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The War for Our Future - Character Development Thread


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[spoiler=Yuffie and his Healing Sticks]

My staves. My constant companions. I don't know how long I've had them for. I just know that they've always been there for me.

Few people know this, but they're actually heirlooms from my mother. The wooden part of the stave was hand crafted by my father as a gift for her. She charged their magic herself.

Then when they died, they passed on the staves to me. I know the other Dreamers have wondered why I don't replace them with stronger staves, like Catharsis, or Recover. The truth of the matter is that I simply can't bring myself to do so. I've had them too long to throw them away.

They've served me well throughout my life. My staffs. My magic. Dare I say, my friend?

Suddenly, I hear a sweet voice singing. Was that Klotho? She had a beautiful voice. As she sang, my mind wandered. I thought back to before the war... when Maribelle was alive. With the help of Virion, Olivia, and surprisingly, Donnel, she taught me how to dance.

On impulse, I grabbed Rescue and Mend, and held one in each hand, imagining each to be a part of my partner. The ever constant Rescue was their back, and the more personal Mend was a hand to hold.

Months of vigorous training came to mind, and my feet moved of their own accord. Light as feathers, they span and danced across the room. I closed my eyes, and thought of my mentors. The fast, upbeat parts reminded me of the ever cheerful Donnel, the low, quiet ones of our Shrinking Violet, Olivia. The passionate music rising to a cresendo of the debonair, and dramatic Virion.

The rest of the dance accompanied thoughts of Maribelle. Back straight! Head held high! Step, don't slide! And for goodness sake, don't trip again! Again, tears sprang to my eyes, but for once, not of sorrow. These were tears of joy.

Honouring the memories of the departed, the dying and the ill. Living on, and doing what you love for them. Living for them.

This is what life was about.

I started off with trying to have this be comedic, but you can see that my brain just took the idea, and ran with it.

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[spoiler=The Lady and her Path - Anna Maylis and Phoibus]Maylis: I don't even know why I'm using these... [/summons a ball of thunder magic and throws it in a random direction] I suppose I may as well lower my stock of them while I'm at it...

Phoibus: Hello, Lady May-WHAT THE?! *hit right in the chest* OW! WHAT THE HELL?!

Maylis: [/stares for a moment, not realizing what's she done] I... Oh, where did you COME from Phoibus? I wasn't expecting you for quite some time... I... I suppose I should fetch my staff for that.

Phoibus: Yes, and I suppose I'll just wait here in pain from the… what thunder spell was that anyway?

Maylis: [/guides him inside] A Thoron spell... I had a significant amount of the tomes just... lying around. I decided to deplete some of my store of them - they aren't my preferred type of magic and I only had them for Aimee.

Phoibus: *grumbling* Not sure Aimee would greet me with a bolt through the chest.

Maylis: I'd be shocked if she did, Phoibus. ... I - [/covers her mouth with a hand, trying not to laugh] I'm sorry - the wording was... Anyway. Phoibus. Why exactly did you return so soon? You said you were busy...

Phoibus: Checking in. Michel's orders.

Maylis: Checking in? I suppose that's reasonable, now that I'm actually caught up with everything... I still don't know how to feel on all this.

Phoibus: …If you're unsure, then why do you walk the path?

Maylis: Because... what other option do I have, Phoibus? I abandon my sisters for your Dreamers and I'll always be seen as an enemy, never an ally. I abandon everyone entirely and I have no ally against two mass forces. It's... polarizing, either way.

Phoibus: …I would be your ally, but I am certain you do not feel it enough. *gently touches her cheek* Hold your head high, Maylis. If this is the path you've decided, then don't show anything less than pride.

Maylis: I... Phoibus, of all emotions to feel about this situation, pride is not one of them. The lengths we're going to secure our mother's safety are... horrendous. I should loathe it but... the ends... justify the means, as they say.

Phoibus: And if that's what you believe, then hold your head high. If it's not… then you need to choose a different path.

Maylis: ... I suppose, some amount of pride is needed to carry forth. My sister does things I'm not proud of... but I believe in her. And I'll support her, even if it goes against my own morals. Flexibility is needed in this field, after all...

Phoibus: … *forces a smile* Yes, that's right, Maylis.

Maylis: My family's an unusual bunch, but I trust them. You trust yours as well, I presume?

Phoibus: Yes, of course.

Maylis: Then I suppose you see it, why no matter how irrational and wrong they are, I can never truly abandon them... Others, I'm not as sure about...

Phoibus: …Of course. *smirks* Can you get to healing that bolt through my chest? And uh… the rest of these wounds? This eyepatch is aggravating now. I would've seen that bolt if it didn't come through my blind side.

Maylis: [/looks him over, shaking her head before turning to retrieve her staff] My, Phoibus, what have you done? [/returns and begins healing him] Should I be concerned?

Phoibus: *deadpanned* A woman was REALLY persistent in getting her claws into me.

Maylis: [/pauses and stares at him] ... Really. I advise cutting ties with said woman. Immediately. [/resumes her healing]

Phoibus: Oh, don't worry. I did. She wasn't happy about it, though.

Maylis: I do hope I don't know this woman... Otherwise, we might have a problem.

Phoibus: …Are you going to wield the Vengeance Staff of Justice too?

Maylis: [/smiles, chuckling at the memory] That's my Aimee. Her fancies seem... childish for her age, but she's a good, gentle girl. [/glances over at Phoibus, her smile fading] You haven't... perchance... spoken to Michel lately, have you?

Phoibus: …I have, yes.

Maylis: [/sighs and steps back, her healing finished] So you know. ... I know it's... wrong to pick favorites, and I care for each and every one of them but this is...

Phoibus: Yes?

Maylis: Margeaux is long since dead... I understand this. I've... accepted this. But there's a difference in burying one you believe to be your dearest friend, and burying one you feel is practically... your child. That is a death I don't want to have anyone experience, and I'm too late for the ones that have. But I can start with Aimee. With any hope... I can end them as well.

Phoibus: So, you intend on sacrificing Aimee, your child, for your new world.

Maylis: ... I am not the only one who loves Aimee. Definitely not. But she is... a paragon of peace of love, and such a symbol destroyed by the horrors of war is... heartbreaking. We are all broken, tainted - the only one who hasn't been... so long as I know... is her. She's the last... child Mother ever had. The last she'll ever have. If Michel realizes what she's done, she might find another way. [/turns away from him, sighing] ... I sound like a coward, don't I?

Phoibus: …Aimee is not yet dead, Maylis.

Maylis: ... What? Michel doesn't have her? [/spins back around, confused] I... then where...?

Phoibus: …She decided to travel with the Dreamers.

Maylis: ... No... No, Phoibus, they'll kill her. P-Phoibus?

Phoibus: What does it matter? You were planning on sacrificing her anyway, correct?

Maylis: Michel would be... gentle. In the Dreamer's hands, her fate could be anything... s-she's been... gentle thus far, and - and I trust her - t-to say... it was in her word...

Phoibus: Right, because dying at the hands of someone you trusted is definitely a 'gentle' death.

Maylis: ... With any luck, she'll never know... M-Michel told me her method... th-they never know it was her... I don't know how else to make her stop Phoibus. She's stubborn, she'll only stop on her own v-volition...

Phoibus: …*sighs* I'm sorry, Maylis. I am… frustrated over many things, a lot of which isn't anyone's fault but my own. But Aimee went to the Dreamers, and my sister is keeping her safe. That's all I know, for now.

Maylis: I-It's fine... after all... I - I'm sure we put you under... s-so much stress. Then I suppose... I'll have to put my faith in your sister. If she has your honor and integrity... she should be fine.

Phoibus: …Aimee is fine, so long as she sticks close to Agrona. I promise you that.

Maylis: ... Then I suppose... I can tip my chin up and... be proud. Of this awkward road I walk, so long as it leads us into a path of peace.

Phoibus: …Yes, if that is the path you choose, then walk it with pride.

Maylis: That I shall, Phoibus... [/tips her gaze up to the ceiling above her] ... That I shall.

