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Why you should give Volug a Seraph Robe

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Out of sheer curiosity, I wondered the other day if there was anyone who, simply through use of leveling via bonus experience, would max every stat. It's pretty simple math: you take the number of levels that unit can gain and multiply that by 3. Then you subtract their starting stat with the max stat for each stat, add them all together. Take your original sum (number of raw stats you'll gain) and subtract that from your second sum (number of stats required to maximize everything). That's how far away you'll be.

I've only ran a few people so far, but something you should know about Volug: If you used nothing but bonus experience, he'd be a mere 9 stats away from capping everything, which would be spread between magic, defense, and resistance (most likely). A seraph robe would cover 7 of that spread. Any other stat booster (a dracoshield isn't a bad idea) and that totally covers the spread.

(Also hi. I've been cooling my heels. Sorry for blowing up on people before.)

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Just running more numbers, it turns out this is the case with a lot of Laguz units.

Muarim needs 58 total stats to cap everything, and with 3 per level with 21 levels to gain it, that'd mean he'd do it at level 38 or 39. Same goes for Ranulf and Ena (as in nothing else is required but making sure every level is through Bonus XP). Nealuchi almost maxes everything, 1 shy is all. But that's easily fixable: he's a grand 7 HP away from maxing that out from the get-go, meaning if you deign to give him a seraph robe, he's just going to be gaining raw combat stats from there on out. Mordecai is just shy 4 points (which means it'd be like 2 apiece for resistance and magic OH HOW TERRIBLE). Janaff is 2 away from max, Ulki is 3, Skrimir is 5.

Lethe, Kyza, and Lyre? Doesn't work so well for them. They need a lot more than any of the others.

And yeah, I realize it'd take a shitload of bonus XP. It's just something to keep in mind in case you ever plan on using any of these units.

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i just did some calculations for the herons.

if you BEXP aboose of them, Reyson will reach all caps without any help. Leanne will cap by giving her a seraph robe and 2 more stat up items. Rafiel will cap by giving him 2 seraph robes.

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