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Why does Serenes Forest dislike Owain and Tharja?


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Owain is tolerable to me, though his personality distinctly clashes with my RL personality with his delusional antics and heroics.

He also clashes with my favorite Dungeon and Dragon's character's personality.

Who my friend describes her as a "backstabbing 'female dog' ", which is an unfair description since she only betrays/robs/cheats people outside the party.

Thraja though is child abuser and that is just a no no.

Edited by sifer
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I really don't like Owain, but he at least has a decent character. As for Tharja...KILL IT. KILL IT WITH FIRE.

Edited by Gaius217
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I was going to say it's because this place is full of hipsters. But someone else pointed out, and agreeing with someone else's view would make it a bit too mainstream for me.

uuuuuuugh just because you dislike something that's well-liked by other people doesn't mean that you are a Hipster. This Hipster thing needs to die.

I dislike Tharja because she's a terrible person and abusive towards her daughter and Owain is annoying on the nails on chalkboard extreme.

Edited by glenncoco
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Owains moves, like 'Radiant Dawn' and 'Shinon Strike' are the closest this game gets (as far as I'm aware) to breaking the fourth wall.

DLC Anna. She has a camera, takes autographs, dyes her hair, is aware of character popularity polls, sells FE merchandise...

Back on topic, I don't outright loath Tharja, but I do resent that her outfit is not only passed to all other female Dark Mages, but drawn in Micaiah's DLC artwork. Henry and Virion have custom outfits in their base classes, so it's not absurd to ask that Tharja have one too and let the rest of the DMs have their hoods and cloaks from past games.

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Owain, my firm opinion on him is "Meh." Good unit, alright personality. Vastly overrated to high heavens.

Tharja? No. Screw her. No don't screw her. She's terrible. She's a creepy stalker (BTW: Who in their right mind marries their stalker?) she's an abusive mother, and unlike say Walhart with Morgan- it's not funny at all. [Worse is something people seem to not realize: THARJA IS ALWAYS AN ABUSIVE MOTHER. YES, EVEN IN THE GAME-TIMELINE. (For all that is holy look up Noire's solo ending.) When it comes down to Tharja, nothing changes. She is just as abusive to Noire in the postgame as she was in the original.] She's a bitch for a lack of a better term and isn't worthy of any of the praise she gets.

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Owain does get on my nerves now and then, but he's a cutie and I love him. It's odd that in one file he is my son, and in another file is my husband. 8U

As for Tharja...I have a "Love to Hate" relationship with her. I only pair her with Libra so Noire can become a beautiful blonde, otherwise I wish I could modify and tone down a lot that makes Tharja such a creepy and horrible person.

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Owain is alright. I don't dislike him more than any other FE:A character.

Thajra, on the other hand, is a creepy stalker and an abusive mother, who is only as popular as she is because she's attractive.

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I like Owain more than I ever expected to. I did find his gimmick amusing, which is more than I can say for a lot of gimmicks in FE13. So Owain's all right.

As for Tharja... hate the design, mostly like the character but the whole business with her treatment of Noire is off-putting. I like it that FE sometimes gives us playable characters who aren't necessarily good, but, with say, FE5's Lifis I feel we're supposed to find him contemptible and he never really reforms. With Tharja it feels like we're supposed to have a good laugh over her behavior and then love and cuddle her anyway. But that's par the course with the writing in Awakening-- throw something problematic up in the air and then shrug it off as all giggles and warm puppies.

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Tharja? No. Screw her. No don't screw her. She's terrible. She's a creepy stalker (BTW: Who in their right mind marries their stalker?) she's an abusive mother, and unlike say Walhart with Morgan- it's not funny at all. [Worse is something people seem to not realize: THARJA IS ALWAYS AN ABUSIVE MOTHER. YES, EVEN IN THE GAME-TIMELINE. (For all that is holy look up Noire's solo ending.) When it comes down to Tharja, nothing changes. She is just as abusive to Noire in the postgame as she was in the original.] She's a bitch for a lack of a better term and isn't worthy of any of the praise she gets.