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[spoiler=Alicia: Distant Sibling]

Last night, Ace helped me carry Poly due to his fractured legs… But…is she still mad at me? I couldn’t feel any emotions, she must have blocked me off. I hope I didn’t make her too angry at me. I…didn’t know what to do. Ace and Poly are the only family I have here, and soon it’ll be just Poly after Ace leaves to go home. That’s why…I’m scared I drove her off yesterday… I hope she’ll still speak with me…because…She’s family.

[spoiler=Ace: Frustration]

I don’t understand…why didn’t Alicia ask me for advice? Or Kat. I’m married to royalty, I know what it’s like to love during war. It’s still new for her, but that wasn’t any excuse to commit suicide by walking into a battlefield unarmed. When you marry royalty, there are days that drain your spouse and also you. I should know, I married Chrom. Sis and Poly are the only family I have here…and soon I’ll be forced to leave them behind. Because this is their home… *sheds a tear, pounds table in room* So why? Why didn’t you just ask me for advice, Alicia? WHY?!

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[spoiler=Dusk and Sorin: Valm]

Sorin: I believe that is all. Dismissed. ...*sigh*

Dusk: *hears Sorin sigh and waits for everyone else to leave* Is everything alright, Sorin?

Sorin: Peachy. I was just thinking about home again. Good thoughts this time.

Dusk: Your sigh would suggest otherwise, but if you insist... Looking forward to Valm?

Sorin: Of course. I welcome the change in scenery. Besides, Arvis needs to be sent back into his grave. I intend to personally ensure that happens.

Dusk: *crosses his arms* Some history between the two of you?

Sorin: Yes and no. Between one of me and him. Have you ever heard of the Belhalla Massacre from the Jugdrali tales?

Dusk: The battle that wiped out Sigurd and most of his army, right?

Sorin: Yeah... My first self was there. He was friends with Sigurd and everyone else with him. Arvis took the only people to accept him away out of selfish fear in front of his eyes while he and his wife survived for 4 years longer... Barely... They hid in Silesse and took care of their son. Even had a daughter before...

Dusk: I'm... I'm sorry to hear that... I can see why you want him dead now...

Sorin: ...But enough about me. "The Mad King", Ashnard huh?

Dusk: What about him?

Sorin: You aren't worried?

Dusk: Has an enemy ever fazed me?

Sorin: Fair enough. Watch yourself though. He isn't called the Mad King for show.

Dusk: He wears robes and curled sabatons, I can't take him less serious than what I already am. Killing him however, will be such a pleasure

Sorin: Guess you are right there. But watch what you say. You are dangerously close to sadist territory~

Dusk: Ha... For the past 13 years or so, death was the only thing that satisfied me. Killing is an art, and a good piece of work brings a crooked smile to my face

Sorin: If that is the case then, you have an obligation not to die. If nobody else, then to the people you have killed.

Dusk: Hmm... Maybe. I don't see why I should be alive for for that reason though...

Sorin: Every person you kill, where do they go? Heaven? Hell? Perhaps. But a piece of that person stays in your blade when they leave this Earth. If you died after losing count, you would undermine their deaths also. Speaking for myself Dusk, I was in a war. I'm positive I've killed innocent people.

Dusk: I guess that makes sense... *shrugs* Never thought about it. Never cared. The worthy turn into stars, and the rest end up in Purgatory, least that's what I think. The worst... Well, *smirks* They're back alive, which means they must disappear

Sorin: Haha. Up to us to make that happen right?

Dusk: Of course... Heh, this might be a bit fun...

Sorin: Mhm. Although with the two of us on the same wavelength, it almost feels unfair.

Dusk: Heh... Don't say that, I might have to play with them for a bit... Which reminds me; we never finished our sparring session

Sorin: I'm up for it if you are. What are the stakes?

Dusk: The gift of proving that even a normal person like me can beat somebody supernatural... If I lose, then... You win my pride

Sorin: Heh, alright then. Come at me Dusk. *smiles*

Dusk: *licks his lips* Pleasure's all mine

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[spoiler=Alicia: Distant Sibling]

Last night, Ace helped me carry Poly due to his fractured legs… But…is she still mad at me? I couldn’t feel any emotions, she must have blocked me off. I hope I didn’t make her too angry at me. I…didn’t know what to do. Ace and Poly are the only family I have here, and soon it’ll be just Poly after Ace leaves to go home. That’s why…I’m scared I drove her off yesterday… I hope she’ll still speak with me…because…She’s family.

[spoiler=Ace: Frustration]

I don’t understand…why didn’t Alicia ask me for advice? Or Kat. I’m married to royalty, I know what it’s like to love during war. It’s still new for her, but that wasn’t any excuse to commit suicide by walking into a battlefield unarmed. When you marry royalty, there are days that drain your spouse and also you. I should know, I married Chrom. Sis and Poly are the only family I have here…and soon I’ll be forced to leave them behind. Because this is their home… *sheds a tear, pounds table in room* So why? Why didn’t you just ask me for advice, Alicia? WHY?!

Seeing as how you're married to my descendant, that technically makes us family as well. JS.

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Here's a short skit between Glaedyr and Natty (set on the boat during the storm before all the wyverns appeared):

Glaedyr: Glaedyr sat in her room, waiting for the storm to pass, humming various songs to herself to pass the time. A loud 'THUD!' shook her out of her thoughts, and she left her room to investigate the ship to see what had caused the noise. She eventually found that it had just been a large box containing some old books and tomes that had fallen over, so she gathered them all up and returned the box to its usual upright position. She could hear the wind and thunder clearly, so she hurried back to her room, humming the tune of 'Cast No Shadow' as she walked. She opened the door to her room and walked in. Well, at least what she thought was her room - she wasn't exactly paying much attention to where she was going. As she walked in, she instantly saw Nathaniel lying on the bed, and she felt her face go slightly red. "N-Nathaniel! W-what are you doing in my room?"

Nathaniel: "WHAT?!" Nathaniel jumped up suddenly. "Oh, dear Naga... I think I ran into the- No, this is definitely my room. Did you n-need anything?" He blushed slightly and sat up.

Glaedyr: "Huh...This is YOUR room...?" Looking round she could tell straight away that she had obviously made a blunder as it was clearly NOT her room. "Gah! How could I be so stupid?! I-I'm sorry to have bothered you!" Her face even redder, she quickly spins round and opens the door to leave.

Nathaniel: "Wha- Wait-" He got up as she ran off. "Gah... I just remembered the song, as well..."

Glaedyr: Glaedyr ran into her own room, slamming the door shut behind her, and she slumped down onto her own bed and sighed. [Well that was embarrassing...How the heck did I end up in the wrong room? Gah! He must think I'm such an idiot...]

Nathaniel: "Did I come across as rude...?"


Edited by Glaedyr
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[spoiler=Raydrik/Light Conversation. Lopto Sword.]

"Hello Raydrik."

"..What do you want whelp?"

"Just checking. Lloyd and Shiraham are arriving soon."

"Pah! They'll be dead by then. With the Lopto Sword, I am invincible!"

"Ah yes. The one they speak of in the times of Leif of Leonster. Have fun. Hopefully you'll last more than Travant."

"Hmph. *Walks away*"

".....Is he gone? Ignorant fool. If the Blaggi sword still lived, then you would be dead no time flat.""*walks away*

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[spoiler=Fake - Klotho] So, he had a lover.

​Then… what were those kisses? Those compliments? Those smiles? Things he gave everyone, because of some stupid cultural difference? Or… or was he just using her? Making her his willing toy to play with when he was bored.

It hurts. It hurts so much, far more than she thinks something like this should hurt. It's almost like she's going to die.

But she knows she's not, because the pain is all mental. She knows she's not, because it's just… not worth it.

It's not worth dying. It's not worth killing.

​Nothing so… FAKE… was worth anything.

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Note: During this flashback, everything in italics is Breezy's thoughts.

And anything written in italics with quotes around them is Breezy talking.


[spoiler=Flashback Part 5 Finale: Broken]

"We don't like your damn kind around here! Go back to whatever hell you came out of!"

What the heck did I ever do to you? I'm just from Valm, nothing too big. Prejudice is a giant thing here I guess. Hell, I got rid of all my army crap, how do they even know?

