. (Though I can't help but think that there is something wrong with this picture. I just know it)

Lyn: *Walks over to Roy to speak with him* You're doing both Roland and Hartmut proud on this eve. But.... Something about this battle.... you feel it also don't you? The emptiness?

Roy: I do also. However, that doesn't mean we can back down now. We must believe in our cause and see it through. Wolt didn't die for nothing. *Stands up and turns to face Elibe's army*

Roy: All right everyone! We are faced with two hostile armies from different parts of the world. Why they choose to harry us, eludes me, but we won't sit by as they raze havoc upon us. The Eight Legends of Elibe didn't yield to the dragons and neither will we! By their example, we are gathered here on the eve of battle to do the same, not as descendants of them, but as legends ourselves! I understand that I am young, but I assure all of you, with all of the will and power that I possess and every bit of my being. For those who guided us here, and those who fight for us today, *Pulls out sword and aims it skyward* WE WILL PREVAIL!!!

*Army rallies and roars from his words. Lyn, Eliwood and Hector stand proudly beside him*

Hector: *smirking* You raised yourself one hell of a son there. I was right to entrust my daughter's safety to him.

Eliwood: Yep. That's my boy.


Ephraim: Men! Tonight, we face against two armies from foreign lands, who think they have the mettle and will to break our steeled hearts. Show them the power that crushed the army of Grado. Show them the power that crushed the dark monsters. SHOW THEM the POWER that crushed the Demon King!.. We are soldiers of Magvel, and together...* Thrusts his lance forward, cape fluttering in the wind*. ... WE WILL FIGHT FOR THE FUTURE OF MAGVEL!

*Scene change to Marth, the other Lords and The Shepherds entering and witnessing the warring continents*

Hubba: Ah, we're finally here!

*fireball passes over his head*

Hubba: Whoa! And it's already begun too!

Seliph: This tension.... you feel it too, right Leif?

Leif: Yeah. Its all too familiar to me. After what our parents went through, and what we had to inherit from them, I could never forget.

Seliph: In our time, we had fought over blood. But this? This is something the likes that history has never seen before.

Alm: The horns of war are sounding right now. And a large one by the feel of it.

Celica: I can't believe that we've been warring with each other like this without end And without even a second thought of why we were here to begin with. It's.... it's sad *Prays*

Alm: *Places hand over her shoulder* Don't worry Celica. All will be over soon. I will continue to fight for a day where you won't have to pray anymore from the loss of souls. I owe that much to you, as I had promised to both Doma and Mila. *closes his eyes* (Same to you grandpa. This one is for you also.)

Marth stood out front among the Einherjar. He felt a breeze flowing through his cape as it danced behind him.

Marth: All of this..... just for misunderstanding of the unknown? And I was once a part of this?....Sickening *Turning around to meet the eyes of everyone* This battle will be the likes that none have ever witnessed. Be ready everyone, for even I don't know how this one will end. We are in the presence of pure warfare.

Chrom and the Shepherds watched the war scene in front of them

Lucina: Father, we're too late. They've already begun fighting...

Chrom: *Places hand on Lucina's shoulder* It's going to be like last time, Lucina. If they won't listen to us, we'll have to fight them.

Frederick: Don't get careless milord! We can't afford any deaths here.

Chrom: Ever the wary one, eh Frederick?

Lucina: Sir Frederick is right, if we are to stop this war, we can't afford any mistakes.

Chrom: Are you ready, Lucina?

Lucina: *nods*

Alm: Since when did anyone ever have to worry for me? I am Alm, the first Exalted King of the Valmese Empire . I've yet to see anyone dethrone my might. *Looks at Chrom* ...Don't you say anything! You only won because I was outnumbered, and you know it. Anyways, I'll do my best to stay civil, but you know what'll happen, should push come clash.

Celica: The sooner we get through this the better. (Mila..... Are you watching me? Many years may have passed, but I am still of your faith. Guide me so that we can put an end to our eternal struggle among ourselves.)

Seliph: A war of this magnitude could easily outdo the struggle of the Twelve Crusaders. To think that I would be able to witness all of histories heroes collide together like this is just....

Leif: Let's not forget where we hail from dear cousin. You, yourself were born with the power of our Gods. Not to mention the strength of our allies prove to be quite formidable. Even Marth himself.

Seliph: Don't sell yourself short Leif. Brand or no Brand, you too have played your part in bringing peace back to Jugdral. In this battle we'll see to it that we bring honor to both our families, and to our Bloodlines.

Leif: Yeah. You're right.

Chrom: *turned to face Lucina, Frederick and the rest of the Shepherds*. This may be the biggest battle we have faced thus far. We're going to attempt to stop three warring armies. But we are not alone. We've got the Hero-King Marth, Exalted King Alm, Blessed Maiden Celica, The Earl of Light Seliph and Sage-Lord Leif with us! Together, we can stop this war from going on any further!

Lucina: Father is right! We can stop this! I say when it ends!

Marth: This war among history ends now!

Chrom: Shepherds! On my mark! Move out!

Credits go to :

  • Ace for Chrom, Lucina, Frederick and the Shepherds
  • Dusk for Ephraim, Eirika and Magvel
  • Poly for Roy, Eliwood, Lyn, Hector and Elibe
  • Shadowfrost for Ike, Elincia and Tellius.
Edited by Hero-King
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Consuming darkness.

Surrounding him. Trapping him. Restraining him.

And he sat there. He sat there as it swirled around him, a vortex of an empty void.

His knees were against his chest, his arms were around his legs, and his head was looking down. Everything was silent. There was nothing there. Nothing but him.

...And then he heard it. Voices. Words that he couldn't make out were being spoken. They were far away. And then they became louder. Louder. Louder.

Then he heard them clearly. They were speaking to him.

"You are a soldier."


The darkness began to distort. It began spawning forms that took the shape of humans.

"You are to follow your orders."

The first shape to form was that of a familiar female. Her dark hair tied into a bun, with some of it covering one side of her face.

"You are to kill your enemies. That is all. If you can't do that, then what good are you. You're simply a waste."

Another form began to take shape. This time, the form took the appearance of a male, with similar style to that of the first.

"You know nothing. Nothing at all of what others have to deal with. You should have died."

