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Why did you choose your Asset/Flaw combination?



86 members have voted

  1. 1. What was your Asset?

    • HP
    • Strength
    • Magic
    • Skill
    • Speed
    • Luck
    • Defense
    • Resistance
  2. 2. What was your Flaw?

    • HP
    • Strength
    • Magic
    • Skill
    • Speed
    • Luck
    • Defense
    • Resistance

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It's just my idle curiosity but I'd like to see why people chose certain Asset/Flaw combinations. Was it to make them like you? Was it just for gameplay reasons? Dunno, I've always wondered, figured it be interesting to hear other people's stories.

My Asset and Flaw, at least for my male Avatars, is always Luck+/HP-. I know that that's a pretty bad combination overall since my HP and defense stats grow pretty slow. However I chose that combination because I'm extremely lucky. I've avoided getting sick when others have gotten sick by the same virus, I've never broken a single bone in my body yet I've done some reckless stuff in my childhood while my friends weren't so lucky, and I've stumbled onto money in random places. Heck, I can't remember a raffle where I didn't win something. My flaw is HP because, unfortunately, I have exercise-induced asthma so I figured my Avatar would have similarly bad stamina (HP).

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Going with the last file I rolled.

+MAG gives me a Magic modifier of 4, which when I'm using Mag+2, and TF is effectively +11. Coupled with rallies, Celica's, Sage pair up, Tonic, I'm sitting on 87 ATK [brave]

-DEF gives me a Defense modifier of -3, which when rallied and with Sage pair up comes out to 34. 78 - 34 = 44. 80-44=36. 36+10 = 46. 79 - 34 = 45. 46-45 = 1....

85-1 = 84/2 = 42 + 87 = 129 [brave] (+77 [brave])

Fufufu... Hello, Apotheosis Sweep.

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Going with the last file I rolled.

+MAG gives me a Magic modifier of 4, which when I'm using Mag+2, and TF is effectively +11. Coupled with rallies, Celica's, Sage pair up, Tonic, I'm sitting on 87 ATK [brave]

-DEF gives me a Defense modifier of -3, which when rallied and with Sage pair up comes out to 34. 78 - 34 = 44. 80-44=36. 36+10 = 46. 79 - 34 = 45. 46-45 = 1....

85-1 = 84/2 = 42 + 87 = 129 [brave] (+77 [brave])

Fufufu... Hello, Apotheosis Sweep.

I think my brain exploded

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My asset was Magic because, as the son of Validar, I imagine the Avatar would have strong magic.

Flaw is Strength because it's the only flaw that doesn't decrease Magic (Luck decreases Magic) without leaving me vulnerable (like Defense would).

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+Mag or +Str, depending on which gender I'm using (my head canon has the two avatars as twins and it's just fun for me to split things between them), but both have -Def because… idk, it made things a little harder. I thoughts about -Luck, though, because they're both pretty unlucky in their backstories.

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+Luck because I probably got the idea from someone else (I might try something else for asset on occasion)

-Skl because Skill's pretty much been a joke stat since FE7, and this game didn't really change that, considering that as usual, lacking hit is much easier to fix than lacking crit evade. The hit to Defense, while unfortunate, is ignorable.

Edited by Levant Fortner
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Trying a new run with +Spd -Skl. (Wanted to see the results. Too soon to tell)

First run was +Mag -Str (Because I wanted to flail spells about)

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+Mag or +Str, depending on which gender I'm using (my head canon has the two avatars as twins and it's just fun for me to split things between them), but both have -Def because… idk, it made things a little harder. I thoughts about -Luck, though, because they're both pretty unlucky in their backstories.

Same here. The female twin gets +Magic/-Luck and the male twin gets +Strength/-Luck. Any other unrelated Avatars I use typically run +Speed/-Luck (not counting all of the Avatars in my Avatar Army, which have lots of combos that I don't remember anymore designed to help them in their respective class).

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Robin's asset is +mag and his flaw is -skl. I like magic and i think skill is relatively worthless. (Plus, I didn't want to pick -luck or -res because it lowers Robin's magic cap.) I've experimented with all of the assets and all of the flaws and several different combinations of them, but +mag -skl works best for me.

EDIT: Apparently, contrary to some people, I gave my main female avatar +strength while Robin the main male avatar got +magic.

Edited by Sangyul
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