"Hey, there's one of those guys. We should burn him like we did the rest of em!"

"So very funny, taking lost lives for granted. Joking about the deaths of people. Sure they were your enemies, but your people died to. Just ignore all them and focus on the "bad guys" all you want. You'll be dead long before the people who respect them.

"Hey dude, did you hear about this place?"

"Not very informative that question is, what place?"

"So, rumors say that there's a place where you can go, and if you stay there for a while, you won't feel pain anymore."

"That seems a bit strange don't you think?"

"Only one way to find out then. It's was over this way."

No pain. Wonder at what cost it is. Sounds like a prime opportunity for a bunch of people to prey on those weak enough. Then why am I so curious about this? Is it the fact that I feel the need to still help people? I gave that up when I came here. Whatever the need, I should probably check it out.

*Clever Transition here*

"Certainly seems like the place. Dark, separated, not in good condition. Better check it out."

"H-hey there's someone else here!!"

"S-save us please!!!"

"Who are you and why do you need saving first of all?"

"W-we came here to check out that lose all your pain rumor."

"It's all a bunch of crap!! A-all that there is here is a buncha spikes that come out and just make me feel dead!!!"

"Can you guys move at all?"

"W-what the hell do you think!!! Of course we can't move!!"

"W-we're both this close to death here!!!"

"Then allow me to help you two out..."

"O-oh thank you man!!"

"We owe you big time!!"

"Well, next time you ask someone for help, don't talk behind their back about them. That usually makes them not help you."

"W-what're you saying dude!!"

"P-put your weapon away! We're sorry we swear!!"

Breezy pulls out his bow

"Sorry doesn't cut it. Now, savor your last moments, and enjoy the escape."

The bodies slump over.

"Suppose I need to bring them over here then..."

As Breezy takes the bodies over, they begin to heal, though they are still dead.

"So, that must be how people survive this. They go onto the spikes and get as close to death as possible. Then they enter these safe areas and are fully alive again. All these poor bodies lie here, broken all for the promise to not feel pain anymore. The more you do it, the less painful being one drop of blood away from death becomes. Once you feel no pain from that, you've pretty much lost all sense of it. Why do people do this? Pain is but a necessary part of life. Without it, you never will feel better. You'll simply feel, normal. We all feel broken sometimes, but what matters is that we pick up the pieces and begin again. Simply forgoing all essence of pain won't work, even if it seems like a blessing. But the problem is finding all these pieces..."

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[spoiler=Hug - Kat and Phoibus] *Scribbling more notes down*

*appears in Kat's room*

"Aimee made it here safe and sound."


*Looks up and notices that Phoibus looks a mess* "What happened?"

"I feel like everything's spiraling out of control, my head's a mess, and I really, REALLY need a hug."

"Well, I can't get up, so you'll have to fall here."

*All but collapses next to her, not resisting at all when she pulls him into a hug. The two stay silent for a long, long while* "I think this is officially the worst job ever."

"Do you not think it'll be worth it?"

"Of course. Whether or not I'll have any sort of sanity afterwards is the question. I'm REALLY recalling why we never get involved in things too closely."

​"…When the time comes, do you want me to kill Aimee?"

"I don't need you to kill Aimee."

"I didn't ask if you NEEDED me to. I asked if you WANTED me to. So that you can pretend to be the kind one until the end?"


"Tell me later. What else is bothering you?"

"Klotho is driving me up the wall. I don't know… I just don't."

​"…Maybe you'd better step back and be neutral."

"Too deep into this mess now. There's no way to extract anything. I'm just… so tired…"

"Here. Take a nap. Maybe you'll feel better."

"…" *falls asleep in Kat's arms*

​"…Doma, if this is your way of getting back at him for choosing to not be neutral, you'd better fuck right off. I might not be able to kill you, but I know first hand just how much pain you can inflict on the undying. And I WILL take it out on you. I don't care the punishment. I WILL rip you to pieces for messing with him, if that's what you're doing. Don't you forget it ever."

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[spoiler=Alicia: Thoughts]

*while sleeping*“Do I…really deserve him? I’m so serious when it comes to life, he’s really relaxed about life. Opposites attract after all. But…I probably caused him so much worry…fainting on the battlefield…listen to me…I sound just like him… I remember…when he had those same thoughts…First I couldn't be there during the zombie attack…then he fractures both legs saving me…and now this….when…did I start having these doubts again? When…and…why? Did I…cause him to worry?”

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[spoiler=Kat and Dusk - Night following the skirmish]Dusk: *walks into Kat's room, face covered in blood as usual* Hey there

Kat: That had better be the enemies' blood and you'd better be thinking of a bath before kissing me.

Dusk: Oh? *wipes face with hand, giving his glove blood stains* Huh... Damn wyverns, they always seem to end up gushing their insides over my face. I don't think ships have baths, by the way. I could splash some seawater on my face, if you're really bothered by it

Kat: You are NOT going to get in my bed bloodstained, so you'd better think of a way to bathe quick. I could give you a sponge bath, if you REALLY want one.

Dusk: You know... *smirks* I actually wouldn't mind that... But you struggle to get around, so maybe it's best not to

Kat: …I'm not invalid yet, you know...

Dusk: Just playing it safe, dear

Kat: I also don't need to be coddled.

Dusk: I suppose. It IS you after all... *drip of blood falls from his fringe and onto the floor, but is oblivious to it*

Kat: GO TAKE A BATH, YOU IDIOT! You're dripping blood all over the floor. You're cleaning that, by the way.

Dusk: Okay, fine! Sorry... *walks out* Jeez... the room was dull anyway. Could've used the added colour

*some time later*

Dusk: *walks back in, clean and wearing fresh clothes* Ta-da~"

Kat: Hmm… who are YOU, handsome? Care for a kiss?

Dusk: Well, I do have a fiancé... *walks up to her, kneels and wraps his arms around her, before finally smirking* ... But I'm sure I can make an exception, just this once

Kat: Ooo, then aren't I lucky? *bends down to kiss him softly* Want another?

Dusk: My, I think you've intoxicated me here... *kisses her neck* ... Fuel my desire for you

Kat: Mmm, maybe I shouldn't. Teach you PATIENCE...

Dusk: *looks up* I am patient...?

Kat: Maybe a little. *kisses the tip of his nose* But it's fun to make you squirm.

Dusk: *closes his eyes and continues to kiss her on the neck* So out of order... Someone better discipline you...

Kat: Oh, and you think you can tame me?

Dusk: Don't make me bring out the whip again

Kat: Whip? Ooo, baby, if you wanted to be ROUGH… *drags him up into the bed to kiss him fiercely before laughingly shoving him down onto it and cuddling up with him* Mmmm, it's been awhile since you've slept here with me

Dusk: ... Well that suddenly took a different path... *cuddles up with her* ... It has been a while indeed, and I've missed it so much. I almost forgot how warm you are

Kat: Mmhmm… you're soft.

Dusk: You're softer

Kat: Probably the fat I'm putting on, not moving and all

Dusk: Fat? Oh please. Your body is still amazing

Kat: Meh… it's not, but sweet of you to say so.

Dusk: *places hands under her arms* Well, can you agree with me when I say you're absolutely gorgeous?

Kat: Mmm… maybe. I might need a couple of kisses to convince me you're being sincere though.

Dusk: So you're blackmailing me now?

Kat: Is it blackmailing when it's something you were going to do anyway?

Dusk: *raises eyebrows then kisses her* Damn you and your logic

Kat: Heehee, more like I just know you.

Dusk: Is that so? Well then, if you know me so well... What am I thinking about right now?

Kat: I'm HOPING that it's to kiss me and stay here the night?

Dusk Wrong! I was actually thinking about giving YOU a sponge bath... But that works too *kisses*

Kat: Sorry, dear, but I had a bath earlier. *smiles* So, I just want to sleep. I'm… really tired...

Dusk: ... Looks like I'm not moving for a while... *starts to play with the back of her hair*

Kat: Nope… *falls asleep*

Dusk: ... *quietly laughs* You know... It confuses me on how a warrior that has spanned throughout all of time decided to settle down with an arse of a mercenary who, compared to her, holds nothing of value. Couple of years, and time won't even remember me... But you will... No idea why you chose me but... Thank you... *drifts off to sleep*

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[spoiler=Mirror - Klotho] There's a mirror near her in the infirmary. She stares at it, after everything's just… stopped and everyone's began resting.

