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The War for Our Future - Character Development Thread


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[spoiler=Marth's Opinion (set in his paralogue)]

These otherworldly warriors sure are something else.

You have a rather... childish cleric who is a little tomboyish, and is sister to Chrom. You wouldn't think that she's a princess with the way that she was raised, but she is well liked, so I guess that evens her out.

A wary and diligent lieutenant stands among them who maintains the stability of the army; just what any lord would need. He also seems to like time around a campfire and...... pays a bit TOO much attention to Chrom's surroundings. You do your job well, but honestly, it was just a pebble.

Then there's this extremely overconfident person who speaks in the third person and occasionally calls himself..... "Teach". Teach? Whatever could he possibly teach with such conceit? He also goes into battle with a bare chest and is rather forgetting of his axe. Such bravado and irresponsibility will get the man killed.

The two mounted knights sort of reminded me of the Bull and Panther duo of Altea, Cain and Abel.Although, their personalities, I could say otherwise to. One is rather aggressive with a vulgar tongue, and the other is practically her opposite: a laid back guy that likes to eat, probably the most normal among the group.

One of the pegasus knights is always picking at flowers, yet somehow manages to trip over....nothing? Does she have weak ankles or something? With how often she falls on her face, I find it hard to believe that her complexion is flawless.

Meanwhile, the other pegasus knight is constantly doing something and executes them perfectly, but gets heavily distracted whenever Chrom is around. I don't know why, but she....... reminds me of someone... but I just...can't put my finger on it.

Following them, we have a raggedy thief that...... has an obsession with candy?That can't be good for his diet. Further inspection shows that he has STASHES of candy hidden away within his cloak. I'd imagine he'd died from it by age......

Getting off of that, there's a little girl who looks and acts like a child, yet claims to be older than everyone. She was thinly dressed, and is always trying to play with someone. Heh, she almost reminds me of how Tiki used to be with her cheery outlook on life. Wait........ could she be...... a manakete? I honestly did not think that there would be any left after another two millenia. Just how old is she?

Among the army, two portrayed themselves to be nobles, although one was more noble than the other. Maybe a bit too noble, since she seems to show coldness to others, save for Lissa. The noble archer is quite the fellow, but the way he acts is rather questionable. Bantering any woman he meets with poetic words as if too woo them. Not a good look for you kind sir.

The dark mages were definitely some....... interesting characters to behold. The silver haired man has a rather.... odd mindset. He always had a crow within his presence, so I guess he's good with animals. But his constant cheery smile is kind of disturbing and creeps me out. Especially how he laughs and jokes about things such as death. The woman had... quite a revealing attire underneath that cloak of hers. And yet..... despite her attractive features, there was something about her that sent chills down my spine. I couldn't quite explain it, but she. Is. Dangerous. *shivers*

One person among the army was a priestess who worships the Divine Dragon. With the way her hair danced in the wind, one couldn't help but marvel at the sight of such beauty. I overheard her speaking to someone. Libra is her name huh? She does appear to carry herself we- wait hang on. Further listening of the converstion revealed that Libra...... IS A MAN?! OH GODS! OH GODS! How did I make such a grave mistake!?

Secluded from the rest of the group, stood a lone myrmidon, honing his skill in the ways of the sword. He really does take his craft seriously and doesn't appear to be very sociable. Then again, that silent, laconic, demeanor quickly melted beet red when he came in contact with the equally flushed dancer. It's rather ironic if you ask me. A silent swordsman and killer,broken by the presence of a woman. Even more ironic is how shy and withdrawn she is, despite her profession.

From what Ace has told me, Prince Chrom is supposed to be my descendant? Well, aside from our hair and eye color, we are very much different. Chrom appears to be more direct than I am and there's also that interesting mark that he has on his shoulder. He may be Ylissean royalty, but it doesn't stop him from reaching out to the unfortunate and helping those in need. Well, I can at least be proud of the fact that my bloodline gave birth to another fine leader and good person.

