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Logbook draft [fe13]


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Premonition: free

Prolouge: 4 /4

Chapter 1: 3/7

Chapter 2: 4/11

Chapter 3: 5/16

Chapter 4: 3/19

Boring. Chrom and Fredrick solo, not very interesting.

Chapter 5: 3/22

Yeah Minerva. Having a flier is very helpful. Also last chapter with Fred. Not that he is anywhere as good as Minerva.

I'm pretty sure I put some of the turn counts down wrong, but whatever it's probably the same as everybody else's.

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I PM'd Randa about this. . .and given that I didn't draft as everyone else did, don't mind my turns. I'm doing this for giggles only.

Premonition: LOL

Prologue: 4/4

Chapter 1: 3/7

Chapter 2: 4/11

Chapter 3: 5/16

(and then I got enough dough for Marth and Lute. If I'm reading the Renown thing correctly, it means that I can get/sell the statboosters too!)

Chapter 4: 3/19

(taking a break, because Chapter 5 is an unexpected PITA)

Next question: Can we use the Second Seal from Renown?

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Okay~! Used to good effect~!

Chapter 5: 6/25 (I am PROUD of this clear, since I had two swordlocked units and all)

(intermission: Golden Gaffe completed, got just enough gold to recruit Brom, who immediately nommed the Second Seal to become a Cavalier)

Paralogue 2: Free~! Marth thanks you~!

Paralogue 1: Free~! Chrom thanks you~!

Chapter 6: 5/30 (Brom assassinates Validar because Underdog wins)

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Chapter 7: 3/33

Chapter 8: 7/40 (like, the only chapter where having horses legit sucks)

Chapter 9: 5/45 (I honestly can't remember if it was 4 or 5, so I'm taking the higher number)

(promoted Lute to Dark Knight, and reclassed Marth to Cavalier)

Chapter 10: 4/49 (again, don't quite remember the turn count, except that Lute stomped everything)

And with that, another trip to get money~!

(promoted Brom to Great Knight, recruited Elincia)

Chapter 11: 3/52 (one Rescue charge used to bring Brom into the thick of things)

Chapter 12: 4/56 (Lute runs one way, Brom runs the other way, chaos ensues)

Chapter 13: 1/57 (Olivia dances Elincia the ferry)

Chapter 14: 2/59 (couldn't get Lute into range on turn 1)

Chapter 15: 4/63 (one Rescue used on Say'ri, so those knights would move)

(Lute reclassed to Valkyrie in the middle of Chapter 15, and after some shopping, picked up Karel)

Chapter 16: 3/66 (one Rescue used on Olivia so that she could dance Lute to the boss)

(with the bullions on this chapter, had something like 30k in unsold lumps of gold, so used the proceeds to get Altenna. Promoted Marth to Great Knight)

Currently on Chapter 17, and need to figure out whether or not the boots are worth it (I'm leaning no).

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SOMEONE managed to mess something up, so I'm gonna redo this from the beginning.

(and redoing it AGAIN)

Premontion: ALL THE TURNS

Prologue: 4/4

Chapter 1: 3/7

Chapter 2: 3/10

Chapter 3: 4/14 (requires Frederick with 13 Speed, which I had)

(acquired Marth/Lute)

Paralogue 1: Free (plenty of levels on Chrom, and a few on Marth; THIS TIME, remembered to strip Donnel before ending the map)

Chapter 4: 2/16 (requires Marth to have gained some Strength/Speed, which I did on Paralogue 1)

Chapter 5: 5/21 (I still hate this chapter)

(acquired Brom after many resets in Golden Gaffe because I would've gotten a grand total of 8,000 gold on one of my runs. Really.)

(burned Second Seal on Brom to reclass him to Wyvern Rider. Yes, I have a better plan.)

Paralogue 2: Free (more levels on Chrom/Marth, and hopefully enough to get Brom to decent axes)

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It continues!

Chapter 6 - 5/26 (meh, but at least everyone survived, and Brom hit D axes)

Chapter 7 - 2/28 (Brom solo with Marth picking up a couple of Falchion kills)

Chapter 8 - 6/34

Chapter 9 - 4/38 (Lute insisted on blocking things with her face, which is why I couldn't go as fast as I wanted to)

Chapter 10 - 4/42 (screw the extra turn, I wanted my Master Seal)

(got Elincia, promoted Brom to Griffon Rider bird thingy; he has 25 Speed. Fed him a Speed Tonic so he could double Gangrel with support from Marth. Fed a Seraph Robe to Lute so that she'll stop dying to a stiff breeze)

Chapter 11 - 3/45 (no matter how I slice it, I either miss a unit, or Lute dies)

(finally promote Lute to Dark Knight)

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New day, new post~!