She doesn't know that girl in the mirror. The mirror shows a girl with crimson hair, pale face splotched red, eyes that glowed with purpose, and a slight smile. She doesn't know that girl, who shows confidence and life. She doesn't know that girl, who's so… pretty. That girl in the mirror is beautiful, confident, and alive. She doesn't know who that girl is. And it BOTHERS her that the mirror shows her that girl.

She stumbles out of her bed, onto legs that barely listened to her, and made her way to the mirror. The girl just smiles. Naive, foolish, confident, and oh, so beautiful.

She breaks the mirror into pieces, shatters it with her fists before crushing it with her feet. Blood flows down.

The lying mirror finally stopped showing the girl, but she feels just as miserable as before. So, she falls, curls up in a ball in the glass, and silently cries.

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[spoiler=Anna Aimee and Kat]Kat: Aimee, I've a question for you.

Aimee: Oh! Uh, sure. What is it?

Kat: You've probably heard this often, but… necromancy?

Aimee: Yeah... necromancy. I just...I wanted to do the impossible. There's a whole other life out there beyond this one... I wanted to merge it with this one, I wanted to... understand death. So many people fear it, but don't understand it. How can you be... y'know, scared of something you don't get?

Kat: Humanity has always feared the unknown. That's why so many seek to learn more and more about themselves and of the world around them. But necromancy is… different. It is a bending of the laws of nature, of reality. Sometimes, things are impossible not because it isn't doable, but because of what may happen should it become widespread. Imagine, for instance, that you can bring back one of your sisters. However, it wouldn't REALLY be your sister. The same name, the same face, perhaps… but if there is a personality, it is because you have trapped her soul within a body that does not truly obey her, but you. That is what TRUE necromancy is.

Aimee: ... I - I know... I know... you can't really... I don't even know why I like it so much at times. It's so weird. I mean... I've never actually raised a human being. I've only done with animals. And, like, I never had any, y'know plans to raise a human being any time soon. That and... animals are hard enough. People would be REALLY tough. But... I know what you mean. I've been told... how bad it can be... how WRONG it can be.

Kat: Well, so long as you're perfectly aware of the dangers, and promise to never do so on people, I suppose I can let it slide for such an adorable girl. *smiles* Ah, listen to me lecture. You'd think I was your mother or sister. Is there anything I can answer for you? A story or something?

Aimee: Okay~! Wait a story... [/grins] Oh, I don't know... maybe... a story... ABOUT... Phoibywhenhewasakid?

Kat: A… story about when Phoibus was a kid? You spoke a little fast there.

Aimee: Yeah, that's what I meant. [/pauses] Um. I do that sometimes.

Kat: *laughs* Well, let's see… oh, I know one. See, when we were very little, Phoibus got his first crush… on a story character. The Fairy Huntress of the Song of Winds. Oh, he was absolutely enamored with her. I still tease him over it, even though he has had other loves, much different from that heroine. But, you see, this one time, well, we were about oh… five maybe? Anyway, we were both absolutely convinced that by acting a certain way at a certain time on a certain day, we could actually talk to the Fairy Huntress. By certain way, I mean by meowing instead of talking, at high noon, during the holidays. Amused our parents to no end, so it took them nearly three years to explain to us about fiction and reality weren't necessarily the same. After all, fiction has to make sense.

Aimee: Wait... really? [/giggles] Oh, by the goddess, that is SO cute! I've never actually heard that story before... I was never kind of one for fairytales oddly enough. I know right? You'd expect that out of me, wouldn't you? But... uh, yeah. I'll have to try reading it though!

Kat: I think I have a copy in the convoy. I'll have Klotho fetch it for you later. *smiles* Do you want to hear another tale?

Aimee: Oh, okay! And of course I do!

Kat: Okay, so there was this one time where he decided it would be a good idea to catch some fish. Not with a rod or anything, no, because that would've made sense. Instead, he went wading into a river to catch some. Except he was so… CLUMSY as a kid, and the rocks were so slippery because of the moss, so he kept falling down. But still determined to catch at least one wish, of course, because Phoibus does NOT know when to give up. He finally did manage to catch some. They'd ended up in his pants. So, he returns, soaking wet and doing this weird little dance because he has LIVE FISH in his pants, and Mother was near beside herself trying to figure out what could've caused all the bruises and soaking and that WEIRD LITTLE DANCE! Of course, he was just as proud as he could be that he actually caught enough fish for dinner, but refused to say anything except that he had a surprise. Got very hectic, very quickly, I can assure you, until Mother went to spank him. I'm sure you can imagine the sound of a fish getting smacked.

Aimee: Y-You're kidding... O-Ohmygosh...! That's absolutely hysterical, he is seriously too much... but, d'aww, that determination. At least he got it right?

Kat: Eventually, yes, he caught the fish he wanted. *smirks suddenly* But oh? Too much? Has my brother's… PROWESS… dazzled you?

Aimee: ... [/blushes furiously, playing with her hair] I - I... n-now. [/squares her shoulders] A girl shouldn't kiss and tell, Kat~ what I do in my spare time is kinda my business~

Kat: *dryly* Judging by that blush, though, I'd say it has. But whatever. *grins* Fine then. You won't find out how much he gushed about you, since you weren't straight with me.

Aimee: T-That's a ... medical condition. [/glances up at the ceiling before redirecting her attention to Kat] Waitwaitwait, h-he did? Really? O-Okay, your brother is TOTALLY dazzling - now what did he say?

Kat: Wow, that got you to talk QUICK. Well, he said that you were absolutely adorable, fun to tease, and a… treat to hold, shall we say? Before you ask, Phoibus and I keep few things from each other. Twins and all, and being the only ones we've had for a LONG time.

Aimee: T-That's because his pouty faces are ridiculously powerful. [/huffs] Otherwise I would SO tease him instead! Wait... the only ones? That... that has to be incredibly lonely. I - I don't think I could stand being alone for too long... I - I almost went mad waiting for you at the harbor...

Kat: Well, Phoibus and I are orphans, and lost our little sister a while back. It's not so lonely when you've your other half nearby. *smiles wryly* So, he's perfected that pouting face? He was pretty bad at it the first time he cross-dressed.

Aimee: Oh... s-so that's what he meant by... I... Goddesses above, I'm really sorry... [/nods] Yeah, he perfected it all right. It's almost too much for... ... C-Cross dressing?

Kat: There were… a lot of jobs where I had to pretend to be a boy and he had to pretend to be a girl in order to get close to the target. And he could NOT pout and be cute that first time. He had to settle for fluttering his eyes and smiling sweetly. Of course, I couldn't scowl and be intimidating, so that made us even. But still, it was hilarious having to put him in that corset to give the illusion of curves.

Aimee: W-Wait, really? A - A corset? I... I - I don't even... o-okay... [/blushes and hides her face in her hands]

Kat: By the time I was done with him, he looked like he had some breasts and hips. And he had to sit there and look pretty instead of snarking the whole time. It was so strange seeing him quiet. But so nice~ *giggles before noticing something* Are… are you unconscious? *peers at her and realizes that she is* Guess the mental image was too much. Huh.

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[spoiler=Self - Klotho]She doesn't know who she is anymore. She doesn't even know WHAT she is.

What sort of person doesn't feel pain? What sort of person didn't taste? What sort of person could just instinctually dodge and fight? What sort of person felt like a doll, toy, PUPPET?

She wants to hate herself, but can't bring up the will. She wants to kill herself, but decides it doesn't matter.

If she couldn't feel pain, then she was… a living corpse? A doll? A toy? Something that wasn't really 'alive', just… there. Existing. And if something like that broke, you would just repair or discard it, depending on the use.

She doesn't know who she is, anymore, but doesn't voice it. Because a doll wasn't supposed to have a sense of self.

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Crappy first-person skit ahoy!

