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The War for Our Future - Character Development Thread


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Yep, that seems more balanced.

No comments?

Yes, and I much prefer it balanced. I was just typing thoughts and putting stuff down so that I could look at it later.

And I ignore such stuff from you.

[spoiler=Second impressions - Klotho and Phoibus] "It's still so cold." *shivering as she walks outside, testing her new boots* "But there's this really pretty flower that grows near here. I want to get is for Sister." *walking about and makes it pretty deep into the forest before crashing into someone and falling* "Oof...!"

"...That's the second time we've met like this. Almost didn't see you against the snow, with the pale skin and white hair. At least you have some decent shoes this time."

"Eh?" *looks up to see it's Phoibus* "Oh... um..."

"What are you doing out here?"

"Um... flowers?"

"There's over that way."

"Oh, okay."

*waves and starts to walk away*

"Hey, w-wait!" *grabs him by the leg, making him slip and fall on his face*

"Ow..." *rolls over onto his back* "Yowch, that freaking..."

"Oh! Are you okay?" *leans over him and brushes the hair out of his face* "I'm sorry. Did I hit a wound?"

"Not... exactly..." *stares at her for a long moment* "You know... you really shouldn't lean so close to a guy. Well, some guys, at least."

"Huh? Why?"

"...I am NOT explaining that. That is Agrona's job, not mine."


*sighs, but studies her a bit more* "You've... an assassin's eyes."


"Silver as a storm, but with the ability to turn as hard and cold as ice as you sight a target. You don't... care much about killing, do you?"

"I don't kill innocents or friends or family."

"But the second someone isn't..."

"I have an arrow on them. It's nothing more than hunting a beast."

"Is that your trick to not break down?"

"No, I just don't think anything more about it. A threat must be dealt with, and the only good enemy is a dead one. I'll do what I must to protect my family. I'm okay with turning crimson. I've done it before, and it's not scary. It's not good either. It's just... is."

*stares at her a moment longer* "You're quite... interesting." *leans up and kisses her*

*startled for a moment before slapping him and scooting back* "W-what was that for?!"

*sits up and smirks at her, not caring about his reddening cheek* "Admiration."

"Y-you should k-kiss s-someone j-just for..." *reddening face*

"Is that so?" *moves so that he's leaning into her face* "Yet you didn't... dislike it."

"Th-that d-doesn't m-mean anything. You... you should only kiss people you like."

"Cultural difference. My home culture was much... freer with affections."

"W-well, y-you should be r-respectful. And n-not lie."

"I RARELY lie."

"Th-then what was that about a-admiration?"

"Just that. Admiration of a beautiful predator."


*smiles and backs off, kissing her hand* "Well, I've taken much of your time. Perhaps we'll meet again." *stands up and leaves*

*doesn't move until he's out of sight and then presses her fingers to her mouth* "That... felt a lot different than Cassandra's kiss. A... LOT different..."

Edited by Kat
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My OTP in action... i-it's so beautiful...!

Glad you liked it!

Hey, you snuck that in with an edit! That's cheating!

Now to wait for Cassandra and Phoibus to fight for her favour.

It's called trying not to double-post. Not my fault.

...Yeah, Phoibus kinda wins... without meaning to...

Edited by Kat
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[spoiler=Dusk - Segregation]He has no idea how to feel right now. On the one hand, he felt the need... the lust to kill Dan. He threatened and probably hurt Kat. That simply cannot go unpunished. He didn't care if anybody else had already spoken to him. He wanted to speak to the kid, but clearly that wasn't happening. At the time, the only other option he could see was permanently ending the life of the savage beast. Yeah, nothing would be solved, but the same mistake wouldn't be repeated twice. Now that he's had some time to himself however, he could see Klotho's point. Gimping the kid to the point where he couldn't move or retaliate would've been the best option... An interrogation could've happened that way, but eh. He hasn't had THAT much time to think about it

On the other hand was Kat. She was going to be absolutely livid with him. She always tried to look for the more... cleaner solutions to problems, and also considered Dan as a little brother... Hell, she ever considered naming the child Daniel if it was a boy, something that Dusk wasn't keen on. Tabitha maybe, but that's besides the point. There was no getting around it; the two of them were going to argue and, oh boy, it was going to be a huge one. He was still adamant that Dan had to die, but the real question was; did he deserve to feel Death's cold embrace? Truthfully, he didn't know, but anger, as well as his exhaustion due to awful nights and chasing after him, had made him pretty pathetic right now... Oh yeah, he also shot Klotho, albeit unintentionally, but that's also going to be weighed against him. He really was alone in this one...