Another form, this time of a sage.

"You're simply a brute who cannot handle others opinions. You cannot handle that you are simply just another person, and that no one cares about what you have gone through."

A warrior in azure clothing.

"You're a disgusting pile of trash. You act without thinking."

He put his hands up to his ears, in an attempt to block out the words. But to no avail. It did nothing.

A male tactician.

"You have not suffered. You have never gone through what I have."

The form started to decay. It's skin began to rot.

"I have fought through hell itself. You no NOTHING!"

Another figure with a royal presence. It simply said nothing as it looked down upon him with such disdain.

Finally, another form took shape. It was female. The first thing to get color was its outfit, dark blue. Then it's hair, a crimson red. Then it's skin. Then it's eyes. And it's mouth. Soon it's entire face was complete.

"You abandoned me..."


"You left me..."

No, I didn't.

"You treated me like an object! You tied me down! What kind of freak are you?!"


"You left me. You left me to become some HERO! You promised me...You promised me you would never leave me!"


"I thought you were a gentleman..."

Her voice became distorted. She started to change. Her hair became longer. It started to become brighter. Her face began to morph.

"...But now I see...you're just a brat." She was now a figure with long white hair, and a face full of hatred.

"A stupid, insignificant brat!"

Suddenly, two large voices boomed and echoed all across the area in which he was in.

"You have failed us."

"You were a waste of time. We should have left you to die!"

He began to tremble. He was surrounded now by the figures of many people.


He looked up. He saw them. His mother. His father. They both had faces of disappointment.

"...I thought I taught you better."

They began to walk away into the darkness.

No...No. No! Don't go! Don't leave me!

He got up. He began to run. But as much as he could, he could never catch up. He was slow. Slower than that of a snail. He reached out, but they were gone. He still ran, only to be grabbed. Grabbed by all the figures that had surrounded him. They began to turn back into the darkness of the void. They latched onto him. Binding him. Holding him back. The words 'failure', 'waste', 'brat', and many other words were forced into his mind. He was being swallowed into the void. He could feel the cold depths grabbing onto him, threatening to tear him apart. He felt it creep up onto his face, the last thing left to be covered. He opened his mouth to scream, only for the darkness to lunge inside of it. It choked him as more of it began to go inside of him through other means. His nose was penetrated, and he was no longer able to breathe. His ears were attacked, and he could no longer hear. And finally, he saw to tentacles of darkness come up to him. And he knew where they were going. The tips became sharp. The aimed at his head. And then he could no longer see. His felt them pierce his eyes. He felt them in his skull. And finally, his entire head was encompassed within the darkness. Had he been able to see, he would see a sea of chaos around him. Had he been able to hear, he would hear laughter directed at him. Had he been able to smell, he would smell the stench of death and decay all over. All he could do was feel. Feel as his entire body was constricted, with what felt like thousands of blades stab him.

Was this hell? Was this what he had been condemned to?

Help me...Please...Help......Me........

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[spoiler=Alicia: Panic Attack]

Something had happened when Formotiis cast Nightmare on Alicia. It caused her deepest fear to morph into a pseudo-reality. A false version that twisted current events that she last witnessed before falling into a sleep filled with darkness and tears.

Alicia tried to chase after Poly, but her steps were slow as if she was weighed down by chains unseen. Trying to call out, but her words were slow and warped beyond recognition.

He got farther and farther ahead, never looking back. Never realizing she was trying to catch up to him.

Alicia was panicking, not realizing that she was seeing a false reality.

Because the fear had made it appear very very real.

This is a panic attack.

It's grip is strong, and it had Alicia in a stranglehold.

Edited by Ace Tactician
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[spoiler=Ephraim and Dusk - Current problems]

Ephraim: *puts hand on Dusk's shoulder* Hey there, Dusk

Dusk: *jumps due to being startled, but looks behind his shoulder* E-Ephraim?

Ephraim: Yeah, that's me. I saw you looking a bit... out there just now, so I came over to see if you were all right

Dusk: I see. It's... been a tough two fights

Ephraim: The Demon King is quite the opponent. I had no doubt we could've taken him out, but without a casualty? I'm impressed with the Dreamers

Dusk: *crestfallen* You shouldn't be impressed

Ephraim: *looks up* Hmm?

Dusk: We... lost a comrade the fight before this one

Ephraim: But that's-

Dusk: *cuts him off by pushing his chest slightly with his palm* No. The battle before this one was tied to Fomortiis. We fought zombies, among them a Draco Zombie that resembled a deity from Marth's past. It... broke us. We lost a comrade, Marth had to fight this creature. I'm sure there's something going on between the Khan and Alicia too. We're broken, and it's because of that bastard!

Ephraim: That's just what the Demon King does. It plays with our emotions and manipulates people like a puppet to a string. It's unfortunate you lost a fellow comrade and a friend during the battles, but you can't let it discourage you from your motive. *takes a deep breath* Marth tells me that you co-found the Dreamers, with the vision to eradicate the Anna's from the face of this world. Do you think you can do such a task in this state?

Dusk: Kill them or die trying, King of Renais. *sighs then smirks* Listen here, you clueless droll. History doesn't dictate how many comrades and friends you lost during the War of the Stones, if any at all. In the past few weeks, I've lost a fellow Valm-brother and someone who, may be foreign, but still considered a friend. My wife and I are in a bit of an awkward position in our relationship right now, and due to Silvia keeping to herself and Sorin, who... *winches* ... I'm all these Dreamers have when it comes to leadership, bar Marth. Add all that pressure of being a leader AND all this emotions running amok through me, do you think I can afford to be stable every waking moment?

Ephraim: ... *quietly chuckles*

Dusk: *goes stern* What's so funny, Ephraim?

Ephraim: We're quite similar, you and I

​Dusk: You aren't the first to say that... But indulge me; how so?

