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Why does Serenes Forest dislike Owain and Tharja?


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I have been a lurker here for a while, and I noticed something that is really strange. This is the only place where Owain and Thrarja don't receive maximum levels of love. It seems this place doesn't really like the two most popular characters in the game, which are Owain and Tharja. Can I ask why?

I don't really mind because it lets the ret of the cast which are horribly underrated like Cordelia, Lon'qu, Gaius, Inigo, Severa, Cynthia etc shine.

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Personally I like Owain. He's a goofy and funny guy.

I don't mind Tharja, either. She's a pretty interesting character that has quite a bit of potential, regarding her abuse toward Noire in the bad future and her history, but eh.

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I think it has to do with the fact that this is a core Fire Emblem forum and is also on the small end. So it isn't as easy for popular things to have influence, therefor mainstream characters like Owain, don't get as much attention here.

I think it has to do with the fact that this is a core Fire Emblem forum and is also on the small end. So it isn't as easy for popular things to have influence, therefor mainstream characters like Owain, don't get as much attention here.

i know i haven't played the game and it's not my place, buuut...

THESE people are UNDERRATED? where??

Cordelia an Lon'qu are not underrated, they are more in the middle. The rest are kind of underrated. Edited by The Roar
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Owain's annoying, but Tharja's interesting enough, except her Avatar obsession. The rest of her character is nice.

It's fun to see dark magicians who feel actually twisted and both Tharja and Henry fit the bill.

Meanwhile we've had Salem as a reformed cultist going with Robin Hood thieves, Ray's ambitious but deep down a softie who wants to prove that dark magic is more than meets the eye, Sophia's a classic dark mysterious girl with untapped powers, Niime's an experienced scholar who wants to tap the powers of the unknown, Canas is a less jerky version of his mother, Knoll's an imperial scientist using his knowledge of magic to prevent catastrophies and Pelleas is a random orphan brought up as king by a madman who just happened to make a spirit pact.

As far as underrated goes, I don't hear much about Libra, Miriel, Cherche or the Feroxi royals. They have their share of vocal fans and detractors but nothing compared to the likes of Cordelia and Lon'qu.

Edited by Woodshooter
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It's fun to see dark magicians who feel actually twisted and both Tharja and Henry fit the bill.

Meanwhile we've had Salem as a reformed cultist going with Robin Hood thieves, Ray's ambitious but deep down a softie who wants to prove that dark magic is more than meets the eye, Sophia's a classic dark mysterious girl with untapped powers, Niime's an experienced scholar who wants to tap the powers of the unknown, Canas is a less jerky version of his mother, Knoll's an imperial scientist using his knowledge of magic to prevent catastrophies and Pelleas is a random orphan brought up as king by a madman who just happened to make a spirit pact.

I think Niime was fairly twisted from what is seen in FE6. I felt like Tharja and Henry really overdo it myself.

I don't like Tharja or Owain but I was under the impression I was in the minority for disliking the latter and the former has mixed opinions.

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I personally like Owain, but I think he gets way too much love from some people. Seeing some rabids fan claim that Owain should have replaced Marth in the next smash really drove that point to me. He's a nice and funny secondary character, not a mascot of the series(would be like if people wanted Linebeck to replace Link)

As for Tharja, I don't especially like her, but I don't hate her.

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Owain is annoying IMO.

Tharja is a nice character. Some of her supports are quite funny and I love her critical quotes (even if barely audible). Plus IMO she's a good unit. However, I don't think she's the prettiest girl (though she is up there)... I have a love for redheads and Tharja doesn't fit the bill.

Edited by Malebolganone
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Owain is loved due to his exaggerated fantasies that his character is based around.Though since Tharja is a Yandere,she is disliked.Although her creepy and screwed up nature make her an interesting character.Although I dislike her personally.I only recruit her for Noire. Owain on the other hand is a colorful person who loves to pretend and dreams to be a legendary hero,so that's what I loved about him.

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Owains moves, like 'Radiant Dawn' and 'Shinon Strike' are the closest this game gets (as far as I'm aware) to breaking the fourth wall. People seem to like that, making him overrated, and the majority of SF people like being specialists, needing to know what others don't. Basically hipsters, as pointed out above.

Edited by eggs4king
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I don't hate either of them.

But others dislike them because everyone else rides the dicks of the beliefs that those two are hands down the best characters in the game and that everyone else sucks.

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I don't really mind because it lets the ret of the cast which are horribly underrated like Cordelia, Lon'qu, Gaius, Inigo, Severa, Cynthia etc shine.

I agree with Severa and Cynthia, but the rest? I thought the first four were actually very popular (I saw on polls that Coredlia was one of the top wives, and Lon'qu and Gaius were two of the top husbands. Plus Inigo is one of the most popular children (under Owain, of course)). Unless I'm wrong...

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I agree with Severa and Cynthia, but the rest? I thought the first four were actually very popular (I saw on polls that Coredlia was one of the top wives, and Lon'qu and Gaius were two of the top husbands. Plus Inigo is one of the most popular children (under Owain, of course)). Unless I'm wrong...

Ok I will admit it was a stretch to call them underrated, what I meant to say is that no one else gets anywhere near as much attention as Owain and Tharja.

The polls for top wives and husbands had Tharja as the top wife and Owain as top husband (proves my point)

Cordelia was the # 3 wife, Severa #6, and Cynthia wasn't even in the top 10

Lon'qu was the # 3 husband, Gaius #4, And Inigo #5

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I honestly didn't mind Owain, I mean, I found him to be a bit of a goofball, but he's a good natured goofball. I tried to use Tharja, I tried to give her a shot, but all of her hex this and hex that and curse this and curse that just put me off... to me, she seemed like a spiteful and hateful creature, with no redeeming qualities. Out of the two non-DLC Dark Mages(Default Class) that you get, I prefer Henry because of his more upbeat personality. Sure he's more evil and destructive than Tharja, but he always seems to be cheery about as well.

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Ok I will admit it was a stretch to call them underrated, what I meant to say is that no one else gets anywhere near as much attention as Owain and Tharja.

The polls for top wives and husbands had Tharja as the top wife and Owain as top husband (proves my point)

Cordelia was the # 3 wife, Severa #6, and Cynthia wasn't even in the top 10

Lon'qu was the # 3 husband, Gaius #4, And Inigo #5

Yeah I think I know what you mean, they aren't as popular as Tharja and Owain. I was just confused for a second cause you listed pretty popular characters under "underrated."

Yep, I remember seeing Tharja as #1 and Owain was #1, topping Chrom. I consider Cordelia, Lon'qu and Gaius pretty popular husbands/wifes, but not as popular as the two characters you mentioned.

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