What to do? He couldn't segregate himself for the rest of his life. He has a child to look after and an army to lead. The guy was a leader and a soon-to-be father, but his actions just now would suggest otherwise. To everyone, he must seem like an arrogant, self-centred psychopath right now. Least, that's what Silvia had hinted... He didn't know what he was any more... A hollow shell of his former life perhaps? He didn't know... He just didn't know any more...

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[spoiler=Anna Aimee and Phoibus]

Phoibus: Lady Aimee, are you in?

Aimee: Oh! [/turns away from the window] Phoibus! I wasn't expecting you for a while... is, um, something wrong?

Phoibus: No, nothing at all. I just found something for you. *brings out a small painting from behind his back* See?

Aimee: [/gasps and takes the painting, her eyes filling with tears] I - It's... it's hers... I never thought I... I never thought I'd see it again! Phoibus, I... you're so amazing!

Phoibus: *laughs softly* I thank you for the praise, my dear lady. My apologies for being away so long. I didn't expect it to be so hidden.

Aimee: I - It's fine! I just never expected it would actually be FOUND...! It's so beautiful... [/turns around and looks to the window for a moment, before balancing the painting on the windowsill and stepping back to look] I - I don't need any real sky with this! Heehee... it was her favorite thing to paint... she fell in love with someone, who told her that the stars were actually souls of the dead, shining bright and reflecting their final light onto the earth below. When that person died, she painted the sky over and over and over... waiting for the day she would become a part of the sky herself. Bernadette was so... sad without her love. I - I almost think they did her a favor...

Phoibus: Yes... I've heard that story as well. *goes to the window and points out a cluster of three stars* Those three right there? I imagine them to be my family. My parents and my youngest sister.

Aimee: Oh... I'm sorry to hear that. I mean, but they're up there, aren't they? You see them. And they see you too. Oh! [/points a star] That one! It blinks a sort of rose color, doesn't it? I guess Rosaline is saying hello. [/waves at it] ... There's so many of them out there now... I - It's like every time I look, there's a star I didn't see before...

Phoibus: People die everyday. They go to the stars to sit and wait for their judging and, afterwards, make their way back to them to check on their loved ones. That's the circle of life. People rise and fall everyday, like the sun and moon.

Aimee: But sometimes... sometimes they go too soon. Like Margeaux. And Rosaline. Maybe even Theresa. I know it can't be avoided... but... sometimes, it just feels like they should have stayed longer. ... You know?

Phoibus: Yes, I can understand that feeling well.

Aimee: [/sighs before turning slightly and tugging Phoibus closer to her] Understanding it doesn't make it hurt any less... [/ponders for a moment, before pulling away and turning to face him] Phoibus. Are you... scared of dying?

Phoibus: ...Not really, no.

Aimee: I don't know what to think. I've never... thought about it. That's - that's kind of odd, right? I'm a necromancer, I deal with death all the time! ... But I've never thought of my own. At least not extensively. The only thing I wouldn't want... [/glances down at the ground] I - I don't think I could stand it if I died alone...

Phoibus: ...Dying alone is often the most painful way to go. You're stuck with just your own thoughts, and thinking about all the things you wish you could've done just once more time. Even if it was for a good cause, you just can't help it.

Aimee: [/glances up at him, her expression worried] I... wow. You've... thought about that a lot haven't you?

Phoibus: Eh, not as much as some people. *bends down and kisses the tip of her nose* This is quite the depressing topic from you. Are you feeling all right?

