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Sword of Seals HM Casual


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lol Fir's actually going to beat Rutger as this run's SM.

I don't anybody in the GBA games auto-recruits by talking to you though, do they? Besides Miledy anyway.

Yeah, her HM bonuses are kinda crazy.

Yeah, I know. That was me recalling wrong. I moved Roy during PP and did a bunch of other stuff that I just omitted as obvious.

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Lugh has 11 defense, impressive. Incoming THWOMP kid sage.

Rutger do you even lift?!! Fir's gonna be stronger than him. Must be the Bartre genes.

Although you would probably head to Sacae thanks to Sue doing a lot this run, you should totally think twice about HM Sacae... It's gonna be hellish with 3 fliers (only 1 delphi shield) and Sophia. Oh, and your team leans on low Res side except lolSophia. Those druids gonna troll you hard. (I remember one time +boots Miledy got bezoinked... things turned ugly very quickly)

I guess if you are feeling PRO enough, you can ACCEPT CHALLENGE.

Edited by aquamarin
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Druid stavers target low def not low res. cath baits Berserk and can't hurt your units

Hm Sacre is no where near as hard as people make it out to be

Did not know that bit about AI... Does that apply to Berserk only? Seems like an odd target priority system.

Also, yeah I guess it wouldn't be too tough if you go through things slowly... which 'casual' probably implies. :V Still full of troll though :P

Edited by aquamarin
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Did not know that bit about AI... Does that apply to Berserk only? Seems like an odd target priority system.

Also, yeah I guess it wouldn't be too tough if you go through things slowly... which 'casual' probably implies. :V Still full of troll though :P

All enemy stavers have this flaw haha

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Druid stavers target low def not low res. cath baits Berserk and can't hurt your units

i'm 100% certain that this is false. berserk users love targeting zeiss and douglas. the silence AI has already been partially deciphered by me and a handful of other users as well.

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[spoiler=Chapter 11: Hero of the West]


I had to redo this one once because Echidna literally appeared and got owned and I didn't want her to die. It felt kinda cheap because I couldn't do anything. She spawns in EP and dies in EP. Stupid Steel Axe...


Should've probably deployed Shin instead of Gonzo. But in the previous attempt, Shin dazzled me with an amazing blank level so I decided to not put up with his BS lol.


I can't wait til she joins me <3


NEVER trust the bishop, Miledy!


They changed her name :o. Sounds good too, but like every name, it'll be difficult to adjust to the new one.


You can tell this is my second attempt, because I'm a lot more prepared. Managed to drop both Lugh and Fir over the wall in Turn 1.


That much is true, at least...


Sure, call the sick bastard to help out >_>


Wow, what a douche


I hate Gale. Probably the Worst Camus.


First Archer goes down in EP.


And the Longbow one dies now


Wow, that's pretty nice, Fir!


THAT though, is not nice!


Lance gets his final Tier 1 level and what a nice last level it was!


Since both Axers around are weakened and I see that Lalum can reach Roy if he 2 ranges them, I decided to give him 2 free kills with a Light Brand.


Note to self: You should know better when it comes to Roy...


At least he didn't miss BOTH of them. He got spd again, i can live with that. And res is ok for bolting.


Lugh prepares to lure the group in the east. It's full of axe users and like 2 archers, so both Lugh and Fir will be safe, you'll see.


Lance bromotes! His offense should be beast now and he's basically a better Marcus/Zealot atm.


Still low on the hitrates though...RAGE. This guy is in a forest, so I can understand the hit I guess.


It's a miracle she even hit one of these...


Marcus missed this though.




Jerrot has to kill the Dark Mage now instead...


This should be amazing later...


Yeah, these guys can't hit Fir at all even if she's weighed down.


This guy can hurt Lugh, but his hit is still pretty bad.


I shouldn't have fished for the crit here, Sue missed a kill due to this. Lance kills the Archer cleanly.


Rutger is dropped to the other side to get those villages...


Marcus ends up getting Sue's intended kill for a bro level. It's too late for Spd though, Marcus.


Potential Fir kill is crit by Lugh.


She still gets crazy exp from this guy though :o


Should be very useful. Probably going to Tate.


Another wow level from Fir! She's now tied with my Rutger in str >_>


Rutger kills the Fighter near the villages.


One of the archers can attack Fir now, still safe though.


Since I can just do this.


Fir is growing so quickly :o


Sue's promotion item!


Those brigands are the chumpiest. They would be more threatening if they spawned like every 2 turns or so.


It would be so much easier if Klain didn't split up with Tate >_>.


One chump and one ferrybot


You must be proud she didn't choose to be archer like you!


That was a rather interesting convo, tbh.


Yeah, because you're Archers, right?




His offense getting even better!


Wow, Klain has bro bases. Dat strength!


I waste no time making him come in handy.


Wow, Fir got 3 of these str levels in a row. She's kinda beating Rutger in that now.


I wish Elfire was more available.


Sue, why? This has definetely not been her chapter.


Jerrot rescues Klain. I have a plan.


The chups arrive.


If she missed both hits again, I'd be mad and Sue would probably be dead.


This will definetely come in handy! Probably going on Milady.


Wow, they're rather bulky though...


Axereaver should help Tate out.


Oh, is it Turn 8 already?


Oh no

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[spoiler=Chapter where PKL's level luck got a bit crazy]


Yeah, he seems cool.


