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Racial Preferences of Your Significant Other: Is It Okay or Not?


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Since I don't want this thread to turn into a spamfest in FFtF and I don't want it to get into too heated and serious a debate in Serious Discussion, I thought posting this thread here would be the best place for it.

Anyways, the topic: do you think having racial preferences in regards to your significant other is a bad thing? Do you have any racial preferences in regards to a potential partner?

I personally think it's okay to an extent. I mean, if a guy finds Asian women more attractive than women from other races, I don't think there's anything wrong with that. I personally have a preference for Asian women (especially Filipinos).

Though if that same guy rejects another woman's feelings just because they're not Asian, that's quite wrong and discriminatory.

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preference and discrimination aren't the same thing. racial preference is perfectly fine and the reason for that is well...it's just their looks. it's like hair color preference, eye color preference, and weight preference...except not much can be done to change all the features that come with race on their part(likely the reason why it's controversial).

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This falls under the "We Cannot Really Control What We Are Attracted To" Column.

I also do think you will be hard pressed to find a person who ONLY likes Asian women. Not saying they dont exist, but ive really yet to meet someone like that. Im sure there are Japanese folks out there who have a preference for white girls. (and on the flipside, Japanese guys who vastly prefer Japanese women.) Saying "I will only date an Asian chick" is worth raising an eyebrow over but if that person legitimately does not find other races attractive on a more base level, its not exactly wrong. If their reasoning is "because Asians are superior!!" theres probably some racism involved.

I for one, am not incredibly attracted to black people. This has nothing to do with how i view black people as a race. And there are plenty of exceptions. Hello, Idris Elba! I just really cannot control what i am attracted to. I do not have a rule stating I'll never date a black person nor would i ever put such a rule into place.

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Is it fine to like big ol' titties more than l'il ones? I mean, that's pretty much it, as long as you're talking physical preference.

EDIT: OBVIOUSLY it can be a result of some prejudices sometimes, but it doesn't necessarily mean anything on its own so shouldn't be demonized on its own imhotep.

Edited by Integrity
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Preference happens. The problem is when somebody says "I couldn't be attracted to a black person" and such because they're dismissing an entire race as unattractive, which is pretty superficial and usually has roots in some form of prejudice.

basically good lookin people are good lookin people regardless of skin tone

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There's a difference between liking some physical attributes that seem more common to you in a certain race, and deciding you like a person because of an identity that you're essentially projecting onto them (and that they have no real control over).

Envision the "type" of person you think you like in your head. What do you see? How specific is it, both in terms of their appearance and tendencies? How much room for variation is there within this type?

If part of your line of thinking goes, "I like these people because I expect them to be a certain way," you might have a problem.

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There's a difference between liking some physical attributes that seem more common to you in a certain race, and deciding you like a person because of an identity that you're essentially projecting onto them (and that they have no real control over).

Envision the "type" of person you think you like in your head. What do you see? How specific is it, both in terms of their appearance and tendencies? How much room for variation is there within this type?

If part of your line of thinking goes, "I like these people because I expect them to be a certain way," you might have a problem.

Thats a great article and definitely true. This site tickles my funny bone in particular. Bay Area Humor.

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Thats a great article and definitely true. This site tickles my funny bone in particular. Bay Area Humor.

Bay Area for Best Area.

I'm kinda surprised I'd never seen the site before, since it looks like the sort of thing I'd read.

I don't really have anything to add to the topic that hasn't already been said. For me personally I find that there are some races that I find more people who are that race attractive, but I've seen gorgeous people of all races. Also that phrasing is really awkward and I hate it, but I'm too lazy to fix it and I think it's understandable so meh.

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