Aimee: [/squeaks and rubs the end of her nose] Y-Yeah, I'm okay! Just... the picture. It reminded me of that... and... well... but you're right. That's a really heavy subject for me, isn't it? Even if... [/sigh] A lot of us are dying... some by the Dreamers, some are just... vanishing. I'm so confused, Phoibus...

Phoibus: Everything will be all right. You'll see.

Aimee: If you... Okay. No. I trust you, Phoibus, so if you say it's going to be okay, then it's going to be okay. But.. before you go... can I make one more promise to you?

Phoibus: Certainly, my lovely lady.

Aimee: [/giggles, before straightening up again and adopting a serious tone] Phoibus... if something ever happens to the two of us... and we end up seeing that mythical light at the end of the tunnel... I... I promise to you. Right now. [/takes both of his hands in hers] That I'll... I'll wait for you in the stars, if I die before you. Will you... will you wait for me?

Phoibus: *startled* I... *closes his eyes to hide the sudden throb in his chest* Yes, I promise.

Aimee: [/smiles up at him, throwing her arms around him] Thank you. I - I'm sorry, that was a pretty heavy promise but... I think that's just been building up for a while and I just had to say it... I'm sorry, Phoibus.

Phoibus: Don't worry about it, Aimee. *hesitates a moment, before kissing her fiercely. As he pulls away, though, he notices the wish that her hair would be white, not crimson* "Don't worry about it."

Aimee: [/blushes after his kiss, rubbing her thumbs over the backs of his hands] A... Are you sure? I... I mean, I'll do what I can to stay alive of course, but it was really a just-in-case promise. Hopefully we don't have to act on it for a really long while... [/smiles up at him]

Phoibus: Yes... yes, I'm sure. *kisses her again*

Phoibus: I know. *hugs her tightly* I know.

Aimee: [/sighs, burying her face into his chest and returns his hug] Um... Phoibus. I hate to ask this of you... but... do you mind staying? Just... just for a while?

Phoibus: Your desire is my command and wish, Aimee.

Additional feels wrecking, at your service. XD

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[spoiler=Anna Aimee and Phoibus]

Phoibus: Lady Aimee, are you in?

Aimee: Oh! [/turns away from the window] Phoibus! I wasn't expecting you for a while... is, um, something wrong?

Phoibus: No, nothing at all. I just found something for you. *brings out a small painting from behind his back* See?

Aimee: [/gasps and takes the painting, her eyes filling with tears] I - It's... it's hers... I never thought I... I never thought I'd see it again! Phoibus, I... you're so amazing!

Phoibus: *laughs softly* I thank you for the praise, my dear lady. My apologies for being away so long. I didn't expect it to be so hidden.

Aimee: I - It's fine! I just never expected it would actually be FOUND...! It's so beautiful... [/turns around and looks to the window for a moment, before balancing the painting on the windowsill and stepping back to look] I - I don't need any real sky with this! Heehee... it was her favorite thing to paint... she fell in love with someone, who told her that the stars were actually souls of the dead, shining bright and reflecting their final light onto the earth below. When that person died, she painted the sky over and over and over... waiting for the day she would become a part of the sky herself. Bernadette was so... sad without her love. I - I almost think they did her a favor...

Phoibus: Yes... I've heard that story as well. *goes to the window and points out a cluster of three stars* Those three right there? I imagine them to be my family. My parents and my youngest sister.

Aimee: Oh... I'm sorry to hear that. I mean, but they're up there, aren't they? You see them. And they see you too. Oh! [/points a star] That one! It blinks a sort of rose color, doesn't it? I guess Rosaline is saying hello. [/waves at it] ... There's so many of them out there now... I - It's like every time I look, there's a star I didn't see before...

Phoibus: People die everyday. They go to the stars to sit and wait for their judging and, afterwards, make their way back to them to check on their loved ones. That's the circle of life. People rise and fall everyday, like the sun and moon.

