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*Surprisingly Competitive-Worthy Pokemon*


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So in my absence from having internet, I decided I'd train some pokemon, IV/EV train them, the whole nine yards, and let it be said that a few honestly weren't that bad. I'll try not to mention the obvious ones like Greninja and Salamence because of how popular they are (and rightfully so)

I'll start:


Ability: Bulletproof


+Seed Bomb

+Hammer Arm

+Stone Edge/Rock Slide


Item: Assault Vest

EVs 252 HP, 252 ATK

*Can substitute choice band in for assault vest and move HP EVs to speed for an less stable but more offensive set

Good against: Mega Gengar and Spec'd Gengar (when not locked into dazzling gleam), Lucario (both varieties, Rotom W (if you can avoid getting burnt, works well with sticky web)

Beaten by: Any Flying type in existance, notably Talonflame, Life Orbed Gengar, Sylveon, and I'll run calculations later

Bulletproof let's him confidently switch in to a pokemon using a move such as aura sphere or sludge bomb, blocking all damage. If he can survive another hit, he can use a fairly powerful move at 176-ish attack, or he can force a predictable switch on a choice'd pokemon, for a free turn. Running a choice band leaves you at risk if you stick with earthquake and hammer arm, and life orb would actually make an okay substitute to prevent immunity exploitation and forced switching

But yeah, maybe mention a pokemon below that doesn't get a lot of love, but has potential

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Rhydon @ Eviolite
Trait: Lightning Rod
EVs: 200 HP / 20 Atk / 36 Def / 252 SDef
Careful Nature (+SDef, -SAtk)
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide
- Fire Fang
- Curse

i never had any GRANDIOSE COMPETITIVE SUCCESS PLANS for this fellow; i just really wanted to train a Rhydon. i'll freely admit the SDef investment is downright inefficient, but frankly i couldn't leave it so pitiful in good conscience, and the end result after Eviolite is a surprisingly competent mixed wall who can still dish out a good chunk of damage while sitting there and taking like 10% from anything that's not a water or grass move. needless to say he sorely misses the total lack of non-Rest recovery available to the Rhyhorn line, and his lack of speed ensures the enemy chipping away will soon catch up to him

haven't roadtested him in random matchup (i fully expect him to be dead weight there), but he's doing a surprisingly good job in super singles at the Maison and has been a key player in my highest streak there so far

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Bisharp's Defiant ability lets it boost itself when Aegislash tries to cockblock it or when the opponent uses Defog. +2 Sucker Punch with Blackglasses lets you do nifty things, and even OHKOs 4 HP / 0 Def Heatran more than 88% of the time after accounting for the possibility of a crit.

Hydreigon with Draco Meteor / Dark Pulse / Superpower (Focus Blast until Pokebank comes out) / Roost is good also thanks to the Steel nerf.

Edited by Miikaya
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Bisharp @ Leftovers

Ability: Defiant

EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Spd

Adamant Nature

- Sucker Punch

- Substitute

- Iron Head

- Swords Dance

Once you get a substitute and a couple swords dances up, just Sucker Punch through entire teams. The steel nerf means that it doesn't have to worry about hitting steels so you can run Iron Head as your secondary STAB. It loves intimidate and Sticky Web too.

Avalugg @ Rocky Helmet

Ability: Sturdy

EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Def

Impish Nature

- Avalanche

- Crunch

- Recover

- Rapid Spin

It's probably the best counter to physical dragons like Dragonite and Garchomp, as their Fire Punch/Fang will do pathetic damage to Avalugg and then retaliate with Avalanche. It also has reliable recovery in Recover and Rapid Spin to get rid of hazards. Crunch is to deal with spinblockers, and Rocky Helmet makes it laugh at Mega Kangaskhan while dealing residual damage to most other Pokemon.

Rotom-Mow @ Choice Scarf

Ability: Levitate

EVs: 252 SAtk / 4 SDef / 252 Spd

Timid Nature

- Leaf Storm

- Volt Switch

- Will-O-Wisp

- Trick

The often overlooked forme of Rotom, it can deal SE damage to every single Water type bar Ludicolo line. Its immunity to Spore and Thunder Wave makes it a good status absorber. Choice Scarf makes it outspeed almost any unboosted Pokemon and lead to surprise KOs. Trick can cripple walls like Blissey. It can also deal with the common Rotom-Wash.

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Avalugg @ Assault Vest

Ability: Sturdy

EV's: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Sp. Def

Careful Nature (+ Sp. Def, - Sp. Atk)

- Avalanche

- Gyro Ball

- Rapid Spin

- Curse

This set has worked out surprisingly well, and actually helped me defeat an entire team of Ubers on Random Matchup. Avalugg has insane defense, so defense EV's aren't really needed all that much. But thanks to his abysmal speed, Avalanche will always deal double damage, and Gyro Ball will always hit for high damage. And if you want to make Gyro Ball more powerful while making Avalugg more bulky, you can always set up a Curse or two to up the ante. And obviously Rapid Spin is good for removing entry hazards. Using this plus an Assault Vest, Avalugg makes a monstrous physical and special tank.

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IMO, Avalugg's a pretty short-lived spinner considering that his typing, speed, and low base special defense get him forced out frequently. If he's got Leftovers, basically any special attack hurts a lot, and if he's got Assault Vest, then he's that much more susceptible to SR and Sandstorm, as well as strong Rock- and Fighting-type moves. A user on Smogon posted the following:

252+ Atk Tough Claws Mega Charizard X Flare Blitz vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Avalugg: 268-316 (68.02 - 80.2%)
0- SpA Mega Charizard X Hidden Power Fire vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Avalugg: 270-318 (68.52 - 80.71%)

Edited by Miikaya
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Skuntank @ Black Sludge

Ability: Aftermath

EVs: 252 HP | 252 SP. DEF | 4 ATK

Nature: Careful (+SP. DEF, -SP. ATK)

- Pursuit / Sucker Punch / Foul Play

- Fire Blast

- Taunt

- Defog

He makes for an excellent hazard-remover in the lower tiers. Defog allows him to fart away SR, Spikes, and Sticky Web and his Poison-typing also allows him to absorb TSpikes. Pursuit can be used to smack switchers, Sucker Punch can be used to hit certain Pokemon not named Ferrothorn if they attempt to attack you after being taunted, and Foul Play can alternatively be used for good old STAB. Fire Blast has a comfy little spot in Skuntank's second slot because it allows him to hit unaware Steel-types with decent super-effective damage.

how does chesnaught counter gengar again when gengar is going to get sludge wave

I've actually fought a lot of people who have Sludge Bomb on their M-Gengar. I think they'll eventually learn from their devastating bulletproof experience though and start using Sludge Wave. That is, if Chesnaught sees some more usage.

Edited by Esme
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In my experiences battling Gengars, they tend to run sludge bomb, or get locked into shadow ball, which I believe can both be blocked by Bulletproof. Although I wasn't considering sludge wave at the time

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Ah, gotcha.

I wonder how many people actually used the dream world for a legit one though...

probably not many. The dream world was a terrible game mechanic IMO.

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Avalugg @ Assault Vest

Ability: Sturdy

EV's: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Sp. Def

Careful Nature (+ Sp. Def, - Sp. Atk)

- Avalanche

- Gyro Ball

- Rapid Spin

- Curse

doesn't the assault vest prevent you from using curse?
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It is not listed on serebii atm but I'll be getting SW at some point so I can test it out

Could just be not done updating

The only thing they're still updating is shiny pokemon iirc.


showdown is also pretty up to date as well

...ignore the fact that fire spin is there, but obviously it's illegal as well :S

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