Chapter 12 - 3/48

Chapter 13 - 1/49 (didn't need Rescue~!)

Chapter 14 - 1/50 (dual fliers FTW)

Chapter 15 - 4/54 (that's what the summary told me)

(Karel get)

Chapter 16 - 2/56 (Brom has Deliverer and Hammer access, which made this chapter pretty easy)

(sold all the bullions I had to get Altenna)

Currently experimenting on Chapter 17. . .need to figure out how to get the Boots and the boss in three turns.

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I return!

Chapter 17 - 4/60 (decided I liked my sanity more than a turn)

Paralogue 6 (Inigo's recruitment chapter) - well, it's available, soo. . .(did this to replenish my door keys)

(Marth promotes to Great Knight, Lucina promotes to Great Lord)

Chapter 18 - 1/61 (Deliverer is THAT GOOD)

Chapter 19 - 1/62 (see the previous chapter; Brom is fast enough to double Walhart, as well)

(reclassed Altena to Griffon Rider to take advantage of the insanity that is Deliverer)

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Paralogue 19 - Free (Marth has Luna and Elincia has Lancefaire)

Chapter 20 - 2/64 (I got the thing to work by putting Olivia on Altena, having Brom GO THE DISTANCE with Chrom in tow, then rescuing Altena on the second turn so that Olivia would move eight spaces to dance Brom to Walhart and Killer Axe his face in)

(Brom reclasses to Wyvern Lord, for MORE STATS; he also gets a Speedwings so he can double the boss. I also forgot to add this.)


Chapter 21 - 2/66 (Apparently, Brom with a Hand Axe can ORKO the boss; Brom + Marth + Boots = 13 move, which is enough to get into range of the boss on turn 2)

Chapter 22 - 1/67 (got Helswath on my way out)

Chapter 23 - 4/71 (got lazy, because screw everything about that chapter)

Chapter 24 - 3/74 (Altena has Deliverer)

Chapter 25 - 1/75 (Elincia either had to dodge someone with a bow, with a ~7.8% chance, or Chrom had to proc a dual attack, at 44%. ELINCIA DODGED FIRST)

(Brom gets a Speed Tonic. . .and maybe a Strength Tonic, I don't remember. Gave Marth an Energy Drop for some unnecessary reason. Got a Brave Axe, as well.)

Endgame - 1/76 (Brom + Marth have enough movement to kill the Berserker at two-range. He's then rescued and danced, then hits Grima with the Brave Axe, with Marth in tow. For this to fail, Grima would need to proc Dragonskin at least five times, or he'd need Dragonskin procs on all eight attacks with Marth attacking at least once. . .in other words, not happening.)

Normally, I don't edit posts after a new day, but I wanted to keep my analysis separate.

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Here's why I chose each of my units, and my thoughts (in order of appearance):

Marth (Falchion, Aptitude) - Crazy level-ups were the norm, not the exception. Despite being reclassed a little late, he was still able to contribute quite a bit. I had. . .other plans for him, but it looks like everything worked out in the end. Great Knight makes him a pretty good pair-up partner (especially when combined with Deliverer).

Lute (mage, Veteran) - Probably the biggest disappointment. She wound up being really frail, which meant I couldn't throw her into as many things. Lifetaker literally kept her alive. I'd originally wanted to get her Dual Support+, then have her pair with Marth to kick Grima's ass, but she didn't have what it took to do that.

Brom (Underdog) - MVP right here, folks. Underdog allows him to reclass safely, because nothing can hit him while he's underleveled. Once he got Deliverer, he was a wrecking ball and a half. He didn't need Lancebreaker, which meant that I should've reclassed him to Wyvern Lord sooner. His Avoid in the end was crazy - 15 from Underdog, 15 from Quick Burn, and 10 from Tantivity, along with whatever pair-up bonuses he had dropped Grima's hit to 36.

Elincia (flying staffbot with Dual Support+) - Rescue on wings was absolutely clutch in certain chapters (like 25), even if she was pretty bad in combat.

Karel (Swordmaster who could Do Things if he had to) - +8 Speed on pair-up allowed me to double things I would otherwise have issues with, and Astra + Luna + Killing Edge almost made up for his bad Strength. I should've given him an Energy Drop immediately.

Altena (flying tank) - Absorbed arrows, but paled in comparison to Brom (who outright dodged them).

Linus (Counter/Sol with good axe rank) - Didn't exist for long, but was amazing when he did. If he didn't dodge it, he reflected it. Sol kept his health up.

(and now for the units that had lines)

Chrom - Had decentish stats, but nothing amazing (like the rest of my team).

Olivia - Dancer/10, and Lucina's mom.

Lucina - Didn't have much in the way of stats, but donated her support bonuses to whoever needed a modest Speed boost.

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