Ephraim: We both lost our friend to the Demon King. Both friends obviously meant a lot to us, and to see them dead is... something no person should ever experience. I had to kill Lyon with my bare hands. I watched him be slowly consumed by the Demon King. Leadership wise, I had Innes from Frelia, Seth, even my sister at some points doubted me, calling me more of a barbarian than a leader. How did you think that made me feel? ... This is where our personalities really start to mesh together though. You live for battle, right? You don't feel much in your stomach unless you're clutching your weapon tightly fighting through the enemies dotted in front of you. Pulling a smirk whilst ending the life of another may be a bit excessive, but that's besides the point. You seek the thrill of battle, and so do I. I don't feel right unless I'm holding my lance in my hand... We both have morals though. I fight protecting what I live for, and so do you. Now you do, anyway. Marth has told me about how you've slowly changed for the better throughout this liberation, but you're an absolute train wreck when it comes to handling your emotions. *puts hand on Dusk's shoulder* You're a born fighter and leader. You may not notice, but your vigour on the battlefield inspires those around you to fight harder. You're a part of them, and seeing you completely demoralised... it crushes them. You must know that though, so I shan't emphasise on that too much. Point is, whatever emotions are running rampart through your heart, you need to stamp them out and refocus on the here and now. People in your life have done, that can't be changed. I lose my father during the War of the Stones, but I still soldiered on. You can't let your emotions overpower you, or else you aren't yourself. You're just... a monster then

Dusk: ...

Ephraim: *sighs* Sorry, I might've dabbled on for a bit longer than I intended there, but-

Dusk: *cuts him off again* No... You're right. I'm a leader to these people. I never wanted to accept it, but... it seems like the role has casually unfolded onto my boots, and it's up to me to see my dream 'til the end. *smiles* Thank you, Ephraim. I know what I must do now. How I feel at times may seep out here and there, but I'll try my damn hardest to keep my emotions in check. *brushes Ephraim's hand off his shoulder* Now then... shall we continue chatting between ourselves, or do you want to rendezvous with the others?

Ephraim: ... *smirks* You know what? Normally I'd say duty before anything else, but I think I can spare a few moments...

Dusk: *smirks back* Brilliant. Now then...

Not... too sure how to feel about this, but I'll go with it

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[spoiler=Crizix and Marth]

Crizix: Hmmm...I've baked some cupcakes again, but everyone's been so sour lately that I'm too scared to even approach them... *Sigh* What do I do with these now? Eating all of them by myself wouldn't be - huh? Isn't that...King Marth? Perhaps I should go greet him. He doesn't look like he's too busy right now...

...Ah, h-hello, sire!

Marth: Oh. Hello Crizix. How do you do?

Crizix: I...I-I'm fine. Thank you, sire...Um, how have you been?

Marth: Quite all right actually. Do you need something? You look troubled.

Crizix: Oh, d...do I? No, I'm all right...I suppose...really. *Fidgets* Uhm, would you like a c-cupcake...?

Marth: You can relax Crizix. We're all friends here. And oh, a cupcake? Why thank you. *Takes a small bite out of one* These are truly marvelous! Did you make them yourself?

Crizix: R-Right! Sorry. *Blush* It's still a habit...Seems that I didn't get over it nearly as well as I thought...and yes, I did! I experimented with vanilla and lemon today.

Marth: Vanilla and lemon you say? My sister used to do the same in my days. Alas, she always did have my best interest at heart.

Crizix: I see...It sounds like she's really kind.

Marth: Indeed she was, and is why I love her. *studys Crizix* ....you know, since the last I saw you, there is something about you that is.... different.

Crizix: ...Really? W-What is it?

Marth: Its not your appearance. Rather... the way you carry yourself in battle. You've grown since the last we spoke.

Crizix: Well, I've been training with my offensive magic...among other things...but I didn't think it would be very noticeable...

Marth: Believe me, I know prowess when I see it. Tell me,in your time away, what had you been doing the whole time?

Crizix: I've been traveling alone with Luna, trying to rid myself of my hesitation with the tome. As I expected, there was an absurd number of Risen roaming around. I guess fighting them constantly helped me, but...I'm still the same old me who stutters all the time...

Marth: That's all? Surely there are more details than you let on. Please, continue

Crizix: All right, then...It...It's embarrassing, though, because when I went to visit my hometown, a cat stole my most important possession, and then some thief snatched it from the cat. I chased her everywhere to get it back... *Blush* I know this sounds rather silly, but it's the truth...

Marth: Ha ha ha. Truly quite the story you have there. Not what I was expecting, but still a story. Did you ever get it back?

Crizix: Ah ha ha...Yeah, I did, fortunately, after many weeks of tracking her down. I'm so glad I have it back. *shows Marth something in her hand*

This locket, it's...a precious memento. Ever since that thief stole it, I've been holding it even closer to me... *opens locket and a folded of paper falls out* ...Oh, so that's where I put it...

Marth: Really? *looks at Locket and notices the dropped paper* Oh? What might this be?

Crizix: Uh, it's a...treasure map. Although I didn't mean to, I took it from the thief while getting my locket back.

​Marth: A treasure map? What a discovery that is. Do you know where it leads?

Crizix: It led me to somewhere in Ferox. The place was in ruins, but there were so many ancient scrolls, tomes, and staffs hidden away there...It was amazing, like a city of magic...

Marth: A city... of magic? *ponders* ! Crizix, do you know what you just uncovered? The city of magic, such a place can be none other than Khadein. A friend of mine, Merric, studied there and came to be known as the Wind Mage. You've just made a discovery of a life time!

Crizix: Really? Khadein, the lost city of magic? To think that I uncovered such a place from your time...That's astounding... *Blush* Well, I didn't see much in the way of archaic wind magic, but I unearthed this tome. *shows Marth the Aura tome* I was drawn to it somehow; it resonated with me, I suppose. Then I found that I can use it rather easily...

Marth: The Aura Tome..... This book's original wielder was the famous Pontifex Miloah and later passed on to his daughter, Linde. The fact that you can use it so easily shows that there must be some connection between you and them, somehow.

Crizix: Connected? Do you mean like...a special spiritual connection?

Marth: What kind it is eludes me, but unless the contract that binds the tome to its original wielder had ended, that would be the only possible explanation to how easily it resonates with you.

Crizix: Hmmm, perhaps, but Pontifex Miloah and his daughter Linde lives thousands of years ago. Would a contract need to last so long...?

Marth: Hmm...you've a point there. Point is, Aura is a very powerful spell and requires extensive studying and practice to use. The fact that you could wield it so easily from a first touch shows that you are without a doubt more than meets the eye Crizix. You may be more special than you believe yourself to be.