Then there is the swordswoman who is always by his side. Lucina was it? I sometimes feel strange around her for some reason. She and I look so VERY alike, that it's not even funny. She also has an exact duplicate of Chrom's Falchion ? How could that even be possible though? Falchion is one of a kind and only people of my bloodline can wield it. Closer inspection shows that she has the same exact marking as Chrom, but in her eye?I am unsure of the marks significance, but maybe it means that she and Chrom are related somehow.

Altogether, they call themselves.... the Shepherds? An odd name if you ask me..... Unless, its a metaphor for something much greater. Nevertheless, Chrom, this is without a doubt, a unique group of people that you lead. And even with the diversity of your army, each one shows prowess in what they do, have good morale and some have married within each other. You're lucky to have the honor of leading such a fantastic group of people. The bonds shared among you will ensure that you won't fail and your goal be realized.

Edited by Hero-King
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[spoiler=Thoughts - Klotho] ​She thinks of him. It makes her chest tight, her face flush, and herself feel… oddly warm.

She doesn't know who he is. Doesn't even know his name. Yet she… imagines things. Smiling, laughing… even kissing.

But why? Why would she think thoughts like this? They make her feel warm yet… uncomfortable, really.

She wants to ask about it, but the words choke in her throat. It seems… silly. Silly to have such thoughts or images bouncing through her head. Silly to be bothered by them. Silly to ask someone about it. Besides, it's not like she knows who to ask. Chaos is angry over something, Harem is locked in her room, and Sister… something is WRONG with Sister, and she doesn't want to bother her.

​So… she just sits and tries to keep the thoughts away. Maybe she'll… stumble onto an answer. Or they disappear.

​…She's not sure, though, which one she'd rather have happen.

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[spoiler=Anna Michel and Phoibus]Michel: [/staring off into the distance, mumbling to herself] Worms. Every time I dare take a step forward, my actions are magically undone by cowards, rodents. ... Pathetic. Their lies are ripping everything apart... If I see them... if I see them the things I will do...

Phoibus: *charming grin* If it's anything like what you do to me, I might get horribly jealous, milady.

Michel: [/turns around] Nowhere near it, Phobius. I'd rather bring them pain, not pleasure. [/smirks and turns back] So what brings you here? Any news?

Phoibus: I'm afraid little, milady, except Lady Aimee has successfully learned how to swim. I've managed to… encourage the rodents to nibble at those villainous nuisances. I believe the villains shall not bother us, allowing you to take your leisure in determining how you wish to retake the continent. *kneels at her side and gently kisses her hand* Other than that, I merely wished to check on you. I know that the loss of your sisters hit you hard, milady.

Michel: Well that's... handy of her. I always told her she should know that. And you mean the villains of olde, resurrected? Lovely. Heavens knows they certainly love sticking their over-sized swords - and bombs - into anything they can reach. They'll be too busy proving their so-called worth and heroism that they won't even give a damn about Ylisse once they leave it. [/glances down at Phobius and smiles, lifting her other hand to run it through his hair] ... Quite. I'm still shocked Theresa believed that... that rumor, over - where did that even come from?

Phoibus: I cannot say. I was not aware of anything wrong until Rosaline's death. My deepest apologies, again, for not protecting either of them, milady. Words cannot express how deeply I regret allowing them to meet alone.

Michel: Theresa was always a bit off but... I never expected. All those prisms, broken and gone to waste. [/slams her fist down into the palm of her hand and scowls]Damned girl. It might actually be better this way. This is a war, and I can't get anything done surrounded by liabilities. And Rosaline was, while valuable, always a flaky little bitch like that. Dropping something the second she can just because she could. She was a child, throwing a child's tantrum, and I don't have time for THAT either.

Phoibus: Still, I told you that I would watch them, and I failed miserably in performing that task. *carefully caresses one of her hands* To have betrayed your expectations… words fail me still on how useless I felt then. Even managing to save Lady Aimee from her ship's sinking has not erased it. I thank you for your mercy, my beautiful lady, for such a failure, but I still feel regret. If there is anything I can do...

