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Terrain You'd Like To See


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So Fire Emblem is a strategy game, one aspect of battle is where it takes place. Fire Emblem has displayed this pitting people against each other in fields, forests, castles, ships and volcanoes. So let's discuss terrain. Is there any type of terrain you'd like to see in Fire Emblem that they haven't't done yet? Or is there some kind of location they only did once that you would like to see done again? Do you have any ideas on the gameplay side of things ie what they should do with some kind of terrain? Let's here your opinions on terrain.

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Legitimately I kinda like the stealth mission in PoR since figuring out how to get everything, recruit everyone, kill the boss and then have people get out before Ike WITHOUT FIGHTING THINGS was a fun puzzle. So...does well lit/un well lit terrain count? Could technically work for other mechanics.

Edited by Irysa
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Snow should reduce avoid, along with ice. Make the Ilia arc harder, dammit! (Except 20, maybe ease on the Berserk there. Or the entire game.)

Meanwhile, we don't really have much in the way of real castle combat. I'm not certain what to do with it, just make some more interesting situations (like taking staircases (which were usually designed to repel invaders) or making certain places when you take them useful (forges, kitchens and so on: used for supplies, which is relevant for a scenario where you are besieged.)

Sorry about the tangent there.

Other terrains? Most of them cover things pretty well. Stuff like roads and hills have affected things in games I haven't really played.

Though using a dark battlefield to your advantage, rather than fumbling about without torch/thieves, would be cool.

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Snow should reduce avoid, along with ice. Make the Ilia arc harder, dammit! (Except 20, maybe ease on the Berserk there. Or the entire game.)

I agree also I figured Ice would have a random chance of making a unit slide a space or so further then they wanted.

But maybe thats just me being trollish

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I agree also I figured Ice would have a random chance of making a unit slide a space or so further then they wanted.

But maybe thats just me being trollish

..... I avoided mentioning that as reduced avoid (and possibly hit) would be bad enough without you sliding. (Make an attack? lolnope now u slide across the lake.... into a promoted berserker with perfect skill.)

Now imagine FE6 with that. Or any other really. (I would have trained Shin so hard to avoid that horrible fate.)

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What if we had a sort of 3D chessboard with varying layers, especially for indoor stuff? I'm not entirely sure what the best method would be for the camera there, but we're at the point now where I don't think hardware limitations would be a problem for that.

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one thing that comes to mind is some kind of implementation of temporary/collapsible terrain, like an expanded take on breakable walls? for example, suppose a battlefield had a large pile of dirt or wood on it: it could give def and avo boosts, perhaps higher than a forest's and perhaps without the movement cost (unless you're on a horse), but the pile is unstable and will after some time/attacks collapse and revert to being a plains tile

perhaps by extension you could get items which when used set up these sorts of terrain types in a similar manner to shine barriers. the deployment of defensive sandbags, for example, could be a viable measure, particularly to the player's advantage in defensive maps

probably plenty of reasons why this wouldn't work out too well, but eh

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Jedi, i was literally thinking the same thing just yesterday. Ice mechanics would be fun, but i doubt many people would like it.

Also, just to troll, grass terrain that turns into an instant death pit when stepped on.

Edited by FalconVegeta1986
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I like the collapsable terrain idea. To expand on it, perhaps a wobbily bridge that would break if mounted or armoured units stepped on it. Drawbridges would be cool if reintroduced, but instead of requiring a key, a unit would have to find a switch to lower it.

Edited by Knight
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Solid walls that cannot be shot through except with siege tomes. No, those two-tile walls don't count when Longbows can still get through!

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I'm wondering what it'd be like to have a snow defense map, like a "being Russia invaded during the winter" kinda setup, and whether the catharsis of watching a hugely numerically superior force fall prey to good positioning by being too slow to back up reinforcements/having to trudge through hazards (whereas the player's force would be relatively safe and already set up well) would be of enough entertainment value to offset the whole scenario being relatively slow-paced.

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The series should copy the towers from TRS, which would give the unit on the tile a bonus to it's range.

They made for some nice defense fortifications. Especially when combined with the 4-range Arbalests.

Also, I definitely would like to see the height mechanics from Radiant Dawn return..

Edited by BrightBow
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Towers sound like a great idea. Another thing I'd liked from Radiant Dwn was the part 2 prologue. It was a map taking place entirely in the sky. Obviously it couldn't really be a common thing due to the necessary story set up that requires one to have only aerial units, but still I liked it and think there's more that could be done with it (gale fore winds changing movement?). Could be a good challenge or DLC map that requires you training a full team of aerial units.

Also it seems many people would actually like a level or two in every game where the player actually has the advantage in terms of terrain. Something else I think is a nice idea. Sure difficulty and being the underdog is cool and all but sometimes it's nice to feel like the universe isn't specifically designed to kill all your characters.

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The series should copy the towers from TRS, which would give the unit on the tile a bonus to it's range.

They made for some nice defense fortifications. Especially when combined with the 4-range Arbalests.

Also, I definitely would like to see the height mechanics from Radiant Dawn return..

Combine the two for Archers getting +1 range for every height tier above the opponent. Maybe Javelins and Hand Axes can get similar but require two height tiers per range boost. Wouldn't give this to Mages though.

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The series should copy the towers from TRS, which would give the unit on the tile a bonus to it's range.

They made for some nice defense fortifications. Especially when combined with the 4-range Arbalests.

Ugh. I remember those things. I hated them so much....

Anyway, I'd like to see some more rough types of terrain that only foot units can cross. Like frontier tiles in TRS. Actually theres a lot of things from TRS that wou;d be interesting for FE to implement.

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