[spoiler=Nathaniel- Guilt]Ha... You know, sometimes I'm disgusted with myself.
I mean, I've done some pretty crappy things in my time in this world. I killed a whole fortress of bandits, and accidentally maimed a prisoner- though I tried my best to patch him up.
I abandoned my fiance, a few days before my wedding... Over her scumbag brother. Pah.
I opened a cursed book, saw the lost future that never could be- and was tempted by it...
After all that crap, I had the nerve to fall in love again.
I hate myself for this. It was my fault Elise died, yet I still love Glaedyr. Damn it...!
Even though my former fiance has forgiven me, it isn't enough. Nope, not at all... She should've shouted, screamed, and cursed at me, like I truly deserved.
I'll have to hide behind this mask for quite a while, I guess... Hahaha...
I worry too much. I need to lead a happy life... Like... Like I promised her...

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[spoiler=Hypocrite - Kat]She just can't seem to do anything right lately.

​First starting with her just getting pregnant in… what had to have been the worst circumstances possible. Then there was her being bedridden, showing that she can't even carry a child to term properly. And then there were the LECTURES. ​On and on she goes. Rambling nonsense that somewhat sounds wise. Oh, they make sense. She's proud of her logic. But so many things she says, and doesn't even really believe or, worse, doesn't follow through with what her own advice is.

The… the verbal waterfall or whatever it was she spewed out yesterday at Silvia… that had to have been the worst. She'd just rambled on and on with her own problems, her own insecurities, her own beliefs, without regard to Silvia at all. She'd just stood there and stared back at her… ugh, she probably just made it all the worse.

Then there WERE her own problems, that she did her best to not voice because she was already causing so many problems and they NEEDED someone to appear strong and confident. Her… her PETTY JEALOUSIES that made her want to rip something apart. Her annoyance at not being able to do anything truly worthwhile. Just… just sit there, as a target, unable to do a damn thing.

"Phoibus is right…" she whispers as she tosses aside whatever paper she'd been working on. It was just a bunch of scribbles anyway. "This is the worst job ever." And that was probably her first mistake. Getting involved in the first place. But… but she and Phoibus had seen it. A golden ending. If they manipulated everything just right… they could set up the circumstances to allow this group of broken dreamers to do what not even the gods can do. They'd seen it. They'd wanted it. So, they got involved.

So now, she just had to deal with all her mistakes as best as she could. Otherwise, she'd be an even bigger hypocrite.

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Shoot… double posted… >< I really need to double check those pages...

[spoiler="Sisters - Klotho and Kat] *stumbles into Kat's room, looking confused*

"Klotho? What are you doing here?"



​"Is that… my name?"

"Yes. It's your name. You gave yourself it when I found you. You should know this."

"I… sorta remember you finding me. But I don't remember your name. Or mine. Or… well… anyone's."

​"You… what?"

​"It's weird. I ran outside because everything was so dramatic and… and then I was on the ground, with a battle going on, and I… couldn't remember names…" *frowns* "I remember a demon boy that I hate and can't trust. I remember two girls with crimson hair that I adore. I remember a man that looks like you with a gorgeous smile that I love with all my being, yet also remember that he can't be mine. I remember… people. I remember some events. But… but I can't remember names. But… I called you something, right? I called you something."

​"…You called me 'Sister', because that's what we are. My name is Kat, but you called me 'Sister'."

​"Because… we're family."

"Yes. And no amount of strange amnesia will change that. Ever."

*smiles* "Okay."

"Now, I see blood, I see dirt, and I see tears. You want to tell me now or get bandaged and tell me later?"

​"…I want to talk now… Sister."

"Then let's talk, my little sister."

Edited by Aqua
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Another first-person skit!

[spoiler=Nathaniel- Realization]I just realized something.
Even if I had stayed with Elise, there's a decent chance that I would've still met the Dreamers as they scouted around Ylisse looking for the Annas.
It's also possible that if I stayed, that Elise would've still died, and I would've fallen for Glaedyr still.
But... It's possible that if I had stayed, both Elise and I could have died.
Or I could've died and she survived, and she could've ended up with one of the Dreamers as a lover. Poly, possibly.
...I feel ill.

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[spoiler=Nathaniel, Glaedyr and Dusk - Just before they leave]Nathaniel: Hey... Glaedyr, you ready to leave? *taps on her door*

Glaedyr: "Hmm? Oh yep, just gimme a second..." She grabs her bag containing the few belongings she has and opens the door. "I'm ready!~"

Nathaniel: H-ha... Right... I think we should probably talk with Dusk or something before we go...

Glaedyr: "Dusk? Oh yeah! I haven't said goodbye to him yet! And I need to thank him for helping me the other day too..."

Dusk: *walks down the hallway* Hello you two. Leaving already?

Glaedyr: "Dusk! Just the person I was about to go look for!" She smiles. "Yep, we're about to leave now. I wanted to say a VERY BIG thank you for helping me out the other day...It really helped... I actually managed to get some sleep!"

Dusk: You did? *laugh* Sweet. 'Bout time you managed to get some sleep

Nathaniel: Hey, Dusk. *nods in greeting*

Dusk: Hey, Natty boy. You ready to leave?

Nathaniel: Yup... I'm kind of nervous.

Glaedyr: She nods. "Yup! Got all my stuff right here!" She gestures to her bag.

Dusk: Sweet *turns to Nathaniel* Nervous? It's only a psychopathic war criminal that killed off an entire platoon of comrades. How hard can it be?

Nathaniel: This is why I'm nervous... Also, after our mission, I'll be doing the... You know, the onfession-cay.

Glaedyr: She blinks, and then turns to face Nathaniel. "What's an 'onfession-cay'? And yep Dusk, how hard can it be, eh?"

Dusk: I see. All the luck to you then! *turns to Glaedyr* That's the spirit!

Nathaniel: Thanks...

Glaedyr: "Hey! You didn't answer my question!" She pouts. "And thanks Dusk, we'll be fine! I'm sure of it~"

Dusk: *pats Glaedyr's head* Don't worry, it's something Nathaniel has to do on this own

Glaedyr: [Why do I always get the feeling that I'm missing something...?] "Oh...Ok..."

Nathaniel: Well, it's actually a two-person thing... Glaedyr my dear, 'onfession-cay' is pig-latin for a certain word... I'll tell you about it after this mission.

Dusk: ... I think Breezy and Silvia are waiting for you two

Glaedyr: "...Pig...Latin? I'm not even going to ask what that is..." She says as her brow furrows in confusion. "But I guess it doesn't matter if you'll be telling me anyway! Oh Dusk, they are? Well, we better not be late! Let's go Nathaniel!"

Nathaniel: Right! See you later, Dusk. *leaves*

Dusk: Okay then *turns to Glaedyr* By the way...

Glaedyr: She turns back as she is about to leave. "Hmm?"

Dusk: ... *puts his hand on her shoulder* When the time comes, listen to your heart... And make yourself the happiest woman you can ever be

Glaedyr: "....Eh? ...Ok...?" [What the heck is he on about? Eh, I guess I'll humour him] "Sure, I always aim to be happy! But now I better go, the others will be waiting for me! Thanks again Dusk...Don't miss me too much!~" She hoists her bag onto her back, and lazily waves her hand behind her as she wanders off to meet the others.

Dusk: *waits until the two of them are out of sight* ... You go get her, tiger

Inb4 character limit gets broken

[spoiler=Kat and Dusk - Back together]Dusk: Kat..?

Kat: Muh?

Dusk: Umm... *scratches the side of his neck* How are you... doing?

Kat: Sleepy.

Dusk: That's not what I... Umm... right, yeah... I heard you... *rolls eyes and looks down to the floor* ... cried over my actions...

Kat: …Well, duh. You left.

Dusk: For someone who was bawling you're awfully calm

Kat: Bah, it's not worth it, is it? You left, and that's that. I had my fit and it's over.

Dusk: Yeah well... This wouldn't have happened if you just told me what was bothering you...

Kat: Oh, please. You were flirting beforehand anyway. I was working and didn't want to be bothered.

Dusk: Wait... You were blanking me because I was... flirting? *raises his voice unintentionally out of surprise* When was this?

