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Fire Emblem 6 Mafia: (Day 4)


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Have kinda followed the game, but will have to actually read it again to get anywhere. I'll try to get it done in a rather short amount of time, but no promises. In the meantime:


Explain why Prims is scum.

@Rapier, Eurykins, Xinnidy

Make one post with 700 characters or less detailing who you're suspicious of and why.

@Everyone else

We don't have that much time left in the phase, so post your top 3 lynch priorities.

Lastly, if we can keep this thing under 15 pages for the first day, that would be excellent.

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Kaoz has been subbed in for Helios.

holy shit im being trolled

top 3 are probably... refa, bearclaw, marf in that order atm. i don't object to poly lynch from what i've seen. i think xinn/rapier are town. i'm also barely reading the game. sorry

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Uh. Honestly partial guy partial meta, his current play reminds me of xenoblade mafia(I think that was the one). But I mean walls on day one can do that to people so I'm not really planning on making a big deal out of it as of the moment.

Poly > Bear > and then third I guess would be Refa as I don't have too many other "I WANT THIS PERSON LYNCHED" reads as of the moment. I would greatly prefer one of these other two first though honestly.

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Whoa, a Kaoz sub has appeared. Will do.

Current Scummish/untrustworthy reads/vibes:

Shinori: His current postings so far (the random reaction testing with his postings) seemed weird, along with his seemingly tag-along buddying with Prims. Well, until he just flipped that thought around by calling Prims out as being scum in his last post. Idk what the hell to think of him right now. >_>

(And as a side note: I actually DID respond to your question, Shinori, but you apparently failed to read it. Go you. Lol.)

Bearclaw: Partially due to his lack of posting, which looked horrible after his muddling over Paper. Would prefer to reserve a read ‘til more content was posted, but currently, not a good feeling.

Vhaltz: His reaction to Shinori’s posting/reaction testing questions and his response regarding Poly seems weird.

Vhaltz, on 14 Dec 2013 - 07:32 AM, said:

Waffles. He has done objectively scummy stuff that I dislike but I had no trouble whatsoever pointing out objectively scummy things he did as town when I was scum last game so eh. Would consider lynching him if there's no other scummier options.

  1. He claims to have seen Poly doing ‘objectively scummy stuff’ that he dislikes, yet as far as I can tell in his posts, he fails to ever point them out or elaborate on them himself.
  2. What exactly does his comment regarding how he pointed out what he did as SCUM with Poly as town and doing so with no issue come into play, unless he’s afraid that he’ll be mimicking the same actions here?
  3. His reasoning/read against Poly seems a heck of a lot stronger than his reasoning against Shinori, whose questioning in themselves didn’t really seem like a legitimate means of being productive in the thread. And yet his vote remains on Shinori instead of Poly. Makes no sense at all to me.
  4. He also failed to respond to my questioning of why he's keeping tabs on Poly, unless the answer in itself was implied by his above quote/post. However, even that is minimal explanation/elaboration as to the reasons for doing so, and hardly answers the question.

Prims: His posting seems significantly less than what I’m used to. I don’t know if IRL events/priorities are affecting that (imo, his mannerisms even seem different than before, but that just might be me?), but his lack of attention/posting/reads into what’s been said and done in this thread is letting off gut reads of either lazy town, or scum limiting his posting/contributions.

Refa: His earlier wall posts were worrying/pinging me a bit, but his latest posts have slightly better feels to them. Not quite in the clear, but a better ring to him currently.

Vhaltz > Prims > Bearclaw > Shinori = Refa > Everyone else.


##Vote Vhaltz

[Given the time remaining, I can and will move my vote if I find it has no bearing on any lynch that is to occur. But I'll be keeping it here until then, or until I find the reason(s) to change it.]

PS. According to word doc, this post has 520 or so characters. Success!

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**Edit: I'm retarded. I apparently didn't post shit/thoughts on Poly in-thread, while somehow having it in my word doc (how the hell I failed to copy/paste it, idk). GG WP, another quick post incoming.

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@Everyone else

We don't have that much time left in the phase, so post your top 3 lynch priorities.

Xin > Rapier > Vhaltz.

I feel like Vhaltz is third because having gone back over his posts briefly, I'm getting a vibe much like his Healer Mafia play, where he looked uber-town for the first little bit, then flipped scum. Xin & Rapier are obvious at this point.

also lynching me just because I'm posting sporadically and am too busy to really elaborate on my reasoning for stuff would suck all kinds of ass for town later on, juss saiyan

y'all will love my role later on

I'll do more shit in the morning. Monday finals suck ass.

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Poly: Re-reading over his earlier posts (and the one above he just threw in), I.... really can't say that I like the vibes I'm getting from him. So much posting early on that did absolutely nothing, then a vote-switch to Paper, and then over to Xin. His last post, somehow, is dragging out really bad feelings from it too. >_>

also lynching me just because I'm posting sporadically and am too busy to really elaborate on my reasoning for stuff would suck all kinds of ass for town later on, juss saiyan

y'all will love my role later on

I'll do more shit in the morning. Monday finals suck ass.

Bolded: I don't know if this is a lazy sort of defense for himself, or what to think of it, quite frankly.

His claim that we'd love his role is making me feel quite the opposite atm.

Overall: Bad vibes are bad. Only saving grace I see is that I've pinned his random/sometimes seemingly stupid townie actions before as being scummy, so I have my doubts as to where to confidently stick him in my overall priority list. >___>

Vhaltz > Prims = Poly > Bearclaw > Shinori = Refa > Everyone else.

