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Nanami Touko

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I'm not in a rush to make a profile; lots of reading to do so I can make someone that fits in the world. If someone beats me to it, then oh well.

I don't mind waiting, there's a lot of space between now and new characters, so take your time.

It's first come first serve, not first come first pick. I'd be understanding of Mr. Opinion's decision if he decided to pick someone else over me. Despite that, I have here a biography I quite like, so I shall submit it. What's the worst that could happen?

Name: Vire Radan

Race: Half-Elf

Age: 26

Appearance: Vire is, in her whole aspect, quite small, as if she obtained the breadth of an elf and the height of a very, very short human instead of a more typical arrangement of traits. Her height is laughable, falling just shy of five feet, though while skinny her arms have a little more muscle to them than one would expect, but only a little. Her skin is deathly pale but clear and relatively healthy outside of its ashen color. Her Elfin heritage causes her to have an overall younger appearance, and mixed with her height she appears as one barely in her twenties, if in them at all. Night-like dark purple hair, cut around shoulder length, drapes over the back of her head with a bronze circlet to keep it out of her eyes. She dresses very conservatively, a thick dark blue robe with purple and yellow patterns along the rim coming down past her knees and covering loose, long clothing of a similar midnight purple to her hair. Her robe includes a hood which can be tied at the chin.

Personality: Vire is a very quiet person, tending to keep to herself. In a crowd or even small groups she tends to shrink away and mind her own business. Most commonly, this business is reading. Vire has spent most of her life reading in one form or another, and it holds a special place for her. She normally speaks slowly, calmly, with minimal inflection. This is because she operates on the bare minimum amount of sleep possible, though despite staying up well into the night and waking before sunrise she manages to stay reasonably alert. It's likely her blood-given health benefits that allow her to do this, and it's also likely her tendency to sleep so little stunted her growth. Her social skills leave a bit to be desired, as she tends to use conversation as a chance to explain things about whatever book currently holds her thoughts instead of actually conversing. Despite her general tranquility, Vire also has a trigger which will send her into a blind rage; Haphephobia, the fear of physical contact. While she has learned to tolerate (though still strongly dislikes) people accidentally brushing against her, intentional contact will cause her to explode on the poor soul who touched her, usually smashing them with a book. Vire is very rarely without a book.

Backstory: Born and raised in (Whatever Town is Convenient for the Story), Vire's mother was a human merchant, her father an Elfin one. The two met and made trades and the like, and her father took a fancy to her mother. Being an elf, he was not very afraid of less kosher deeds, and the two had a daughter. Being a jerk, Vire's father didn't stick around for her birth. Her mother was a successful merchant, so even as a single parent she was able to provide a reasonably comfortable childhood to Vire. However, the circumstances of Vire's conception left her mother with a feeling of guilt, and she never married as a result. Though her mother was a smart woman, young Vire was rather clueless. As a result she would often fall victim to the jokes of others, the shame causing her to isolate herself and read to better her mind.

A bastard child, Vire never garnered much respect with others, and her mother sometimes garnered scorn. They did not have a very loving relationship, instead adopting a mutual desire to be alone. Vire would keep to her books, her mother would keep to her work. Secluding herself from others and raised under the shadow of her parentage, Vire developed a disdain for for physical contact which cultivated into full blown haphephobia. Spending so much time reading and studying, Vire eventually began to practice Dark Magic. She became rather good at performing the basic tricks and exercises, but had never thought much about using it combat. None the less, her use of this forbidden fruit of spellcraft brought even more contempt to her from the few who knew much of her, adding fear to a list of reasons to dislike her. The reason Vire picked dark magic over light or anima is that she finds it more cooler and more comfortable. Fire, thunder and light generate too much heat and are too bright, while wind magic can easily make a mess of things like papers. Now an adult woman, she owns a small bookshop in which she works entirely behind the counter.

Her specific reasons for taking work as a mercenary might change if a more sensible reason in the plot comes up, but plain old debt is what I'll go with for now. Not many people care to by books from the illegitimate dark mage who never talks to anyone, and rather than request money from her mother (starting to go through tough times herself), she turns to the use of her tomes to pay the bills.