Aimee: But sometimes... sometimes they go too soon. Like Margeaux. And Rosaline. Maybe even Theresa. I know it can't be avoided... but... sometimes, it just feels like they should have stayed longer. ... You know?

Phoibus: Yes, I can understand that feeling well.

Aimee: [/sighs before turning slightly and tugging Phoibus closer to her] Understanding it doesn't make it hurt any less... [/ponders for a moment, before pulling away and turning to face him] Phoibus. Are you... scared of dying?

Phoibus: ...Not really, no.

Aimee: I don't know what to think. I've never... thought about it. That's - that's kind of odd, right? I'm a necromancer, I deal with death all the time! ... But I've never thought of my own. At least not extensively. The only thing I wouldn't want... [/glances down at the ground] I - I don't think I could stand it if I died alone...

Phoibus: ...Dying alone is often the most painful way to go. You're stuck with just your own thoughts, and thinking about all the things you wish you could've done just once more time. Even if it was for a good cause, you just can't help it.

Aimee: [/glances up at him, her expression worried] I... wow. You've... thought about that a lot haven't you?

Phoibus: Eh, not as much as some people. *bends down and kisses the tip of her nose* This is quite the depressing topic from you. Are you feeling all right?

Aimee: [/squeaks and rubs the end of her nose] Y-Yeah, I'm okay! Just... the picture. It reminded me of that... and... well... but you're right. That's a really heavy subject for me, isn't it? Even if... [/sigh] A lot of us are dying... some by the Dreamers, some are just... vanishing. I'm so confused, Phoibus...

Phoibus: Everything will be all right. You'll see.

Aimee: If you... Okay. No. I trust you, Phoibus, so if you say it's going to be okay, then it's going to be okay. But.. before you go... can I make one more promise to you?

Phoibus: Certainly, my lovely lady.

Aimee: [/giggles, before straightening up again and adopting a serious tone] Phoibus... if something ever happens to the two of us... and we end up seeing that mythical light at the end of the tunnel... I... I promise to you. Right now. [/takes both of his hands in hers] That I'll... I'll wait for you in the stars, if I die before you. Will you... will you wait for me?

Phoibus: *startled* I... *closes his eyes to hide the sudden throb in his chest* Yes, I promise.

Aimee: [/smiles up at him, throwing her arms around him] Thank you. I - I'm sorry, that was a pretty heavy promise but... I think that's just been building up for a while and I just had to say it... I'm sorry, Phoibus.

Phoibus: Don't worry about it, Aimee. *hesitates a moment, before kissing her fiercely. As he pulls away, though, he notices the wish that her hair would be white, not crimson* "Don't worry about it."

Aimee: [/blushes after his kiss, rubbing her thumbs over the backs of his hands] A... Are you sure? I... I mean, I'll do what I can to stay alive of course, but it was really a just-in-case promise. Hopefully we don't have to act on it for a really long while... [/smiles up at him]

Phoibus: Yes... yes, I'm sure. *kisses her again*

Phoibus: I know. *hugs her tightly* I know.

Aimee: [/sighs, burying her face into his chest and returns his hug] Um... Phoibus. I hate to ask this of you... but... do you mind staying? Just... just for a while?

Phoibus: Your desire is my command and wish, Aimee.

Additional feels wrecking, at your service. XD

Is it wrong of me to be apathetic to this? Other than kinda thinking Phobius is a dick whose name I'll never spell right, which isn't an emotion anyway?

[spoiler=Anon ponders Phobius's supposed immortality]

Anon: *looks at the vile* I am truly a horrible person for this temptation...but it's such...a challenge. Nothing else phases that man, yet, if I were to tear him down beyond any level of plausible repair, magic or not...could he still survive then? Is there some ridiculous magic trick that would still save him? And without that trick, would something normal phase him? Oh, so many question's I'll never have an answer to in my mortal life!