Crizix: Y-You really think so? It'd be nice if that was true...Well, if I truly have such hidden potential, then I'd like to tap into it...but how? Hmmm...

Marth: That is a question that only you can answer. No one knows your limits better than you do after all. But you have plenty of time to figure that out, so no need to worry over it. Now.. about those cupcakes....

Crizix: Ah, that's all true...but this time, I'll stay with the Dreamers! If you all would have me, of course...Oh, well, I baked these for everyone, but they all seem too gloomy. I couldn't approach them...

Marth: ....Are you kidding? Who could resist any of these delicacies? They're all so...-*Ahem* I-I'm sure everyone would love them. It's certainly worth a shot

Crizix: *Giggle* Then would you like to accompany me as I try to find everyone else?

Marth: If you'll have me milady, I'd be honored to do so.

Crizix: Thank you very much, sire. Now shall we get going?

Marth: After you.

This is my first post here, huh? Well, I'll be elaborating on the whole "cat stole the trinket" thing sometime later...

Edited by Crizix
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Italics is Breezy

Colored Italics is.... you'll see

[spoiler=Breezy vs. Cedric Part 3]

Is this what death is? It seems, brighter than I had imagined. Or maybe that's just my eyes playing tricks on me. Looks like I've reached the end of the mission. And it appears that I have failed. I had one thing to do, and look where it got me. Dead. Though, that was the plan originally. Better to die away from all them then worry 'em. Heh, ironic in a sense. Instead of me leaving and coming back to death, I leave and actually die. Life's poetic like that. I guess.

Are you just gonna mope around about your not death and keep talking to yourself? 'Cause that's not why I came here. I came to watch you kick some ass.

And how exactly are you here? You're supposed to be... you know, dead.

Cedric messed with some border between life and death when he made those Risen. I just decided to follow behind. There's really nothing to it.

I was wondering why there wasn't a Risen of you. Guess he was too scared to bring you back or something?

I heard him say that if he did, he wouldn't be able to control himself or something. Sounded kinky for all I cared.

Okay thanks for scarring my afterlife with a bunch of images.

Did you not hear me say that you aren't dead? You're just a bit unconscious. Luckily I was there and helped you out a bit.

Yeah yeah thanks. But, why exactly are you here?

I'm here because I know you wanted to die. I wasn't going to let you die and let him still be alive. So-o I decided to pull a divine intervention or whatever and help you out~

And this is going to have absolutely NO consequences whatsoever?

I'll find out after I deal with this. But for now, don't you say we have a job to finish?

That we do.

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[spoiler=Jack Taylor: Treasure Hunting]Maybe it was meant to be a grave marker, maybe it was meant to be passed on to someone else. Whatever purpose the Blazing Blade was to serve now, Jack Taylor had decided it wouldn't be to slay any of the Dreamers. He hides the sword under his longcoat, all the while scouting out for any ruins of pubs or candy shops. That was another thing, his apparent sweet tooth due to the host body he was inhabiting.

Though Jack doubted there would be any sweets left still edible in this time of war.

After a while of no luck, he heads back to camp, hoping to keep Durandal hidden from the Dreamers, even his own nieces. Not until he figured what to do with it. Though he could have sworn someone spoke to him when he decided to pick it up. But...no one was there. ..except him. Or...was it the voice of the sword's previous user? Jack Taylor, despite being a ghost himself, couldn't tell.

[spoiler=Alicia: Why so Emotional?]She used to have great control of her emotions, now she's often on an emotional rollercoaster. Even as she lays besides her beloved though out cold, her subconscious mind is still awake.

It fills her dreams with questions of, where did I lose control? Why am I prone to all these moods? Am I merely a shadow of the woman he fell for?

She remembers what it was like when he first fell for her. How she had been scared to show her emotions. Now her emotions run rampant over her, and deep down she feels like its her rampant emotions that are driving him away. Driving him to put himself in harm's way.

No...no more. She'll take back control, be the woman he fell for. And most of all, protect him.

Which begged the question, how did she survive that fatal arrow? Was it not fatal at all? Or...was something else at work? Marth did heal it up completely, though logically speaking she should have died from bloodloss before any healing could have saved her. Perhaps it didn't quite have the impact that people around her perchieved it to have.

Edited by Ace Tactician
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[spoiler=Leaving] She wanders the woods, getting further away from the fighting. She's tired, so tired. That man... he'd said to return to the Dreamers, she thinks, but she... she just doesn't want to. She's tired, so tired. She wishes things were better.

"Whoa, what are you doing here?" She looks up and sees... sees HIM. He looks the same as always, except for one thing. Tired. He's tired too. "Aren't the Dreamers that way?"

"Maybe." Her voice is soft. "I don't think I'm going back to them, though."

"Aren't they your family?"

"Sometimes you have to leave your family behind for your own sake. I think."

"...I see..."

"What about you? What are you doing?"

"I'm leaving myself." He is? "I've done all I can here. What's left... well, not my responsibility. Doma needs me to check on some other continents, so away I go."

He's leaving. He's so tired and he's leaving to keep working. "Hey... can I come with you?"

He looks startled then. "Why?"

She's tired, so tired. So the words just fall out. "Because I love you. You don't have to love me back. I just want to stay with you, for a little while. I'm tired."

"...Yeah..." He smiles softly, and it warms his eyes. ​"Yeah, I'd love for you to come with me. It'll be a long journey, though. Shouldn't you stay and rest, if you're tired?"

"No. I think I can find my best when I'm with you."

"Then we'd better get going." He hesitantly holds out his hand, as if waiting for her to refuse it. Instead, she takes it without hesitation. He kisses it softly, smiles again, and leads her off.

She doesn't look back. Not for one second. This is what she's chosen, and there's no need for regrets.

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[spoiler=Paralogue: Garden of Giants: Taming Chaos]

After a while the trail of trees with holes ended when the forest ended. Alicia and Micaiah were able to pick up the path Ace took though, which lead the group to an island off the Valmese coast. This island was the one Alicia suspected Ace was headed to, The Garden of Giants. Within the island clustered within the various pieces of ruins and trees was a massive temple. This temple appeared to be dedicated to embracing one's flaws and having the strength of heart to stand up to those flaws.