This shaman suddenly decided to go aggro after running away for 2 turns from Lugh. I don't understaaaand.


Well, whatever, he's dead now, thanks to some assistance.


Much rescue, such dancing!

If you can't tell what I just did, I had Shanna drop rutger there, canto to where Lalum could dance her so she could rescue that archer there, which is the only one left that needs to be rescued. Since sue rescued one up north and Marcus too.


This is where I lost in the previous run...


She's kinda badass.


This could've gone bad, like my previous run.


But they like Fir over Echidna for some reason.


And Sue's squishyness is a very attractive target, especially when she's carrying an Archer.




Roy seems competent at dodging these at least.


Rutger crit please.


Sue gets what is probably her final level in Tier 1. Man, her str and def are so lame. Not sure If I should promote her or fish for more levels first.


Lalum or Tate, not sure. Probably Lalum.




Didn't dodge it a third time though :(


Klain was ferried here by Clarine so he can recruit Tate.


Her stats are kinda crazy. Too bad about her lance rank...


Fir ORKO'd the shaman :o


More reinforcements. Yikes, Klain is in trouble.


Echidna get.


Lance gets a hit on the boss to weaken him. I hate how this boss has crazy luck on top of being a throne.


Typical dancer level.


The boss is nothing Rutger can't handle though ;)


...at least you're def blessed.


Tate had bought some Thunder tomes and Fire tomes for Lugh and a random heal in the shop. This turn i have her chip a cavalier before...


Getting out of here.


Imagine the lulz to be had if Elphin actually joined too.


Fir's promo item :o


5000G since Sue already has her promo item.


For Tate/Miledy.

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Yeah the enemies on that map give insane EXP to underleveled units. It's one of the main reasons Fir isn't as bad as you'd think she is, but I find ita good opportunity to get Shin/Sue levels. Your Sue turned out kinda rubbish though but it makes up for the godlike Lance. I mean My Lance was pretty good but nowhere near as speed blessed as yours. That's really gonna help vs swordies in Sacae and such.

Edited by Irysa
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Axereaver should help Tate out.

implying she can use it

Seriously, Tate's bases are more appropriate for a level 4 or 5 unit than a level 8, if she didn't fly she would be low-tier on NM.

Also I preferred Miledy over Milady because the latter is a formal address more than a name.

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Yeah the enemies on that map give insane EXP to underleveled units. It's one of the main reasons Fir isn't as bad as you'd think she is, but I find ita good opportunity to get Shin/Sue levels. Your Sue turned out kinda rubbish though but it makes up for the godlike Lance. I mean My Lance was pretty good but nowhere near as speed blessed as yours. That's really gonna help vs swordies in Sacae and such.

Yeah. Too bad about my Sue. She's still a bit useful but her str is catching up to her. And yeah, my Lance's spd is crazy lol.

implying she can use it

Seriously, Tate's bases are more appropriate for a level 4 or 5 unit than a level 8, if she didn't fly she would be low-tier on NM.

Also I preferred Miledy over Milady because the latter is a formal address more than a name.

Her bases are actually nice barring the weapon rank imo. And agreed on the name.

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NM tate at level 8 actually has less base speed than level 1 thany who came in chapter fucking 2.

That is kind of embarassing IMO.

Edited by Irysa
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Then again, Thany needs to reach lv. 8 just to have as much strength on average as Tate starts with (on NM), plus she needs to be lv. 11 to just barely reach Tate's starting HP and defence.

Even on NM, Thany isn't very easy to train (though she needs to level and level well in LTC-themed runthroughs).

Another NM character who doesn't exactly impress is Miledy, though she still has good attack and good bulk.

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Miledy still wallops on NM because of good growths and being really tanky. You just can't instantpromote her, but you don't need to since NM enemies are much weaker. She has instant killer access too, unlike Tate.

Also at Thany str, tbh, considering their weak con Tate is actually having doubling issues on some enemies wheras Thany basically never does, so the str gap isn't quite as significant as you'd initially imagine.

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Why can't you instapromote her? You may not want to since her growths are some of the best in the game and she could use faster midgame levelling unpromoted, but she does join at the same level so that's always an option if the extra point of move shaves off a turn or enables a mini-goal achievement.

That said, unpromoted base Miledy is almost identical to unpromoted lv. 12 Allen (who trains really easily on NM and can be expected to exceed that level by quite a lot before Miledy joins the team), except with wings and way more defence.

And yeah, Thany that reaches lv. 8 (she should be higher when Tate joins even if used by a player who neither takes risks nor babies his units) will have better offence with an Iron Lance than Tate with a slim (though Tate has an extra point of con, but it hardly helps). Quicker access to killer unpromoted, too.

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I'm pretty sure he means you can't just insta-promote her for best results in normal, unlike in hard.

Anyway, NM Miledy's only possible flaw looks to be speed, but 45% growth and maybe a wing, in addition to lower enemy speed, should make it not much of an issue. I wouldn't say she doesn't impress on NM, just that she's not disgustingly broken.

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i'm 100% certain that this is false. berserk users love targeting zeiss and douglas. the silence AI has already been partially deciphered by me and a handful of other users as well.

I guess toothache and I were mistaken. dondon and I had a bit of a discussion after this quote and it seems to be more based on later recruitment time for the odd targeting of staves

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