Base Stats/Growths:

Hp: 18 (70%)

Str: 1 (15%)

Mag: 5 (50%)

Skl: 6 (35%)

Spd: 3 (40%)

Lck: 4 (20%)

Def: 2 (40%)

Res: 4 (30%)

Con: 9 (2%)

Aid: 8

Move: 5

Affinity: Ice

Weapons: Dark (D)

Inventory: Flux, Vulnerary

Skill: Rend

I may change the growths around a little, but this is the general style of unit I would want Vire to be.

and I'll go over this when I get back from drinks.


So there's nothing really wrong with the backstory stuff. It isn't incorrect with the lore, it's detailed, etc. etc.

The character kinda seems kinda, like, really edgy, with the "man dark magic is so cool", and "totally a lone wolf don't get near me".

I suppose that isn't a bad thing if one knows what they're doing, and you haven't really gone wrong with Kassem in Shinvel, so I wouldn't be opposed to giving you a chance.

The only problem I have is the Haphephobia.

Neglect and teasing wouldn't convincingly develop into this phobia. I'm still studying to be a psych major (second year woo) so I won't claim ultimate, uncontested knowledge, but Haphephobia develops mostly from physical or sexual abuse. Neglect or teasing, depending on the amount, would probably turn into social anxieties or in extreme cases, misanthropy. So yeah I'm not the most okay with that.

There's also freaking out and attacking other characters which like, if you ask and they say "yeah sure you can cc my character getting hit", then it's fine, but just having it happen because someone wasn't paying attention is no bueno. Even as GM, if I ever interact with a character a way an RPer doesn't appreciate, I change it, so I wouldn't be super keen on that.

That's all. I'll wait for 2g before making a decision on things.

Edited by I have opinions
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The character kinda seems kinda, like, really edgy, with the "man dark magic is so cool", and "totally a lone wolf don't get near me".

I suppose that isn't a bad thing if one knows what they're doing, and you haven't really gone wrong with Kassem in Shinvel, so I wouldn't be opposed to giving you a chance.

Really? I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to be edgy. I was trying to use cool in the sense of temperature and outside the one tick I didn't intend for her to like that.

The only problem I have is the Haphephobia.

Neglect and teasing wouldn't convincingly develop into this phobia. I'm still studying to be a psych major (second year woo) so I won't claim ultimate, uncontested knowledge, but Haphephobia develops mostly from physical or sexual abuse. Neglect or teasing, depending on the amount, would probably turn into social anxieties or in extreme cases, misanthropy. So yeah I'm not the most okay with that.

I'm not any sort of expert of psychology either (congratulations sir), but to my understanding yes, that is the most common reason. I probably use the term 'phobia' a little loosely. I didn't want to have an abusive backstory, so if needed I can certainly reduce it to (admittedly extreme) social anxiety.

There's also freaking out and attacking other characters which like, if you ask and they say "yeah sure you can cc my character getting hit", then it's fine, but just having it happen because someone wasn't paying attention is no bueno. Even as GM, if I ever interact with a character a way an RPer doesn't appreciate, I change it, so I wouldn't be super keen on that.

Sorry, I'm used to another system. I get what you're saying, and I believe I'll change it so that's a more extreme possible reaction instead of the default. That's closer to what I originally wanted, I admittedly typed this up in a hurry so one or two things are simplified or I forgot them.

Edited by AnonymousSpeed
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Name: Ahava

Race: Human
Age: 22
Ahava has long platinum hair and deep green eyes. Her skin is a fair tan due to her traveling. As with most magic users, she has a slim build that keeps her nimble on the battlefield.
Her attire consists of a light lilac armor vest covering her chest, upper back, and shoulders. Under the armor is a white leotard, the bottom of which is covered with a pleated skirt often seen on peg knights. The limited amount of armor keeps Ahava free from overbearing weight. She has a pair of leather boots that reach halfway up her calves. Long white gloves reach up her arms and help keep a good grip on her staff. Finally, she has gold chain around her head like a tiara. It holds a small sapphire between her eyes.