Alicia stood in front of the entrance to the temple, noting the emotions that filled the air. "This temple...the spirit of Chaos hangs quite heavily in the air. I do believe Ace is already inside." She then turned to face the group of Dusk, Poly and Micaiah, "Use caution please. If what I read about this place is true, then it's highly likely we'll encounter and assist Ace during the trial she must complete to gain mastery of her powers over Chaos. The interior of this temple will be dependent on the feelings within Ace's own heart. Is everyone prepared?"

Dusk looked at Alicia and faked a grin in response, still unsure about if his mental stability meant he should've ventured out as far as he did. "I'm always ready, Alicia"

Alicia smiled knowing Dusk was prepared to enter the temple, "Thank you, Dusk," Alicia replied before turning to Poly and Micaiah, awaiting the word that they too were prepared to go inside to locate her twin sister.

Micaiah: Chaos is a powerful energy force that can prove dangerous to those that cannot control it. For your sisters's sake, I will gladly aid you. You have my support

Poly: ... I guess so. I mean... I'm still not exactly in the greatest of shape, but... honestly, maybe this'll help fix my head.

Alicia smiled again knowing everyone was prepared for whatever this temple would show them. Even if Poly wasn't in the greatest of shape right now, but that could be remedied by having him stay by her side. She'd protect him from whatever dangers lie ahead, "Everyone, thank you so much. Come, let's find Ace." On Alicia's words the group entered the massive temple.


Meanwhile, deeper inside the temple:

Ace looked around, she had been walking for a while now. Perhaps even days on end, not counting sleeping hours. "Geez, it's so dark in here I can barely see a thing." As Ace made her way deeper in, she began to hear voices.


The piercing scream made Ace shudder a bit, "Holy crap, can you scream any louder..."

"Stay back...stay back...leave my child alone you demon!"

"She's a Demon child! Cursed I tell you!"

"Just leave me alone!"

That last voice Ace recognized, "...that was...no...it couldn't be....myself as a kid? What the heck is this place?"


After walking through the blackness, the group came to a castle courtyard. It would have been nice to walk through if it wasn't littered with corpses, charred weapons, ash piles and smoldering and flaming castle walls and such.

Dusk examined the desolated area around him and simply shrugged. Being a mercenary for so long and being with the Dreamers made occurrences like these hardly anything worth scoffing over. "So... any suggestions on what to do next?"

Poly: ... Huh. Reminds me of my coronation after-party... Only, y'know, nobody died there. *beat* ... I think. From what I can remember, anyway.

Micaiah: It seems that something here is or was afoot here. The first thing we could do is investigate our surroundings. We might find something. She said as she knelt down at one of the corpses.

Alicia glanced at the ruined area before answering Dusk, "I have to agree with Lady Micaiah. Something brutally killed all these people. Some are Annas, some look like Grimleal members. Lets take a closer look at some of these bodies. We may be able to determine the fighting style of whoever is responsible."

As Alicia said this, Ace's voice rang out of nowhere in particular. "Kill...kill...burn to ashes. Chaos. Battle. The weak die and the strong live on."
"Do I have anything left to return to? Or is battling all.I have now?"

Micaiah: *Stands up* I didn’t imagine that.... did I? I fear we may have just heard what did all of this. But..... *closes her eyes* its location eludes me

Alicia stood right up besides Poly, gripping his hand. "Love, should the worst happen please get behind me. This might get wilder than your coronation after party." After saying this, Alicia happened to glance to her right, at the corpse that lay there. One look made her shudder, for it was the body of one of the Ylisstol Imperial guard.

Poly: Relax, I'm fine. ... Well, for now, anyways.

Alicia glazed into Poly's eyes, "I realize you're not quite in top form. Which is why I don't want anything to happen to you."
Ace was examining one of the bodies on the ground, "Fake, this corpse isn't even real. Who the heck did this whole fake bloodbath scene?"


Ace's voice didn't sound out again, allowing Alicia to examine another body, an Anna. "These bodies...they were never alive at all. They are part of this place. It's just like a...besieged castle....Ylisstol..."

???:"You are correct. This is Ylisstol, after I got done teaching the Exalt what happens for forgetting me!"

Alicia gripped Poly's hand again, "I can feel your chaotic intentions! Show yourself now!"

Poly: ... Oh god, that sounds like Ace. Tell me I'm wrong.

Alicia nodded grimly, "Something is off though Poly. This sounds just like Ace's voice...but massively chaotic and wild."

"I fought so hard to come home, killed millions, razed countless buildings and forests and what does my husband do? HE MARRIES ANOTHER WOMAN! Unacceptable! Unforgiveable! At least I got the pleasure of kicking him in the face."

Poly: ... Uh. Is she talking about Chrom?

Alicia nodded despite shuddering, "She is...and from the sound of it...took a sadistic delight in killing him out of rage."

The sound of footsteps sounded until the group was greeted by Ace herself...if not for the glaring differences.

This Ace's Grandmaster outfit looked like it had been through a great many battles. The right sleeve was completely ripped off at the shoulder seam with the rest of the coat charred in some places, littered with holes all over, and the back was shredded up a bit. The Chest and leg armor were charred and covered with bloodstains in some places, the heels of the shoes being the most obvious place covered in blood. Most likely from kicking Exalt Chrom in the face repeatedly. But the most obvious difference of all were the glowing golden eyes.

Ace?: "...outsiders? You don't look like any hired soldier the former Exalt brought in to stop me. You do strongly remind me of those I once knew... I even see my twin sister and brother in law among you... The Grand General of the Azure Dreamers, Dusk... And the Priestess of Dawn, Micaiah. I thought I had lost everything...my family...my friends...my home... I felt so angry I wanted to burn it all. If he forgot about me then I'll erase him, I'll erase this whole world in the flames of war! The world that left me for dead!"

She looks at group with forlorn eyes, "Perhaps if you all had come sooner...you all could have sorted this out. But then...I'd still feel like wrecking something. In the end, I'm a weapon meant to kill and destroy so the world can be born anew. Like a forest after a fire, that's what Chaos is meant to do. The flames of war burn the weak so the strong can renew the land and make it better. That's my role now. And the best part is I don't have to worry about anyone else but me."