Kat: …feh

Dusk: Kat... If we're going to resolve this, I need to know

Kat: Bah, what does it matter? YOU took off the ring and YOU left. Obvious what you want.

Dusk: I took off the ring and left because I was UPSET... And I thought... Thought you didn't... *voices goes quieter* Love me any more...

Kat: I told you! I was working!

Dusk: And you couldn't spare just ONE SECOND to see your fiancé?

Kat: Do you know how low our supplies are?! Two more days, and we're all starving or taking our chances with contaminated water! I had to get that done!

Dusk: And that couldn't be done together? For Naga's sake, Kat... *sighs* And the flirting; how many times have I said 'I love you'? Do you SERIOUSLY think I would've chucked everything we had?.. I love you, but 'flirting' is absolutely harmless. And who have I even flirted with as of late? I can't recall... But oh wait, that's because I haven't!

Kat: Bah, I wanted to work on it alone because I already had all the information I needed and I was in the middle of calculations! You rarely come visit and, when you do, you're flirting with girls outside my room! What am I supposed to think? I've heard more lies than anyone in existence and one of the biggest was 'I love you'! You say it, but you haven't proven it in a while! And then you just take off your ring and walk away! Get the hell out!

Dusk: I. Haven't flirted. With anybody recently. Give me a name and a conversation Kat, and I'll tell you what was actually happening!

Kat: What does it matter anyway?! You took off your ring and left! Obviously you're leaving and I'm DONE TALKING!

Dusk: *goes to a crestfallen expression* ... I took off the ring because I didn't see any other alternative... I went through my options. I wanted to speak with you about anything. Anything to spend time with you! You just weren't co-operating... I just didn't see any other alternative... It just seemed like you didn't love me any more...

Kat: I told you! I was busy! BUSY! I have to do SOMETHING for the army! I can't just be the invalid!

Dusk: People are always walking into your room, looking for advice about anything. Guidance, support, anything! You are a mother to these people, Kat! You're far from useless. And do work, fine, but don't leave your loved ones out of your line of sight. I made that mistake once before remember, and once I realised it, I couldn't believe how idiotic I was

Kat: A mother? Bah, have you seen how much this army is falling apart? No one comes for advice. I just give it and they ignore it, or take it to much to heart and fall into depression.

Dusk: Well that's their problem, not yours

Kat: Except you brought it up as my responsibility.

Dusk: No, I mean people come up to you BECAUSE of your knowledge and guidance, and you tell them out of the kindness of your heart. That's not an obligation, but a choice. How they react to it... That's their problem

Kat: I just told you that they DON'T come to me. I just lecture.

Dusk: And why do you do that?

Kat: Because… I don't know. I just can't stop. I feel like I have to do SOMETHING.

Dusk: Look at you... You're always trying to be the best you can for the others you care about and for the ones who care about you... And yet, you missed the one person that cares for you the most... And I guess... That is what makes me love you... *hesitates, then sighs* Look, I love you with EVERY fibre in my being. When I'm not around you, I have this gaping void in my stomach that only gets filled when you're near me. You ARE a part of me and... Chucking that ring under the door... It was one of the hardest things I have ever done in my entire life... I didn't want to. I really didn't want to, but... I just didn't see any other way...

Kat: ...

Dusk: *kneels down and gently grabs both of Kat's hands* I. Love you. I said something similar when I first confessed, but I would, and I still will scour this world back and forth to find you if we ever got separated. I would travel through all the countless outrealms, fight through Hell itself just to find you *starts to rub his thumbs on her palms* You and our child are the only things that I can look forward to once this damn war finishes... Hell, I'll even say 'I love you' ten thousands times if it would take me back. I want us to be together, forever and always, 'til death do us part... But that can only happen if you love me back, and... I get the impression you don't... You don't want that...

Kat: I nearly bawled myself sick and you think I DON'T WANT IT?

Dusk: ... Dammit... Still can't cry... *looks up* But, if you want it as well then...

Kat: …You… should be careful of how you use the word 'dance'. Also, I DEMAND you stay the night here tonight.

Dusk: 'Dance'?.. *thinks* Oh... Oh, COME ON. I was sparring with the lass. Y'know, weapons and such... And I wouldn't have it any other way... *gets up and fiercely kisses her* ... Too soon?

Kat: You have NO idea how many innuendos were in your talk. *grumble* No, it wasn't too soon.

Dusk: *smirks* Sorry for being a top act. Just uh... Where's my ring?

Kat: Well, that's your next task. Finding it.

Dusk: ... This is punishment, isn't it?

Kat: No, it's more that I've no idea where it is and I can't look for it.

Dusk: So you haven't put it somewhere else? In that case... *looks under the bed and sees it* Ah ha! *grabs it and takes off his glove* If you would be so kind, milady

Kat: *smiles and takes his hand to put the ring back on* Take this off again, and I'm sending Phoibus after you.

Dusk: Oh, he's already done that. Pleasant conversation, actually

Kat: Really? Well, nice that he decided to give you that warning.

Dusk: Yeah well... *tries to mimic Phoibus' voice* Anything to protect my sister!

Kat: You're horrible at that.

Dusk: ... It sounded like a good idea in my head, okay?

Kat: Uh-huh

Dusk: Indeed, and to make up for that poor attempt of an imitation, should I... 'dance' for your amusement? It's the least I could do

Kat: …I'd rather a hug, actually.

Dusk: Lady want, lady gets *hugs her* I'm... sorry... for my actions...

Kat: …I'm sorry for not explaining...

Dusk: It's all dealt with now... All we can do is look forward, and push until we can finally live in peace

Kat: ... Okay...

Dusk: And remember; *smiles and gently pokes her nose* I will always love you

Kat: …Okay… *smiles*

Dusk: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand?

Kat: I love you

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[spoiler=Eternal Friendship - Anna Aimee and Klotho]Aimee: Yoohoo, Klotho! I have RIBBONS!

Klotho: Ribbons? Really? *smiles* Yay! Oh, and Sister found some corsets and lace for us too in her convoy! And um… other pretty yet practical clothes!

Aimee: C-Corsets? [/blushes] O-Oh, that had to be on purpose... Um. Sure~!

Klotho: Purpose? *confused* Oh, whatever. Let's have fun!

Aimee: Exactly! [/immediately unties Klotho's hair and lets it fall into her hands] Oh. Oh.Oh. By the Goddess herself, it's so lovely!

Klotho: You say that a lot. 'By The Goddess'. *patiently sits as Aimee plays with her hair* Do you have a friend that mentions calibrations a lot?

Aimee: Calibrations? Um... I didn't even know that was a word...

Klotho: Oh, never mind then. *giggles*

Aimee: Ah... seriously, how is it this color? Does it run in your family or something?

Klotho: I don't remember. I don't remember anything from before Sister found me, really. Especially now...

Aimee: [/pauses, staring at Klotho's hair] ... Um. Uh... W-Well. Whoever GAVE you this hair... I can sense that they had a beautiful soul, shared by the person who currently wears it. ... I'm totally psychic, by the way. It's all, uh, a part of my Barrel Warrior powers.

Klotho: *giggles* You're silly. I don't think the person who gave me the hair was very nice at all. And I'm not beautiful.

Aimee: W-Wha... you're supposed to believe me! And that's not true at all. One day, some guy is going to fall hopelessly, impossibly head-over-heels in love with you. And he'll tell you that you're impossibly gorgeous, because you are.

Klotho: Nah, more like you'll have a harem of guys just waiting on you hand and foot. In suits!

Aimee: In suits? Oh my gosh... but I have my Phoiby. Kind of don't need any more than that! But no... I'm not THAT pretty, Klo. I'm not you and your impossibly shiny hair~!

Klotho: *grows sad at the mention of Phoibus being Aimee's, but smiles anyway* Really? Because I find you completely adorable!

Aimee: Oh, you're just saying that to make me feel better. It's a LOT easier to think you're pretty and unique when you don't have, y'know, a ton of practically identical siblings.

Klotho: Siblings? Oh, right. There are a lot of Annas. But surely you look SOMEWHAT different, yes?

Aimee: If you stuck me next to Michel or Theresa or Charlotte we'd look the same save our hair styles and clothes. There's a few MINOR differences if you SQUINT but really, we do look a lot alike.

