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My cat is something


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So this little shit that I call my cat tends to block my view of the monitor by literally crawling up my chest and onto my shoulder as if though he's a parrot. And this happens whenever I try to type stuff here or on Facebook.

Then he wants to be petted despite the fact that he sees me doing something, and he doesn't take no for an answer.

But then again, I tend to bug him when he's trying to sleep, so I guess this is more of revenge than anything.

Cats are sneaky little creatures.

He may be a little shit, but he's my little shit.

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I don't own a pet. The closest thing to that for me owning a pet is my friend's dog like me better than him, seriously he come to me to be petted more than him. Also right now I am walking a friend's dog for a week, she is a cute lil' Westie.

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I'm not surprised at this. Cats can be so freaking weird. Mine used to have kitty sex with a stuffed dolphin I had. Of course, I let him keep it. I'm not taking back a stuffed animal that my pet's been screwing.

I'm glad I'm a dog lover. My two puppies are the best. <3

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I'm glad I'm a dog lover. My two puppies are the best. <3

That's what's up. :):

Cats aren't that bad though, like my cats catch birds and mice but play with it as it's still alive, writhing in agonising pain and trying so desperately to survive. It was always funny to see my mom flip out with she found half of a pigeon on the kitchen floor cx

I miss home..

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That's what's up. :):

Cats aren't that bad though, like my cats catch birds and mice but play with it as it's still alive, writhing in agonising pain and trying so desperately to survive. It was always funny to see my mom flip out with she found half of a pigeon on the kitchen floor cx

I miss home..

.... My dog tried to eat a baby bird ;~; And my my aunt and uncle had their two dogs playing tug of war with a squirrel so it was screeching at the top of its lungs >~<

I don't see how you could get any enjoyment out of anything like that... *shudder*

I'm allergic to cats so I don't have any cat stories~ Just that Specta's and Integrity's cat is super sweet and adorable and he doesn't shed as much as other cats which is cool =3 When he's kneading it's not as cool though~

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I have three cats, and typically at least one is on my lap and one or two are crawling around my desk if they didn't already lay down on my shoulder/chest.

Seriously, ever since I cleaned my room (the floor had a bunch of dirty clothes and garbage and such, I know, it's disgusting) my cat has been wanting to hang out with me and cuddle and sleep in my room. I mean, it's good to know that he wants to hang out with me, but jeez, this is nuts!

That's what's up. :):

Cats aren't that bad though, like my cats catch birds and mice but play with it as it's still alive, writhing in agonising pain and trying so desperately to survive. It was always funny to see my mom flip out with she found half of a pigeon on the kitchen floor cx

I miss home..

.... My dog tried to eat a baby bird ;~; And my my aunt and uncle had their two dogs playing tug of war with a squirrel so it was screeching at the top of its lungs >~<

I don't see how you could get any enjoyment out of anything like that... *shudder*

My cat does that too. I guess it's general animal instincts to catch and eat prey, especially rodents. My cat tosses the bird (flips the bird xD) back and forth until the bird eventually dies of exhaustion and he eats only half of the bird, and mice.

This one time, it was a few years ago, I finished cleaning my room (bed made, floor vacuumed, room smelling good) and he decided to bring a dead rabbit in the middle of the floor.

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I don't own them but I sometimes take care of my parents' and sister's combined three dogs and two cats. Basically I have :

A fairly standard, medium sized dog.

One that looks like it's praying when I go see him. He's also always excited but he's not even a year old yet.

A miniature long haired chihuahua that looks like it has the face of a bat and makes demonic noises. Usually he just barks a lot and really likes to sit on my lap.

Black Garfield.

And a cat that likes me so much that he bites me.

Edited by Woodshooter
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I said my mother's reactions were amusing not the prolonged agonising death

Yes I probably wouldn't find that situation amusing at all, I mean her reactions would be perfectly fitting for something so terrible and I would never have been able to feel amused about it when in the middle of that kind of situation ;~; And I guess it's just what it felt like, to me, with the "wee cats aren't that bad~!" thing I guess x3 I shouldn't have but I did...

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