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He actually gets into it and moves his spine the way god intended instead of standing stock straight like a joik

imo men of all builds get much more attractive by emphasizing that their forms aren't actually flat or blocky, all our flesh and bone is really pretty round and bouncy regardless

/an opinionated rant directed towards and asked-for by noone in particular

Fun fact I keep seeing breasts in your sig even though that's a nose.

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He actually gets into it and moves his spine the way god intended instead of standing stock straight like a joik

imo men of all builds get much more attractive by emphasizing that their forms aren't actually flat or blocky, all our flesh and bone is really pretty round and bouncy regardless

/an opinionated rant directed towards and asked-for by noone in particular

yeah billy herrington owns
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In the sense that there are queer people who have "a possibly generalized aversion to and/or fear of" het people, yes, I myself have seen the occasional individual express things along those feelings/thoughts. There's a certain kind of usage/opinion of the usage of the term "phobia," though, which, when addended to a general type of person, is a bit less centered on the aversion itself* and more about how widespread, entrenched, and impactful it is.

*though not entirely, it can also be used in describing the aversion/fear itself (where it comes from, what exactly it's an aversion to and/or fear of, how it manifests, etc.)

This might just be a subjective aspect to it that I've been given by somebody else, or maybe just invented inside my own head, I forget, but I think that enmeshed in that view of how to define "(people)phobia(s)", there might be a reflection on how much "sense," in a wide view, that it makes for somebody to have the aversions/fears themselves.

That is; if you're het, you're among company that outnumbers gay people at, last I heard, something like 8 to 1 at the least, and you occupy a much more stable position in most of popular culture, where things related to being gay have a large history of being brought up in mocking, condemning, and overly reductive ways. Violence and the advocation of violence against gay people, by straight people, as far as I can tell, (which isn't very actually but anyway,) has a much more widespread history in terms of both total incidents and relative proportion than vice-versa. All things considered, by this train of thought, straight people have less that could be called a tangible reason to "fear gay people" than do vice-versa.*

*(not that the standard definition of phobia necessarily includes what would universally be called tangible, well-reasoned justifications for fear, but anyway)

Thus defined, homophobia "existing" doesn't just mean it's a thing that people have and feel, it means that it's "a significant problem that should clearly be acted against." So when people say "heterophobia doesn't exist," I think they mean that "it's not 'a large aspect of existing in society as het,' where it moreso is for gay people."

I have seen somebody say they were beaten badly enough to be hospitalized by a gay friend when they told the friend they were straight, though, to put it all on the table. So while I think I understand why there's an argument for distinguishing homophobia from heterophobia on a fundamental level, I wouldn't say I'm certain that no view any gay person has of het people can bear any changing whatsoever. Then again, though, I know and hear a lot less about widespread views gay people have of het people than vice-versa.

Whether this sounds like total nonsense overall, totally legit, a good point of distinction that could use a better choice of words, or a sinister co-opting of goode straight saxon-headed language by The Gay AgendaTM might depend on your point of view and experience (or lack thereof)

e: over half an hour late, posted after Makaze but started before I saw that Makaze posted, therefore didn't initially quote Rei-Rei, sow what I reap etc.

Well brother, thank you so fucking much for this answer, really.

I'm well aware that an eventual "heterophobic" feeling would be next to "harmless", hence why I did agree with Stolypin Necktie (or whatever his easier username is) that it isn't an issue like homophobia.

All I wanted to know if the term "heterophobia" itself could be taken in consideration, and while it isn't something very objective, you succeeded in answering it in a satisfactory way. Thanks again.

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