@Shinori: ...Eh, re-reading over your posting, I may have been quick to assume it, as I saw your quote-post (of Prim's STFU comment/agreement with his sentiment), then your "PRIMS WHAT AM I?", followed up with your direct responses to him regarding a point he was coming across with. Quick succession of what came off to me as amiable posting gave it a buddying vibe, if that makes sense. Whether it's true or not is anyone's guess.

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Dunno, partially feel that you are town but something is biting at me and telling me you're scum. Also I could be biased about your weird scum read on me that seems honestly pretty weak. Especially after you just stated that "Maybe you jumped the gun." but yet I didn't even move anywhere in your scum reads even after you thought that.

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Dunno, partially feel that you are town but something is biting at me and telling me you're scum. Also I could be biased about your weird scum read on me that seems honestly pretty weak. Especially after you just stated that "Maybe you jumped the gun." but yet I didn't even move anywhere in your scum reads even after you thought that.

Vhaltz > Prims = Poly > Bearclaw > Shinori = Refa > Everyone else.

^ was my current read.

You and Refa are currently the last two in terms of any possible bad vibes/scummy read. Therefore, you are at the bottom of the totem, closest to 'null read'. And just because I may have misread your 'buddying' action/posting doesn't dismiss your earlier actions (reaction-testing posting, so you claim), nor does it clear up my curiosity/confusion over the Prims scum claim (as, at least to me, your reasoning for finding him scummish is 'partially meta' and... 'partially guy' seems quirky in itself? Whatever the hell "partially guy" means- care to explain?) That, and the fact that you noticed it, mentioned it, and then dropped matters abruptly as soon as you were pulling up your priorities for Kaoz seemed a bit odd as well.

So, seeing as you're the BOTTOM rung of the reads and I still had plenty of doubts in your actions/responses, why is there an issue with me not moving you around in the priority list? Quite frankly, I see more reason to move you up the list than off of it as it stands right now.

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Think he means partially gut.

Helios: ;-;

Right. As for getting lynched... Poly's still the main contender for me. Not sure who else, I wasted today, sorry. I'll try to get a post with real reads soon but... yeah. Uhm, Prims' attitude is still annoying me, but don't think he's scum. Shinori's pinging me a bit but that's mostly gut, so wouldn't really want to lynch him today. Ugh, yeah.

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I feel like Vhaltz is third because having gone back over his posts briefly, I'm getting a vibe much like his Healer Mafia play, where he looked uber-town for the first little bit, then flipped scum. Xin & Rapier are obvious at this point.

Xinnidy and Rapier aren't obvious to me, would you please elaborate. Also, do you expect Vhaltz to look scummy when he's town or something? If not, that point doesn't make much sense in my mind either. Regarding your #94, you're justifying yourself in response to Vhaltz by saying it was just an RVS vote, but then vote Paper for... an RVS vote?

Also not liking the role threat.

Could someone explain the bearclaw case to me again, please. Is it mostly because of inactivity or is there some glaring issue with his posts that I missed? If it's about what Vhaltz said in his #126, I don't see any contradiction. It reads to me like bearclaw said Paper's reasoning for voting SB was that he found SB overly defensive, but bearclaw didn't read SB's post the same way and thus doesn't agree with the reasoning. Wouldn't support his lynch at the moment.

I didn't like Refa too much when reading through the thread again, but find it kinda difficult to pinpoint my issues with him, also I feel like Eurykins' case on Vhaltz has some merit. I'll try to look more into both of them before the end of the phase, but gonna take a break for now since I've been at this for a while.

In terms of priority: Polydeuces > Vhaltz/Refa

##Vote: Polydeuces

If we could get some updated votals that would be great as well, and considering that there are only a bit over 5 hours left in the phase, if any wagon is ahead of the others by a significant amount (2-3 votes or so), that person should probably claim.

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The "Guy Isn't in This Game" Votals

Paperblade (1): bearclaw13
Rapier (2): Paperblade, Refa
Xinnidy (1): Polydeuces
Refa (3): Prims, SB., Rapier
Polydeuces (4): Shinori, scorri, Bluedoom, Kaoz

Shinori (1): Vhaltz

Vhaltz (1): Eurykins

Voteless Dorks: Xinnidy

With 14 voters, 8 votes equals a phase ending Hammer (although it's not necessary).

You have a little over 5 hours until Day 1 ends.

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-I get where you're coming from in your Shinori case, but honestly his other posts as a whole made me think that he is town.

-I called his votes easy because it seemed like he could switch off them pretty easily, but I agreed with what he had to say about his votes.

-Actually, why would I be appeasing him if it's clear that I still find him scummy and am voting him? Like really, I don't see why I'd do that even as scum.


-Don't really like his comment on the Eury wall, gives the impression of trying to paint townie actions in a bad light (also how is doing reads on like 6-7 players equivalent to almost every player in the game).

Italics: If a vote is easy but good, how does it make it scummy?

Underlined: The problem I had more with it was how a lot of those reads were waffles that ended up becoming nullreads later, and that was only really when I was told to look into them closely.

I feel like Vhaltz is third because having gone back over his posts briefly, I'm getting a vibe much like his Healer Mafia play, where he looked uber-town for the first little bit, then flipped scum. Xin & Rapier are obvious at this point.

also lynching me just because I'm posting sporadically and am too busy to really elaborate on my reasoning for stuff would suck all kinds of ass for town later on, juss saiyan

So basically Vhaltz appearing town like he did when he was scum makes him third party? I have no idea how you got to that conclusion. The second part is basically something you were attacking Paperblade early on for, not explaining himself.

Readspost will come in a few minutes, switching for readability.

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