Michel: ... It's not your fault. They were beyond our help, and sometimes there's nothing you can do. And like you said we have Aimee. As long as nothing THAT catastrophic keeps happening we should be fine. [/sighs] Phoibus... chin up all right? We've got this. I can't believe you're making me be the optimistic one here...!

Phoibus: Perhaps, milady beautiful, I wished to cheer you up? *cheeky grin* You've been quite aggravated lately, ever since you went to check on your mother. Has her condition…?

Michel: [/scowls] It's no better. And I have no idea as to what they plan to do... what if they stumble across her in this state? What if they know? She won't be able to defend herself against their bloodthirsty assault and... everything will be for naught.

Phoibus: Milady, do not grieve so. I am certain that your mother will be fine. Let us merely take advantage of these… villains. The rats who dare dream shall be busy with them, leaving you with a great deal of time to come up with the most perfect and efficient way to exterminate the pests… and, perhaps, give your mother time to heal. *leans in close* And, perhaps, you may allow me to… ease your tensions?

Michel: I suppose you're right yet again. I'm glad I don't keep count of this sort of thing. [/sigh] I hope they all die. And if some dare to live, then I guess I'll have to step down and join the fun. I'm not scared of the scum. I'd like to see them try. [/chuckles] Well, you are amazing at that. Humor me, will you?

Phoibus: *hovers his hands over her waist, not quite touching her* My dear lady, your every desire is my command. Merely whisper it in my ear, and I shall do everything within my power to obey. I live to serve you in whatever manner you need me to.

Michel: Oh, if only everyone were so willing to listen to me, I wouldn't have such trouble. And like I mentioned, you are right. With any luck, the maggots will all die.Except for the one I have to spare because she's attached to you. But yes... it should all work out. No need to be so stressed. But... [/turns around and grabs his hands, pulling him closer to her] since I did manage to get myself so worked up, I would reallyappreciate it if you helped me relax...

Phoibus: I assure you, you will not mind meeting my sister, or regret sparing her. I thank you, very much, for taking care of her. *smiles softly and leans so that he's just an inch from her face* And, as I said, milady, your desire is my command. Merely give me the order… and I gladly obey.

Michel: Good. I do hate regretting things, you know this. [/chuckles] At this point, we're wasting words standing here. Phoibus... I'm... glad that you're here.

Phoibus: As am I, milady. *kisses her* As am I.

​…Oh, shoot, double posted… ><;

Edited by Kat
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[spoiler=Ace/Alicia: Fear]

Ace: “Sis?”

Alicia: *Shivering* “W-w-w-ell…Ace. D-d-d-id you?”

Ace: “Yeah, it’s taken care of now. Sorin’s gonna speak to Nathaniel tomorrow. Now can you please stop worrying about Nathaniel illegally collecting Poly’s blood?”

Alicia: “H-h-h-ow can……..I? I re……member h-h-h-is tone………..when…..h-h-h-he said it. I-I-I also…saw….the…..l-l-look he gave Poly.”

Ace: “Yeah, yeah, Nathaniel give Poly a glare that would scare kids and said, "I need blood for my experiments, lots of lovely red blood! Poly, are you volunteering to donate some blood?" and also, "When do you wish to donate, Poly?" while wearing an evil smile. You told me that about four times now. You sure you’re not misunderstanding---“

Alicia: “I-I’m……..not!”

Ace: “What do you think Nathaniel’s gonna do? Stake out in your shared room til you both go to sleep, knife posed, Poly’s wrist in hand---“

Alicia: “ACE STOP IT!” *shivers violently after yelling*

Ace: “Yeesh, okay. When you feel better, be sure to spend some quality time with your lover, okay?”

Alicia: “I-I-I-I………am mad at………”

Ace: “Nathaniel?”

Alicia: “Y-y-yes.”