What is his 'magic trick'? I refuse to believe there's something on this Earth that cannot be killed! I don't care if I was the weakest being in the world, I cannot stqand the idea that out there, somewhere, is something I can't kill if I just dig a blade in deep enough...heheh...oh, there's a trick no doubt! And when I find it out, I'll make sure I can crush it with the flick of my wrist! Nothing on the Earth is immortal, that I will make sure! HAHAHA! WHOHOHO! HEEHEEHEE!

Edited by AnonymousSpeed
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[spoiler=Anna Aimee and Phoibus]

Phoibus: Lady Aimee, are you in?

Aimee: Oh! [/turns away from the window] Phoibus! I wasn't expecting you for a while... is, um, something wrong?

Phoibus: No, nothing at all. I just found something for you. *brings out a small painting from behind his back* See?

Aimee: [/gasps and takes the painting, her eyes filling with tears] I - It's... it's hers... I never thought I... I never thought I'd see it again! Phoibus, I... you're so amazing!

Phoibus: *laughs softly* I thank you for the praise, my dear lady. My apologies for being away so long. I didn't expect it to be so hidden.

Aimee: I - It's fine! I just never expected it would actually be FOUND...! It's so beautiful... [/turns around and looks to the window for a moment, before balancing the painting on the windowsill and stepping back to look] I - I don't need any real sky with this! Heehee... it was her favorite thing to paint... she fell in love with someone, who told her that the stars were actually souls of the dead, shining bright and reflecting their final light onto the earth below. When that person died, she painted the sky over and over and over... waiting for the day she would become a part of the sky herself. Bernadette was so... sad without her love. I - I almost think they did her a favor...

Phoibus: Yes... I've heard that story as well. *goes to the window and points out a cluster of three stars* Those three right there? I imagine them to be my family. My parents and my youngest sister.

Aimee: Oh... I'm sorry to hear that. I mean, but they're up there, aren't they? You see them. And they see you too. Oh! [/points a star] That one! It blinks a sort of rose color, doesn't it? I guess Rosaline is saying hello. [/waves at it] ... There's so many of them out there now... I - It's like every time I look, there's a star I didn't see before...

Phoibus: People die everyday. They go to the stars to sit and wait for their judging and, afterwards, make their way back to them to check on their loved ones. That's the circle of life. People rise and fall everyday, like the sun and moon.

Aimee: But sometimes... sometimes they go too soon. Like Margeaux. And Rosaline. Maybe even Theresa. I know it can't be avoided... but... sometimes, it just feels like they should have stayed longer. ... You know?

Phoibus: Yes, I can understand that feeling well.

Aimee: [/sighs before turning slightly and tugging Phoibus closer to her] Understanding it doesn't make it hurt any less... [/ponders for a moment, before pulling away and turning to face him] Phoibus. Are you... scared of dying?

Phoibus: ...Not really, no.

Aimee: I don't know what to think. I've never... thought about it. That's - that's kind of odd, right? I'm a necromancer, I deal with death all the time! ... But I've never thought of my own. At least not extensively. The only thing I wouldn't want... [/glances down at the ground] I - I don't think I could stand it if I died alone...

Phoibus: ...Dying alone is often the most painful way to go. You're stuck with just your own thoughts, and thinking about all the things you wish you could've done just once more time. Even if it was for a good cause, you just can't help it.

Aimee: [/glances up at him, her expression worried] I... wow. You've... thought about that a lot haven't you?

Phoibus: Eh, not as much as some people. *bends down and kisses the tip of her nose* This is quite the depressing topic from you. Are you feeling all right?

Aimee: [/squeaks and rubs the end of her nose] Y-Yeah, I'm okay! Just... the picture. It reminded me of that... and... well... but you're right. That's a really heavy subject for me, isn't it? Even if... [/sigh] A lot of us are dying... some by the Dreamers, some are just... vanishing. I'm so confused, Phoibus...

Phoibus: Everything will be all right. You'll see.

Aimee: If you... Okay. No. I trust you, Phoibus, so if you say it's going to be okay, then it's going to be okay. But.. before you go... can I make one more promise to you?

Phoibus: Certainly, my lovely lady.