Micaiah: You're right that Chaos is a dangerous thing that spreads like wildfire. However...... even chaos can be controlled and used for the better. You know my name, but not of my tales. The Goddess of Chaos possessed me and prevented such a catastrophe from coming to pass. Even so, you are not strong. You were weak enough to allow Chaos to corrupt your very being *Pulls out a tome* And must be stopped.

Poly: ... Tch. You're not my sister. *draws Armads* I'll put you in the ground for this impersonation.

Dusk: "Yeah... that ain't happening" *takes out killer bow, but leaves it lowered* "You clearly aren't the woman who saved my life all those months ago. Quit this pathetic stunt and let us get down and dirty"

The obvious Ace imposter tilted her head before speaking to Micaiah, “Corrupted is such a harsh word. I've transcended the corruption and became Chaos itself. ...the only catch is I hunger constantly for Chaos, be it fighting with weapons or words."

Alicia drew out Tyrfing, "Enough of your blasphemous lies! You are not my twin sister, you are just a Chaotic, Shadowy manifestation of her! We will end you here! You may very well be formidable, but you are alone against four of us."

Shadow!Ace laughed,
“So, you all intend to kill me. Okaaaaaaaay, I'll play with you, for old times’ sake. But all good things must end." She then draws out a Mercurius sword covered with burn marks and cracked a bit in the center. She stands posed to fight the group, before pausing to survey the air around her. Something has caught her attention, "As much as I am really pumped to fight and crush you.all, I smell heartbreak in the air. I must've forgotten to kill that wretched Queen...whoops. Follow me if you daaaaaaaaare!" She leaps through a hole in the castle wall, laughing manically all the while.

Alicia wondered who the shadow was referring to as the Queen before it dawned on her, "Everyone, after her! I suspect the Queen she is referring to may very well be the real Ace!" Alicia then lead the group in pursuit of Shadow!Ace.
Meanwhile the real Ace had reached the ruined throne room, where the lifeless, beaten body of Chrom lay face down on the floor. "It...can’t be. No. It's not even real. This isn't my home. This doesn't scare or enrage me. I'm past mundane attempts like this."

"That's what you want people to believe, right? Pffffffffft, what a joke."

Ace narrowed her eyes, "Who dares to insult me?"

"Ace Tactician, the picture of calm and patience while looking out for others and getting the job done. That's how you want people to see you isn't it? But deep down that isn't who you are." Shadow!Ace then entered into view, still holding her battered Mercurius.

Ace couldn't believe her eyes, "You're supposed to be me? Obvious a me who doesn't care about her appearance."

Shadow!Ace snickered,
“And you seem to be content in hiding your true feelings. Be honest with yourself, this sight makes you want to kill whoever did this, right? It makes your blood boil with rage, it makes you want to destroy all those who took everything from you!"

As the group got closer, they could hear part of this conversation.

Dusk tagged along with the others and could hear quiet voices coming from a way away. "Sounds like.." He squinted his eyes and cocked his head a little bit. "... Ace and her significant other. We got to hurry, guys!"

Micaiah: Before anyone had the chance to say "After her!" Micaiah was already moving in pursuit of Shadow!Ace. (If she is anything that she says she is, then her presence, alone could very well envelop the entire area with her influence. And if left unchecked, the world even.) She then hears voices u ahead. Hm? I can hear a conversation ensuing. I must be getting close. And yet... I sense two people? She did mention something about a Queen. Unless..... !!! She hurried to the source of what she heard and eventually made her way into the desolated throne room, her tome at the ready.

As the group drew closer to the throne room, Ace's voice and Shadow!Ace's voice got more louder, indicting they were close.

Ace: "I'm not as hot blooded as I was before! I'm quite capable of saying calm."

"Why not just ditch the charade already?"

Ace: "?!"

"Isn't high time you stopped lying and told people how you truly feel? You're probably thinking that I'm all the things you desire to be."

Ace: "And why would I desire to be a cold hearted murderer?"

"Ooooooh how I hate waiting around. It gets so dull and it wastes so much time when I can be killing the remaining two villains and that RNG Goddess bitch so I could have gone home sooner! Then I wouldn't have been left for dead and forgotten!"

Alicia and the others arrived behind Micaiah, who had arrived before them.
Alicia: "Ace! Don't listen to her!"

Ace: "Sis?! Poly?! Dusk?! And Lady Micaiah?! What are you doing here?!"

Alicia: "We all followed you from the trail you unwittingly left."

"Look at that, the gangs all here! This is perfect! Aren't you going to tell them how much you want stop sitting around now that The Demon King is dead?! Or how so irrating it is to keep on having to pull your hair out over all the drama that goes on while sitting around! This is why working solo is soooooooo much better! No one is around to have to hold you back from doing what needs to be done!"

Ace tried not to show it, but deep down she was feeling pissed, "Just be quiet and hold still so I can put you out of your misery already."

Shadow!Ace laughed,
"Awwwwwww! Did I hit a nerve? You know I'm right. You wanna know why? It's because you're me, and I'm you."

Ace drew out her forged Killing Edge, "Like freaking hell you are!" Ace took a few steps toward Shadow!Ace.
"There. Is. No. FREAKING WAY that you're me!" Ace then dealt a powerful blow to Shadow!Ace, seemly killing her. She then turned to the group, "Sorry you had to listen to that---"

Alicia interrupted, "Ace......." She pointed to Shadow!Ace getting up off the floor, an evil, manaic look in her golden eyes and flames rising around her.

"Hehehe. AHAHAHAHAHA! Nu uh! The hard truth is that I AM YOU! And I'll prove it!"

Shadow!Ace's eyes changed to gold-red and when the flames subsided her entire body was covered in a red aura while sporting a red-black color scheme."I am the shadow of the spirit of Chaos."

Ace didn't flinch, "So what? Just freaking die already!"*charges at Shadow!Ace*

Alicia gripped Poly's hand, "I feared it could come to this. Now the both of us must support Ace during this trial. Come! We can't afford to draw this out!"

Poly: Hooooooooooooooo shit. Okay, uh... now what?

Ace: "Back me up everyone! This miserable wrench is mine!"