Ace: “…………..”

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[spoiler=The Steps Slow, Finally They're Aware of the Danger]

Even after the brilliance of Klotho's idea, the frenzied drive was gone.

She stared endlessly at the notes tracing the window, raking the words and the drawings for the uncontrollable rush experienced by the person who wrote them but... it wasn't there. Not even the faintest wisp of it.

Kat's speech to her had driven it out of her completely.

She didn't understand why she had taken to it so aggressively. Why such a desire had consumed her the moment she discovered what she could do. The guilt from her actions was still fresh, and bitterly she recalled one of the emotions used to channel dark magic was regret - but the desire to conquer an unknown foe was gone. What was she up against? Who? Herself? Her own actions?

Despite the loss of her drive, she could still feel it there. That blatant disregard was a younger her, a her thrown into a confusing world without any memory to her name. She dove into the only thing that made any sense, and here she was again. Fours years older and yet none the wiser.

But there was... something. About dark magic. Tharja and Henry had always intrigued her because of this and actually experiencing the magic for herself... it felt so natural. Her affinity to thunder magic felt natural, sure, but this felt like it was a part of her. It felt like, it belonged to her, like the magic had opened some sort of... barrier.

Maybe it was because... she really was, horrifically lost. Half the time she felt like she wasn't supposed to exist, that she had just been dropped into a story and given a role to play. And she was desperate for any sort of purpose, anything, especially since it tied back to her family. Maybe she was trying to fill a void.

But she couldn't... harm herself to fill said void. And at the same time, it was the only way she could even cast the damned magic in the first place. It was weak, unresponsive in her normal grasp, she HAD to fuel it off of her life energy to even get the spell to form properly. She sighed, rubbing at her temples as she stared up at the wall of notes, looking for a clear-cut answer anywhere amongst the symbols.

"It's... called self-restraint. I just... I'm sorry, Morgan." The words flowed out, without anyone she was actually speaking it. "The second I find a safe method, I promise I'll teach you. If I ever find it..."

She stood up and jammed a finger at one of the recently created notes, underlining the name with a touch. "Mire. I did promise myself I would work on the range of these sorts of tomes. And I CAN do this." She closed her eyes, recalling the words Kat told her. "The only thing... that can defeat me is myself." With a triumphant grin, she reached down and grabbed the Flux tome she had practicing with, twirling around towards the door.

"And that is not going to happen."

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[spoiler=Mother...]...Mother... There are so many things I've wanted to ask you... Seeing all these families... Makes me wish I knew you. Father is trash. What made you consider him worthy of you? Was it because you were lost? Pushed away and hated because one Exalt couldn't keep it in his pants from Grandmother? Did Uncle treat you like trash until you ran away? ...It isn't fair... Father said he killed you with his own hands... When he almost killed me, he said I had the same look on my face... Did I cause you to die? Or was I the only thing that stopped you from dying sooner...? The only things I have left of you is Purgatorial Storm and this Brand of the Exalt on my chest... Maybe that is why I was so cold to Kat earlier... I don't want another family to be wronged by something I could have stopped... I asked Dusk about how he felt about becoming a father, even told him he can come to me for advice. In truth though... I'm terrified of what is to come. How to love a child properly. Give them the compassion they were brought into this world with. I never had a father's love and compassion and if I did... I can't remember. All I know is you died saving me. In the future your Grandchildren came back from... I caused the pain... The loss. I took their mother away from them. I ruined families. I'm no better than father... It's a shame to say but I still have it easy compared to what you went through Mother... I just want to see your face. See you smile. Show you that I have become a man and you can be proud of. When we meet again someday... I want to be able to tell you... Thank you. You gave me a chance at life. Granted I have almost thrown it away many times but please. For the sake of this war... watch over me. Watch me as I walk on my own path. Not the path of right nor wrong. My own path.

I feel like I rambled... but I had inspiration from my skit with Kat.