Aimee: [/giggles, before straightening up again and adopting a serious tone] Phoibus... if something ever happens to the two of us... and we end up seeing that mythical light at the end of the tunnel... I... I promise to you. Right now. [/takes both of his hands in hers] That I'll... I'll wait for you in the stars, if I die before you. Will you... will you wait for me?

Phoibus: *startled* I... *closes his eyes to hide the sudden throb in his chest* Yes, I promise.

Aimee: [/smiles up at him, throwing her arms around him] Thank you. I - I'm sorry, that was a pretty heavy promise but... I think that's just been building up for a while and I just had to say it... I'm sorry, Phoibus.

Phoibus: Don't worry about it, Aimee. *hesitates a moment, before kissing her fiercely. As he pulls away, though, he notices the wish that her hair would be white, not crimson* "Don't worry about it."

Aimee: [/blushes after his kiss, rubbing her thumbs over the backs of his hands] A... Are you sure? I... I mean, I'll do what I can to stay alive of course, but it was really a just-in-case promise. Hopefully we don't have to act on it for a really long while... [/smiles up at him]

Phoibus: Yes... yes, I'm sure. *kisses her again*

Phoibus: I know. *hugs her tightly* I know.

Aimee: [/sighs, burying her face into his chest and returns his hug] Um... Phoibus. I hate to ask this of you... but... do you mind staying? Just... just for a while?

Phoibus: Your desire is my command and wish, Aimee.

Additional feels wrecking, at your service. XD

This still doesn't mean I can kill Phobius or Aimee with death magic?
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Nope. [/shrugs]

Good. Also,

[spoiler=Anon ponders Phobius's supposed immortality]

Anon: *looks at the vile* I am truly a horrible person for this temptation...but it's such...a challenge. Nothing else phases that man, yet, if I were to tear him down beyond any level of plausible repair, magic or not...could he still survive then? Is there some ridiculous magic trick that would still save him? And without that trick, would something normal phase him? Oh, so many question's I'll never have an answer to in my mortal life!

What is his 'magic trick'? I refuse to believe there's something on this Earth that cannot be killed! I don't care if I was the weakest being in the world, I cannot stqand the idea that out there, somewhere, is something I can't kill if I just dig a blade in deep enough...heheh...oh, there's a trick no doubt! And when I find it out, I'll make sure I can crush it with the flick of my wrist! Nothing on the Earth is immortal, that I will make sure! HAHAHA! WHOHOHO! HEEHEEHEE!

I did this. Anon's a very comfort-bubble obsessed person.

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This still doesn't mean I can kill Phobius or Aimee with death magic?

Y-You must really want to kill someone...

Good. Also,

I did this. Anon's a very comfort-bubble obsessed person.

Oh, wow. That was nice, Anon!

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That was him rambling to himself. Besides, he said that he won't actually kill him. And of course he wouldn't kill a pregnant woman, on account of innocent fetus.

Yes, yes.

[spoiler=Wounds-Phoibus and Klotho] "You're being stubborn."

"Pot calling the kettle black there. You're ridiculous."

"You're bleeding from your stomach."

"So are you."

"Oh, it's not that bad."

"And that's called 'shock'." *sets Klotho down and sighs* "Hold still, okay?" *prepares a spell* "Recover."

*yelps at the sudden warm feeling infusing her, knitting her wounds together*

"Guess... you've never been healed before, huh?"

*shakes head* "No, I have. It just... felt different."

"First time I've heard of someone having a different reaction to White Magic as staves. Okay, let's get you up."

"You're bleeding more now."

"White magic is an... odd magic. It requires health, blood, to work."

"You need to get bandaged."

"I can do that after... WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!"

*in the process of taking off her shirt* "Huh? Well, my shirt's not that dirty, and I don't have bandages, so..."

"That's... not something you should be able to justify that quickly." *makes her let go of her shirt* "Also, it's freezing. No."

"You're bleeding."

"It won't kill me."

"Doesn't mean it doesn't hurt. What if it gets infected? Probably would hurt worse."

"Oh, for crying out..." *sighs, sits down, and hands her his pack* "See? I have bandages in there."

