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[spoiler=ornery heors]

Name: Vesta Halcyone

Race: Centaur

Age: 19 years old

Appearance: Vesta has a rather stout, muscular build on her human torso. Her dark brown skin is marked with scars and bruises, trophies from the various scraps and scuffles she has been in. Her equine half is deceptively small, being that of a shetland pony and has a silver dappled coat. Her hair matches the colour of her tail and is white. She has small white sock markings on her legs. Her eyes are an incredibly pale blue colour and are naturally wide, with dark circles under them and look slightly too large for her heart-shaped face. Her face could be considered pleasant in appearance were it not often banged up and adorned with a frown. She has been known to wear a red and white knit sweater when the temperature drops and wears a white sleeveless top in warmer months. Likewise, her coat becomes incredibly thick and fluffy in winter, much to her chagrin (she does however, shed this extra fluff in the springtime). She has an affinity for jewlery and has a large ring in her septum as well as a row of earrings on each ear. She also is fond of accessorising with bracelets, anklets (which are worn around her horse legs), necklaces and rings. She wears custom horseshoes on each hoof, which are specially made to leave a heart-shaped imprint if she chooses to kick someone hard enough (which is something that tends to happen pretty often).

Personality: Vesta Is a brash, ornery sort. She lives for the thrill of a good fight and tends to be rough around the edges. Not one for manners, she is blunt in her speech and brutally honest, and has quite the potty mouth. She is a hardy one and does not require or want for many luxuries (outside of her precious shinies). (Ornery) has an overdeveloped sense of justice and tends to jump into situations if she sees someone being victimised without thinking or taking things into account beforehand. She is not one for strategy or planning and tends to act in a very spontaneous manner, which can get her in trouble when combined with her naiveté and tendency to trust that others are just as honest as she is. Despite her roughness, she is quite amicable (albiet in a loud and boisterous way) and can be very protective and loyal to those she considers friends. She has a soft spot for small animals, kittens and children and has been known to baby talk those she finds cute.

Backstory: Vesta Found herself on her own at a young age after her parents were fatally killed in an ambush by a band of roving rogues. Alone and afraid in the wilderness, she was eventually discovered attempting to steal food from the camp of an entirely different group of thieves. These bandits took pity on this diminutive ragamuffin and decided to collectively raise her as a child/ pet. Her adoptive family taught her how to fight and protect herself so as to never be a victim again. Due to this upbringing, she is not the most educated being around, but is rather street smart and savvy. Likewise, she learned that she was quite good at fighting, and took up a career as a brawler, fighting for money. However, do not attempt to fix a fight involving her, as it will probably be your last conscious action before getting a hoof upside your head.

Hp: 24 (60%)
Str: 5 (45%)
Mag: 0
Skl: 6 (50%)
Spd: 3 (60%)
Lck: 4 (35%)
Def: 4 (30%)
Res: 2 (20%)
Con: 7 (4%)
Aid: 13
Move: 5


Master Archer

Forest Walker

Affinity: Earth

Weapon Ranks: Bows (E), Axes (D)


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Name: Lina
Race: Demon
Age: 400+


Personality: Playful and charming, typically easy to get along with, though more than anything, highly inquisitive and curious about unknowns. Has taken far more to mortal pleasures than most of her kind.

Backstory: Born through Tenebrae's power as one of the Ungeist, Lina was one of the elite from her inception. Sent to the world of the living many times through strife to gather information, this particular demon found herself far more attached to humans and their nuances than the others of her kind, despite the focus her particular breed was expected to have on them. While others found there whims in magic, or weaponry, music, the arts, or so many other things created of the world, Lina herself found her own whims were simply her original purpose, if warped. She loved humans, toying with humans, interacting with humans... it was more than just her duty, she found great pleasure in observing and emulating humans, and other humanoid creatures, whenever she found herself summoned. Of course, this disposition lead her to become a bit more infamous in the times of her summoning, and many an Ungeist curse this particular of their sisters as the likely cause for humans recording their kind as overly sexual in nature. But regardless of what sentiments they might hold, Lina's particular brand of closeness towards mortals lent itself incredibly well to her scouting... information tended to flow more freely at the offering of drink and amorous pleasures, than at threat of violence.

But times were rough, for those of demonic birth, for many a year. With the lack of strife and war on the surface world, Tenebrae found his grip slipping, and an inability to bring his children into the world left his influence near gone. With the sudden and rapid growth of dark energies and chaos at Castle Karstell, feeling strength for the first time in so long, the God of Darkness sprung one of his Ungeist, eager to visit the realm on man once again, as soon as the negativity grew strong enough. In the haste of all involved, no one realized until it was too late that the Keeper of the castle had in fact sprung a trap, hoping to see a demon spawn in it's wake. And thus, some twenty years ago, Lina found herself imprisoned at Karstell.

Class: Succubus
Level: 1
Hp: 21(65%)
Str: 0 (0%)
Mag: 3 (40%)
Skl: 0 (0%)
Spd: 8 (55%)
Lck: 4 (30%)
Def: 6 (55%)
Res: 6 (55%)
Con: 5 (1%)
Aid: 4
Move: 5

Affinity: Anima
Weapon Ranks: N/A
Inventory: Who Knows?
Skill(s): Charm, Love Shot, Drain

Guess who finally shows her face in something official, finally?

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