Alicia: "She's right, we're all working together whereas Shadow!Ace is alone. Teamwork will be the key to defeating her. We ought to attack Shadow!Ace as a pair. *Holding Tyrfing* Let's go put this imposter in the ground, shall we?"

Ace:*clashing blades with Shadow!Ace*

Micaiah pulls out her Pyre tome and focuses the flames into her hand, ready to fire it when Ace is safely out of the way

Shadow!Ace shifted her stance a bit as her battered Mercurius clashed against Ace's forged Killing Edge,"I'm going to finally burn this pathetic world to ashes. And I'll kill anyone who dares to stand in my way!"

Ace had to adjust her stance to keep up with Shadow!Ace, "Not if I kill you first, imposter!"

Out of the corner of her eye, Ace noticed Micaiah poised to cast a fire spell. (How can I get this imposter to take the hit? Her Mercurius is in bad shape.... wait, I got it!) The next clash of blades, Ace made sure to have her forged Killing Edge caught that crack. Shadow!Ace grunted as she tried to free her sword from Ace's. Ace grinned, "Tough luck, imposter! I'll see you burn!" Ace then pulled back, jerking Shadow!Ace's sword out of her hands and kicked her backwards so Micaiah could attack next, without harming herself.

Micaiah: She had taken notice of the opening that Ace had made for her to attack. Channeling the flames again, she hurled out the Divine flames at Shadow!Ace.

Shadow!Ace ended up getting hit on her back from Micaiah's attack, while Ace took the opportunity to throw Shadow!Ace's sword at it's mad wielder, hoping to it would lodge itself in Shadow!Ace's head. Clearly ignoring any damage she took from it, Shadow!Ace grinned evilly as she got up and caught her blade again. "You all may think you have me beat from your numbers advantage, but I've taken on an entire castle full of soldiers and came out on top! Numbers are meaningless to me!" Reading her battered Mercurius, Shadow!Ace charged straight at Micaiah.

She was intercepted by the pair of Alicia and Poly however, as if Alicia had banked on her lunging at the Priestess of Dawn.

Alicia: "You claim numbers are meaningless. But that arrogance will prove to be your undoing."

Shadow!Ace: "And the Khan of Ferox and his lovely wife are gonna end me? I don't think so!" She glanced at Alicia, "I've been a touch jealous of you, and your husband is here in this world while mine was another world away! You had your lover while I was separated from mine! And you wanna know what? I think the Shipping King has flopped for good!"

Alicia didn't take too kindly to these words, "Poly and I have suffered some bumps in the road, yes. But that's only made our lover stronger!"

*Slices Shadow!Ace's arm*

Shadow!Ace didn't even flinch at the pain from the cut, "Oh really? Last I recall Poly looked like he had his heart torn from his chest and crushed to pieces!"

Meanwhile Ace readied her forged Killing Edge again and prepared to make her next move.

Dusk hadn't done anything in the fight so far. He just seemed so out of place here. This was a fight between Ace and Shadow!Ace, yet Micaiah and the couple insisted on fighting the shadowy abomination. [i guess I can't just stand around here doing nothing and feeling sorry for myself...] He thought to himself. Closing his eyes and inhaling sharply, he readied his killer bow and opened his right eye, staring directly into Shadow!Ace's eyes. [... Naga forgive me...!] Dusk released the notch of his bow and watched the arrow soar through the air

Micaiah: (She has quite the endurance if she can take in my flames so easily. And yet showing no signs of slowing down?) She then notices Dusk's arrow flying towards Shadow!Ace, which gave her an idea. With a flick of her hands, she enchanted the arrow with a dark magic spell as it flew towards its target.

The dark magic enhanced arrow sailed past Alicia and hit Shadow!Ace's right eye, breaking through her glasses and upon impact delivering a debilitating blow to her. Shadow!Ace screamed out in masochistic delight, even though she could only see out of one eye now.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! The more you struggle the more fun it is to crush you!"

Shadow!Ace pulled the arrow out of her eye, and closed the eyelid. Dropping the arrow on the floor.

Ace used this chance to strike from behind, "Die, imposter!"

"You are so irritating!"

*Shadow!Ace lands a critical hit on Ace, blowing her back into a wall*

Poly: ... *seems distracted by something as he keeps twirling his axe*

Micaiah: Ace! Noticing the immense force of Shadow!Ace's attack on her, she ran over to Ace. Placing a hand onto her, she closed her eyes and used her sacrifice skill, which caused her to collapse

Ace felt Micaiah use her sacrifice skill to heal some of the damage done by Shadow!Ace in addition to Renewal. "Thank you...Lady Micaiah." Ace groaned as she shifted to sit slumped against the wall, realizing something. "That stupid imposter! She's not me! She's not me! She...said things I've never told anyone...not Kat, not Alicia, not anyone... I FREAKING HATE HER!" Ace took off her glasses, covered her face and started crying quietly.

Alicia noticed Poly was seemingly occupied by something. So was Shadow!Ace from Ace rejecting her again, "Poly, the shadow is distracted. Hurry, we have to strike now!"

Poly: Mmn? Oh, uh, yeah.

Alicia took advantage of Shadow!Ace being distracted to drive Tyrfing into the obvious hole in Mercurius, catching Shadow!Ace off guard since she charged at her from her new blind spot. Shadow!Ace and Alicia struggled to repel the other person until Alicia, using all her might, finally shattered Shadow!Ace's Mercurius sword.

Shadow!Ace mock pouted, “Well shoot! I was awfully fond of that sword. I'll just break yours now!"

Alicia smirked, "Not unless you're knocked on the floor....POLY HIT HER NOW!"

Ace:*still angsting*

Poly: ... Gah... *swings Armads, but misses completely*

Dusk: *witnesses Poly's miss* "Fuckin' dumbass"

Shadow!Ace laughed as Poly missed hitting her,"Awwww, what's the matter, Oh Khan of Shipping? Feeling a little dull today? Here, lemme fix that for you!"

*Throws Broken Mercurius at Poly but Alicia dual guards*

Alicia:*charges at her again, giving Poly another chance to hit Shadow!Ace*

Poly: ... Right. Fuck this. *switches to the Thaniblade and swings it down at Shadow!Ace*

Dusk: "Not bad, Khan" *fires an arrow at Shadow!Ace*

Shadow!Ace:*gets hit by both the arrow, which goes through her left palm, and the attack from Thaniblade which hits her neck*

Ace was feeling pretty low, nearly consumed by her worst fears. Though upon lifting her head to see Alicia, Poly and Dusk attack her shadow self, made her think back to all the time she spent with the Dreamers.