*rummages through the pack* "Oh, you do." *nods, pulls a roll out, and tries to take Phoibus's shirt off*

"You know; I normally make a person get me dinner or something before allowing them to take my clothes off."

"I can't bandage you over your clothes."

"Would you stop being so insistent on me getting treated? We're sitting in the SNOW. It's COLD."

"Then shut up and let me work."

"Bah!" *throws hands up, but takes his shirt off so that Klotho can bandage him* "You're ridiculously stubborn."

"So are you." *carefully bandaging his stomach and shoulder, trying to ignore the fact that he's shirtless* "How come you're not dead?"

*deadpan* "A demon made it impossible."

"Oh. Wait, why take something stupid like that?"

"...I just didn't want to die before my sister. She's... terrified of being left alone. Back then, we were all each other had. Our 'friends' would betray us the second we became liabilities. Our employers only cared about the coin we brought in. It was rough. I was good when it game to seducing, manipulating, and setting up traps, but I'm not all THAT good when it comes to fighting or dodging. So, I made a contract to not die before her."

"That... sounds like me. I'd do anything for Sister or... well, most of the Dreamers."

"Even let a threat live?"


"Nice to see someone with a similar insanity." *winces* "Not so tight."

"Oh, sorry."

"A light touch is better than a firm one here. Unless you're trying to give me a massage."

"A what?"

"A... never mind."

"Okay." *still working on the bandaging* "Why did you show up? I thought you were leaving."

"I thought the same, until I heard the ruckus and went to investigate. I think I just pissed off leader-boy though."


"I managed to subdue the boy before he did. There's a pride thing there, and many leaders feel like they have to solve all the problems."

"That's stupid. Everyone has their own skills. Leader's is not snapping under the pressure of our antics."

"You're telling me. I would've massacred all of them weeks ago in a fit of insanity. And that's with NOT being separated from my home-world."

"I'm not nice enough to be a leader."

"You're plenty nice for a predator, though."

"If you say so." *ties off the bandages* "There you go. The inn is nearby if you want to rest."

"I really need to get back. I'm late enough as is. Hopefully, I can come up with a convenient not-lie." *stands and helps Klotho up* "You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"Good." *grins and kisses her hands*

*flushes bright red* "W-what was that for?!"

"A compromised way of showing my appreciation for the bandages. If you can walk...?"

"I'll be fine on my own from here." *flushes and then kisses his cheek* "Th-that's my thanks!" *stumbles off*

"Uh... yeah..." *stares after her for a moment before walking off* "Strange girl."

Edited by Kat
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Yeah, that's what I thought it was... gah, everyone writes so beautifully for their developments, and I don't know what to do for that yet. D:

It's simple. Imagine yourself as the character. What's your first thought? Have them think on that. Or even on your own first thought, if you wish.

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"..What? What story do you wish to tell me this time?"

"The Massacre of Bellhala."

"Yes yes I remember this one. You, Shadowfrost Zenbiniar was working with Arvis to kill Sigurd the tratior. That and the Judgral version of Sorin. But in the attempt, you only wounded him and his wife, not killing them."

"Is that all you remember? I met Sorin in Verdane. Killed him in Silesse. Then I took his wife and child both back to Grannvale."

"What about all the years before?"

"I despise his bloodline. Always have, will always."

"I bet they hate you as well. I guess it runs in our blood then."

"I knew a man once. One who had lived with King Eldigan and Raquesis. That man had become smitten with Raquesis knowing that would be impossible to marry her. Then she took a lover. And had crushed that mans dreams. So he took his anger on anyone he found. . "

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Don't make the mistake he made."

"Right, Right...I got it. Now Nirvana looks dull as usual. Help?"

"As you wish."

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It's simple. Imagine yourself as the character. What's your first thought? Have them think on that. Or even on your own first thought, if you wish.

Oh, alright. Well maybe I have a few ideas on my characters backstory I can flesh out... I can make it more detailed and submit it as a story here. Thanks for the advice!

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