Klotho: Nah, I bet they can't smile that prettily or widely. Even if it's the same face, there are differences. Your eyes sparkled, for starters, and it just brightens your whole face.

Aimee: Well, Michel IS kind of a super-duper downer, so~ I guess that's a plus for me, huh?

Klotho: Very! *giggles* Oh, hey, what ARE you doing with my hair?

Aimee: Admiring the view~! I, uh, need to do more than that so... [/twists her hair up into a bun and secures it with a ribbon] Ooh. I mean, I could kind of do anything and have you look awesome though.

Klotho: Really? I don't feel like it. But I like the ribbons!

Aimee: Aww, that's kind of sad. It kinda kills me inside when someone's not happy with who they are...

Klotho: I think it's because I don't KNOW who I am, really. Hard to be happy with the unknown.

Aimee: Well. It COULD be so much worse, you know. You could be someone cruel and mean, you could be someone you hate. But you're you and you're really awesome while you're at it! So... Sometimes ignorance IS bliss. I mean, you could have been a normal girl, or you might NOT have been.

Klotho: Well… I suppose. *giggles* You're really good at cheering people up, Aimee!

Aimee: One of my many talents, I suppose! [/holds up a blue ribbon against her skin] Oh, you know what? You would look so amazing in blue! You like the color blue don't you?

Klotho: It IS pretty… *giggles* White and blue… do look nice together, huh?

Aimee: It looks nice in the sky, with the clouds, so of course it does!

Klotho: Oh, I see! *giggles* Then… let's use a blue ribbon!

Aimee: Of course! [/unties her hair again, before beginning to braid her hair] This MAY sound a little out of the... um, blue... but I think of you as a friend, Klotho. I mean, we've barely known each other, but I really do!

Klotho: Well, good, because I think of you as a friend too!

Aimee: Whoa, really? Really-really-really? Great! [/hugs Klotho from behind]

Klotho: Yep! So… hey, let's make a pinky promise!

Aimee: A... pinky promise? Um... what's that, exactly?

Klotho: Sister said that it's the most powerful promise ever! Or one of them. You just hook your pinkies together and pinky swear to it.

Aimee: Whoa. That's some special kind of magic there. So ah, right. Pinky promise on being friends?

Klotho: Yes, to being friends forever! And to always be there for each other when we need it!

Aimee: [/giggles] Forever is a REALLY long time to be stuck with me~ you sure about that?

Klotho: Absolutely!

Aimee: Oookay then! [/locks pinkies with Klotho] Promise made!

Klotho: Best friends forever~

Aimee: Best friends forever and ever and ever and ever!

Klotho: Yay! *giggles* Okay, now I'm going to play with your hair!

Aimee: Okay! [/takes the ribbons out of her own hair] Go ahead.

Klotho: Yay! I'm assuming you want to stay with white ribbons but… oh, this is going to be fun!

Aimee: Aww, you can pick any color you want. I don't care~

Klotho: But white looks so good on you~

Aimee: I only picked white ribbons because the black ones looked... well, kinda gothic. I'm not that type of girl, obviously.

Klotho: Oh, I don't know. I think there's just things as a perky goth?

Aimee: I... guess so. It was never my kinda thing though. I like the color white. It's pure and untainted and clean - a fresh start untouched by the world!

Klotho: Mmm, a blank slate…

Aimee: Yeah. White's my favorite color because of that. I mean, Michel thinks it looks so... empty, but I think it's a new beginning. Kinda like our friendship.

Klotho: Yes, just like our friendship. *smiles*

Edited by Aqua
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[spoiler=Dan and Mila/Doma]Dan: Where...am I?

Mila: A pocket dimension, shall we say?

Doma: *grumbling* A place where time does not move the way it does in the world of humans.

Mila: Doma, smile.

Doma: Why? The child made his choices and I think he should suffer the consequences, not be coddled.

Mila: It was Phoibus-

Doma: Phoibus did what he had to in order to complete his objective. IF this game of theirs works, then the number of lives saved is countless. You cannot look at individual morality when you are attempting to save more than an individual.

Mila: Are you done being a pompous ass?

Doma: Never, but go on being the bleeding heart.

Dan: ...So am I to remain here? For how long?

Mila: Oh, you aren't remaining here-here.

Doma: *picks Dan up by the collar* You're remaining THERE. *throws him into what appears to be a village* And you're staying there for seven years.

Mila: We'll check in on you every once in a while. Have fun. *waves*

Doma: You're picking bad habit from your warrior.

Mila: Quiet, you.

Dan: *gets up* A village......my home......yet there's....no one...here...*walks to a house* This is...*goes inside and finds a place to sew* Yes...my mother...used to...*takes old clothes as well as left over fabric and dye and begins to sew* Maybe this will pass the time...

Doma: Bah.

Mila: Come on, grumpy. We have things to do.

-Both leave for now-

Dan: ...So I'm alone again... Alone... Maybe that's how it was intended... for no one else to be there...no one but my dead parents...Mom...Dad...I miss you...why couldn't I be with you...why? Why couldn't I have died with you? *tears begin to drop* Why couldn't we have died together? Why can't I be with you? Why? Why can't I feel the embrace of a loving mother and father?!

...I'm pathetic...*sniff* A sniveling baby crying for his parents. *sniff* Just a little child that they want to man up. *sniff* B-but...I don't...I don't want to be a man! I don't want to be alone! *crying, falls over on his side* And yet there's always someone who has it worse than me... There's always someone who will say that I haven't truly gone through anything... And then all I can do is cry...and whine...and disregard the world around me.......and then I'm alone...because I push everyone away...I just...

Doma: Yes. You don't want to be alone, but you push people away. You claim that no one knows your pain without trying to understand the pain of others. You chose to make the pact, but then decry it with every breath. You decided to charge into battle, without trying to grow up. You ARE pathetic. I will admit that you've been through a lot. Guess what? So has every one of your fellow Dreamers. Sorin defeated Grima and is tasked with a burden that crosses the generations. Dusk lost all his unit to a single mistake. Breezy lost his during one bout of selfish rest. Silvia frets about returning home and strains about becoming Grima again. Yuffie lost his wife and child and all the people he ever wanted to protect. Polydeucus had his wife kidnapped and ripped apart by Risen and then had to deal with his own darkest side trying to vie for control. Ace must battle chaos's uncontrollable waves at every step and was pronounced demon-child from the day she was born. Alicia must always accept that she will judge every loved one she ever had, and more. Cassandra was a street child who faced more danger in a single day than you did in your entire life. I could go on and on and on. But look at them. Each of them is at least attempting to face the trials head on. Silvia is the only one slipping, but she's slowly getting her feet on the path again. You aren't even doing THAT.

Mila: Doma...

Doma: It needed to be said, and he hates me anyway.

Mila: ...

Dan: *still crying* I...I...

Mila: See, Doma. Lecturing isn't going to help.

Doma: The boy gets upset that someone doesn't trust him, when he's given no reasons TO trust, upset when someone declares him not to be a leader, when cannot even command himself, and upset when someone calls him out on his brattish bullshit. In fact, he attempted to severely injure a HEALER because he declared to his face what most were thinking. The Dreamers' BEST healer at that, and debilitating him might've cost other Dreamers their lives. All because of his selfishness. I don't WANT to help him. I want him judged and thrown into the hells that I watch.

Mila: He's only a child.

Doma: When he chose to take up the sword and take up that pact, he lost that excuse.

Mila: ...

Dan: *gets up* .......Mila.......why? Why did you choose to...help me?

Mila: …Because I wish to, and that's all you need to know.

Doma: Mila, we're leaving.

Mila: All right.

-they both leave again-

Dan: ...

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Here be a skit between Nathaniel and Glaedyr, set after the paralogue

Nathaniel: ...Glaedyr? *knocks at her door* There's something I need to tell you about.

Glaedyr: "Hm?" She opens the door. "Oh hey Nathaniel~! What is it?"

Nathaniel: W-well... I think you should sit down before I tell you this; might come as a bit of a shock... *leans against door, breathing heavily*

Glaedyr: "Oh...OK then!" She plonks herself down on a chair. "You were saying?" [is it me, or does he not look too great? I hope he's alright...]