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[spoiler=Mother...]...Mother... There are so many things I've wanted to ask you... Seeing all these families... Makes me wish I knew you. Father is trash. What made you consider him worthy of you? Was it because you were lost? Pushed away and hated because one Exalt couldn't keep it in his pants from Grandmother? Did Uncle treat you like trash until you ran away? ...It isn't fair... Father said he killed you with his own hands... When he almost killed me, he said I had the same look on my face... Did I cause you to die? Or was I the only thing that stopped you from dying sooner...? The only things I have left of you is Purgatorial Storm and this Brand of the Exalt on my chest... Maybe that is why I was so cold to Kat earlier... I don't want another family to be wronged by something I could have stopped... I asked Dusk about how he felt about becoming a father, even told him he can come to me for advice. In truth though... I'm terrified of what is to come. How to love a child properly. Give them the compassion they were brought into this world with. I never had a father's love and compassion and if I did... I can't remember. All I know is you died saving me. In the future your Grandchildren came back from... I caused the pain... The loss. I took their mother away from them. I ruined families. I'm no better than father... It's a shame to say but I still have it easy compared to what you went through Mother... I just want to see your face. See you smile. Show you that I have become a man and you can be proud of. When we meet again someday... I want to be able to tell you... Thank you. You gave me a chance at life. Granted I have almost thrown it away many times but please. For the sake of this war... watch over me. Watch me as I walk on my own path. Not the path of right nor wrong. My own path.

I feel like I rambled... but I had inspiration from my skit with Kat.

Everyone gotta have the brand? Still completely tear worthy.
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Everyone gotta have the brand? Still completely tear worthy.

Well only Sorin, Cordelia, Severa, and Morgan knew about it till Validar spoiled at the Dragon's Table.

All the same, thank you Nii-san.

Edited by Sorin
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[spoiler=Ace/Old Habits Die Hard]

"Yesterday, I told steps forward to kicking my old habit of pummeling people who anger me. That day after I went off on Poly, was when I vowed to stop doing that. But yesterday, I nearly took a step back. I told Breezy that I don't turn my blade on my friends, so when did fisticuffs become okay? I used to beat up people who angered me, hence my childhood nickname the Demon Child. No more, I'm going to stop it. But, as they say....old habits die hard. I really thought Nathaniel had threatened my family based on what Alicia told me. Man, that was a close call. I almost slipped up, just thinking about it makes me shiver. No....all the more reason to take bigger steps forward to stop this childhood habit for good."

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[spoiler=Gulasca's Laments.]Sleep. Yeah, right. I can't. Every time I try...Why can't I? Am I not responsible to be the man of the house? I fear that I'll let Angie down. Like that one day. Where I was helpless. Completely helpless. Only Jxemas could solve the problem. Am I a failure? Am I not worthy to follow in his footsteps? What if I let down everyone around me? I'm not ready to lead. I can't lead. Nobody lets a screw up, satanic, crazy wyvern rider lead. The only friend I've ever had was Xavier...and my family of course. I guess I'll think more positively when I get back up..

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"Angie we need to talk."


"Jxemas. Listen I know how you feel and all but.."

"I'm perfectly fine! ..See?"

"Don't lie. You were always a terrible liar."


"How do you feel. Truly."

"W-why did he leave us..

"I don't know. But I am the leader of our family-"

"No you AREN'T! I want my brother back..."

"Don't cry....don't get upset.."

"After all the things he did for us, he just leaves!? We don't even know that he's are or if he's alive! And how are you expected to lead if you can't even be responsible!?"


"You won't ever be him. Ever."

"WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME DAMN THE GODS!..I'm sorry. I shouldn't have yelled."

"I just want him back. I want the him before we joined this army. But that can't ever happen can it?"


"...Just leave me alone already. Is that all you wanted to talk to me about?"

"...Sister I-"


"...."*Leaves*"Why am I such a goddamned failure!?"

"...Why can't he just come back..?"*Crying in her room*

The Feels.

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