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Need a Little Help ^_^'


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I'm new to the forums so none of you know me :)

But i've never played a single fire emblem game in my life, and i got Fire Emblem: Awakening for my birthday a couple of weeks ago for the 3DS.

I need a little help understanding what the character customization means, i mean like, when you finish it says Asset resistance, attack e.t.c and flaw resistance, attack e.t.c.

Can someone tell me what this mean? and what are the advantages and disadvantages of both, thanks :D

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The Asset and Flaw are basically your character's strongest stat and weakest stat. They have a slight influence on your bases, growths and caps.

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Like what was said above they slightly affect max stats, growths and base stats. For a more in depth description of the creation process there is this page


You can also use these to test out whether or not you like that flaw asset combination.




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The Asset and Flaw are basically your character's strongest stat and weakest stat. They have a slight influence on your bases, growths and caps.


Like what was said above they slightly affect max stats, growths and base stats. For a more in depth description of the creation process there is this page


You can also use these to test out whether or not you like that flaw asset combination.




Thanks guys so much :D and also, which assets and flaws are best if I want to become a Sage?

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no matter who you want to become, +def (or HP) and -lck is the best way to go

i think

i'm actually not as good at fe13 theorycrafting as i am at other games

(ha ha the punchline is i suck at all of the games)

+def is powerful, especially on higher difficulties, but is not the answer to everything. What if I want to be a VV sorcerer and that +4 def stops me from reaching a critical damage threshold for Vengeance?

If you're going to be a Sage, str is a pretty good flaw (because you won't be using physical weapons). As for your asset, HP is a fairly small all-around boost, mag gives you more power, skl gives you a slightly better hit rate/crit rate/Dual Strike rate, but Sages have good enough skl that it probably doesn't matter outside of the first few chapters if you're playing on a higher difficulty. Spd is very good and helps you dodge stuff (nice because Sages aren't very durable) and double stuff for more damage, Luck boosts your critical avoid (not important on normal and rarely important on higher difficulties) and lets you achieve 100% Armsthrift (your weapons don't break) without a pair up much later on, which is also not important on lower difficulties because the game throws a ton of money at you later in the game and there are other ways of getting more. Def is good because Sages aren't very durable and lets them survive a little better (a lot better on Normal). Res is pretty much mag but slightly less powerful and slightly better at taking magical hits (which isn't very important because Sages already have good res).

Bottom line, I'd recommend +Spd/Def, -Str.

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A breakdown on Assets and Flaws for final class: Sage

HP [Asset]: No. Don't bother with this as an Asset.

HP [Flaw]: Again, no. Flawing HP hurts your early game, and then is a bad flaw late game.

STR [Asset]: Not useful to a Sage. The minor DEF and SKL boosts are exactly that, minor.

STR [Flaw]: Solid enough for a Sage. STR means nothing to a Sage- not even with Ignis calculated, since you need a ton of it to outdo Luna. DEF penalty is ignorable and SKL penalty while regrettable is ignorable.

MAG [Asset]: Very solid Asset for a Sage. This is your primary attack stat. An increase here is an increase in damage output. The minor additions are SPD and RES. RES is pretty ignorable, but more SPD is more SPD.

MAG [Flaw]: No, just no. Terrible for a sage.

SKL [Asset]: Allows for greater frequency of Activations, higher hit rate. One of the better post game assets.

SKL [Flaw]: Alright to flaw for main game, worst flaw possible for post game. If you're not looking for any post game, go ahead and flaw SKL. But if you are: NO. JUST. NO.

SPD [Asset]: Solid. You can always have more SPD. Great Asset to take for both main game and post game.

SPD [Flaw]: Don't flaw SPD. Negative 3 SPD sucks.

LCK [Asset]: Nothing gained here really. Increases STR and MAG by 2. But Luck is still a fairly bad stat.

LCK [Flaw]: Unsure what to flaw? Flaw Luck. The minor STR and MAG penalties are ignorable and Luck is a dump stat.

DEF [Asset]: Ok for main game, but very ignorable on a Sage. A Negative Six mod in Defense is more than enough for survival on the final DLC boss's Aether for crying out loud [That's as a Sage with another Sage as a pair up, mind you].

DEF [Flaw]: Hands down the best flaw for post game. The worst flaw for main game, but main game Asset/Flaw only matters for Lunatic(+). Probably your best choice, unless you're on Lunatic- but if you're asking this question you really shouldn't be.

RES [Asset]: Meh. Not really that great.

RES [Flaw]: Nothing notable. Hurts magic.

My reccomendation: +MAG/SPD; -DEF/LCK

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