"....Goddess Mila said we had time to kill the RNG Goddess before it was too late. ...Well, I've come this far, haven't I?"

Ace got up, "Hey! Shadow me! I'll say it. At my worst days, I'm scared that it's too late and Chrom now has a copy of me at his side. I miss him and my daughter like fucking crazy and I become a worrywart who isolates herself from everyone!"

*Draws out Mercurius and charges*

"So I'll admit it, you're me and I'm you."*crits Shadow!Ace, defeating her*

Poly: Guh... this whole thing sucks. Can it just... be done already? Like, all of it?

[is the doppelgänger taken care of?] Dusk thought to himself. Closing his eyes and sighing, he remembered seeing Micaiah collapsing to the ground after she touched Ace. He wasn't too familiar with the Tellius sagas, but it obviously meant she had little energy left. Kneeling down to her, he asks her if she's conscious and if she's okay

Micaiah: She was slowly gaining back her consciousness from giving some of her life to Ace. The aftermath of her ability drained her of her strength as she opened her eyes and weakly motioned herself to stand up, but stumbled upon doing so. Yes..... I am okay. At least.... I will be. Thank you. She then turns to Ace who appears to be victorious. Is it over?

Shadow!Ace was smiling as her body transformed into blue flames that gathered into the form of a young girl with long curly hair, clad in a poncho like dress with a cape. Ace recognized who she was and was shocked, "G-Goddess Yune?! You were my shadow self?!"

Yune nodded as she took a few steps toward the group, "I was, but now I've been restored to my true self."

Ace scratched her head, "I know I'm the Heiress of Chaos...so...how is it I'm you and you're me?"

Yune: "You are my reincarnation, Ace Tactician. Just as your twin sister is Ashera reborn."

Ace interrupted, "Except the both us are only half goddess. Alicia and I also have a human half."

Yune smiled, "Yes, that is correct. You were able to dispell the darkness lurking within your own heart, thus allowing you to realize your true potential as my heir."

Ace: "So then...I can use the power of Chaos to vanquish my enemies without harming my friends? That's why I haven't used Tumultuous Arrangement lately."

Yune nodded before getting serious, "That is correct, though since you are only half divine being, your gift will eventually struggle against your control. Your body will not be able to mend itself to keep up with the harm Chaos will do to you."

Ace: "In other words Tumultuous Arrangement will start to require my blood after a while if there isn't sufficient chaotic energy to sustain Chaos Mode...right?"

Yune again nodded, "Correct. Despite this, are you still willing to face this new risk?"

Ace already knew the answer, "If that's what it will take to bring peace back to this realm that will now be my twin sister's home, then yes. I'll gladly shoulder any harm my gift will do to me."

Micaiah: ....Yune? She stared in disbelief to see that the Goddess of Chaos has resided within Ace. More even with the fact that she is Yune incarnate. She walked over to the both of them, still comprehending what is enfolding in front of her. I didn’t think that the Gods of Tellian lore would carry over into this world. It’s no wonder I felt some sort of connection with you Ace.

Yune smiled upon seeing Micaiah again, "Just as Mira Taylor, Ace and Alicia's mother was Ashunera reborn. Her twin daughters are Ashera and myself reborn...abeit with less power due to being half divine but reborn again neverless. To be quite honest, it has been a long time since Ashera and I existed as separate identities again. We may have different names and faces, even different personalities but deep down we are still Chaos and Order."

Ace nodded, "It's all true, Lady Micaiah. Our mother, Mira of the Dawn was the last known heiress of Ashunera...and she was hunted because of that..."

Alicia also nodded, "I've been aware for quite some time I was Ashera reborn. But I'm still Alicia Taylor, Khaness of Ferox. Our mother was hounded because of those who feared her great powers."

Micaiah: *smiling upon hearing this* Ace Tactician... Alicia Taylor... You two remind me of the days with my own sister, Sanaki. Only, she wasn't a Branded, like myself and hunted. Nevertheless, I'd like to believe we are the same in those aspects. I will admit to you that before I became Apostle, I had resorted to evil for the sake of my homeland..... and shunned greatness as a result..... *sighs* Forgive my dawdling. This could be the start of a great friendship between us, wouldn’t you say?

Ace nodded, "It sure is. We both were separated at birth from our sisters."

Alicia also nodded, "No one is truly perfect Lady Micaiah, we all have parts of ourselves we aren't proud of. But it's acceptance of our own shortcomings that paves the way for us to improve as people."

Ace noticed Yune had reverted back to blue flames which in turn were channeled into her dulled brand on her right hand, restoring its normal coloring. "It's done now. I can go into Chaos Mode without risking harming my friends and comrades. Though it'll harm me after a while if there isn't enough Chaotic energy to sustain the skill. So in exchange for the safety of my fellow Dreamers from myself, my own gift will take my blood instead. ...I think we worried the rest of the camp long enough, let's head on back shall we?"

Edited by Ace Tactician
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[spoiler=The Black Dragon King]

Even in a place as far away as Wyvern Valley, the waves of Chaos Shadow!Ace emanated were far reaching enough for the Black Dragon King to pick up on. Old as a fossil, yet having massive strength and battle prowess to back up his words and actions. Black Dragon Laguz were not to be messed around with, especially Laguz rulers since they were chosen based on their strength. Goldoa however was a monarchy, though even his son Kurthnaga was strong.

Dheginsea had been around since the time of Goddesses Ashera and Yune, so when he felt those waves of Chaos, he didn't need to ponder whose power that was at work. He already knew that power from the time Ashera and Yune fought each other.

The Dragon King gave out a slow sigh, "I didn't expect Yune to be here in this land. Yet there can be no mistake about it, that has to be her power at work. ...Then if Yune's here, Ashera should be here as well." Dheginsea then had a thought, "Another Great Flood will probably occur if those two are left unchecked." The Black Dragon King then resolved to convince Yune and Ashera to stand down and sit this war out...by force if necessary.

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