Just looked up her solo ending:

Noire stayed with her mother after the war as her assistant. Was she simply trying to protect her infant self from Tharja's curses? Or did Noire find solace with the woman who brought her into the world?

So it ends with an unanswered, ambiguous question? I'm not sold that it proves she's always an abusive mother so many need her to be to justify their hate.

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People tend to hates on things they perceive as overrated.

People are allowed to dislike a character ( or in another case a Video Game ) that's well-liked or popular by others you know. Judging by this thread people are having pretty good reasons why they don't happen to like these characters.

Just like people are also allowed to enjoy a character who is unpopular or disliked heavily by the main fandom.

Edited by glenncoco
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People are allowed to dislike a character ( or in another case a Video Game ) that's well-liked or popular by others you know. Judging by this thread people are having pretty good reasons why they don't happen to like these characters.

Just like people are also allowed to enjoy a character who is unpopular or disliked heavily by the main fandom.

well, I'm sure there are some who legitimately just don't like their designs, personalities, etc. I of course did not mean every person who disliked Tharja and Owain in this instance. But the OP asks why on this site specifically that dislike occurs for these characters. Just to use Shinpichu as an example, because he's fessed up to it:

That doesn't help either. I wouldn't hate Thajra nearly as much as I do if she weren't popular.

Or the second post in on this thread:

I like Tharja, and Owain is ok but surely overrated. Actually, I think Cordelia is overrated.

Much of dislike (and its intensity) is reactionary. There's nothing wrong with that. It's just what SF does.

I view Tharja as a comedic character so my enjoyment of the character directly relates to how much I find her situations amusing. The stalker storyline is clearly played up to as a joke. It's especially hilarious considering she can marry another character. There's also hate that comes with perceived sexualization within the design. While I admit that it's there, judging from Henry and the Sorceror's design, I think that's something intentionally put in by the character designer Yusuke Kozaki. I look at it as the connection between sexualization and the dark arts, which makes a lot of sense, considering the repressed nature of a time like the renaissance.

Owain is a very fun character. When it's done right, I always enjoy a little fourth wall breaking. And he's got his own catchphrase and signature gesture, which is a plus. I remember Matt Groening once saying that the sign of great design in cartoon is that you can tell who it is from a silhouette. With Owan's signature pose, I feel that it's surely the case. The whole sword hand twitching also reminds me of G Gundam's Domon Kasshu's shining/burning finger, and I love that series to death.

I don't really mind the dislike, as it comes with being popular in a large community.

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I don't really have strong opinions about either. I like Owain a bit more because of Scramble/Future Past development and goofball heroics as a coping mechanism whereas poor Tharja gets what, a ridiculous oil rubbing conversation and something about boobs? I feel like many of the cast she's a potentially interesting character that wasn't implemented in the best of ways. I'm not a fan of her stalkery being passed off as comedy, tbh, and I would rather see heavier consequences because stalking is actually a pretty serious issue. This feels like the bulk of FE:A's issues, really. Nothing has consequences.

To say that any character from this game actually made enough of an impact on me to hate is inaccurate. Mild irritation/dislike, at most. And it ain't either of them.

Back on topic, I don't outright loath Tharja, but I do resent that her outfit is not only passed to all other female Dark Mages, but drawn in Micaiah's DLC artwork. Henry and Virion have custom outfits in their base classes, so it's not absurd to ask that Tharja have one too and let the rest of the DMs have their hoods and cloaks from past games.

It's actually the other way around IIRC

Kozaki got thrown all the class designs so he just drew Tharja based on that

As far as this game's design goes I'm a lot more angry at the art director (iirc he did the class designs) than Kozaki since the former is the ones that made all the decisions while Kozaki's just doing a job

Edited by Thor Odinson
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So it ends with an unanswered, ambiguous question? I'm not sold that it proves she's always an abusive mother so many need her to be to justify their hate.

The fact that she even curses her own daughter with nose dripping curses is equivalent to slapping your daughter in the face every time you pass by her.

And the fact she even curses her husband in place of Noire when they go to talk to her about it? Especially when it's MU? That's not love.