Personality: Ahava is a strong-willed independent person; it is the driving force behind her desire to change the world.

Backstory: Ahava was once someone else entirely: her birth name was Rachel Barsony. She lived among the ranks of nobility in Felson. Her father Luther was a lawyer that had helped more than a few neighbors get out of trouble with the law. Large sums of money tended to follow such cases. She was content living off her parents until a proper suitor arrived. One day however, she overheard a priest give a sermon from one of the rungs below.

“The First Man has returned! He is you!”

Rachel saw herself as moderately pious, but those words set off a religious awakening. The sermon went on to suggest that the First Man had not returned as one man but as all humans. Each of their good deeds would return the world to the perfect state the First Man had left before. Once utopia was created, all humans would join their master in eternity. To Rachel, it was a beautiful thought that reframed everything she thought of the world. No longer would she live in sloth and indifference to the world!

At first, Rachel kept her efforts local, helping feed the poor in the lower rung. That turned into handouts and donations to keep charities afloat. Unfortunately, she saw such money go into the hands that least needed it, including her own family. Rachel sought the advice of the priest that gave the sermon. Rather than a long speech, he had one statement.

“The hands of the First Man are not made of gold, but of flesh.”

Another epiphany! If Rachel truly wanted to heal the world, money could not take her far enough. Only her own strength would set about change. She abandoned the noble class, changed her name, and became a priestess for the Church of the First Man. There, she trained not as a preacher but as a warrior. These priests would travel the world as mercenaries, yet did not ask for gold in return. They believed that no monetary value could be set on their work. All they would ask in return was food, board, and perhaps a chance to spread the good word (though gifts of gold were still accepted).

Now renamed Ahava, the young priestess travels the continent, performing tasks as simple as fetching water to defending farmland from marauders. She truly believes she is doing the work of the First Man.

[Custom Class Name: Priestess]

Base stats/growths @ lvl 1:
Hp: 15 (70%)
Str: 4 (45%)

Mag: 4 (45%)
Skl: 6 (40%)
Spd: 4 (30%)
Lck: 2 (30%)
Def: 3 (25%)
Res: 3 (15%)
Con: 6 (1%)
Aid: 4
Move: 5

Affinity: Ice

Weapon Ranks: Lance ©, Staff (D)


Mend Gauntlet (Flavored Mend Staff): Ahava’s right glove contains the "healing stone" (the thing on the staves that do the magic) in the palm. This allows her to heal without carrying a bunch of sticks all over the battle field. Stone is removable for replacements and upgrades.

Iron lance: Ahava wields it like a bo staff.

Skill(s): Great healing (add level/2 (rounded up) to the amount you heal when healing)

Of note: Ahava doesn't tell people her true identity. Barsony was somewhat famous in upper Felson society; at times, infamous. She feels her family history would diminish her contributions and attract the wrong kind of people.

Edited by Toogee
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Maybe you can all take fliers on promotion or something, and then we could do that |D

idk it might be worth considering

Oh, it's been considered. I want to see how she plays before committing. ;)

So what's stopping us from having a triangle attack with just anyone? Require all three participants to have some minimum support level with each other and you're set.

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Yeah but then everyone would be triangle attacking everywhere

C supports are real.

Unless I demand a group of 3 have A supports. Hmm.

Also prooobably excepted, will add to the sheet later.

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Yeah but then everyone would be triangle attacking everywhere

C supports are real.

Unless I demand a group of 3 have A supports. Hmm.

S Rank only. Monogamists need not apply.

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yeah but then bosses get fucked unless i make it not work on bosses and then it loses its luster as being able to only deal with one strong enemy per map rip

it's a tough cookie for fe rps

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I was just kidding anyhow (well maybe not totally kidding, but I wasn't being too serious about it either). It's probably best not to implement it just so that there's one less thing to worry about when balancing maps.

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  • 2 weeks later...

so this is still open to sign up? (if not im sorry)

Name:Alber Felford

Race: Human

Age: 21

Appearance: He is 5'4" tall has rich dark red hair and darker red eyes. He has relatively tanned skin he wears a brown shirt with ripped sleeves with a purple cloak overtop of it, brown pants and shoes with a small sack tied to his waist.