Nathaniel: *wipes sweat from his brow* ...This will come as a great surprise, I suspect... *says the next part quite quietly, and quickly* I'm in love with you, Glaedyr... And... I have been for the last six months. *blushes deeply*

Glaedyr: She blinks, and there's a moment as she tries to comprehend what he's just said. She fails. Miserably. "Wh...wha....?" She struggles to form a sentence and instead resorts to simply sitting there and staring right back at him.

Nathaniel: *blinks in return* ...Sorry, my dear. Should I start from the beginning...? Or should I just leave and we can continue as if nothing ever happened...? *visibly shaking*

Glaedyr: She tried again to form a sentence. "I...I...I....." And failed again. [Dammit just say something, ANYTHING!] "I..." [Except that...]

Nathaniel: I... I'm sorry. This isn't really the right time, during this damned war... *begins ranting* After all, I'm not good enough for you! I wreck everything I touch; Elise, my village, I even manage to hurt myself! Sorry... Lets forget all about this, okay? *opens door and leaves*

Glaedyr: "I... I..." She watches him as he leaves. "I...Oh...He's gone..." [My...illness...was it really just that? Or was it... Dammit, why couldn't you just open your mouth and speak?!]

Nathaniel: I am an idiot... Wrecked everything... Oh gods, Poly's face when he hears about this one... *sits on his bed* ...Hopeless. I. Am. Hopeless...

Glaedyr: She punches her fist against the wall in frustration. "Dargh... Why'd I always have to be such an idiot... I've wrecked everything... If only I'd opened my mouth and actually said something like a normal person would... He probably won't want to even speak to me now..."

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[spoiler=Dan, Mila, and Doma - Part 2]*3 years later*

Dan: ....Hmm...Well this isn't good.

Mila: Hello, Dan. How are you?

Dan: Very stiff and out of practice, to be perfectly honest. I haven't fought anything ever since I got here and I feel if I don't, I'm not gonna be in any shape to help everyone else.

Mila: Well, you're in luck. Doma's setting up a practice area for you, since you're finally of a decent size. Has the food been okay?

Dan: Yeah. It's been fine. *gets up* So. Where is this 'arena'?

Mila: It's on the outskirts here. Plenty of room.

Dan: Thank you. *walks off*

---scene change---

Dan: ...Alright, this must be the place.

Doma: Welcome to hell. *shoves him into the middle of the Arena* Shades, have at him.

Mila: …Doma...

Doma: Yes, I'm still pissed off.

Mila: ...

Dan: W-w-wait! I don't even have a sword yet! *sheathed sword falls and hits head* ... *picks up sword* Okay...what am I facing?

Doma: Shades. For now, Annas. They'll change later.

Dan: *cracks neck* This should be interesting. *rushes at Annas*

Doma: …And he charges like an idiot. *sighs* If he fails...

Mila: He won't.

Doma: Bah.

*minutes later*

Dan: *breathing heavily* Fuck...Last time I fought Risen they weren't that dirty...

Doma: Here comes the next wave.

Dan: Oh dear...Well, guess I better get st-*eyes widen* ...Is this supposed to be a test? Having to overcome my comrades strength to prove my own?

Doma: ...

Mila: ...

Doma: ...

Mila: ...

Dan: ...No answer? Fine. (Rushing in gave me a lot of wounds last time, so...) Alright, come at me!

Mila: He's waiting...

Doma: He's still FIGHTING.

Dan: ...*slowly approaches risen, being cautious*

Mila: Caution is good.

Doma: Not for this.

Dan: *walks up to one of the Risen, in the form of Dusk* ... *reaches out to touch the Risen*

Mila: ...

Doma: ...

Dan: ......If they're not going to attack, then why the hell are they here? They aren't even armed, for fucks sake. *sheathes sword* I'm not fighting someone who isn't going to attack me.

Mila: See?

Doma: Wrong reasons.

Mila: ...

Doma: So it's a barely passing.

Mila: ...

Dan: Barely passing? What the hell?

Doma: Just what I said. *turns away* Bah, I don't want to deal with a brat like you. *leaves*

Mila: ...

Dan: .......I feel like I'm talking to an alcoholic father sometimes.......Mila, what did I do wrong?

Mila: A what… sorry, I don't get that reference. *pauses* And… you were correct in not fighting them, but the reasons were… wrong. You were… supposed to not fight them because they are your allies, not because… they weren't fighting you...

Dan: ...*looks back* ...I'm not entirely sure they even consider me an ally anymore...Besides, if they ARE my allies, then they have no reason to attack me. Thus I have no reason to attack them. Right?

Mila: Perhaps. But the fact remains you chose to attack them only because they were not attacking you, not because they are your allies. It is a difference, and a crucial one.

Dan: *sigh* ...It's just that I know there are a couple people in that group that want me dead...So I'm not even sure if that even qualifies as an ally.

Mila: If you do not take the step, you cannot expect others to do so themselves. If you cannot think of them as allies, then you cannot expect them to think you allies as well. Yet you try to anyway, only to lash out when you are rebuffed. That was the point of the lesson… which you did not understand. *sighs* Farewell, Dan. Until we meet again. *leaves*

Dan: ...……

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[spoiler=Episode 3: Return of the Dan]*4 years later*

Dan: *pacing* Ooooh...What do I do? What do I say?

Mila: Daniel, what's wrong?

Dan: It's just...If I'm correct, then it's nearly time for me to go back. But I'm extremely nervous. I mean, I made my self new clothes, but I'm worried they make me look stupid. ...Oh who am I kidding. I'm afraid of what they'll think of me. What they'll say. ...What she'll say...

Mila: Relax. You've grown quite nicely over the years. Even Doma admits it.

Doma: Tch.

Mila: See? No lectures.

Dan: Oh...I just don't know. Will they even recognize me? I look so different that how I was?

Mila: Not too different.

Dan: ...And what if they don't accept me? What if they don't want me anymore? What if-

Doma: Oh, they probably won't accept you. You have to earn it, the right way, instead of demanding it like you did before.

Mila: Doma!

Doma: It's the truth.

Dan: *sigh* So much for being confident... *looks at arms, now a bit more muscular* Still, I cannot thank you enough for the training you've given me. I feel much stronger than I did while under Loptyrs power. But...

Mila: But?

Dan:...Forgive me for being skeptical...but is this truly my power? You said that the training I would recieve would allow me to transcend the abilities of regular sword masters. What was it called? ...Trueblade? Is that strength truly mine to wield?

Mila: If you earn it, yes. And you have.

Doma: Bah, still an idiotic brat.

Dan: And you still sound like a father who'se never pleased with his son, Doma. Then again, if I got beaten by a ragtag group of people led by some random green-haired royal, I'd be angry too.

Doma: I respect Alm, and so should you, boy. He deserves that much for the bravery and determination he showed in his battle. You do not have even a fraction of that, and I doubt you ever will, especially with that tongue.

Mila: Doma!

Doma: If the boy wants respect, he must give it also. Yet another lesson he failed.

Dan: Well, I can give respect to my allies, because I'm pretty sure they didn't try to take over the world. Still...if it wasn't for you, I probably would have never survived out there so...*gets on his knees and prays* I thank you, O' merciful god Doma and goddess Mila, for your kindness towards me. I am not worthy.

Doma: I'm two second from beheading you, boy. Don't push your luck.

Mila: *sighs* You're welcome, Daniel.

Dan: *gets up as the portal opens* Well...I guess this is goodbye...Oh! May I keep the sword? I seem to have lost the ones that I had with me before I got taken here.

Mila: Of course. Doma had it remade for you.

Doma: Not FOR him. He just happened to grab the thing.

Mila: Stop being stubborn.

Doma: Stop lying.

Dan: *giggles* You know...you two would make a great couple...I'll have to tell Poly that when I get back. *deep breathe, walks through portal*

Mila: Did he just…?! *sends a spell after Dan to hit him in the head*

Doma: … *bursts out in laughter* I knew he'd hit that button! I knew it!

Edited by DenDurgon
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