It's completely subjective on my end. It is the absolute opposite of everything I've been taught that a marriage should be, even if it's not perfect.

Where's Marc/Morgan in this for you people with MUs that married Tharja? Doesn't she see her sister's suffering?

Hell I'm even appalled that her popularity extended to the developers even in a certain interview.

My gosh, do people ONLY look at a fictional girl for looks and fetish fuel?

Hell, even among the people that married Olivia, the comments about "dat ass" or "hot dancer" or "wouldn't you marry a half-naked chick?".


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My gosh, do people ONLY look at a fictional girl for looks and fetish fuel?

Most of the time yes. Kinda hypocritical for me to say this since I never actually have a vidya games crush unless its an extremely hot old man

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Tharja makes me chuckle. I have a morbid sense of humor so there you go. Henry gets a barrel of guffaws from me.

Owain is a cool guy who doesnt afraid of anything. Hes my favorite male kid next to Gerome. I love me some Owain.


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Tharja as a character is interesting, but I'm rather on the fence here. Initially I was going to pair up with her for some reason, but I had to take a serious look at myself and go, "Is she really someone I would want to marry?" Overall, she has one of the most non-traditional personalities for most ally characters which really separates her from the rest of the cast.

The fact that she even curses her own daughter with nose dripping curses is equivalent to slapping your daughter in the face every time you pass by her.
And the fact she even curses her husband in place of Noire when they go to talk to her about it? Especially when it's MU? That's not love.

That's actually a really good point. However it's not like Tharja doesn't care about Noire since her Support and FoD conversations shows that she does love and care for her…I think. But still, in the real world, pretty sure that's FE equivalent of child abuse. Then again, she's rather cold with Morgan in their support compared to the other mothers. Hell, even Aversa was warmer than her…yup, no, Tharja's pretty bad…but interesting when there's no kids involved.

Owain, to me, personally he's awesome! Kinda reminds me of my high school best friend who was just as loud and spontaneous. Though at some point, he gets annoying, but his character latched onto me. He's just one of those characters whose personality you'll either really like or really hate.

Edited by Naui
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Where's Marc/Morgan in this for you people with MUs that married Tharja? Doesn't she see her sister's suffering?

Hell I'm even appalled that her popularity extended to the developers even in a certain interview.

My gosh, do people ONLY look at a fictional girl for looks and fetish fuel?

Hell, even among the people that married Olivia, the comments about "dat ass" or "hot dancer" or "wouldn't you marry a half-naked chick?".


Morgan doesn't have memories of anyone except MU, so it appears she knows nothing about Tharja's curses either.

As for the fetish fuel: Welcome to the West.

Tharja as a character is interesting, but I'm rather on the fence here. Initially I was going to pair up with her for some reason, but I had to take a serious look at myself and go, "Is she really someone I would want to marry?" Overall, she has one of the most non-traditional personalities for most ally characters which really separates her from the rest of the cast.

That's actually a really good point. However it's not like Tharja doesn't care about Noire since her Support and FoD conversations shows that she does love and care for her…I think. But still, in the real world, pretty sure that's FE equivalent of child abuse. Then again, she's rather cold with Morgan in their support compared to the other mothers. Hell, even Aversa was warmer than her…yup, no, Tharja's pretty bad…but interesting when there's no kids involved.

This. Of all the characters in Awakening, Tharja is unique in that she is a bad person most of the time. She's not even a comedic sociopath like Henry, just a very bitter person. And that's why I like her. Among a group of 50 people, where most of the more radical personalities are locked away in the endgame, Tharja stands out. Because of that uniqueness I became intrigued, and I've probably unlocked more supports for Tharja than any other character bar MU. That sarcastic, cold person piques my interest more than any other character.

As for Owain, I have a massive weakness for Large Hams. Even Vaike, who perpetually acts like an oaf, gets my approval for ham alone.

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Tharja makes me chuckle. I have a morbid sense of humor so there you go. Henry gets a barrel of guffaws from me.

Owain is a cool guy who doesnt afraid of anything. Hes my favorite male kid next to Gerome. I love me some Owain.


This. Especially Owain. Hasubando4lyfe.

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