Personality: Alber if very condescending towards others. He acts very intelligent and luckily has the brains to show for it. He enjoys taunting those he fights and speaks using sarcasm very often. The only time he'll get serious is when his or someone he cares for life is on the line.

Backstory: Alber doesn't care or know where he was born. He spent more of his childhood on a pirate ship than on ground, and when he was on land he usually didn't end up going any farther than the port he was on. His mother and father were both very great privateers and captain and co captain of a crew. As he grew up unlike the majority of his crew mates he managed to study about the world and learn to read and write. Alber became more the brains behind operations as he got older being abke write letters and sign contracts. During an expidition both his parents were killed, after he and his mates completed the job Alber was appointed captain. Not long after he decided to quit to avoid ending up like his parents and appointed his parents first mate captain and left to live on land. Alber became a trained mercenary using his privateer skills to raid and kill whoever he was highered to. After being a mercenary for a couple years he somehow ended up being highered by some naga.

Class: Thief



Hp: 15 (40%)

Str: 6 (35%)

Mag: 0 (15%)

Skl: 5 (40%)

Spd: 7 (60%)

Lck: 4 (60%)

Def: 2 (25%)

Res: 2 (25%)

Con: 5 (2%)

Aid: 4

Move: 6

Affinity: Wind

Weapon Ranks: Sword(D)

Inventory: Iron Sword, Vulnery


I think i did this right but its very complecated O.O

Edited by Wind_Sword_OP
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  • 3 weeks later...


Name: Yuria Maladolche

Race: Half-elf

Age: 23 (looks about 18)

Appearance: A rather tiny half-elf, even by elven standards. Short brown hair cut into a bob, with close-fitting green plate armour. Her eyes are both a very light blue, which she is rather self-conscious about since she feels it looks unnatural with her hair colour.


  • A rather cheerful girl for the most part, Yuria was occasionally considered to be a ray of sunshine amongst her rather large family.
  • Her sense of right and wrong is rather... unusual, to put it lightly.
  • She shows a great deal of naivety in regards to combat and war as a whole, thinking it to be this grand spectacle of heroism.
  • She also loves to compare things that others do to the deeds of her family, though they're often exaggerated by Yuria's unusual perception.
  • Bringing up her mother seems to be a rare sore point for Yuria, though it's unclear as to why.
Backstory: As her father was a blacksmith, Yuria's dreams of becoming a soldier seemed to have a great deal of backing, with her father going so far as to create a custom suit of armour for her. When she was of adult age, she set out into the world at large in hopes of finding some sort of army that would take her. That quest was hindered by the fact that her family was so out of the way that she was simply unable to reach any lands with an army in need of her... unique abilities. It also didn't help that she had absolutely no actual combat training, though she was well versed in dark magic. To that end, she journeyed instead to gain combat experience to further her "just and noble cause" of some sort of world peace, though the methods she often detailed to go about it were rather... odd. Eventually, she settled in Bau Berg, trying to become some sort of town guardian, with rather... negligible results.

Class: Curse Knight (custom)


Level: 1

Hp: 21 (pre-bonus, 24 post-bonus) (60%)

Str: 0 (0%)

Mag: 6 (pre-bonus, 7 post-bonus) (50%)

Skl: 2 (pre-bonus, 4 post-bonus) (35%)

Spd: 2 (60%)

Lck: 4 (25% pre-bonus, 35% post-bonus)

Def: 5 (pre-bonus, 6 post-bonus) (40% pre-bonus, 50% post-bonus)

Res: 3 (pre-bonus, 4 post-bonus) (30% pre-bonus, 40% post-bonus)

Con: 8

Aid: 7

Move: 4

Affinity: Light

Weapon Ranks: D in DANK MAGIC

Inventory: (up to youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu)

Skill(s): Armoured (+1 Magic/Defense/Res, +10% Luck/Defense/Res)

If I need to change the backstory, let me know.

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