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So, anyone else see this in today's Nintendo Direct? At first glance, I thought it was an MMO with how things looked, but I'm not entirely sure that'll be the case. Either way, I thought it looked FUN. I mean, Link really stepped it up and took a level of badass here. Chucking bombs like crazy, crashing through a veritable army? I mean, seriously, that looks awesome!

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I like both Samurai and Dynasty warriors and I love Zelda games so to me this is very awesome news. It also took me completely by surprise.

I read that title's name in the comments for that video as well, I believe. I've never actually played the series.

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Well, I can't say I expected such a game. But that's about it.

Dynasty Warriors style games are fun and all but I couldn't see anything that would make it all that interesting compared to those games.

Anyway, while I don't want to pass on this game, I sincerely hope this isn't supposed to be the Zelda game that was hinted at before Wind Waker's release. Especially after aLbW, I had high hopes for that one.

Edited by BrightBow
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Looked it up to see if this was a thing, and it is. Holy crap it looks awesome, I dig the action and stuff, and the new use of the fire rod. I kinda dig the scarf too. All in all, great.

Speaking of that scarf, I'm not sure how much I like the blue. I think red might have worked better, since it's red's compliment, but the blue does still stick out. Maybe they wanted to match his eyes and the Hylian Shield? I dunno. Either way, this makes me want a Wii U even more.

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I wonder if, when/if this is made, there's a multiplayer mode. I think.this would be great for a four swords-esque competition.

Man, thinking about a multiplayer in THIS style...that would be an extremely chaotic experience, I would think. I mean, I already have enough chaos with just one other person in Four Swords Adventures.

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What to make of this....

If it's good, it'll be great, and I might start looking more closely at the Wii U as a potential secondary platform.

Of course it could be complete rubbish, but it might still be fun even then. I'm still a bit bewildered and nervously excited.

Also, I offer nothing of substance in this post.

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You could play the Warrior games for that kind of multiplayer. Sengoku Basara is neat too. It's extremly fun but nothing interesting.

Well, at least those games didn't have giant Dodongos.

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Well, at least those games don't have giant Dodongos.

Speaking of, I found it pretty cool that they were going with Ocarina's King Dodongo. I'm kind of hoping they add in a little more to his moveset, aside from rolling and fire-breathing.

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Speaking of, I found it pretty cool that they were going with Ocarina's King Dodongo. I'm kind of hoping they add in a little more to his moveset, aside from rolling and fire-breathing.

Well, these kind of mass beat em ups enemies aren't known for their complicated A.I's, so I wouldn't be surprised if that's all he does.

I wonder how such an enemy is fought, though. The classical Zelda approach seems a bit out of place to me in this game.

And in that case, the allies couldn't hurt it at all.


I wonder if this means that this game will also have a lot of characters as the Warriors (well, Tecmo Warriors) games.

Of course, I would prefer one really good designed character over a bunch of half heartedly designed character.

But if there are, where would those characters would come from?

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Either way, I vote for "Link's Awakening shopkeeper" as the Lu Bu/Tadakatsu of this game.

At least I couldn't think of anyone better who has the potential to be this kind of overwhelming opponent to Link.

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Oh man, hack-and-slash LoZ game!? Awesome!

Either way, I vote for "Link's Awakening shopkeeper" as the Lu Bu/Tadakatsu of this game.

At least I couldn't think of anyone better who has the potential to be this kind of overwhelming opponent to Link.

"Do not pursue Shopkeeper!"

It does have that lulzy but still fitting ring to it...

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A pleasant surprise. Though my big question is what will differentiate this from the other Warriors series games beyond the setting - Dynasty Warriors and Samurai Warriors are different time periods and casts of characters, Warriors Orochi is the big crossover of the two.

Strikeforce was, in the most basic description possible, Online multiplayer where everyone can go supersaiyan and giant mythical guardians serve as bosses.

Dynasty Warriors Gundam puts a heavier emphasis on ranged attacks (so far as I could tell) and the third one even includes capturing missle bases, catapults, newtype labs, and makes mooks explode if you hit them just right, damaging the other enemies.

The few possibilities that I can think of
off the top of my head that might add something new here are. . .

Being able to change your moveset on the fly by finding items in chests - perhaps even chests that can only be opened by the faction who controls the building/castle/garrison/base they are in, which would add some pretty heated contests for specific spots of the map. And then your reward for holding your chestspawningbasething is the deku leaf

Most "Large" enemies have been underwhelming or simply take a while to take down correctly. There isn't any guarantee, but enemies like King Dodongo and Armoghoma might provide a fresh take on bosses.

Really, though, all we have to go on is trailer analysis, such as those large red crystals, almost like beacons. Perhaps they represent the faction which has captured them. . . ?

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Either way, I vote for "Link's Awakening shopkeeper" as the Lu Bu/Tadakatsu of this game.

At least I couldn't think of anyone better who has the potential to be this kind of overwhelming opponent to Link.

And who would be the Diao Chan to his Lu Bu? :P

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And who would be the Diao Chan to his Lu Bu? :P

Chain Chomp

Game looks fun, I only remember some brief times of playing Dynasty Warriors at a friends, perhaps I'll get into the series. Don't mind hack n slashes.

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I know I shouldn't be video analyzing at this point, but so far I've picked out of the crowd

- A Bokoblin with a helmet, which will either fit the "Armored Peasant" or "Generic Officer" slot for the Bokoblin faction, appears on the left side of King Dodongo and some other places

- A Hyrule Knight with a big sword sheathed on his back and no shield is just standing there just an inch to the left of King Dodongo's roll of destruction, probably the equivalent to the above.

- There's something I can't identify in the background of the scene where the fire rod is demonstrated - besides the Hyrule Knights present in the doorway on the left, someone (the video is too blurry on 720p, somehow, so I hesitate to say it's possibly Zelda) is standing in their midst with (what appears to be) a unique design.

- The item slot below the (?)Health Bar switches between bomb and potion when the Dinoflos is being fought. Whether Link picks up items in the field or switches sub-weapons or what, though. . .

Trivia:Searching Hyrule Warriors has a pretty good chance of also turning up Hyrule:Total War. *shrugs*


[spoiler=I spotted a new face]Nintendo-Direct-2013-Zelda-Hyrule-Warrio

Very upper-right hand corner, the one with the blue hair.

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The main problem I see with this is that the amount of playable characters will likely be very low. I find the fun of DW and the like is the huge amount of characters and weapons you can use. Without that variation, the formula becomes stale really quickly (at least for me).

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The main problem I see with this is that the amount of playable characters will likely be very low. I find the fun of DW and the like is the huge amount of characters and weapons you can use. Without that variation, the formula becomes stale really quickly (at least for me).

The are quite a few npc's throughout the entire Zelda series, and if the need arises characters can also be created. Just because we play as Link all the time does not exclude others from the fun.

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